View Full Version : Looking for a spell with very specific characteristics

2013-03-09, 12:27 AM
So here's the plan. In a campaign I'm playing in, the strongest creatures (including the big boss, or so I assume) are unable to cross planar boundaries. They can't even teleport. If they do, their souls are ripped from their bodies and they effectively die. Naturally, I want to take advantage of this as a once-off finishing blow against a strong opponent. Now, how might I do this? Something like Baleful Transposition would do the trick, but the save is too low. So how do I get them to teleport "willingly"?

I'm a skillmonkey, mainly focused in Factotum. My plan is to cast either Benign Transposition or Baleful Transposition on the bad guy, but use the False Theurgy skill trick to make them think it's another spell. Say I'm on their side, casting a buff, and tell them that they'll feel my spell weaving its way into their mind (offering them a Will save) but insist that they can Spellcraft, and once they see it's harmless I'll request that they drop their mental barriers (voluntarily fail the Will save.) So what I need is a spell that works like that. A spell of 1st or 2nd level, that works at Close range, which offers a saving throw of Will (harmless) and appears to be a good buffing spell that this person would appreciate.

2013-03-09, 12:31 AM
I wonder why a foe would appreciate any spell though, rather than be suspicious. I mean unless he has spellcraft they're all going to seem the same whether the spell is good or bad.

Anyway for high levels try heightened baleful transposition. Or plane shift.

2013-03-09, 12:45 AM
The foe is sort of on our side, but we've been double-triple agent-ing everywhere.
And did you not read my post? I don't need to find a teleporting spell, I need one that is of the same level as a teleporting spell and has the same Will Negates (Harmless) saving throw.

2013-03-09, 12:52 AM
Teleport other spell. 7th level spell. Failing that, dominate them into coming with you. Or open a gate and shove them in. Or plane shift and shift them someplace.

2013-03-09, 01:00 AM
*shakes head* Guys, please read what I'm looking for. Benign/Baleful Transposition does the job I'm looking for. What I need is a buff spell that I can fake cast when I'm actually casting one of the Transpositions.

2013-03-09, 01:07 AM
You mean like Bull's Strength or one of those? There's one for each ability score. 2nd level IIRC.

2013-03-09, 01:08 AM
Protection Against Evil/Good/Chaos/Law is the closest thing that comes to mind; it's will (harmless), level 1 but is touch, not close (reach spells would make it have a range of 30 so you could hold a metamagic rod and claim it's for reach but then it'd add a touch attack to it.)

2013-03-09, 02:09 AM
Healing of some sort is the obvious thing to offer. If they see thru it hopefully you'd be in trouble with an already damaged opponent.

2013-03-09, 02:31 AM
Snake's swiftness. Level 2, close range, Will (harmless), subject immediately makes 1 extra attack. Everyone with an attack loves snake's swiftness.

There are plenty of touch range teleport spells too. Since most buffs are touch range, it's easy to find a buff to make it look like.

2013-03-09, 10:32 AM
Bingo! I was looking at like Greater Slide and Share Talents, but Snake's Swiftness fits the bill perfectly. Thanks!

2013-03-09, 11:33 AM
Another jerk move is to get resilient sphere, force cage and/or wall of force. Usually the way out of that is to teleport. OTOH very rarely does a foe have disintegrate, disjunction and so on. For resilient sphere reflex is the most common low save, and the other two don't have a save. None have SR.

2013-03-09, 02:38 PM
I think that you should be looking to see if you CAN actually teleport them, if you haven't already. If your DM is intelligent, he will have covered this fatal flaw of theirs with a dimensional anchor spell or an item that constantly anchors them. Also, this plan will only work once if your DM didn't set up these contingencies, so don't blow it unless you need it.

2013-03-09, 04:03 PM
Yeah, I'm going to make sure it works basically by asking in advance. What it is is angels and demons possessing mortal bodies (think like Supernatural, the show) so a lot of our party is demons, and our boss (the one that we're probably going to have to kill) is too. I don't think he'll make her immune to teleporting because the anti-teleport nerf has really been troublesome for our party, so if there's a way for her to be immune there's a way for us to be immune, which we'd want. I'll ask innocently like that, and then make the swap.