View Full Version : [IC] Red Hand of Doom (Ragnarok'n'Roll)

2013-03-09, 10:37 PM
A few days back the party found a map after defeating a dungeon full of annoying Kobolds. The map shows a hidden vault at Vraath Keep. With a little research, it's discovered that the vault supposedly holds vast riches. Luckily the keep should only be a few days travel from you where finished up your last expedition. After stocking up on supplies you head out to claim the treasure...

Two days of uneventful travel pass.

The afternoon sun beats down on your; the air is hot and still. The sparsely settled lands of Elsir Vale are starting to grow monotonous with the seemingly endless line of dusty little towns. The town of Drellin's Ferry lies a few miles ahead of you. It's a settlement hard on the boarders of the witchwood; and the best place from which to began exploring the nearby forest for the keep.

You are all travelling down a dusty road just a handful of miles from Drellin's Ferry. Its around noon. The road varies between 15 and 20 ft across and there is forest on either side.

Some where on the other side of Drellin's fair ought to be the ruined keep you are looking for that contains the vault.

If you did any preparation, like casting a spell in the morning please let me know. I'm assuming everyone is with in about 30 feet of one another. If you are further ahead or behind just mention it as well. You are currently travelling South East.

2013-03-09, 10:52 PM
Emanuel sets one foot grimly in front of the other, his body plauged by the aches and pains of long travel; just a few short years, such journeys would not have wearied him in the least. Worse, he was bored; had he forgotten how much of the adventuring life consisted of monotiny. Mentally, he reviewed what he had learned of Drellin's Ferry, trying to recall if the township was blessed with a single library.

Knowledge: Local [roll0]

2013-03-09, 11:00 PM
Fenn Shadowfox

Ghosting along the edge of the road about 30 feet ahead of the others with his shortbow in hand, Fenn's eyes scan ceaselessly for danger further along the road and in the surrounding brush. His small, booted feet leave no trail as he moves, so light is his step. Years as a mercenary and military scout had instilled a deep sense of precaution in him, and he was taking no chances with the kobolds so recently behind them.

2013-03-10, 02:29 AM
Walking just ahead of Emanuel with a skip to her step Tessalyn doesn't seem to mind the stuffy air. At least it wasn't freezing cold. And even if it was slightly too hot soon enough they'd reach Drellin where there was bound to be an inn where she could send for a bathtub and refreshments. Cvilization again, finally! She could've jogged the rest of the way. Singing.

She does neither, of course, knowing full well that one shouldn't take too many risks in the frontiers. But she skips along, whistling happily, not caring at all with sneaking and seeming to grow more energetically happy with each passing mile. The ruckus made by some of the others made stealth a moot point anyway.

2013-03-10, 03:07 AM
Erin Lanval

Just a couple steps behind Tessalyn, Erin easily keeps pace with the party. She thinks to herself for the moment, trying to recall anything about the land.

Knowledge (History) [roll0]
Knowledge (Local) [roll1]

2013-03-10, 12:03 PM
Irina walks adjacent to Emanuel, happy to keep abreast of the sage's slow, plodding pace. She led Honor, her warhorse, by the reins in a loose grip. The silence felt like a blessing; for too long had she heard the incessant prattle of Tessalyn, the monotonous commentary of Emanuel, or Erin's accursed portable organ. Only the gnome was quiet, and he was usually scouting out ahead. Still, they were all useful and honorable companions, if moderately irritating on occasion. Just as Wee Jas was drawn to Norebo, so too had Irina built an attachment to this motley assortment of adventurers.

She hoped that they would find this Keep soon. They'd been traveling so long, Irina could hardly distinguish one miserable backwater from another. Still, the Ruby Sorceress had a plan for her, and her sword arm was needed here. While Irina may have lacked patience, she did not want for faith.

2013-03-10, 02:58 PM
The Party continues South East along the trading road. Unlike yesterday you have not passed anyone yet today. This does seem slightly ...unusual.


You recall that the town did have a library but it was destroyed in a huge flood. The flood also washed out the dwarf-made bridge which is why a ferry is being used to cross the river. This is how the town was aptly named 'Drellin's Ferry'. Several obscure dwarven texts detailing an ancient war with the giants were lost - presumabley washed away like so much floatsom. You would guess that the town has about 1000 people - mostly farmers and woodsman.


Long ago there was a flood that destroyed the bridge at Drellin's Ferry. Now a ferry is used to get across the river. There are around 1000 people in the town. Besides the Ferry nothing stands out as unique.

The road crests a small rise and descends into a dusty grove in a large shallow dell. An abandoned farmhouse partially visible through the trees, stands on one side of the road. You've passed a dozen spots much like this one already today. This one feels wrong somehow. Then you glimpse the glint of mail through the brush by the side of the road. Fierce warriors - tall and hairy Humananoids with wide mouths and flat faces - are lying in wait!


It appears there are three hobgoblins on each side of the road. The are spread out about 15 feet a piece. The group is roughly parallel with the first hobgoblins. They are positioned such that they had cover up until the party reached this point in the road.

Hide check:

[roll0] (quite possibly the worst ambush in the history of ambushes)

Spot checks:

Fenn: [roll1]
Emanuel: [roll2]
Erin: [roll3]
Tess: [roll4]
Irina: [roll5]


Group : [roll6]

Hobgoblins Ambush : [roll7]

OOC: No one is surprised by the clumsy ambush attempt. Players go first, place yourselves anywhere in the yellow box and take your action.

2013-03-10, 03:00 PM

Ambush (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/844/ambushn.jpg/)


2013-03-10, 03:28 PM
Fenn Shadowfox (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=524359)
Male NG Whisper Gnome Rogue 2, Scout 3, Swordsage 1, Level 6, Init +8, HP 48/48, Speed 40 ft.
AC 20, Touch 17, Flat-footed 14, Fort +6, Ref +15, Will +4, Base Attack Bonus +3
+1 Shortsword +12 (1d4+1, 19-20, x2)
Shortbow (20) +10 (1d4, x3)
Least Crystal of Arrow Deflection (+2 AC vs. ranged attacks) +1 Leafweave Leather (+3 Armor, +6 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 23, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 6
Condition None

Spotting the glint of mail through the brush only about 10 feet away from him, the black-clad gnome drops his bow to the ground and draws his blade, dashing forward quickly.

Making a tumbling roll through the brush, he comes back up onto his feet right in front of the hobgoblin, who towers over his mere 3-and-a-half-feet. His lower vantage point presents him the perfect angle to jab his blade right up into the weak spot of the goblin's armor - right beneath his armpit as the creature raises its weapon to strike Fenn.

Starting in D8, Fenn moves to D10 and attacks.

Swift Action Enter the Island of Blades stance.

Move Action Tumble 10 feet. With a +15 modifier, he auto-succeeds. He draws his +1 shortsword as part of the movement.

Standard Action Initiate the Shadow Blade Technique maneuver. [roll0] [roll1]
For this melee attack, roll two d20s and choose which result to use. If you use higher result, resolve attack as normal. If you use lower or if both results are the same, deal an extra 1d6 cold damage on a hit.

Damage [roll2]+Skirmish [roll3]+Sneak Attack(hobgoblin is flat-footed)[roll4]

Extra cold damage for Shadow Blade Technique, if applicable [roll5]

2013-03-10, 03:45 PM
Emanuel Grey

Male LN Human Archivist 6, Level 6, Init +2, HP 38/38, Speed 20 ft.
AC 12, Touch 8, Flat-footed 12, Fort +7, Ref +0, Will +8, Base Attack Bonus +3
Chain Shirt +4AC
Abilities Str 17, Dex 7, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 9
Condition None

Emanuel's hard blue eyes narrow at the sight of the attackers as he returns from his reverie. His allies already rushing past him, he raises the humble symbol of his face before him, the small pebble glowing green at the end of its leather strap. Before him, his allies feel power rushing into their arms, weapons leaping forward to meet the enemy.

Emanuel casts "Snake's Swiftness, Mass", centered on where Finn is now. Within 20 feet of him, everyone gets a free melee (or ranged) attack at full BAB.

>_> I'm hoping that we can say that means anyone who ends their turn in that area... otherwise in the future I'll need to wait until everyone else has moved so it hits all of the fighters, and then they'll have to come back and post again, and... yeah.

2013-03-10, 03:58 PM
Round 1: - Mini-update.

The hobgoblin that Fenn attacked gets a confused look on his face. He looks down at his bow and then his new gaping wound, never having fired a shot.

His battlecry turns in a gurgle. He falls over, twitches once and remains motionless. A pool of blood quickly forms underneath him.


Just a heads up the forest for the most part is difficult terrain and will cost double movement. (no effect on Fenn's turn)

2013-03-10, 04:15 PM
Irina Falconsflight (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=398207)
]Irina Falconsflight[/URL]
Female Lawful Good Human (Oeridian/Suel) Paladin4/Crusader1/RKV1, Level 6, Init +1, HP 51/51, Speed 20
AC 20, Touch 11, Flat-footed 19, Fort +11, Ref +5, Will +8, Base Attack Bonus 6
Reach, magic +1 Guisarme +11/+6 (+10/+5 if using buckler) (2d4+5, x3)
MW Armor Spikes +10/+5 (1d6+3, x2)
MW Spiked Full Plate, Buckler (+8 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 16

Seeing the poorly hidden hobgoblins scuttle in the brush, Irina charges forward, drawing her The Lady's Nail as she dashes toward her hapless foe. She can hear Emanuel chanting even as Fenn makes short work of his opponent.

Starting A6, charge to C5, drawing guisarme as part of movement, attacking with reach.
AC is -2, +2 attack for this action.
[roll0] for [roll1] damage.

2013-03-10, 04:45 PM
Round 1 : Mini update 2

Irina charges the hobgoblin on the opposite site of the road from Fenn. She skewers the hobgoblin in the shoulder with a terrible wound. He remains upright though bleeding badly.

He shouts in frustration.


GRRR - Puny human.

2013-03-10, 04:47 PM
Erin Lanval

Erin draws her chain mid charge as she moves towards (Either top or bottom closest Hobo, whichever isn't taken) stopping 10 feet away to swing her chain.

by my count using rough terrain bottom is ~7 squares, well within my 80 ft charge; top should be just a five foot diagonal step (five because it's my first diagonal, but ten because it's through rough terrain) from where I assumed I was.
Either way, the charge will give me +2 attack -2 AC; I'm going to act under the assumption it's the bottom one but I'm still just within 20ft of the white snake maneuver, feel free to ignore the second attack if you feel this isn't the case.

Charge Attack [roll0]
Charge Damage [roll1]
White Snake Attack [roll2]
And Damage [roll3]

2013-03-10, 05:29 PM
Irina, her blade hastened by Emanuel's magic, swings again at the hobgoblin with her guisarme.

[roll0] for [roll1]

2013-03-10, 06:04 PM
Round 1 : mini-update 3.

Irina swings again at the injured hobgoblin and this time catches him in head with a deep sounding 'thumk'. He drops his bow and falls to the ground clearly dead.

2013-03-10, 06:07 PM
Nothing to see here:


2013-03-10, 06:32 PM


Erin charges forward and hurls her chain at the next hobgoblin. The brush and tree don't interfere with the attack and both swipes land. The hobgoblin falls over, blood splattered all over his armor.

2013-03-10, 08:45 PM

Just waiting on Tess.

Updated map:

H = hobgoblin
Red blobs = dead hobgoblins


2013-03-11, 11:25 AM
She should've suspected an ambush, these past days had simply been too calm, but Tess had been daydreaming about a steaming bath and some sweet, chilled wine a bit too much and while she saw the hidden hobgoblins she was just simply too slow to react. Her first thought was to duck into the underbrush and go for the nearest one, but Irina drops it with two savage blows wit that long polearm of hers, she then looked right to the hobbo on the opposite side of the rode, just to find it already eviscerated by Fenn. And after Erin savaged the third with that brutal chain no goblinoids were still close enough for Tessalyn to quickly close the distance and skewer it. Well, she hated going up alone against an armed enemy anyway, she prefered to stab them in the back when they were otherwise occupied and that wasn't on the table considering how quickly the monsters dropped. Riddle them with arrows it is then.

After quickly and deftly stringing her bow the rogueish companion nocks an arrow, pulls the arrow to her cheek, takes aim on the second hobgoblin on the southern side of the road and looses as she calmly and softly exhales.

Move action: stringing her composite shortbow, possibly taking a 5' step to get a better shot.
Standard acton: Attacking the hobbo at G11. And since I'm just outside 20' of Fenn that's the only attack I get.


Eh. Moderately inconvenience them with arrows, more like. :smalltongue:

2013-03-11, 09:19 PM
Round 1.5

Having foiled the ambush attempt, the party has managed to quickly dispatch three of the attacking

hobgoblins and injured a fourth. Fenn demonstrating superior skill and grace as he dispatched his foe that pierced several organs. Erin and Irina take a more direct approach and just over power their respective targets. Tess firing an arrow of her own at a distant assailant. Emanuel stays back and assists with powerful divine magic. Everything seems to be going well so far...

From just south of Fenn comes a deep voice.


"Gort why aren't you firing you dull fool? Gort!?"

A tall hobgoblin comes from the bush and spots the body of his companion. This one seems even larger than 'giant' Fenn just fell. He is holding two machete-like short swords in his hands, both throbbing a deep red color. He calls over his shoulder towards the bush, in his guttural goblin language with a complete lack of concern in his voice.


"Des farmer just kill Gort in one blow it looks like"

His eyes lock onto Fenn with grim determination. He flourishes his glowing blades once around his wrists. He criss-crosses the swords in a formidable defensive display. Only then does he make a lone attack, as if to probe his tiny opponent for weakness.

From Just north of Irina and Erin

Suddenly a pair of dreadful howls come ringing in from the north. After a brief trashing in the undergrowth a pair demonic hounds burst into sight. They are both pitch black in color with a slight red tinge. Their eyes are blood red and look crazed. A lick of flames coming snorting out of their nostrils and mouth.

One of the four foot tall Hell Hounds charges towards Irina and lunges to bite her arm. Irina and Erin both bring their weapons to bear to try and fend off the sudden attack.

The second Hell Hound opens his mouth and a blast of flames rushes through the undergrowth at the two heroes. The first hell hound gets caught in the blast as well but doesn't seem to notice.

The hobgoblin that Tess fired on, fires an arrow of his own at her.

The other two hobgoblins fire at Emanuel.


"Quickly kill da spells caster!

Far to the south east some shouting in goblin can be heard, but it sounds a long ways off.


Concealment roll for Tess's arrow attack.

Bladebearer's attack against Fenn


Hellhound 1 provokes two AoO, one from Erin and one from Irina:

Not sure if Irina is using standstill but will assume so for now.



If Hellhound 1 lives, it attempts to bite Irina (assuming he isn't stopped)

ref save vs standstill (10 +damage above) [roll7]

Bite :[roll8] vs AC 17
Bite :[roll9]
extra fire damage: [roll10]

HH 2

damage roll : [roll11] fire Ref 13

Erin save roll [roll12]
Irina save roll [roll13]

Tess gets arrowed vs AC 18

Emanuel gets arrowed vs AC 12 (!?!):



Bad guys:
-Tess hits a hobgoblin for 3 damage.

Good guys

-Fenn get his weapon up in time to deflect the dual wielding Bladebarer's attack.

-Hell hound misses Irina.

-Erin takes 5 fire damage

-Irina takes 2 fire damage

-Tess takes 7 piecing damage

-Emanuel takes 3 piecing damage

Updated Map.

Northern most Hobgoblin is injured. Southernmost Hell hound is injured.


2013-03-12, 04:05 AM
"Pardon the pathetic pun, but it's to predictable not to, so I'll get it out of the way, chill out" Erin says as she casts her spell.

Numbing Sphere; lvl2 Evocation [Cold]; sphere moves around as I direct it (Move Action), if it's in your square it stops, 1d6 cold damage and 1d4 dex damage, reflex save to ignore (DC 15); spell resistance Applies. caster level rounds, so 5.

She waves her arm and the blue sphere moves in from nowhere toward the lower hell hound (the already injured one).

2013-03-12, 04:39 AM
"Aaouch!" Flinching as a a large arrow thunks into her thigh the dancer pales a bit and admonishes herself silently. Stupid! 'If you can shoot at the enemy, the enemy can shoot at you!'. Well screw, this. I'm not staying in the open if they have bows of their own.
After checking, and finding with no small relief, that the arrow hadn't torn of any muscles or tendons - that it was a bad, painful wound but not one that would slow her down much until the rush of battle recedes, Tess dashes quickly, only limping slightly, for the bushes on the southern side of the road. That'd get her out of fire and she could help Fenn out with the larger and meaner-looking hobbo. After that the archers would be of no danger at all, really. When she passes Emanuel she quickly remarks: "Don't stay a target dummy for long, old man," in a gently teasing but caring voice, when she passes the ditch she drops her bow in it, drawing her rapier as she moves into the woods.

OK. We have some experience with fighting together before so this might go down in two different ways:

If Tess knows that Fenn will be using his "Island of Blades" she'll head right up next to him (ending up on his left side (west)) and attack BB. I can't make out if she can reach them in just a move action so I might not get any attacks at all depending on how Snake's Swiftness works but I'll roll all of it and we'll see what I get to use. :smallsmile:

Eventually [roll4]

[roll5] (edit: Uh-oh)
And if I'm lucky: [roll9]

If it's something she usually has to wait for a few rounds she'll work the long way around burning both her move action and standard action to get up behind BB while avoiding AoOs (I'm not gonna try and tumble in this).
In that case I'm not sure I get an attack thanks to Snake's Swiftness, but here goes anyway:


2013-03-12, 06:36 AM
Emanuel winces as the arrow nicks across his shoulder, silently cursing whichever goblin called for focus against the casters. His eyes narrow on the Hellhounds, a slight grin coming to his lips despite the pain as he calls out a few words of advice to his allies.

Dark Knowledge: Tactics: Knowledge(Religion) [roll0];
If he succeeds on that knowledge check by 10 or more, +1 to everyone's attack rolls vs. Hellhounds, if it's 20 or more, +2, 30 or more, +3.

That done, Emanuel again raises his holy symbol, other hand crumbling a few dried snake's scales to dust and letting them fall in the wind. Once again, energy flow from him to his allies, speeding their attacks anew.

Mass Snake's Swiftness again, centered on D7.

2013-03-12, 10:16 AM
Gah, forum isn't letting me edit my last post.

Slightly misrepresented Dark Knowledge - the DC is a 15 base, hitting that gives +1, beating it by 10 gives +2, beating it by 20 or more gives +3. So, you all get +2.

2013-03-12, 12:29 PM
Irina unleashes a flurry of strikes at the hellhound within reach of her guisarme, striking behind the tuft of red fur near the throat as Emanuel suggested. "Stay behind me!" she ordered Erin. Rejuvenated by Emanuel's spell, she lashed out again.

Swift action: Adopt Martial Spirit stance. Each attack Irina lands heals someone within 30' for 2 HP. Healing priority is as follows: First strike will be to Tess, second to Erin, third to Irina.

Full attack on northernmost hellhound (F3):
[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]

If this kills the hellhound at F3, 5' step back and attack hellhound in front of Irina (E4), otherwise, continue to attack F3 with Snake's Swiftness.

[roll4] for [roll5]

2013-03-12, 08:27 PM
Fenn Shadowfox (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=524359)
Male NG Whisper Gnome Rogue 2, Scout 3, Swordsage 1, Level 6, Init +8, HP 48/48, Speed 40 ft.
AC 20, Touch 17, Flat-footed 14, Fort +6, Ref +15, Will +4, Base Attack Bonus +3
+1 Shortsword +12 (1d4+1, 19-20, x2)
Shortbow (20) +10 (1d4, x3)
Least Crystal of Arrow Deflection (+2 AC vs. ranged attacks) +1 Leafweave Leather (+3 Armor, +6 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 23, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 6
Condition None

After easily dodging its blades, Fenn sneers at the newly arrived hobgoblin. The gnome nimbly flicks his shortsword from one hand to the other as he and his opponent eye each other up. Just then, Tess arrived on the scene and launches an assault. Not one to miss an opportunity, Fenn uses this distraction to dive between the hobgoblin's legs and roll to his feet on the other side, effectively flanking the creature.

I know I could Tumble around it, but Tumbling through its square is just cooler.

Move Action to Tumble 10 feet through Bladebearer's square to D12(I believe)[roll0]

Standard Action Melee attack with both Skirmish & Sneak Attack
Attack [roll1]
Crit [roll2]

Damage [roll3] [roll4] [roll5]
Crit Dmg [roll6]

EDIT: Sonofabitch. Are you kidding me? A TWO ON MY TUMBLE CHECK?! JASHDFAKLHSDLKFHLAHSDHF! That means I don't move, I provoke, and since I don't move I don't get Skirmish damage. However, Island of Blades means i still get Sneak Attack.

2013-03-13, 12:34 AM
OOC Results:

Tess heals 2 hps
Erin heals 2 hps
Irina heals 2 hps

Please either keep your sheets up to date with your current hps or provide a spoiler block summary of your status, location, spell effects you are under etc with your posts to help speed things up. Thanks!

The two hellhounds fall under a flury of vicious attacks spurn on from Emanuel's magics. Polearm and spiked chain are a blur of motion. An ice orb is summoned by Erin for good measure though it fails to strike home this time.

Tess and Fenn team up to bring down the new hobgoblin with the glowing swords. Both manage to injure the newcomer but Fenn makes a possible mistep and a flurry of attacks is directed at him. It was almost like the hobgoblin was waiting for an openning and was holding something back.

There is some more noise coming from the south bushes - from where the dual-wielding hobgoblin came from. The bush and undergrowth part briefly but no one seems to be there. From somewhere very close by some chanting can be heard in goblin though Tess and Fenn can't quite make out what is being said. Some of the wounds on the hobgoblin seem to seal themselves up as if they were never there.

The bladebarer grins evilly showing off his massive underbite.

The hobgoblin that fired at Tess tries to track her with his bow as she darts into the woods. He can still see her, but there are too many trees in the way. He sighs and turns his attention to the 'caster' and joins in the volley somewhat reluctantly.

The sound of what is most likely more hobgoblins grows louder to the south east. It sounds like they are getting closer. You can clearly hear a few shouts and battle crys now.

OOC rolls:

3 hobgoblins fire arrows at Emanuel

Att : [roll0] vs ac 12
DMG : [roll1]

ATT : [roll2] vs ac 12
DMG : [roll3]

ATT : [roll4] vs ac 12
DMG : [roll5]


Bladebarer attacks Fenn:


ATT : [roll6]
DMG : [roll7]

regular attacks:

ATT : [roll8]
DMG : [roll9]

ATT : [roll10]
DMG : [roll11]



OOC Results:

Fenn takes 16 damage (confirmed crit on offhanded attack)

Emanuel takes 3 more piercing damage.

Updated Map:

not sure one is needed.

3 hobgoblin archers are still alive, 1 injured. In same position.

1 injured Bladebarer in same position.

1 invisible ???? unknown position south of BladeBarer.

2013-03-13, 09:20 AM
"Ho! Invisible enemy sighted!" Tess yells over her shoulder as she takes another stab at the dualwielding hobgoblin. Well, not exactly sighted... Blast it, they know what I mean. "Looks like a healer!" Let's hope someone could dispel the invisibility before the unknown enemy decided to do something worse than healing.

Move action: none (free action: yell shout at friends).
Standard action:
[roll0] (forgot to add flanking bonus from Island of Blades if I get one, do I? that'd make it a 19)

2013-03-13, 09:58 AM
Emanuel Grey
Emanuel Grey (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=524482)
Male LN Human Archivist, Level 6, Init +2, HP 32/38, DR 0, Speed 20
AC 12, Touch 8, Flat-footed 12, Fort +7, Ref +0, Will +8, Base Attack Bonus 3
Live Wood Staff 1 (1d6-2, x2)
Ranged Touch 1 ( , )
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, -2 Dex)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 7, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 9
Condition None

Emanuel roars in pain as a second arrow finds him, the roar continuing as he grips his holy symbol, growing louder and deeper until it's joined by a second, a black bear with shining, gold-tinted fur appearing behind the blade bearer, opposite Tess.

Summon Monster III, Celestial Black Bear, square D11

At once the bear lunges forward, driving its teeth and claws into the monster's back.

Celestial Black Bear full attack: 2 claws +6 melee (1d4+4) and bite +1 melee (1d6+2)

Hit 1d20+8
Damage 1d4+4
Hit 1d20+8
Damage 1d4+4
Hit 1d20+1
Damage 1d6+2

2013-03-13, 10:02 AM
Let's try that again.

Hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Hit [roll2]
Damage [roll3]
Hit [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

2013-03-13, 12:36 PM
Satisfied that the hell hounds have been slain, Irina dashes toward her next target, the blade of her guisarme dripping with the ichor of the fallen infernals.

Irina Falconsflight (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=398207)
Female Lawful Good Human (Oeridian/Suel) Paladin4/Crusader1/RKV1, Level 6, Init +1, HP 51/51, Speed 20
AC 20, Touch 11, Flat-footed 19, Fort +11, Ref +5, Will +8, Base Attack Bonus 6
Reach, magic +1 Guisarme +11/+6 (+10/+5 if using buckler) (2d4+5, x3)
MW Armor Spikes +10/+5 (1d6+3, x2)
MW Spiked Full Plate, Buckler (+8 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 16
Condition None
Charge to G9, attacking Hobgoblin in G11(?)
[roll0] (includes +2 from charge and +2 from Dark tactical knowledge) for [roll1] damage.

2013-03-13, 04:35 PM
With Irina moving on towards the next target, Erin directs the sphere towards Fenn, stopping it to his left, (The right side of him on the map). "Need a hand there or should I move on to unwounded archers?"

Then with a wave of her hands she begins emanating a golden glow all around her.

HP: 18/21 (Unless I got healed another tick?)
Move Action: Moving the Numbing sphere down near the blade bearer (Because I couldn't get it to either of the lower archers).
Standard Action: Casting Spell: Light of Mercuria (Spell Compendium pg 132)

2013-03-15, 02:38 PM
Fenn Shadowfox (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=524359)
Male NG Whisper Gnome Rogue 2, Scout 3, Swordsage 1, Level 6, Init +8, HP 32/48, Speed 40 ft.
AC 20, Touch 17, Flat-footed 14, Fort +6, Ref +15, Will +4, Base Attack Bonus +3
+1 Shortsword +12 (1d4+1, 19-20, x2)
Shortbow (20) +10 (1d4, x3)
Least Crystal of Arrow Deflection (+2 AC vs. ranged attacks) +1 Leafweave Leather (+3 Armor, +6 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 23, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 6
Condition None

Fenn screams in pain as the hobgoblin's blade bites into his side, cursing his misstep. Hobbling back a few steps, he regains his bearings, practically snarling at his enemy before launching himself into the bushes in order to slash at the hobgoblin's legs.

Realized I've been forgetting to add the +1 to attack for goblins. Oh well, I've been hitting anyway.

Move Action to Tumble 10ft. around the bladebearer to its other side. Auto-succeed with +15 modifier.

Standard Action to initiate Emerald Razor, making this attack against Touch AC [roll0]
crit [roll1]

Damage [roll2] Skirmish [roll3] SA [roll4]
crit damage [roll5]

Not sure if there's still somebody to flank with, so ignore the SA damage if there isn't.

2013-03-16, 02:47 PM
Tess and Fenn manage to take down the Bladebearer with the help of a summoned bear from Emanuel. The rolling blue sphere of cold ice from Erin heads towards the BladeBearer as well. The fierce hobgoblin falls quickly and quietly, overwhelmed by the onslaught. Fenn manages to deliver an effiecent killing blow.

Erin casts a spell that causes an large orb of light to surround him. It's an impressive effect.

Irina charges forward and decimates yet another harassing hobgoblin. She nimblely avoids hitting any trees as her attack strikes true. The poor hobgoblin is nearly cut in two.

The two remaining hobgobin archers fall back a little bit and continue firing arrows. This time they concentrate their fire on Irina, the terrible Hellhound slayer. Looks like fear rather than tactics are dictating their priorities.

No other enemeies are apparent though the noise coming from the southeast is more distinct and sounds closer. Individual voices can be made out. It likely isn't more than eight more hobgoblins.


Feel free to make listen checks to try and find the invisble caster.

Archers attacking Irina:



New map will be posted in a few minutes.


Fenn heals 2 hps
Irina takes 13 damage from two lucky arrows.


2013-03-16, 06:28 PM
Irina grunts in pain as the arrows pierce her body, one into her left upper arm and the other into her right thigh. She had little desire to flanked by a pair of hidden archers, but could only focus on one. She trudged toward the southernmost hobgoblin and struck outward with The Nail, her pain fueling the blow. "Ready yourselves! More are incoming!" she shouted to her allies as she heard the brigands' advance.

5 damage is entered into Delayed Damage Pool for Furious Countertrike, which adds +1 attack and damage.

Move to K10, strike at hobo in K12 with Vanguard Strike, granting +4 to anyone else attacking him if he survives. Healing from Martial Stance to Irina.

[roll0] for [roll1]

New maneuver: [roll2]

EDIT: Looks like new maneuver is Mountain Hammer

2013-03-16, 06:54 PM
Emanuel shifted in place, glancing left and right about the battlefield. "Try to take one of them alive," he called out. "I have questions I'd like to ask." With that, he raises one arthritic arm, a pinch of iron dust held between two fingers, focusing on Irina before blowing it in her direction, a few words carrying under his breath as the little cloud reaches her, her body growing and expanding in place.

Enlarge Person on Irina.

Pausing for a moment to roar over the fallen corpse of the Blade Bearer, Emanuel's bear trundles back in the direction of the path, pushing heavily through the thick terrain.

Don't think the bear can reach anything, so just moving it up to J9.

2013-03-16, 07:25 PM
Mini update - ooc:

Hobgoblin at k12 falls over unconscious and is slowly bleeding out

2013-03-16, 08:00 PM
Fenn Shadowfox (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=524359)
Male NG Whisper Gnome Rogue 2, Scout 3, Swordsage 1, Level 6, Init +8, HP 34/48, Speed 40 ft.
AC 20, Touch 17, Flat-footed 14, Fort +6, Ref +15, Will +4, Base Attack Bonus +3
+1 Shortsword +12 (1d4+1, 19-20, x2)
Shortbow (20) +10 (1d4, x3)
Least Crystal of Arrow Deflection (+2 AC vs. ranged attacks) +1 Leafweave Leather (+3 Armor, +6 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 23, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 6
Condition None

"Ready yourselves! More are incoming!" Fenn hears as the bladebearer hobgoblin falls down at his feet. Flicking the blood off of his blade, he quickly sheathes it and moves out to the edge of the road. As he goes, he digs a scroll out of his haversack. As he reaches the edge of the brush, the gnome peers outs into the road, waiting for a sign of the approaching goblins.

Move Action to move to H10.

Standard Action as another move to pull a scroll of Grease (http://dndtools.eu/spells/players-handbook-v35--6/grease--2396/) out of my Haversack. Sadly, out of actions so I cannot ready. :smallfrown:

2013-03-16, 09:26 PM

This is sadly going to have to be a multi-post, given my actions will depend greatly on rolls...

Erin strains her ears trying to find the invisible Target that was pointed out earlier.

Listen Check [roll0]

No actual actions taken yet.

2013-03-16, 09:49 PM
Erin listens carefully.


Erin definitely hears something moving away from her vaguely southEast-ish but isn't exactly sure where.

2013-03-16, 09:57 PM
Erin takes a deep breath as she risks it anyway, First, she directs the sphere to the square she thinks the caster is in.

(it will stop the first time it enters a square with someone in it, or at the end of 30 feet)
Once again the Reflex DC is 15

This is Erin's Move action.

HP: 18/21
AC: 19/13/19

2013-03-17, 01:28 AM
Teaming up with Erin Tessalyn stays in a fighting crouch, rapier at the ready and focuses on trying to find the invisible enemy. Her eyes dart over the vegetation, trying to see where it bend unnaturaly from someone standing or breaks or twists from movement while listening hard for any sound from the caster. When Erin's globe advances she follows it, moving as quietly as possible so as not to drown out any sound of the enemy with her own.

No hiding check, though. :smallwink:
If I can ready an action to stab at any revealed enemy despite moving on my turn I'll do so. :smallsmile:


Edit: Nice spot check. But I guess the DC is... rather high. :smallbiggrin:
Listen check is at least above 3, so no problem there. :smallamused:
Also happy with the sneaking. :smallwink:

2013-03-17, 01:29 AM
((Double Post))

Square by Square movement for the Sphere:
Okay, then step by step, Diagonal from E9 to F10, Over right to G10, Down to G11, over to H11, down to H12, over to I12

2013-03-17, 11:04 AM
Irina moves forward and strikes down another hobgoblin - making it look easy. suddenly Irina grows large and towers over the battlefield, the result of Emanuel's magic.

Fenn moves back towards the path, drawing out a scroll as he goes. The summoned bear follows suit - crashing through the underbrush.

Tess and Erin attempt to locate the invisible assailant. Unfortunately neither has much luck. The ice blue sphere is unable to make contact either. As far as Tess can tell he seems to be still fleeing away from them.

The lone surviving ambushing hobgoblin edges back into the forrest even further as he witness's Irina sudden growth. He lets loose a shakey and desprate shot.

A pack of hobgoblins from the south-east round the cover and come into sight finally. They all clearly have bows on their backs but they move forward instead, swords in hand.


[roll0] Vs Irina's AC of 18 (-1 size bonus)


Irina's damage pool empties
Irina is healed by 2 hps
Irina takes 2 damage



2013-03-17, 11:21 AM
Emanuel scurries forward as best he can under the oppressive weight of his armor, bitterly cursing his advanced age with every step. As he draws nearer the rest of the group he stops, both arms raising above him, eyes closed as the familiar swell of divine power crashes over him, energy flowing throughout his body and those of his companions, lending them un-natural speed.

Everybody have a haste: +1 attack and AC, an extra attack per round, and +30 to movement speed. There's even one for the bear.

Speaking of which, if you don't mind, could I post the bear's action after I see the map?

2013-03-17, 11:31 AM
With a roar of celestial fury the bear charges, claws ripping up the ground beneath it as it rushes towards the first enemy it sees, driving its deadly claws for the Hobgolbin's throat.

Bear charging goblin at T8.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-03-17, 12:34 PM
As Erin's final action for the round, she casts Shield on herself to protect herself from the potential arrows of the now incoming reinforcements we heard.

That would still be part of the last round.

2013-03-17, 12:35 PM
After a peak out through the bushes at the hobgoblins advancing on them on the road Tessalyn doggedly chases after the invisible enemy. She wasn't going to let a hostile spellcaster get away to plan it's revenge and the summoned bear and Irina would crush the hobgoblins in less than a minute, she'd wager a nice little sum on that. So, instead she searches for the unseen threat.

Again with the listen and spot to at least try and follow the enemy. I probably can't pinpoint it but hopefully we'll harry it until the spell wears off.
And a readied action to attack it if it's discovered. If it's allowed.


2013-03-17, 01:44 PM
Irina, grown to enormous size, barely takes note as the arrow draws a bloody furrow across one of the gaps in her armor. The pain barely registers, like a pinprick. She feels her muscles quickened again by Emanuel's magic, and strides forward confidently toward the half dozen advancing hobgoblins. She sets her face determinedly, and prepares to rain blows upon them.

"Surrender, or you will be given no quarter!" she bellows, knowing that her foes will undoubtedly ignore her command.

Move so that Irina occupies Q/P 8&9. She should now threaten all of the hobgoblins. Swift action to adopt Iron Guard's Glare: everyone I threaten suffers -4 to attack anyone else. Mountain Hammer on the hobgoblin at T7.

[roll0] for [roll1] guisarme and [roll2] Mountain Hammer damage. Ignores DR, if any.

2013-03-19, 04:23 AM
Erin tries to be still, looking and listening again for any signs of their invisible opponent

Spot* [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

*Looking on the off chance for footprints, dust being kicked up, that sort of thing

Only free actions taken so far.

2013-03-19, 05:13 AM
Catching sight of the approaching hobgoblins, Fenn unfurls the scroll and prepares to read the strange words that he'd painstakingly learned the awkward pronunciation to. His mind is full of hope that he doesn't mess any of the words up and fail at its use.

Standard action to ready an action to use the Grease scroll as the front row of hobgoblins reaches Column P.

UMD DC 23 [roll0]

EDIT: ...**** you.

2013-03-19, 07:44 PM

There is a hint of branches breaking as if someone stepped on something. It's hard to hear over the 6 shouting hobgoblins just down the road a bit.

The distrubance seems to be somewhere 60-80 feet to due south of you. Far as you can tell it sounds like someone fleeing.

2013-03-19, 11:07 PM
"DAMN IT, the invisible one is running away!" she points due south of her. She directs the sphere diagonal two then down 3 so that it's 60 feet due south of her.

Move action, direct Numbing Sphere, round 4/5

Waiting to see results of Sphere's movement before declaring standard action.

HP: 18/21
AC: 23/13/23

Light of Mercuria: 50 Minute duration
Shield: 5 minute duration

2013-03-19, 11:19 PM
Nothing seems to impact the sphere.

2013-03-19, 11:40 PM
Hurrying after the sphere, rapier in hand Tess continues to look for the invisible enemy. Not that she has much luck, but since Erin seems to have an idea of it's general direction at least she could dog it.

Move to follow the sphere. Double move, even running if needed. If that means a balance check (rough terrains tend to do that, doesn't it?) here it is:


2013-03-20, 01:56 AM
Erin scowls as she takes off to follow her sphere

Using Standard action as a second move action straight down.

2013-03-21, 02:28 AM
Fenn attempts to hinder the hobgoblins with a spell scroll but misses a part in the activation. He said the all words (mostly).

Erin gives chase to the invisible caster and directs the blue sphere further south. Tess follows along, rushing headlong through the forrest looking for the tell-tale shimmer or noisy bootstep. Erin and Tess both feel like they are catching up.

One of the hobgoblins lets loose a terrible battle cry and takes a few steps forward to charge Irina. She swats him away like a pesky fly, he lands in the dirt at the side road with a crunching noise. His armor is crumpled and stained with blood. He won't be ambushing any more 'farmers'.

Another hobgoblin on the opposite side of the road charges towards Irinia, though not before getting mauled by the angry bear. A large rend in his side is opened up as he dashes forward.

The remaining hobgoblins quickly surround the bear and after a barriage of attacks from all sides the bear suffers terrible, terrible wounds but fights on.

The hobgoblin archer in the woods, shifts position to get a better shot at Erin but his shot goes wild and hits a tree. He curses under his breath.


The Bear has 2 hps left
Irania takes 6 damage (5 of which to the delayed damage pool)

The southern most hobgoblin next to Irina is injured and bleeding.


2013-03-21, 02:48 AM
Emanuel takes one more glance about the battlefield, but on the whole the day seems won, and there is little enough reason to waste what magic he has remaining. Instead, he drops to one knee, keeping his head down to avoid the rush of arrows, eyes checking about the fallen hobgoblins, hoping to spot one still breathing.

The bear, golden-red blood leaking from a plethora of wounds, focuses its fury on the furthest hobgoblins, blood flying from its limbs as it claws and bites in a mad frenzy.

Emanuel going prone.

Bear is full attacking the goblin at T10; if it drops, he'll move onto the one above it at T9

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

2013-03-21, 03:08 AM
T10 is injuired but alive. Only one of the attacks strikes true. Rest are caught by the hobgoblins armor.

The hobgoblin at K12 appears to be still actively bleeding but there isn't a lot of blood on the ground yet. You won't know if it will survive with out getting closer and examining him - but he looks like the best hope. Most of the rest are obviously beyond recovery.

2013-03-21, 04:45 AM
With a grim smile Tessalyn continues after the unseen caster. The enhanced speed, to her it seemed more like the world had slowed down somewhat, easily making her able to keep up while listening and looking for anything that could reveal the enemy.

Move as much as needed to keep up with the enemy, preferably gaining on it. If allowed, readying action to attack if given a chance.
Listen, Spot and Move Silently as before.


2013-03-21, 05:12 AM
Fenn Shadowfox (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=524359)
Male NG Whisper Gnome Rogue 2, Scout 3, Swordsage 1, Level 6, Init +8, HP 34/48, Speed 40 ft.
AC 20, Touch 17, Flat-footed 14, Fort +6, Ref +15, Will +4, Base Attack Bonus +3
+1 Shortsword +12 (1d4+1, 19-20, x2)
Shortbow (20) +10 (1d4, x3)
Least Crystal of Arrow Deflection (+2 AC vs. ranged attacks) +1 Leafweave Leather (+3 Armor, +6 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 23, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 6
Condition +1 AC when Skirmishing.

Cursing himself for the fact that he said "kilomesh" instead of "milokesh" while activating the scroll, Fenn slips it into his pocket and moves out into the road, drawing his blade once more. He slips past the magically enlarged Irina and to her side, ready to kill goblins once more.

Double move to Q7.

2013-03-21, 05:29 AM
Before continuing her pursuit again, Erin takes a moment to try again to pinpoint her target.

Listen [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

2013-03-21, 11:18 PM
Irina unleashes a ferocious blow with the wicked-looking spike on her elbow, directing it at the hobgoblin pinned between her and the bear. She then brings her guisarme to bear upon another of the bandits. She then shouts a command at Fenn, "Now!" urging him to strike at their adversaries.

Armor spikes against R9 hobgoblin. Flanking and Furious Counterstrike included. [roll0] for [roll1] damage.
Guisarme against T10, FC included. [roll2] for [roll3]
Swift action: White Raven Tactics on Fenn to attack!

2013-03-22, 05:30 AM
Fenn Shadowfox (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=524359)
Male NG Whisper Gnome Rogue 2, Scout 3, Swordsage 1, Level 6, Init +8, HP 34/48, Speed 40 ft.
AC 20, Touch 17, Flat-footed 14, Fort +6, Ref +15, Will +4, Base Attack Bonus +3
+1 Shortsword +12 (1d4+1, 19-20, x2)
Shortbow (20) +10 (1d4, x3)
Least Crystal of Arrow Deflection (+2 AC vs. ranged attacks) +1 Leafweave Leather (+3 Armor, +6 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 23, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 6
Condition +1 AC when Skirmishing.

Haste - +1 to attack, Reflex, AC. +30ft to movement speed.

Seeing the opening provided by his enlarged ally, Fenn lashes out with his deadly and deceptively small blade, striking just where it matters most, Emanuel's magicks making his movement a blur of speed.

Forgot about Haste, could've made it there in one move. Attack vs. hobgobby R8: [roll0] (12 + 1 for goblinoid + 1 for Haste (which I was forgetting about))

damage [roll1] + skirmish [roll2] + SA [roll3]

And now for my WRT'd round. Again vs. R8, unless he falls then I'll move onto S8.

Attack #1 [roll4]
Crit Confirm [roll5]
Damage #1 [roll6] + SA [roll7]
Crit Damage [roll8]

Attack #2 [roll9]
Crit Confirm [roll10]
Damage #2 [roll11] + SA [roll12]
Crit Damage [roll13]

2013-03-22, 11:53 AM


Tess / Erin

Erin is unable to gleam even a clue this round where the invisible caster is. The bear's roar must be too loud or something. Erin knows he is South of her though based on what she heard previously.

Tess is further south and has slightly more luck. She is confident he is in a 20ft area that starts about 10ft south of her current possition.

2013-03-22, 02:29 PM
This may or may not be possible for me to do this turn, if it isn't: ignore all of it. Otherwise, here goes:

Stopping for a second Tessalyn tilts her head a bit and listens for the sound of heavy breathing. The unknown enemy was getting a bit winded, tired even. And it was near. Very near. Quickly the rogue Companion thrusts her free hand into her beltpouch and fishes out a dullish dark grey stone the size of a toddler's fist and after another half a second of listening throws the stone hard at a tree roughly in the middle of the area she can be certain the caster is in, twenty feet away from her.
The stone hits the stone with a too powerful crack, almost a boom, and Tess dashes forward, rapier in hand.
That'll make it harder for him... her... whatever to sneak away. It's damn hard to be silent when you can't hear anything. Not to mention that magicians never seem able to cast spells very well when they can't hear what they're saying. I'll just have to buy a new thunderstone when we get to a good alchemist.

So: Move action to pick a thunderstone out of my belt pouch (I keep it relatively empty to make such easy enough) and a Standard action to throw it into the center of the 20 foot area. It has a ten foot radius so it should cover the whole area effectively and is within one range increment and since I don't aim for anyone I shouldn't even have to roll for it. Fort dc 15 isn't too hard, but hopefully it'll stress the enemy even if it passes the check. It doesn't know how many I have. :smallamused:

2013-03-22, 08:15 PM
"Damn it all," Erin scowls, then ignoring her sphere which fizzled out of existence soon after, she takes a double move to go 40 feet down (40 base speed, rough terrain halves it to 20 each), hoping to inadvertently bump into the invisible target.

2013-03-23, 10:32 PM
The ambushing hobogoblns wither again from the hero's counter attack. Their numbers get decimated - with three more hobgoblins falling and another getting seriously injured.

The two remaining hobgoblins in melee exchange grim glances and renew their attack.





The hobgoblin archer spots Emanuel lying down and arches his shot. Its a difficult shot but it still flies true and barely grazes his leg. One of the hobgoblins with a sword moves towards Fenn and attacks. Unfortunately for the hobgoblin, his was balance thrown off by the constant harassing of the huge Irina and missed by a mile.

The heavily injured hobgoblin currently fighting the bear, takes another swing. Despite Irina's watchful glare the sword finds a home in the bear's skull. It drops with a loud 'thump'. His other hand is busy holding a terrible wound in his side.

Tess and Erin:

Erin is able to pull up along side Tess and watches her toss a thunderstone that lands just over 10 in front of them both. Both their ears ring slightly but they are of course unharmed by it's effect being so far back.

They hear an audible 'GAH!' be exclaimed just a few feet in front of them. Suddenly the shimmering figure turns and is on them in an instant.

2013-03-23, 10:50 PM
[roll0] vs 19 AC (flat footed Tes -uncanny dodge)

The hobgoblin caster suddenly appears in front of Tess and Erin. His heavy mace was already in full swing towards Tess's stomach and she takes the blow.

"By TIAMats vive-heads I smiff eww" he shouts at you in common. His speech obviously impacted by his hearing problems. His foul breath sprays across both of you.


Emanuel takes 5 damage
Tess takes 8 damage.
Hobgoblin caster is no longer invisible as he has attacked in melee.



Hobgoblin at T9 is injured but still fighting. Some dead bodies have been moved for to make the map easier to read.

2013-03-24, 11:58 AM
Irina, out of the hobgoblin's reach, continues to rain blows upon them. "When you arrive in the Nine Hells, tell them that Irina Falconsflight sent you, cur." she bellows, her body a blur of ferocious motion.

3 attacks. Furious Counterstrike is sadly down, since Irina's delayed damage pool is empty. Alas.

+1 Guisarme vs. T9: [roll0] for [roll1] damage.
Hasted MW armor spikes vs. S7: [roll2] for [roll3]

Last attack will be targeted on whichever goblin is still standing, and thus may be armor spikes or guisarme, depending. Attack roll is the same, damage will vary. All rolls made here, as needed:

[roll4] for (either) [roll5] (guisarme) or [roll6] armor spikes.

2013-03-24, 06:44 PM
mini update:

T9 drops and S8 is badly injured.

2013-03-24, 09:52 PM
I'm assuming since you said Erin pulled up with Tess and that the goblin swung at Tess he should be either adjacent to be or a mere 5ft step away? If not lemme know and I'll edit in a move action.

Not bothering to reply to the partially deafened Goblinoid Erin reaches over and casts. Her hands still glowing gold from her previous spell go blue as she reaches for the goblin.

Casting defensively [roll0] (Level 3 spell so DC 18)
Assuming I don't get borked by the dice: casting Shivering Touch
Melee Touch attack [roll1]
assuming I hit [roll2] Dex damage and probably one paralyzed goblinoid...

2013-03-24, 10:00 PM
Mini-update 2:

Tess and Erin:

The caster shivers uncontrollably.He is very very sluggish now, but still moving under his own power.

2013-03-26, 02:10 PM
Tessalyn's shout of success when the hobgoblin flickers into view is interrupted as the breath is slammed out of her in a wheezing "Whoof!" but the Companion-turned-adventurer stubbornly refuses to go down. Growling through the pain and lack of air she forces her lugns to suck in air as Erin distracts the caster with a spell that slows the enemy down. Ignoring the burning pain in her leg and gut she sidesteps then tumbles around the enemy to take up position on the other side, her rapier stabbing viciously at the goblinoid mage. "Just die already."

Hast is still in effect, I think... Move action to flank the enemy. Tumble around to avoid AoOs. Then attack followed by full attack:

Edit: Not stellar. But with the extra movement from Haste it's not like I'm moving more than half my speed so I guess it'll do (dc should be 15 if I haven't misread anything).



2013-03-26, 10:22 PM
Emanuel winces again as, shifting, trying to press himself lower into the ground.

In retrospect, I prepared way to many "Oh god we're losing run for it run for it!" spells, and not enough "Try to win first" spells.

2013-03-29, 12:09 AM
Fenn takes a few steps forward and attacks the injured, remaining melee-hobgoblin. His sword hits true twice and the hobby falls to the ground, very dead.

The archer hobgoblin takes a shot at Irina as she is the easiest target he can pick out through the trees. He knew his last plunging shot was a bit of a fluke. His hands shake as he pulls the string back and fired on the giant.

20% miss chance

Tess tumbled around behind the caster hobgoblin into a better position but her attacks only hits the armor the hobgoblin was wearing. Besides knocking him off balance a little, there seemed to be little lasting damage. The hobgoblin attacks Tess once again with his heavy mace. He snarls as he swings.



The arrow fired at Irina flies wild and goes over everyone's head.

Tessalyn takes another 4 damage from the caster hobgoblin's weapon

2013-03-30, 02:33 PM
Cursing like a sailor Tessalyn tries to dodge the hobgoblin's wicked mace but still get hit, with more than glancing blow, over the shoulder. This was bad... she could feel her wounds slowing her down now, the arrow in her leg, the churning pain in her stomach and the numbing sensation in her left arm. But refusing to give up she stabs again at the monster. Brutally seeking to pay him back.

No movement now. Just stabby-stabby. And a fair bit of dodging.



2013-03-30, 03:00 PM
Tessalyn's first attack punched right through the hobgoblin's armor, piercing his kidney. The hobgoblin spun around screaming in pain and was suddenly silenced as she ram her blade into his exposed throat. His body went limp and crashed to the ground. This hobgoblin was well and truely dead.

2013-03-30, 03:49 PM
Splattered with blood and surrounded by corpses, Irina pauses only to spit as she advances on the remaining hobgoblin.

Move 50' toward hobgoblin at I1. Smack him with guisarme.
[roll0] for [roll1]

2013-03-30, 03:59 PM
Irina barely hits the last hobgoblin but with her giant strength, the hobgoblin topples over. Arrows get strew about knocked loose by the large polearm.


Looks like combat is over...

2013-03-30, 08:54 PM
"Damn, I wanted to question him" she mutters as the casting goblin falls limp. She makes her way back to the others and looks for one that's still breathing. "If I find a breather, anybody got any rope?" she asks the group, "I know- my bad for not having any..."

(OOC: if she finds a breather and someone gives her rope she can cast a cantrip Orison cure to stabilize it rather than try a heal check)

2013-03-31, 12:19 AM
"Is everyone alright?" Irina asks before wiping her blade on the tall grass near the fallen hobgoblin. She closes her eyes and mutters a quick prayer of thanks to The Stern Lady, grateful that her patron continues to bless her grim work. The paladin searches the slain goblinoid, looking for anything of value or interest and taking its bow and arrows; Irina lacked a ranged weapon. The Ruby Sorceress' champion drew out a wand, waving it toward her companions with an encouraging smile. "This will close any wounds you might have," she says before activating the healing rod's enchantment. Irina grew contemplative for a moment, wondering what might have caused these brigands to waylay travelers along this road.

Burn a charge on the wand of Lesser Vigor, granting Fast Healing 1 for 11 rounds. Heal allies who request aid. Search bodies and surrounding area. Knowledge: Religion check for Tiamat reference [roll0]
Knowledge: Nobility check for information on nearby nobles who would have an interest in hobgoblins raiding this area [roll1]

2013-03-31, 12:45 AM
Crying out in equal parts victory and pain as her enchanted rapier neatly glides into the throat of the vicious hobgoblin priest Tess then slumps, falling to her knees on the ground next to the killed enemy. Panting hard from the exhaustion and the wounds she grits her teeth, snaps of the arrow in her leg and starts searching the hobgoblin for valuables as well as clues to his identity, allegiance and motive for attacking travelers. Although, the last might be a simple "because we felt like it". In any case, there was no chance in Tarterus she'd carry the ugly thing back to the rest. Glancing up for Erin to ask her to help out with the armour the Companion finds her comrade gone back to the road already. Shrugging, and wincing a bit from it, she instead removes her backpack and starts stuffing down the loot there, after a quick inventory.

Like stated above. No chance that Tess will carry all that dead weight (literally!) back to the others. So a Search check for both hidden valuables and clues while everything of value is put into the Haversack and carried back to the others. Not sure if she'll turned out a bit Haley-ish with what she finds. Yet. We'll see when we get the list of what she found. :smallbiggrin:

A frelling four? Crap. Let's hope the hobbo didn't do too good hiding stuff. Or that he didn't try at all. :smallannoyed:
Screw it. Let's just make it a Take 20 for a 31 search check instead.

In due time Tessalyn emerges from the bushes, hobbling out on the road. "Sorry. I was going to try to take the invisible one alive..." she says with a slight slurr to her voice. She seems to be in no danger of slipping out of consciousness but worn and battered. "He wasn't really cooperating... speaking of which: care to hit me a time or two with that wand?"
With a groan the former dancer lowers herself, almost falls, to the ground, sitting down in the middle of the road and leans back against her backpack.

2013-03-31, 03:01 PM
Irina and Fenn sort through the fallen Hobgoblin's equipment and lump it into a pile at the side of the road. Fenn just leaves the dead hobgoblins in their armor as there doesn't seem to be anything speical about it.

Irina notices the dead caster off in the forest has a holy symbol of Tiamat around his neck - and that he seems to be unarmed and have nothing besides his armor.


Regular hobgoblins (12 bodies):

12 longswords of fine quality
12 composite longbows (+1 str bonus)
12 suits of chainmail
12 heavy steel shields
12 potions of cure light wounds

~200 arows total

Dead cleric

1 holy symbol that Irina ideantifies as symbolizing Tiamat.
banded armor of fine quality

Stuff Tess found:

2 poitions cure light
2 scrolls
heavy mace of fine quality
light steel shield


2 glowing short swords
studded leather armor of fine quality.

2013-03-31, 03:11 PM
Emanuel looks sadly at the dead hobgoblins before turning his attention to the retrieved materials. "Unfortunate that none of them survived. The dead are so much harder to question," he states, cold eyes resting on the Blade Bearer. "Though not impossible, if one of you is willing to carry his weight until we make camp."

With that Emanuel turns his attention to the items before them, his fingers tracing delicately over the swords and scrolls.

I don't know if you allow Knowledge: Arcana rolls for identifying items, but if so:

Sword 1 : [roll0]
Sword 2: [roll1]

2013-03-31, 03:23 PM
"We can sling their warmaster over onto Honor," Irina flatly states, gesturing toward her horse, "along with as much gear as we can fit into her saddlebags." Irina slings one of the logbows over her shoulder and takes a quiver full of arrows. "We should take a few healing potions each, and sell whatever is impractical to carry or keep when we can. Let's search a bit more, and keep your eyes peeled. This may have only been part of a larger group."

Any info from that Knowledge: Religion check or the Nobility check? If nobody needs any more healing or anything, let's keep moving carefully along the road. Sling the bladebearer's corpse on my mount's back. I suggest we all make lots of spot checks and the like. Be on "high alert." Since Fenn is still technically with us, I suggest he continue to take point and scout ahead.

2013-03-31, 03:32 PM

For the nobility check no one comes to mind. Its unlikely someone in the 'proper circles' would openly worship Tiamat.


The two swords are glowing the way a magical weapon would.

If you had to guess they are likely +1 short swords but you would need an identify spell to be certain.

As for the scrolls, I'm not sure you know about those at this point.

@ Tess

If you are going to pocket stuff, you should roll some slight of hand rolls. Erin was within 5 feet of you when you started looting and now the cleric's body is empty. Fenn and Irina were wandering around as well gather stuff.

2013-03-31, 04:23 PM
When Irina and Fenn start gathering the spoils of war from the other fallen Tessalyn shrugs out of her backpack and adds a few things to the pile: a mace and a shield, two scrolls and two potion vials. There is just a slight hint of hesitation about the way she adds the last two objects, where she seemingly had to move a coil of rope to get to the tiny bottles which had slipped a bit further down the haversack. Despite it being enchanted. "There was nothing identifying on the spellcaster. Aside from a symbol of Tiamat... He went on about her like you wouldn't believe after me and Erin caught up to him."

If it's retconned to Tess finding the symbol as well, then she had stuffed it in her beltpouch and holds it up now for everyone to see. Otherwise I guess she thought it enough to tell them about it. :smallwink:

Edit: Also, nothing of that is worth sneaking away from the others. :smallbiggrin:

2013-04-01, 02:18 AM
"Lend me that rope, would you please," Erin says to Tess while she digs around in her bag. "I want to bind that breather over there," she points to the still breathing archer in the negatives. "Then revive him so we can question him."

(Side note, if no one else grabs the armors off the dead before they go- just being clear Erin's not squeamish about it xD)

2013-04-01, 02:21 AM
"I'm not sure he'll survive the binding..." Emanuel says, walking quickly towards the Hobgoblin before looking around. "I don't have any healing magic prepared... could someone else kindly do the honours?" he says, crouching over the hobgoblin, eyeing its unconscious face curiously.

2013-04-01, 06:44 PM
Irina scowls at the fallen hobgoblin, then briefly places her left palm on the wound across its chest. Her eyes close for a moment, and healing energy courses from her fingers into the injured bandit.

Spend 1 point of Lay on Hands to stabilize/heal the hobgob.

2013-04-01, 06:58 PM
"Ah... thank you," Emanuel says as the Hobgoblin's breathing steadies. "That will make things much easier...

Emanuel considers to study the unconscious foe before him, hands reaching out to touch the ugly face, studying the bone structure with great interest.

"If anyone has any abilities that would lessen his resistance to mental effects... I doubt it will be necessary, but caution is never wasted."

Just to check - can I carry on a conversation while maintaining concentration on a spell?

2013-04-01, 08:39 PM
1.) The hobgoblin is stabilized and unconscious.


Knowledge: Religion check for Tiamat reference (1d20+8)[18]
Knowledge: Nobility check for information on nearby nobles who would have an interest in hobgoblins raiding this area (1d20+5)[10]

Sorry about messing up your second question - I blame the hookers and blow.

You aren't aware of any nobles in the area that might be interested. Likely the townsfolk at the Ferry might care.

3.) Fenn finds and points out some dried blood pools on the ground that don't seem to correspond to any of the fallen hobgoblins. There seem to be drag marks in the dirt as well but he isn't completely sure.

2013-04-02, 07:14 PM
"I can cast detect thoughts and see about trying to catch him in a lie- or maybe he'll say one thing and think the truth?"

2013-04-02, 07:23 PM
"That was my plan as well... I thought we would question him first, and then let him know we could sense his thoughts... his mind might be drawn to whatever he least wanted us to know."

2013-04-03, 05:23 PM
"In that case," Erin makes a show of casting her Detect Thoughts spell, "You can ask when ready, tell him what you need to make him think." she says offhandedly as she starts concentrating at the goblinoid.

2013-04-03, 06:03 PM
Emanuel glances around uncomfortably, careful not to disturb the cleric's concentration. "Does anyone else have any magic by which the creature may be revived? I would suggest that someone bind him first, as well..."

EDIT: "I suggest you stay out of his field of view... nod when a particular question in answered, or when you otherwise want me to move on..."

2013-04-03, 08:35 PM
Irina sighs and sends expends more of her restorative power on the injured creature. "You don't deserve this, wretch, but we need to know what you do."

Lay on hands for the necessary four more points.

2013-04-03, 09:10 PM
Emanuel takes a seat opposite the hobgoblin, legs crossed beneath him, waiting for the creature to awaken before speaking, keeping his voice clipped and level.

"Hello. Take a moment to understand your situation; your allies are dead, we are in control, and you are our prisoner. Now, I think you understand what we want to know; if you do not tell us, things will go poorly for you."

2013-04-03, 09:25 PM
The hobgoblin spits out several long sentenaces in goblin. You don't recongize any of the words. Fenn understands the words and summerizes. The general gist of the words were suggesting the matriarch of your clan procreated, on demand, for copper coins.

2013-04-03, 10:00 PM
Emanuel pauses for a long moment, looking slightly embarrassed. "Ah... Fenn, would you mind passing my statements onto our friend here? And remind me to have a long talk with you about the language, before we part ways."

2013-04-03, 11:10 PM
While Fenn and Emanuel interrogate the hobgoblin, Irina proceeds to drag the corpses of his former allies toward him. Still enormous from the enlarging spell, she prays to The Ruby Goddess in an ominous tone, offering the dead to her patron deity, maintaining eye contact with their captive the entire time. The ritual completed she then proceeds to clean the blade of the glaive with which she slew so many brigands.

Intimidate check. +4 because of the size category difference, plus any potentially applicable bonus for killing a ton of this hobgoblin's buddies.

2013-04-04, 12:03 AM
The hobgoblin seems a little shaken by the massive glaive. He switches to speaking Common.

"Let me go!" he says as he flinches away from Irina.

2013-04-04, 12:20 AM
Emanuel chuckles to himself, eyes still on the Hobgoblin's. "Unlikely, but I suppose anything is possible. For the moment, you need to be talking. Were you part of a larger group?"

2013-04-04, 10:04 PM
"We're a forward raiding party...for an army that is going to roll through here and burn... EVERYTHING." The hobgoblin spits out angrily. "It will be a tide of death that sweeps the weak humans from this land. If you turn around and leave now you might live." He turns his head and spits on the ground.

2013-04-04, 10:19 PM
Emanuel's fingers drum once against his leg, but his eyes actually seem to light up at the goblin's words. "Oh my," he replies, leaning forward, watching the goblin's face for a long moment, glancing at his friend for confirmation. "You aren't lying, are you? Who's leading this army? Where are they based out of? What are their numbers?"

2013-04-05, 02:17 AM
Irina is visibly angered by the hobgoblin's words. "Answer him," she demands loudly. She brandishes the guisarme with a bloody flourish.

2013-04-06, 04:31 PM
The hobgoblin flinches again. " We serve Wyrmloth Koth the mighty - there are dozens in his warband. The army is huge and made up of many warbands. The warbands are mighty. The river will run red with weakblood."

2013-04-06, 05:59 PM
Emanuel's face darkens, but he keeps his tone level as he leans in and speaks more. "Mighty is subjective. Tell me numbers, tell me who commands the army, and tell me where they come from."

2013-04-06, 06:13 PM
The hobgoblin shrugs. "Couple hundred - an army. Its more than I can count. I dunno who is leading the army right now. Tiamat guides us. You will be dead soon."

2013-04-06, 06:28 PM
"Tiamat?" Emanuel asks, raising a lone eyebrow, his face showing genuine concern for the first time in the conversation.

Knowledge rolls for anything linking Tiamat to Hobgoblins, or this region. I'm just gonna roll everything relevant and see if anything sticks:

Religion: [roll0]
History: [roll1]
Local: [roll2]

2013-04-06, 10:59 PM
Irina thrusts her frame directly into the hobgoblin's face. "Who is this Koth the Mighty? Where is he headquartered? Why should I let you live?" Irina's fury begins to get the better of her, so she attempts restraint. "I serve the goddess of Death, Wee Jas. Tell us, and I will ask her to intercede on your brothers' behalf," the paladin pauses for effect, "remain silent, and I will offer you to her."

2013-04-07, 09:52 AM
Erin listens to the Hobogoblin for any thoughts that might betray him, she also thinks to try and make any links between them and Tiamat.

Knowledge Checks:

Arcana: [roll0]
Local: [roll1]
History: [roll2]
Religion: [roll3]

2013-04-07, 09:08 PM
"Koth is holed up in some ruins in the forest. Koth is mighty. Dat all I know. He once cut the head off a bear in one swing. You should let me live cause I answers yer stupid questions. "


History checks:

There have always been wild tribes to the far west and they have occasionally raided these lands. Nothing seems to indicate a link to Tiamat previously.

The hobgoblin seems to be telling the truth as far as he knows it.

2013-04-08, 01:54 PM
"Yes, Live, perhaps a nice jail cell will be suitable, otherwise that seems quite fine to me," she looks to the others to see if they seem to think one way or another on the matter.

2013-04-08, 11:45 PM
The hobgoblin looks around at the party hopefully.

2013-04-09, 12:29 AM
Hated burns from Irina's eyes, directed at the hobgoblin. "Tie him up, Fenn, and tether him behind my horse. He's kept up his part of the bargain, we'll keep ours." She looked around at the dead raiders, and silently asked Wee Jas to guide them to whatever afterlife they deserved. "Remember, scum, honor is what separates the civilized from scapegraces like yourself." Her fury abated, Irina leads Honor and the hobgoblin down the road, and begins to search the area for more evidence of the raiding party.

2013-04-09, 08:38 PM
The group picks clean the bodies of anything useful. Fenn drags the bodies off the road and flops them into the ditch. He lightly kicks one of the corpses as a final goodbye.

Irina finds more drag marks similar to the ones found earlier. They lead to the nearby farm house, just 25 feet or so off the road. Laid out in front of the house are a half dozen dead bodies. At first glance it appears to be two farmers (husband and wife), a merchant and three guards. A couple bags have been strewn about and several weapons lie on the ground.

From the smell of things, they have been dead a few days. Left to rot in the sun.


This is about 50 feet from where the battle took place.

2013-04-09, 11:39 PM
Upon seeing the bodies, Irina grabs the hobgoblin prisoner. She roughly shoves him in front of the discovered corpses. She pulls our her guisarme, and points it at the pitiful creature.

"Bury them," she orders.

2013-04-11, 10:47 PM
The hobgoblin looks at the bodies for a moment then back at the guisarme, then back at the bodies. He sighs deeply and holds up his bound hands presumably to be untied. "dey will take long time to bury...need shovel"

combined spot:

Its pretty obvious to everyone that the hobgoblin's eyes are lingering on the weapons scattered on the ground from the dead guards.

2013-04-12, 12:12 AM
Irina's countenance remains unchanged. "Use your hands."

2013-04-13, 12:03 AM
The hobgoblin's head drops in disappointment and he falls to his knees. He starts clawing at the hard ground with his hands. He grumbles something under his breath. The hot sun beats down as the hobgoblin works away feeblely. Bits of grass and dirt cling to his face, stuck there with his sweat.

2013-04-15, 12:31 AM
Fenn and Erin gather up the belongings scattered across the ground - nothing besides the coins seems worth taking at first glance. The hobgoblin digs as fast as he can, spurred on by Irina's menacing glare. After a few minutes Fenn gets bored and searches the farmer's house. He comes back with a few shovels and a stone pick. Fenn helps dig one of the graves but refuses to let the hobgoblin have any implement.

Packing up, the group continues on to Drellin's Ferry. The walk is uneventful. The hobgoblin complains a few times about his sore, bleeding hands but a few sharp glares shuts him up.

The town staddles the Elsir river and from the last hill heading into town you can just barely make out the ferry going across the river, drifting every so slowly.

About a quarter mile from the town there are five heavily armored men sitting on a wagon at the side of the road. They each have a longsword, sheathed at their side and carry a polished steel shield.

One of them steps out to the middle of the road to greet the party as they approach. He holds an arm out and says :

"Halt, state your business."

2013-04-15, 07:40 PM
"Well," Erin steps forward, "As of yesterday our business was simple, in the traditional old ways, set out to make fame and fortune, as of today however we stepped into something a little bigger," she throws a glare back at the hobgoblin, "Our prisoner here, which we welcome you to take custody of, has some interesting information about recent developments you might need to hear. If he's unwilling to spill we can give you the abridged version he gave us- that being- war is coming. With sharp and pointy friends."

2013-04-15, 10:31 PM
Irina nods to the soldiers. "What my friend is saying is that we were assailed by a party of hobgoblins near a farm not far up the road from here. They'd already killed the farmer and his wife, as well as a merchant and his guards. We managed to capture one of the bandits, and he's been cooperative, telling us a bit of the disposition of the larger army. I am Irina Falconsflight, servant of The Ruby Sorceress, and I would speak to whomever is in command here." Irina nods to her companions, waiting to see if they intend to introduce themselves or not.

2013-04-30, 11:54 PM
The solider lowers his and his face slowly drains of color as your words sink in. He looks down at his feet for a moment looking rather stunned. He finally seems to come around "Unfortunately that makes sense. Goblins raids used to be rare. The increased raids are why we are stationed out here..." he adds motioning to the rest of his group.

"Can you please take your prisoner to Captain Anitah." He gestures towards the city. "I fear if you leave him in the company of my men, justice might come too swiftly. Any information he may have is useless to a sargent stuck as his post for another 3 hours." A few of the guards grip their swords a little too tight and stare at the hobgoblin with ill intent.

He brings his hand to his helmet in an informal salute and slight nod of his head.

2013-05-01, 01:13 PM
Emanuel nods silently from the back of the group, lost in thought since the battle with the hobgoblins.

Where around here could I look into joining the paragnostic assembly? Knowledge(Local) if required - [roll0]

2013-05-06, 11:01 PM
"Who is Captain Anitah? We would speak with him further."