View Full Version : Advice on NPC spell list?

2013-03-09, 02:50 PM
I have an idea for a Mystic Theurge (Sorcerer 4+7, Cleric* 3+7, *Kyuss: Destruction+Evil, ECL 14-18) who is close to turning into a lich (and could complete the rituals depending on what the PCs do/don't) after spending her life as one of the only humans in a vampire cult.

I'm thinking that if Sorcerers can control in-universe which spells they develop as they become more powerful, she would try to focus on the spells she can't learn through clerical training (though not exclusively), but could I have some advice on the details? So far, I have:

0-level (9, 6/day)

Arcane Sight (permanent)
Daze: Humanoid
Detect Magic (permanent)
Mage Hand
Read Magic (permenent)
Touch of Fatigue
??? x2

1-level (5, 6/day)

Comprehend Languages (permenent)
Mage Armor
Ray of Enfeeblement
True Strike (for spells that require touch attacks)

2-level (5, 6/day)

Cat's Grace
Darkvision (permenent)
Eagle's Splendor
False Life Protection from Arrows
See Invisibility (permenent)

3-level (4, 6/day)

Dispel Magic

4-level (3, 6/day)

Animate Dead Bestow Curse Black Tentacles
Greater Invisibility

5-level (2, 4/day)


I think that one of her favorite tactics is to cast Fly + Greater Invisibility so she can buff her vampire allies (pun intended) + zombie "pets" with Cleric "healing" spells from the middle of the fight instead of the edge.

Does this list need work?

2013-03-09, 04:07 PM
Are you restricted to core spells? Because that seems to be all you have on your list.

2013-03-09, 05:56 PM
So far, yes: I haven't been able to find most of the books yet, so dandwiki.com is my primary source of information at the moment.

2013-03-09, 06:14 PM
I'd say don't get any sorcerer spells pertaining to undead animation.

Clerics are generally better at it.

2013-03-09, 06:40 PM
I'd say don't get any sorcerer spells pertaining to undead animation.

Clerics are generally better at it.

Good point, just edited Animate Dead to Bestow Curse. Thanks for the reminder.

2013-03-09, 08:20 PM
So far, yes: I haven't been able to find most of the books yet, so dandwiki.com is my primary source of information at the moment.
If you are only looking for the core rules, I would recommend that you use the d20 SRD (http://www.d20srd.org) website rather than dandwiki. The d20SRD only contains open-source material (i.e. official rules that are okay to reprint), while dandwiki contains a large deal of poorly-labelled homebrew (and occasionally has homebrew labelled as official content) in addition to the official content, and can be very annoying to use. The d20SRD is also just easier to navigate.

More on-topic, you probably don't want to take Bestow Curse as a sorcerer spell known, because Bestow Curse is a third-level cleric spell, making it redundant as a sorcerer spell. I'd suggest Black Tentacles or Polymorph at that level, if you're stuck with Core.

2013-03-09, 08:28 PM
Permanency is also completely useless once you get Limited Wish, but I suppose it makes sense if you don't want to wait.

2013-03-09, 10:07 PM
The d20SRD only contains open-source material (i.e. official rules that are okay to reprint), while dandwiki contains a large deal of poorly-labelled homebrew (and occasionally has homebrew labelled as official content) in addition to the official content, and can be very annoying to use. The d20SRD is also just easier to navigate.

Thanks for the warning; I'd thought I was pretty good at distinguishing official from homebrew, but I guess I can't be too careful. I'll look into the other site.

More on-topic, you probably don't want to take Bestow Curse as a sorcerer spell known, because Bestow Curse is a third-level cleric spell, making it redundant as a sorcerer spell. I'd suggest Black Tentacles or Polymorph at that level, if you're stuck with Core.

I'll keep that in mind. I'm not sure what she would think of a spell like Black Tentacles that would affect her allies as well (never mind, I just remembered that vampires have too much DR for that to be an issue: that sounds sadistically effective :smallbiggrin:), but Polymorph can be used on oneself, right?

Permanency is also completely useless once you get Limited Wish, but I suppose it makes sense if you don't want to wait.

Actually now that you mention it, if she's still part of the game by the time the players can handle an ECL 21 enemy (14 Sorcerer&Theurge + 3 Cleric + 4 lich template) and minions, I might very well have her trade Permanency for a more versatile 5-th level spell by the time she can have Limited Wish as a 7-th.

2013-03-09, 10:14 PM
Polymorph can be used on oneself, right?
Yes, it can, but you should be aware that she can't use it on her vampire allies, nor will she be able to use it on herself if she becomes undead, as the spell only targets willing living creatures.

2013-03-09, 10:23 PM
Really? I can't believe I missed that. I guess there are downsides to being undead after all (besides Alter Self being near useless). At least Shapechange still works.