View Full Version : Basic 3e/PF ideas: Fixes

Scowling Dragon
2013-03-10, 04:35 AM
This is just a bit of a brainstorm (Just Raw Ideas) of what I would do to create 3e as I would like to have it:

A: No ability score scaling. What determines the ability score is the actual monster and/or size bonuses.

Im VERY tired of mindless brutal demons that are Smarter then mages that study for years.

If an ability score is especially high, its accounted for in monster difficulty.

B: Add an armor score, and replace AC with Reflex.

This is the standard complaint of how armor doesn't work like armor and makes no sense in combination with DR. Make sure the damage in the game done is structured around the idea of having armor and such.

Reflex is already essentially dodging, and since reflex naturally scales with Level, then there is no need for buying tons of magical AC boosters. The base score can be a static 10 for Bow and arrow attacks and rays, but can be required to roll for saves to keep the spirit of rolling saves intact.

C: Since we have made everything scale naturally, we can then illiminate boring spells like "Attack booster #1242". There can be a few of them, but be sure that they don't stack (Or minimally stack), and boring items like "AC booster/ Score booster #272".

D: Monster Core, Overhaul. Take a page from 4e and structure core monster stuff (Like Saves and BAB and Hit dice) based on what the monster DOES rather then all based on type.

You can have Undead that are fantastic warriors, or Outsiders that have Horrid BAB because they are built around spell-casting.

E: Monster Abilities Overhaul.

This partially requires a bit of perma fluff inbuilt into the core system so that too minimize monster disparencies.

Ramble inside:
You like sending Undead's against your characters. But since they are immune to essentially everything they become a bore for just the cleric to turn.

My idea is really thinking about the fluff behind the Undeads, Constructs, and Elementals and living beings.

I suggest we view that instead of living beings are Positive and Undead are negative we should work that EVERY creature is powered by a sort of energy:

Material Plane Creatures are powered by positive energy, Elementals are powered by their element, and constructs are powered by animating magics.

Thus they are healed by their element, and damaged by the others. Their opposite element especially so.

Every moving creature, is powered at least a bit by its "Soul". Its soul is essentially a renewable capsule of their energy type. It provides them at least in part, their energy.

When a person dies, the Capsule leaves for greener pastures.

The Negative energy plane however, doesn't have any natural creatures evolving from it.

Its process involves using the bodies of dead stuff, and replacing the capsule functions.

This process isn't perfect, and usually once a body starts rotting, it will loose motor functions like an Ordinary person. Negative energy is quite powerful, so it can replace allot of internal organs. But only a certain amount depending on the power of the capsule.

What this means is that undeads can still be exhausted, tired, and have Ability score damage. However it looses its Int and Wis Scores. And simply counts them as very low.
However, up the Power of the capsule, and it starts replacing more and more functions of the body, until its essentially just a Skeleton.

Now we have the Skeleton. A more powerful version of the Zombie. Its almost completely powered by its Capsule, and its Charisma score (In this thing representing its life force). It STILL can be tired but its ability to be tired is tied to its negative energy capsule.

Thus if you can drain energy from the capsule, you can exhaust the undeads.

Undeads like Liches just use even more powerful capsules and are simply more difficult to tire. And would still have their Int and Wis scores but in order to damage them, you have use spells that targets the capsule in specifically as its using the capsule to store its mind and stuff. A creature always has a copy of its mind in its original capsule, however it usually can't use its capsules copy to pilot its body.

What essentially my ramble means is that allow for monster differences, but don't clump them together. A monster begins with the weakest versions of its abilities. And if stated otherwise, adjust the monster CR accordingly.

Allowing for level 1 Undead, Construct, and Other stuff like that characters, and with leveling up allow for gradual empowerment. Or it can be given early on and counts as a big power boost.

F: Make the Secondary Advancement work properly. Feats where supposed to be the second way you could advance your character in power. They where poorly structured and imbalanced.

Take a page out of Legends and have the secondary advancement to allow for tracks. The more tracks it has the more powerful it is. Allowing for multi-classing and allowing for easier balancing.

So you could be a Fully Undead Fighter. Or a Fighter who is Alive yet fights much better. Or a Half Fighter half mage.

G: Go back to "Attacks per Round" Instead of -5 per every attack. Make it work the same way for Creatures with natural attacks.

I giggle every time I imagine Dragons breakdancing as they attack like 7 times in 3 seconds. with every part of their body.

H: This would require some work: Adding a stunt system for martial characters.

Now this may sound weird but I think this would require some sort of puzzle/ Card game.

When I think about when I play Magic the Gathering and pull off a very cool combo, its the same type of feeling I get when I pull off a combo in Batman Arkham asylum.

If made properly and structured around tactical movement and moves combined with attacks could have the same level of satisfaction in defense and counterattacks.

2013-03-10, 05:13 AM
Glossing over the majority of the OP (sorry) and skipping straight to (H); though I like this idea, I'm not sure of it's place in D&D. Mini-games in CRPGs are a pain in the rear, I'm not sure I'd want to see them in a P&P version!

Still, breaking out a system of "combos" for combat might be cool and the idea certainly has some merit. Unfortunately, if you're looking at M:tG as a comparison, then I think you may be considering adding too much of a 'luck factor'. One thing most melee types expect is to be able to pull off their stunts when they want/need to, not when the gods of fate decide they can.

I'll give it a thought though and get back to you on this one :smallwink:

2013-03-10, 05:27 AM
I'm not really sure how this would make the system better. It doesn't address the core problems of 3.x, and instead adds unnecessary mechanics into the system.

2013-03-10, 05:54 AM
There is a stunt system or martial characters in 3e. It is called Tome of Battle.

2013-03-10, 06:52 AM
There is a stunt system or martial characters in 3e. It is called Tome of Battle.

Amen, sista.

Scowling Dragon
2013-03-10, 10:50 AM
There is a stunt system for martial characters in 3e. It is called Tome of Battle.

No its called "More spellcasters".

Thing is, it doesn't feel like a movies fight. It still feels incredibly static. It fixes the barebones of the system, in the sense that they are doing more damage, but nothing else. Its more choices, but choices that make me go "I might as well play a spellcaster".

There is no flow, to the combat.

I think adding an element of controlled randomness in combination with combo finding would allow for that level of combat which I (As in me. Maybe you love the system. Power too you) want.

Thing is efficiency and flow are not the same thing. What allows for a movie/ game to feel so entertaining/ Satisfying is the variety.

The character isn't going to use less efficient moves unless they are forced to.

For example, lets talk about the chain counter-reactions in Magic.

If it could be pulled off in a game it would work like in a movie:

Like Character a saves up 10 martial points and decides to be defensive for the turn.

Then the GM attacks him with an Orcs sword, but the player uses 2 to play counterbalance, and uses the orcs shift in weight to try to trip them, but then the GM plays "Reflexive" which gives dodge bonuses when being attacked with a certain type of move, (Like Card types, there can be move types: Attack, Defense, Movement,, Stunt or something like that) could use a movement card that triggers when attacked, then uses it to propel himself 10 feet and pull himself to the round, allowing him to use his remaining action to try to attack again, to which the character could use some other card or such.

2013-03-10, 11:50 AM
If you have that much loathing for Tob, you might want to look into Iron Heroes.

Scowling Dragon
2013-03-10, 12:03 PM
I don't have louthing for TOB. I just think its overhyped and not what I want.

2013-03-10, 12:47 PM
I don't have louthing for TOB. I just think its overhyped and not what I want.

Remove the fluff then look at it.

Also shouldn't this be in the homebrew section?

Scowling Dragon
2013-03-10, 01:22 PM
Yeah. I was talking about from a mechanical standpoint.

Also this is just brainstorming, and isn't coherent enough to count as home-brew.

2013-03-10, 05:16 PM
Yeah. I was talking about from a mechanical standpoint.

Also this is just brainstorming, and isn't coherent enough to count as home-brew.

No, there is nothing mechanical about your standpoint.

Scowling Dragon
2013-03-10, 05:34 PM
No, there is nothing mechanical about your standpoint.

Yes there is. :smallannoyed:

I get critique, but you do nothing of that sort.

You just say there is a problem and leave it be like that. Thats worse then no critique at all.

My issue with your precious TOB is that Combat for Martials is as static as ever. Its just turn after turn of wailing on each other with a single attack or two.

It doesn't flow, and it isn't cinematic, allowing for cool looking and mobile combat.

Its just spellcasting in a different format. It doesn't actually emulate cool combat well.

2013-03-10, 05:44 PM
And that's why the DM uses descriptions to make it cinematic. The reason ToB is good is because it's the only thing WotC did well regarding melee characters. The reason I don't like your idea because it is completely unneccessary. It doesn't bring anything to the table that ToB lacks.

Scowling Dragon
2013-03-10, 05:55 PM
You can't build interesting combat based on fluff.

I can easily just give melee characters a scaling damage boost (Part of which could be sacrificed to inflict status effects) and then just using pretty descriptions make it sound different. By your own logic it would work just as well as TOB.

I can tell that your pretty set in the mind set that TOB is perfect and that anybody that disagrees is just a guy who doesn't realize good design.

Ashtagon suggested me a different system. Il check it out when I have the time.

You don't go into depth with any of your critiques. Like WHY not basing monsters on their specialty instead of type is bad or confusing.

Why simplifying the amount of defenses you have is bad.

Why removing the necessity of scaling + items is bad.

And I mentioned multiple times that TOB is just not what I am looking for. Your response is to say my ideas suck and TOB IS what im looking for.

Thank you, but I can tell what I want. And TOB isn't it.

2013-03-10, 05:58 PM
Let me quote myself here...

"Actually, if you want to explicitly simulate non supernatural martial arts in D&D, the Warblade is possibly the closest class you can use for that purpose before going to 3rd party sources to simulate the sorts of things that happen in real fighting. Now, that doesn't mean that it is always realistic, just that you can build the most realistic fighter with that class if you put your mind to it! For example, I've always wanted to play a Warblade who is a Federfechter (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federfechter), who used to be a Zweihänder (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zweih%C3%A4nder) wielding Doppelsöldner (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doppels%C3%B6ldner) in the Landsknechts (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landsknechts), who focuses on Iron Heart (with a bit of Stone Dragon), and I would just rename the stances and strikes and counters and stuff with terms from German longsword fencing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_school_of_fencing). He'd wear a Breastplate and fight with a Greatsword. It totally fits!"

2013-03-10, 06:01 PM
No, you're just ignoring my arguments. It is a bad fix because it's unnecessary. You can make new rules for breathing and pooping but you're still not fixing 3.x.
Honestly you're looking to make a new system, not "fixes".

2013-03-10, 06:04 PM
Uhh... it's a great fix. Seriously, if you just take all the Tier 3 classes in 3.5e, and allow those as the classes for the players, 3.5e gets... pretty much fixed?

2013-03-10, 06:07 PM
Doesn't fix the fact that the casters can still break anything in the game.

Scowling Dragon
2013-03-10, 06:15 PM
Doesn't fix the fact that the casters can still break anything in the game.

That obviously requires some reworking. A simple first step is making 8-9th level spells exclusive to demigods and artifacts, and stretch out spells level 1-7 through levels 1-20. Remove some of the more nutsy spells and youve got a solid caster, combined with more mobile and dodgy and attacky Martial characters and I think that should work.

Also your grammar makes no sense, and your arguing with troll logic.

3e is quite fixable. It just requires re-working of the spine.

2013-03-10, 06:17 PM
The Tier 3 thing removes access to most of the spells in the game. Note how the Tier 3 casters all have a very limited list (except perhaps Factotum, but if he could only access Bard, Beguiler, Dread Necromancer, etc. spells, that would be fine). Other spells wouldn't exist in the setting.

3: Ardent (CP 5), Bard, Beguiler (PHB2 6), Binder (TM 9), Crusader (ToB 8), Dread Necromancer (HH 84), Duskblade (PHB2 19), Factotum (Du 14), Incarnate (MoI 20), Psychic Rogue (with powers), Psychic Warrior, Ranger (Wildshape variant), Shadowcaster (TM 111), Shugenja (CD 10), Swordsage (ToB 15), Warblade, Wilder

2013-03-10, 06:22 PM
So why don't you add that to the OP? That would even out the game balance more.

@Gavinfoxx: Ah, thanks for elaborating. I understand what you're saying now. Except the fact that OP never mentioned the tier 3 thing in this thread at all.