View Full Version : Gnome Hooked Hammer [PF]

2013-03-09, 12:49 PM
How would you make a gnome with a gnome hooked hammer... Good? Because I want to play one so bad.

Just a gnome doing plain two-weapon fighting with a gnome hooked hammer using Pathfinder CRB, UM, UC, APB and ARG. 15 pt buy.

I'm thinking something like this at level 6:

Unnamed Hero
Gnome Fighter (Two-Weapon Fighter) 6
NG Small Humanoid (gnome)

Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +2
AC 24, touch 15, flat-footed 21 (+8 armor, +1 shield, +3 Dex, +1 size, +1 deflection) (+1 AC vs melee when fullattacking)

hp 43 (6d10+6)

Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +4 (+2 vs. fear); +2 vs. illusions

Defensive Abilities bravery +2, defensive flurry, defensive training
Speed 15 ft.

Melee +1 Gnome hooked hammer +11/+6 (1d6+6/1d4+6/x3/x4) (on a full attack, +1 to hit +1 to damage with both ends)

Special Attacks hatred, twin blades +1

Spell-Like Abilities Dancing Lights (1/day), Ghost Sound (1/day), Prestidigitation (1/day), Speak with Animals (1/day)
Str 16, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11

Base Atk +6; CMB +8; CMD 22

Feats Double Slice, Gnome Weapon Focus, Improved Two-weapon Fighting, Two-weapon Defense, Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Gnome hooked hammer), Weapon Specialization (Gnome hooked hammer)

Traits Highlander (hills or mountains), Indomitable Faith

Skills Acrobatics +0 (-8 jump), Climb +4, Escape Artist +0, Fly +2, Intimidate +4, Perception +2, Profession (soldier) +6, Ride +4, Stealth +14 (+16 in hilly or rocky areas), Survival +4, Swim +4 Modifiers highlander (hills or mountains)

Languages Common, Gnome, Sylvan

SQ illusion resistance

Other Gear +2 Breastplate, +1 Gnome hooked hammer, Belt of giant strength +2, Cloak of resistance +1, Ring of protection +1, You have no money!
Special Abilities
Bravery +2 (Ex) +2 to Will save vs. Fear

Dancing Lights (1/day) (Sp) With Charisma 11+, cast Dancing Lights once per day.

Defensive Flurry +1 (Ex) +1 AC vs. melee when making a full-attack with both weapons.

Defensive Training +4 Gain a dodge bonus to AC vs monsters of the Giant subtype.

Ghost Sound (1/day) (Sp) With Charisma 11+, cast Ghost Sound once per day.

Gnome Weapon Focus Your extensive training with traditional gnome weapons gives you an advantage.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, gnome, proficient with all martial weapons.

Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls with gnome weapons

Hatred +1 Gain a bonus to attack vs goblinoid/reptilian humanoids.

Highlander (hills or mountains) +1 to Stealth checks, Stealth is always a class skill for you. Double this in hilly or rocky areas.

Illusion Resistance +2 racial bonus to saves against illusions.

Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.

Prestidigitation (1/day) (Sp) With Charisma 11+, cast Prestidigitation once per day.

Speak with Animals (1/day) (Sp) With Charisma 11+, cast Speak with Animals once per day.

Twin Blades +1 (Ex) +1 to hit and damage when making a full attack with both weapons.

Two-weapon Defense +1 to AC while wielding 2 weapons. +2 when doing so defensively.

This looks rather weak though. Any suggestions?

2013-03-10, 11:40 AM
gnome heaven's oracle with one+shield would be a neato CC role character.

color sprays + compel hostility (you would have a nice AC)

2013-03-10, 04:09 PM
Build as a Rogue / Ranger using the Rogue's Terrain Mastery talent and taking it as an extra talent feat as much as possible. Each time you take it, all terrains get a +2 boost. Choose as your only ranger favored enemy one which is only in one kind of terrain. Go into Horizon Walker. Get a wand of Instant Enemy. Exploit the fact that making a foe count as your favored enemy for all purposes includes its native environment. Maximize that one terrain type and take it as your HW Terrain Dominance. Congrats, you now use your favored terrain bonus as a FE bonus against any creature from that terrain, and have the means to declare any creature you encounter as being from that terrain.

Having +20's or even +30's to hit and damage makes any combat build viable.

Sorry if you don't like that approach....it was the only method I could think of to make a gnome w/ a hooked hammer not suck. :smallsmile: