View Full Version : How to build a bloodhound

2013-03-09, 10:00 AM
I'll keep it a bit short as to not waste your time. In one of my campaigns the current BBEG (who's actually a lower officer of the real BBEG) is supposed to be a kind of bloodhound, a guy who tracks his targets and brings them back alive. Since my setting is high magic (borderline tippyverse), I considered making him a magic character of roughly level 7-10 (which means he's untouchable right now, but not too ridiculously strong). To be frank, I was wondering what class would fit this idea, and what spells would be suitable tracking spells while keeping the character under level 10. Personally I was thinking of a battle sorcerer (UA) with clairvoyance/-audience, but those spells are of little worth if you don't already know where to look.

Any ideas would be most welcome.

2013-03-09, 11:07 AM
Justiciar from CW is supposed to be a Prc for this kind of stuff.

I have not looked at it in detail really, so i can not tell you how good or bad it is though.

Might be an idea for your build though?

2013-03-09, 11:22 AM
well ranger spells can help with tracking, and complete adventurer has a bloodhound prc, you could just tack ranger spells onto that.

or he could be a cleric and he can use divinations to track stuff

2013-03-09, 12:21 PM
Make him a Ghoul/Ghast for the paralysing attack? Possibly upped a little in DC.

2013-03-09, 12:31 PM
Scrying (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/scrying.htm) is going to be your best spell. After getting a bit of their hair you will be able to make it most of the time.

Justiciar is really good for mundane tracking. Have to recheck it out but might be worth a dip.

Sorry, was thinking about Bloodhound from complete Adventurer. Its good but only if you stay in it, not really worth the dip.

2013-03-09, 12:33 PM
And what about a spirit shaman (or druid) into prestige ranger? That would give access to ranger spells at relatively low level, and ranger spells are the best for tracking.

Alternatively, if you have access to dragon magazines a mystic ranger (dragon magazine 336) with shooting star sub levels (Champions of Valor) and sword of the arcane order (champions of valor) can provide both a good chasis and access to most of the best tracking spells of the game.

2013-03-09, 04:59 PM
You could always go with a tweaked/inverse Joker build. Where the Joker doesn't want to be found this guy finds people.

Bard 7-10:
Good skill points list: Balance (Maybe), Bluff, Concentration (Con), Decipher Script (Maybe), Diplomacy (Good to have), Disguise (A Must), Escape Artist (Maybe?), Gather Information (Find them more easily), Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Perform (Need this), Sense Motive (Always good if they have a bluffer), Sleight of Hand (to take things from them or hide cuffs), Speak Language (Maybe?), Spellcraft, Tumble, Use Magic Device

Inspire can be taken out for Inspire Awe for the 'Horror you're not getting away' feel. If not take preform Oratory so you can still talk and inspire at the same time. If you go this route pick up some mooks.

Suggestion can arguably used when preforming Oratory.

Bardic Knowledge can be argued to be used to find out information of the PC's more easily as they level, even to find out what tactic they use more than some others.

Spells worth knowing:
Glibness (I am not trying to capture you...)
Charm/Dominate spells (Come with me if you want to live!)
Freedom of Movement (To chase them down more easily)
Scry (To find them better once you have a lock of hair)
Locate Object (If the PC in question has a well known item that they use)
Locate Creature (Quick find person if they are close)
Modify Memory (If you want to make people forget you are looking for someone)
Detect Scrying (To make sure they are not looking for you)

This is just core spells btw, outside you can find more.

Pure Mundane Tracker:

Human Paragon 2/Thug Sneak Attack Fighter3/Blood Hound 5

Or Thug Sneak Attack fighter 4/Blood hound 5
You lose the bonus feat and 10 any skills but gain see invisibility to your mark.

Human: Able Learner
First: Track
Bonus:Improved init
Third: Craven
Sixth:Arterial Strike
Ninth: Staggering Strike?

+9 Bab and 4 skill points per level till Blood hound which ups it to 6.

Human Paragon gives you 10 free skills of your chose and another bonus feat.
Thug Sneak Attack Fighter gives you 2d6 sneak attack.

Mark: After studying someone for 10 minutes without being interrupted they become a mark. Add bloodhound levels as an insight bonus to Gather Information, Listen, Search, Spot, and Survival about your mark.

You get 2 marks untill level 7 of the class.

Swift Tracker: Track at full speed instead of 1/2.

Ready and Waiting: Ready an action against the mark. Doesn't matter init order or in or out of combat. Has some limits.

Bring ’em Back Alive: If you deal enough to send them to -2 or lower you can make it -1.

Tenacious Pursuit: Bonus on forced marches to track mark

Hunter’s Dedication: Add con bonus to will saves vs special attacks or spells of your mark.

Move Like the Wind: When moving faster when hiding you take half the penalty. IE -5 for half speed -10 for full.

Crippling Strike: Each attack deals 2 str damage to the Mark. Works like rogue sneak attack as far as I can tell.

Track the Trackless: Track people that can't be tracked (pass without trace or a similar effect) take a -20 to the check though.

See Invisibility (if you take all 6 levels): See invisibility all time, only can see your marks.

With this make sure you pick Use Magic Device as on of the skills and maybe iaijutsu focus?

Gather Information, Listen, Search, Spot, and Survival: ranks 13, +5 (6) for marks, ability modifier, and items/spells.

2013-03-09, 05:32 PM
The Overwhelm spell from PHB2 sounds like it might be useful. It's Wiz/Sorc6 / Beguiler6, so it wouldn't turn on until level 11. The rest of the Whelm line would be useful, too.

Or, you could aim for direct damage, and use the Nonlethal Substitution feat from Complete Arcane.