View Full Version : Flash Rogues in 3.5

USS Sorceror
2013-03-10, 05:23 PM
I have a nasty habit of taking comic book characters and making them into NPCs or outright villains in my campaign. Currently I'm trying to convert the Flash's Rogues Gallery.
So far I have:
Pied Piper-Bard
Weather Wizard-Druid
Abra Kadabra-Wizard or Sorc
Any suggestions for the rest?

2013-03-10, 05:44 PM
Trickster would be a Factotum or Artificer. That would let him have wacky gadgets and creative solutions to everything.


2013-03-10, 06:03 PM
Captain Boomerang would likely be some sort of Rogue/Master Thrower with the Boomerang feats from Eberron.