View Full Version : [L5R 4th Ed.] Developing a Character

2013-03-09, 12:59 PM
I got bored the other day and started drawing up back up characters in case something goes horribly wrong with a plan my Yogo Ward Master came up with. His plan (theoretically) ends in the purification of the Helm of Kenshin from the Time of the Void module, as well as the purification of the 11th Black Scroll. For those of you who are not familiar with the specific Black Scrolls, the 11th strips the shadowlands taint out of tainted beings and cuts pure beings off from the void. The theory is that by using he 11th Black Scroll on the Helm will cause sort of kharmic feedback and only leave the caster (me) with a small amount of taint for casting from the tainted scroll.

Any number of things could go wrong there, including the party killing me once I get back from Road's End Village since I snuck off with the mask in the middle of the night to set this plan in motion. My character had reasons for this, including being a member of the Kuroiban, but the other PC's include a Kuni Shugenja, a Daidoji who started his training under the Hida, and an Akodo. All of the other characters have some sort of "Brash" or similar disadvantage which could end poorly for everyone involved.

Now, on to why I'm posting. We use 3rd Ed kharma rules in the event of player death, so when my Yogo is felled I will have a lot of experience to work with (he's presently insight rank 6). I believe I'll have in the area of 330-340 experience before the 10 points of disadvantages.

I am presently thinking about making an archer from the Daidoji Scout School (found in the Great Clans Book). Quite a fun school, if somewhat dishonorable, leads easily into the Daidoji Harriers Advanced School (Imperial Histories). Their emphasis is on ambush and traps, gaining bonuses to trap damage, stealth, hunting,and reduction penetration from their rank 1-4 school techniques. Air 6, kyujutsu (yumi) 6 seems sufficient to me to make him one of the best archers in Rokugan (Tsuruchi has 6 reflexes and 5 kyujutsu based on The Way of the Minor Clans).

Mechanically I think I know what I'm doing. I just don't have the best concept for a story, which has made advantages/disadvantages hard to select other than: Silent and Elemental Blessing (Air). Thoughts on a background for a Daidoji Scout/World-Class Archer fairly late in the Clan War Era?

2013-03-15, 01:34 PM
Noticed that there are a number of views, thought I'd post what I have at this point for the character - cliff note version (being on my phone I don't want to type the whole thing:

Originally a Crane from the Hiramori (a vassal family of the Daidoji), was cast out after a handful of incidents (one in court, one in the field). Was ronin briefly and took the name Masahide, joined a 100 Goblin Winter and became a Crab. After joining the Crab, married a Hiruma and took her family name. Has served in the Crab army through the Scorpion Clan Coup and Clan War until this point. With the Crab Civil War getting into full swing, and having been unable to prevent the destruction of his former clan, Masahide joined Hida Yakamo's faction against the Tainted Crab led by Kuni Yori.

Great Potential (Kyujutsu)
Elemental Blessing (Air)
Absolute Direction

Black sheep
Dependent (wife and infant son)
Dishonored(bought off)

The Troubadour
2013-03-15, 02:09 PM
Originally a Crane from the Hiramori (a vassal family of the Daidoji), was cast out after a handful of incidents (one in court, one in the field). Was ronin briefly and took the name Masahide, joined a 100 Goblin Winter and became a Crab. After joining the Crab, married a Hiruma and took her family name.

So you won't have full access to the Daidoji Scout School, then? Or was the PC already a Daidoji Scout 5 by the time he was expelled?

2013-03-15, 02:17 PM
He'll have Daidoji Scout 4, he was rather accomplished as a scout before being made ronin - his prior accomplishments were why he was made ronin rather than being required to commit seppuku. For the time being he won't be advancing in school techniques, until he purchases the multiple schools advantage. At that point he'll be joining the Hiruma Scout School, with the help of his wife's family.

The Troubadour
2013-03-16, 09:52 AM
He'll have Daidoji Scout 4, he was rather accomplished as a scout before being made ronin - his prior accomplishments were why he was made ronin rather than being required to commit seppuku.

I see. Wouldn't it be more advantageous to start as a Daidoji Scout 5, though?

Sorry, you were more interested in help with the background. Hmmm... What exactly was the incident that caused his exile?

2013-03-16, 11:21 AM
More advantageous: yes, also entirely within reason if I drop my reflexes from 6 to 5 and use that to get my Earth to 4. I may end up making that shift before I'm done.

The initial event that led to his being relegated to less prestigious affairs occurred at the court of a minor Daidoji lord - he was brought to court in hopes of making an impression with one of the matchmakers so he might marry well. While at court Takashi (the name he held while still a Crane) ran afoul a Scorpion who was paying a visit to his cousin. By "ran afoul" I mean no small trifle, Takashi took offense to the Scorpions subtle jibs and jabs and ultimately challenged him to a duel. Upon the date of the duel the Scorpion was found stabbed to death, Takashi was accused but testimony kept him a free man - though many still held him accountable in whispers behind closed doors.

Not long after that, perhaps three months or so, Takashi and his scouts were sent to Lion lands to see about rumors of the Akodo marching. The scout group was caught by a reinforced Lion patrol, after a small fight Takashi and the surviving scouts fled so as to accomplish their duty and bring information of the coming attack. During the reports the three other scouts to return accused Takashi of cowardice, claiming he fled and allowed his subordinates to die in his stead before the battle was lost. While that was untrue, Takashi's reputation was already in doubt, and the three (theoretically) had no reason to lie (DM's choice about whether or not they were bribed, ambitious, or thinking he was a murderer and wanted him to be brought to justice). That ultimately led to his exile when considered with the questionable affair with the Scorpion. It is a situation where he is kinda getting screwed over by others, mostly through failings of social grace.

The Troubadour
2013-03-17, 09:35 PM
Sounds like you've got a pretty good grasp on your character's background. What exactly do you want help with?

2013-03-18, 02:28 AM
Although the story is developed pretty well by this point, I have doubts about it simply because I doubt my writing (I do a great deal of it with the aid of my buddy Jack Daniels). Though, by my second post I was posting to update those folks that had taken a look at the initial post and hadn't responded as to what I was working towards. *Edit* you will note the six days I spent between the two first posts working on the story.
Honestly, before you asked what caused his exile I hadn't actually decided on what the events were; it was helpful to have someone ask about specifics.

The Troubadour
2013-03-18, 09:08 AM
*Edit* you will note the six days I spent between the two first posts working on the story.

Ah, I didn't notice that.

Honestly, before you asked what caused his exile I hadn't actually decided on what the events were; it was helpful to have someone ask about specifics.

I know exactly what you mean. :-)
Do you think it's worthwhile to develop his time as a Daidoji more, or are you satisfied with what you already have?
How about the conspiracy behind the character's exile? For instance, who actually killed the Scorpion? Or would your GM prefer to handle it himself?

2013-03-18, 10:24 AM
I know exactly what you mean. :-)
Do you think it's worthwhile to develop his time as a Daidoji more, or are you satisfied with what you already have?
How about the conspiracy behind the character's exile? For instance, who actually killed the Scorpion? Or would your GM prefer to handle it himself?

My GM would probably like to handle that himself, as much as I would love to sit and develop the entire plot right now - it's a rich area that could be used to show his relationships both within his former clan and with those outside it.

I probably will, however, develop his relationships within the Crab more. Which, given how the last session went, could make a difference in how he joins the party/is introduced.

Last session (which I missed but was filled in on): With the blessings of the Emerald Champion, Toturi and 1000 men were led to Crab Lands by the PC's to give Yakamo much needed aid. The band has managed to fortify a building of some sort with the help of a Kaiu, this building sits along a supply line to the occupied Kaiu Forge and by occupying it the group has managed to cut off the resources Kuni Yori needs to build siege weapons. Of course they are now besieged by the Kuni Yori's army.

My Yogo shugenja is still apart from the group with his flying carpet. The plan for next session involves my glorious reuniting with the party, dropping the Fist of Osano-wo on as many tainted Crab as possible. If I get a shot at hitting Kuni Yori himself, I would be only too happy to take it. That, however, may lead to my being shot out of the sky and killed so it will be better to have the replacement fleshed out ahead of time.

Back to said replacement: as far as relationships within the Crab, he probably met Hida Kisada and Yakamo, if only from when he completed his 100 Goblin Winter to become a Crab. He is likely a person of interest among the Hiruma, especially his wife's immediate family, given his prowess as a scout/trap maker. I should probably flesh out the wife some too, just so that she's dynamic when she is present.

2013-03-19, 12:10 PM
I'll endeavor to write the entire story at this point, mostly to get some feedback but also to get myself more excited about the character.

(Spoilered for length)
From the journal of Hiruma Masahide

I want my son to know where he comes from once he is older, regardless of whether or not I am there to tell him in person. To that end, I will be writing it in my journal, which I am sure he will read one day.

I was born Hiramori Jiro, the second son of Hiramori Masahide - a master scout and a good man. I can't say much about my parents, they were both dutiful samurai who performed their duties admirably. I learned the ways of the Daidoji scout, as was the tradition in our family. I distinguished myself with a talent for stealth and prodigal skill with the bow during my time at the dojo. After my Gempukku, I was recruited into the army and put to work as a scout - I took the name Hiramori Takashi following my Gempukku as well.

The near constant conflict with the Lion saw my first assignment, and my first kill. I was sent out with a few men from my father's squad and a handful of raw recruits to investigate Lion movements near the border. As we approached Lion lands, we spotted a patrol in the distance. We set an ambush for them, the waiting was the worst part of it; more nerve wracking than the fight itself - then I suppose fights are easier to handle when you're job is to stand back with a yumi and stop any who attempt to flee and alert the Lion camp. I used my bow for the first time to shoot a fleeing Lion, I don't blame him for running or think he was a coward, he needed to get word to the camp that Crane patrols were being aggressive.

After a number of patrols, I was given a squad of recruits to see how I acquitted myself as a leader. I was not the best leader at 16, but I studied tactics as best I could and learned a fair number of stratagems which would work on our Lion cousins - I especially studied the guerrilla strategies used by the founders of my family.

My time as a scout lasted a few years, I was made being called a master scout during my 19th Winter. At the behest of my mother, I went to the court of the Daidoji to make a small name for myself with the matchmakers. Court was a world apart from my life as a soldier, I knew nothing if courtly ways, though natural charisma kept me from most trouble. It did not, however, keep me from garnering the enmity of a Scorpion.

I listened briefly to the Bayushi talking to a Daidoji samurai-ko, apparently a cousin or some other relation. The Bayushi complimented the Daidoji on the family's prowess as guardians and soldiers, but lamented at the disreputable conduct of their vassals. Being one of those vassals, I was taken aback by the sudden insult to my family. I confronted the Bayushi, and demanded a duel to satisfy my family's honor. The Bayushi smiled (I think), and accepted my challenge. The date was set for the last day of the court, the castle was abuzz with the news.

On the morning of the duel, the Bayushi was found dead in his bedroom. As a man with a known quarrel with the man, I was accused on the spot as the murderer. Had I not been in the company of the guards playing Go and they testified to my innocence. Still though, that day hung over me like a dark cloud. I returned from court and immediately sought my master to complete my tutelage.

Towards the end of my 19th year, I was on patrol again - though with only a handful of raw recruits, just like my first command. The Lion were moving in force, a reinforced patrol found us and charged. I gave the order to shoot their horses, and to begin withdrawing while firing. The plan was working, until the second patrol showed up that is. I ordered the retreat, I'd already lost two men and I was not about to lose my entire squad without someone reporting back.

We gave our report to our gunso, but the three recruits that returned with me accused me of cowardice. My measured response was that completing ones duty to the clan by making it back to camp alive was not cowardice. They pressed the issue, saying that I started to flee before giving the order to retreat, dooming the two other scouts by my poor orders. With the pall of the Bayushi's death still hanging over me, my word was insufficient against three "honorable" samurai, and the lion patrols were not about to testify on my behalf.

I was brought before the Hiramori Daimyo, and I was stricken from the records. I was made a ronin. I took with me the teachings of the Daidoji scouts, and the gear I had been gifted with so long ago. I left my name behind that day, and became known as Masahide - after my father.

I travelled a spell, and found myself in Crab lands when Hida Kisada called a 20 goblin winter. I smiled, knowing that I could collect 20 heads easily. The shadowlands was a terrible sight, as were the creatures within it. Goblins fell easily to my bow, they seem far less of a threat from 100 feet away. I took a finger of jade with me into the Shadowlands, it proved a wise decision seeing some of the others become tainted.

Within the week I had 20 heads, all pierced by my arrows. I was allowed to swear fealty to the Moshiburo as Moshiburo Masahide. At the ceremony I met Hida Kisada and his son Hida Yakamo, both mountains in their own right. In a year from my swearing fealty, I consulted a matchmaker about a match. I was pointed to the house of a Hiruma family not far from the wall, and met Hiruma Hitomi and her family. Her father was a lethe man, a typical Hiruma bushi known as Hiruma Kenichi. Her mother had been a Yasuki before getting married, her name is Hiruma Megumi.

There was mistrust at first, formerly being a ronin was not something which makes an appealing marriage candidate. What did help, however, was my service to the clan. I served with the Hiruma as a scout, and earned a reputation within the clan as an expert trap maker and able strategist. Hitomi's father and I served together on one expedition, and we almost didn't make it back. We went farther than we had planned and were spotted by a group of goblins led by an oni. We started with bows, and as they got close to entering the melee, I said to the man: "If we get back alive, I am going to ask for your daughter's hand." To which he said, "If we get back alive, you can have her."

Hardly the ceremonious proposal I had planned on, considering we were about to be knee deep in goblin gore, but it worked for me. We got married not long after that, I took her name and became Hiruma Masahide. She was 17, I was 21. Within the year we had our first son, Hiruma Takashi. I sent a letter to my parents, letting them know all that had happened since I was made ronin. They never sent one back.

Two years later the Scorpion launched their coup, taking Rokugan by surprise. I don't know why Hida Kisada sided against the Scorpion, but I wasn't terribly concerned by it. Then came the Clan War. I served as a scout, I fought at Beiden Pass, I have been a loyal Crab all the while. Now, with Kisada gravely injured and the clan in a state of civil war, I chose again to serve the Crab, and sided with Yakamo's faction - I will not allow the Crab to suffer the fate that befell the Crane.

[details past this point are nebulous as they pertain directly to the introduction of the character to the party]


2013-03-20, 07:59 PM
You know, my first response to the whole I am using a crane school but i am actually a reedemed ronin Crab really made my eyes roll.

Then i saw the backstory and how you developed it. It looks like a fun character and it's pretty good. Love the letter to his son.

Could you elaborate why your former character is about to go on a killing spree from the top of a magic carpet, no less?

2013-03-20, 08:54 PM
You know, my first response to the whole I am using a crane school but i am actually a reedemed ronin Crab really made my eyes roll.

Then i saw the backstory and how you developed it. It looks like a fun character and it's pretty good. Love the letter to his son.

Could you elaborate why your former character is about to go on a killing spree from the top of a magic carpet, no less?

Yeah, I was shaky at first about using that, but it seemed to me a more interesting story opportunity than having him still be with the Crane.

Why the Yogo is going to be blasting a series of small craters in Kuni Yori's army:
He's been with the PC's off and on depending on my availability out of character. The PC's have taken a band from Toturi's army and are fortified in a building along the supply line to the occupied Kaiu Forge, blocking valuable shipments of lumber needed by Kuni Yori to build the mighty siege engines they will need to fight Yakamo's faction of pure crab.

Having stolen Kenshin's Helm, purified it and the 11th Black Scroll, I am returning to my party in glorious (albeit foolish) fashion. I am aware of their location thanks to the efforts of Shoshuro Hametsu's underlings - it is helpful to have a high ranking Scorpion benefactor. The plan is to fly high over the army and use Fist of Osano-Wo to take out what anti-aircraft they might have. The alternate plan is to stash the carpet, and use air spells to get through Kuni Yori's forces invisibly - with help from a healthy stealth roll.

Though it wasn't asked, I will explain the flying carpet: It is being loaned to me by Shoshuro Hametsu to aid in my accomplishing the task given me by Bayushi Kachiko - to keep an eye on Hiruma Izoma (the party's kuni shugenja).