View Full Version : [PF] Low level save-or-suck Sor/Wiz spells?

2013-03-10, 09:15 PM
I have plenty of Reflex ones, but what are some good save-or-sucks on Fort and Will at or below 3rd level?

2013-03-10, 09:28 PM
Color spray.

2013-03-10, 10:04 PM
Blindness (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/blindness-deafness) is still good. Fort save & permanent until/unless you dismiss the effect.

Stinking Cloud. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/stinking-cloud) One of the nastiest save-or-sucks around.

Hideous Laughter (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/h/hideous-laughter) (formerly Tasha's ...) has a good reputation but didn't work so well for me.

Sleep is good for at the lowest levels and has a followup (Deeper Slumber) at 3rd level.

2013-03-10, 10:53 PM
Perhaps I should mention I have the Abjuration and Conjuration schools permanently barred to me, as if they weren't on the list at all. Those aren't the schools I would have chosen (my original barred schools were Divination and Necromancy), but it was part of a deal I made with an NPC to get enough training to not get killed. So I did what I had to.

What about "no save, just suck" spells? I ask because it's possible I could get into a duel to the death with a Monk PC in my party, and he's got three good saves.

Occasional Sage
2013-03-10, 11:06 PM
Toppling Magic Missile. No save, and a trip attempt per missile using CL and Int bonus in place of BAB and Str. You just need to punch through SR, which is easy.

As a plus, it scales well as the character levels.

2013-03-10, 11:15 PM
Level 1:
Cause Fear - Will
Glitterdust - Will
Peacebond (if you get the drop on them) - Will
Ray of Enfeeblement - Fort
Ray of Sickening (much less so) - Fort

Level 2:
Compassionate Ally - Will
Ghoul Touch - Fort
Steal Voice (casters only) - Fort
Touch of Idiocy ( " )- Fort
Unnatural Lust - Will

Level 3:
Distracting Cacaphony (casters only) - No save (alright, so it's technically not a save or suck)
Eldritch Fever (casters only) - Fort
Excruciating Deformation - Fort
Hostile Levitation - Will
Howling Agony - Fort
Ray of Exhaustion - Fort
Reckless Infatuation - Will
Slow - Will
Suggestion - Will
Unadulterated Loathing - Will
Vision of Hell - Will

2013-03-11, 07:02 AM
Best ones:

1st Level:
Color Spray - Will
Sleep - Will
Grease - Reflex [Conjuration]

2nd Level:
Glitterdust - Will [Conjuration]
Pyrotechnics (used with e.g. Bullseye Lantern for accuracy and aiming) - Will
Web - Reflex [Conjuration]

3rd Level
Stinking Cloud - Fort [Conjuration]
Slow - Will

Remember that it's PF, you can prepare banned school spells (though ouch, losing Conjuration = you gotta pay a lot of slots to do anything).

Best non-save disable spells (or disable on save) include Ray of Enfeeblement (Monk can't hit a barndoor), Ray of Exhaustion (Fatigue is not a bad condition either - guess you could try to stack 'em to exhaust him), Web (not available, pity), Sleet Storm (though less amazing in 1v1, and Conjuration) & something I'm forgetting.