View Full Version : Being Epic (DTD)

2013-03-09, 11:50 PM
History tells us that the Syrne had a weapon capable of cracking and slowly shattering a crystal sphere. The crystal sphere of Narcim is the last existing proof of this...but not much longer.
Narcim built and launched seven carrier ships to move the entire crystal sphere's populous.
Before launch, seven identical envelopes were placed on a table, each containing a different crystal sphere as the ship's destination. Each ship's captain chose one from the table, and gave it to the navigator aboard their respective carrier. The navigators were only to open the envelopes when the ship was committed to the relay gate. This dispersement method was to try and lessen the shock of an entire sphere's population being moved.
Narcim's entire population was insured for this event, a feat that took many generations of politics, deals, and wealth.
The Albatross is the only carrier not bound for another sphere...The Albatross is bound for Sigil.
The 2 week journey to Sigil was fairly smooth, as only minor course corrections were needed to avoid less stable elements of the Warp. Sigil, being the beacon by which one navigates the warp, is not hard to find. Upon arrival in Sigil, even the massive carrier feels small situated next to the massive superstructure of Sigil. The Albatross experienced a small hiccup while docking to the vacant shipyard. While the entire yard had been shutdown and cleared for the specific purpose of mooring the Albatross, the ship struck and broke free part of the mooring structure, delaying the ship in orbit for another two days while repairs were made and stray debris collected.
Once the ship was moored, the quarantine began. 1 full week of nothing but day-to-day operations, and one sleepless night of listening to every were-being on board rattling the brigs, as adjusting to the new lunar schedule is not boding well for some.
Today, the quarantine has been lifted. In a few hours, the crews will finish moving those who are in critical state (either from before launch, injuries during travel, or those who found themselves in the brig on the wrong night) from the ship, and open departure will begin. The morning begins with a call across the intercom stating that the initial customs sortation of cargo and baggage has begun, but the insurance money is not yet available. However, minor purchases can be made to the ship's room keys and will be charged to the proper accounts when all funds and assets are properly sorted. Most estimates also place the customs sort completing in 2 months time, with personal belongings stuck at the 1 month marker.
The close of quarantine has also brought new faces aboard the ship. These faces, however, are covered with animal masks. These people are very official looking and converse mainly with the primary crew.
(((all players have only their basic belongings-all weapons were placed with their belongings or, if necessarily in the case of implantation, locked out. consider yourselves to have 1 dot of wealth for the time being. open departure is still closed.))

2013-03-10, 12:47 AM
Hyrule had spent most of the trip helping the ship's medical staff, providing his Pelor granted gifts and paramedics to those who turned up injured for one reason or another. With the accident during docking, he found his hands full all the way up to the lift of the quarantine. As the injured and sick were transferred to Sigil custody, he suddenly found himself with free time on his hands. And no guns. Without the constant distractions from the unfortunate, he was suddenly reminded that his precious bolter was being held, along with his other armaments. Luckily, he'd convinced the officials to spare his darksteel ammunition.

Rolling his somewhat bloody sleeves down, he threw his long coat on in one practiced motion and donned his trusty hat. If he was lucky, he could convince the customs representatives to release his belongings early, though he doubted it. If there was anything worth being strict with, it was weapon laws. Still, the Eladrin gunman felt uncomfortable without his bolter pistol, though the golden symbol of Pelor resting against his chest helped him keep his nerves. As he reached up to grip the keepsake, he noticed the masked customs officers of Sigil wandering about and tipped his hat politely before getting one's attention.

"Now, I don' mean t' be a bother or 'nuthin, but what 're th' chances of gettin' mah bolter back early?" He asked, getting straight to the point. "It's th' only thing I got left from mah worldship."

2013-03-10, 04:01 PM
Jerika sat alone, as she had for most of the trip. Fellow refugees had tried to strike up conversations with her during the voyage to no particular avail. Several days in, some had decided they'd take advantage of an unarmed girl travelling alone.

Those ones wouldn't be seeing Sigil.

As the strange customs agents brushed past her, Jerika's hand reflexively went to her hip where the famed sword Laser Swallow was supposed to be. It hadn't been there since they left, and she was becoming increasingly irritable without it.

Still, she waited. Nothing could keep them apart forever. And once she had her partner back, Sigil was a place full of opportunity...

2013-03-13, 01:51 AM
As Hyrule finished asking his question, the masked figure spoke almost mechanically, "..and what makes your item more important than any of the other million persons aboard this ship? No, i can't magically make your belongings go through the customs inspection any faster than what we are already performing, and these constant interruptions of people asking for their 'precious items' is not going to make the process any faster. Now i have important business to attend to, so i'll be on my way. Godspeed." The masked figure then makes a militant turn and continues down the corridor.

2013-03-13, 06:38 PM
Hyrule gave a heavy sigh. That was the response he was expecting, really. He tipped his hat politely and said, "Sorry t' disturb yer work," as the customs officer turned away. Seems he'd just have to get used to being bolterless a while longer. he stretched with a grunt and wandered the ship.

He noticed the odd warrior woman's cautious reaction as a pair of officers passed her and realized he wasn't the only one missing his weapons. He slipped his thumb into his belt and approached her, tipping his hat to her, "Yer feelin' it, too I reckon? Ain't easy stayin' calm without a bit o' protection. A month's a long time t' go unarmed."

2013-03-13, 07:54 PM
Jerika looked up at the Aasimar with a raised eyebrow. Polite conversation? Hardly anyone had dared try it the entire trip. It was a novelty.

"Once you break enough bones, people tend to notice that unarmed doesn't equal helpless," she says, matter-of-factly. "But yes, I do miss having Laser Swallow at my side. We haven't been apart this long since the day I first found him."

2013-03-14, 09:33 AM
((Hyrule is an Eladrin, so you're probably looking down at him))

The gunner priest gave a good-natured laugh. "So yer th' one causin' all thos' broken arms n' legs I've been healin' this whole trip," He deduced. "Been quite a few, yeh must h've had some serious botherin'." He extended his hand politely, still a bit discolored from his earlier work in the medical ward, but he was dealing with a warrior, he doubted she'd mind.

"Name's Hyrule, o' th' Southern Sun, Chosen o' Pelor," He offered, not asking for her name. He didn't need to know it, if she didn't want to give it herself. "Can' say I'm doin' as well as yeh, better with pistols th'n my fists, though I reckon I hit harder th'n some."

2013-03-14, 04:22 PM
(Jerika's sitting down so she's probably *still* looking up but.. derp!)

Jerika and took the chosen's hand and rose.

"Jerika Chen, manhunter," she says, "unarmed combat's just part of the job. Never know when you'll have to do it, after all."

2013-03-17, 05:49 PM
"Too true," Hyrule replied, tipping his hat back so he wouldn't have to crane his neck to actually look up at the woman now that she was standing at her full height. It's something he had to do often since being exiled from his worldship such a long time ago. "When it comes down t' it, though, I'd rather not have t' hurt anybody. Gun 'r no."

He hooked his thumbs into his belt, the empty holsters another reminder of his missing sidearms. "At least we'll be able t' get off o' this ship, soon, though that also means we'll have t' find accom'dati'ns event'lly. They ain't gonna let us freeload on th' ship ferever."

2013-03-25, 01:36 AM
Three notes play across the PA before a voice comes on. "Attention all passengers and crew. Before open departure begins, we would like to remind you that you are in the domain of the Lady of Pain. As such, we request that you follow all local laws and customs to the best of your abilities.
I would also like to inform all crew and passengers that while they are allowed to come and go from the ship while seeking more permanent residence, that the ship will be undergoing deconstruction within a week. Anyone who has not vacated their residence before the scheduled deconstruction of their residential block will be removed, by force in necessary. We will allow those who need it as much time as is determined 'safe' by regulations.
Lastly, please have all papers and identification ready before departing or boarding the ship.
That is all."

2013-04-09, 02:06 PM
As open departure begins, the exits are slammed with passengers trying to exit the ship. it takes another 4 hours before either of you manage to leave, as just about every other person asks the quartermaster at their station if their belongings have cleared customs.
Beyond the interlocks to the ship lies a huge shipyard slowly filling with massive containers from the carrier. It is clear the shipyard was not well maintained, as beams and parts that had been hastily replaced stand out starkly from those that have not. Aside from the carrier, no other ships are visible, possibly eclipsed behind the massive carrier if any. A few mule platforms can be heard grumbling in the distance, along with the sound of forklifts and heavy lifters maneuvering. The shipyard is still outside the main body of Sigil, which rises up and out of sight beyond the shipyard.