View Full Version : Character concepts: feedback please?

2013-03-10, 10:04 PM
I have a few ideas for characters kicking around in my head, and I was wondering if anybody could help with some of their backgrounds/personalities:

(Fintirtiathar ux tibur) Heskan

LG Human->Dragonborn Paladin; still working on personality and background
Grew up in a church of Bahamut from adolescence after his town was ravaged by a clan of green dragons, was recently called by Bahamut to become a Dragonborn.

Thorgisrich Denniar

NG Half-Orc Ranger (archery; first enemy Orcs; animal Wolf); mostly still working on personality
Archer who grew up in a farming/mining town that has to deal with lots of attacks from a large Orc tribe, but the populous has learned from positive experience to distinguish between the tribe Orcs that wage war on them and the ones that leave the tribe (like Thorgisrich's mother) and fight to defend the town (Thorgisrich commonly volunteered for scouting missions in the nearby forests), even though traders from larger cities do not always make the distinction.
Prefers traditional bows to crossbows

Deshara the Laughing Shadow

CG Catfolk Rogue w/ some Fighter; mostly still working on personality
Grew up in a family of performers who belonged to a cult of Hlal, even though he was never a spell-caster like most of the others. The family was arrested and sentenced to life in prison for a play that insulted a magistrate, but Deshara was broken out by a friend and the two of them tried to steal back some of the family's magic artifacts from the magistrate's armory to help break the rest of them out. They were caught by the guards and Deshara's friend tried to teleport the two of them out, but it didn't work correctly and Deshara ended up half-way across the continent. In the months since, he's had to sell all of the artifacts he had on him, only keeping the Slaad puppet that his sister Krissara used for ventriloquism acts/spells.
Deshara devotes himself mostly to learning how to fight better; he probably uses a fake name, despite the distance from the country in question (partially because he's embaressed to have a girl's name); he prefers knives to swords, uses a kukri (that he named "Badger") and/or a dagger ("Hornet"); doesn't like it when people treat obedience as a goal in and of itself.

Narvas Cremeile

CN Tiefling Divining-Wizard; mostly still working on background
Grew up an outcast due to demonic appearence
Doesn't feel that he should be forced help anybody that can't compensate him for his trouble, as that "cheapens it" when he genuinely chooses to; plays up people's assumptions about his demonic nature when he wants to scare them; doesn't think that the gods should've declared creating undead as ipse dixit Evil instead of just dangerous, and casts what he feels are enough Good spells to taunt the gods that they can't send him to the Abyss for the necromancy; doesn't see the point in keeping somebody alive who tried to hurt him, even if they weren't necessarily going to kill him; likes to show off how much smarter he is by following up explanations of his spells with feigned surprise that other didn't already know.

Does anybody have ideas to help me out with any of these?