View Full Version : Challenging my players

2013-03-10, 01:25 AM
Hello fellow gamers, dungeon masters and forum posters. I am currently running an Eberron campaign with a group of five players, and things have been progressing exceptionally well through the campaign: Both my players and I are enjoying the game itself as well as the story unfolding from it. However, I am beginning to notice that the party as a whole is making short work of encounters that I had thought would be challenging.

Allow me to give an example:
During the last few sessions the player characters have been preparing and defending a frontier town on the coast of Xen'Drik from a small pirate fleet led by a disgraced admiral. Two of the forces that had been gathered by this renegade was a hill giant chieftan and his retinue and an ogre mage with a few levels in duskblade. The party's resident warblade opted to meet this hill giant and his oncoming horde outside the front gate, while the party's warlock took to the air to confront the ogre mage. The chieftan, being a barbarian, charges our warblade and lands a solid blow against him. On the warblade's turn, he unleashes hell: Boosted by haste and an enlarge person spell, and wielding a sword of giant-bane, he makes a full attack against the chieftan, and carves up the giant effortlessly. Meanwhile, up in the air, the warlock spies the ogre-mage flying into range. Using a combination of feats and invocations, the warlock unleashes an acidic blast of eldritch energy, frying the lesser giant in mid-air and sending him plummeting to his doom. The minions following them took the only logical course of action and immediately turned tail: And thus, the player characters turned back the besieging forces. Did I mention that this is a 6th level party?

Obviously, the players are enjoying these moments, and frankly, so am I: The players feel badass and it makes for some good story-telling all around. What I am worried about is that this will eventually result in the players becoming dismissive and detached, which is what I want to avoid: I definitely don't want to nerf any of the players, but I am finding it difficult to keep up the challenge difficulty. My first goal here being to provide something fun.

Any thoughts and suggestions?

2013-03-10, 03:53 AM
What is the party composition? Are they all 6th level? These guys need an encounter centered on skills- in other words, rogues. Lower level than them, but higher in number. Have a spellthief leader with them to put a dent on the casters

The rogues can hide while the ST uses his UMD on a few scrolls beforehand to fly above invisibly and stab the warlock or any other caster, stealing some spells along the way.

The rogues, confident on their hide skills, flank the warblade and put the hurt on him. He won't likely fall to the surprise round, but it will level the next following regular rounds.

Do not underestimate stealth. It¡s particularly useful against warrior types and casters.

2013-03-10, 05:06 AM
Advice i can give you before knowing details is maybe give them an encounter that they need to retreat from.

Can be hard to pull off for some groups/impossible.

Another Idea: Bring back someone they scorned from early in the campaign. Maybe an gnoll/kobold/orc or whatever tribe they massacred had a few surviving members hiding, watching as everything they had was killed/destroyed/taken. :smallfurious: Knowing their strength and weaknesses they come back as direct counters to each party member, using their personalities against them (plenty of awesome roleplaying to be had.) Perhaps the players will need to work together to switch challenges, or whatnot.

2013-03-10, 09:39 AM
Are your players over their normal WBL. Thats one way for PC's to breeze through encounters that should be too tough.

Also, make sure their builds are actually legal. I can't honestly think of a way a 6th level warlock could blast an Ogre Mage in a single round. There are no feats that boost eldritch damage, and there are no invocations that boost damage either.

2013-03-10, 09:55 AM
Hellfire Warlock is the goto for boosting damage, but you can't take it until level 10. (Or 9 with Primary Contact)

2013-03-13, 12:46 AM
Are your players over their normal WBL. Thats one way for PC's to breeze through encounters that should be too tough.

Also, make sure their builds are actually legal. I can't honestly think of a way a 6th level warlock could blast an Ogre Mage in a single round. There are no feats that boost eldritch damage, and there are no invocations that boost damage either.

Mortal Bane, from BOVD. Plus he rolled a confirmed critcal, so...

As for the treasure, yes, the players have gotten lucky with some randomly generated treasure. One possibility I have considered for this is to have the townsfolk ask the pcs to "donate" some of their items toward funding improvements to the village defenses and advertisement of the settlement as "totally legit" to attract settlers.

As for the composition of the party:
One half-elf warblade: Favorite Maneuver - Bonecrusher. The group's "Judge Dredd"
One human druid: fleshraker animal companion, hasn't had to wild shape yet. This player is still getting the hang of things, but is enjoying the game and really getting the hang of it.
One Dreamsight shifter swordsage: A master of the Cthonic Serpent (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=131567). The party's "Obi-Wan"
One human warlock: Basically, he's the group's "Iron Man", except Chaotic Neutral going on Chaotic Evil.
One human wizard: Specializing in spells that control his enemies and enhance his powers of investigation. The group's "Sherlock Holmes"

All of them are 6th level.

2013-03-13, 07:13 AM
How did he make the blast acid?

As for the warblade, how many maneuvers did he use to carve up the hill giant?


As a DM, my suggestion is that if the players are dishing out massive damage, simply double or treble the hit points of everything they face.

On the flipside, feel free to have them mow down a massive army of weaker foes, they will feel totally badass.