View Full Version : Best Death you have had

2013-03-11, 02:45 AM
I would like to hear about your expirences of epic ways you have died stoping a hored of orcs your self to the humiliation of being killed by a cat i would like to hear them all here is one of mine

I was playing a dwarf paladin with a handy havesack and i get swallowed by a red dragon well not swallowed i was held in its teeth and i was preparing to breathe fire well in my bag (normal) i had a portable hole. Thus dragon had been a recuring villian and had half the party bleeding out by now so i put 2 and 2 together and sucked me and about HALF of the dragon off the plane.

My most epic death

EDIT: it was a bag of holding

2013-03-11, 04:05 AM
I opened a gate between the dwarven kings throne room and the core of a blue supergiant star. So worth it.

Golden Ladybug
2013-03-11, 04:20 AM
I think the most aggravating way I've personally died was in a PbP game on this very site.

The premise was that the world had been overrun by the rotting hordes of the Undead, and our goal was to survive as long as possible. We began inside a barn, unsure of how we had been deposited there, and began to plot a way to get out. Unfortunately, a large number of undead entered the area, guided by three cloaked figures. This horde was leading a number of despondent commoners in a chain-gang scenario.

I was, for point of reference, a Dwarven Illusionist (all of us were first level), who just wanted to find and protect her family.

By some happy accident, one of the members of our group decided that he didn't want to let the Undead bring those Commoners to their deaths, and threw open the doors of the barn and attacked. This proved unwise, and we were under attack soon after. In an attempt to get us all out of there alive, I threw up a Silent Image of a wall of jagged spikes over the barn door, since that would fool the Mindless Undead and give us a chance to get away. We'd already made an opening on the other side of the barn, and I told the others they would need to go before I could leave, as I needed to stay within sight of my illusion to maintain it.

Then one [Expletive Deleted] Player decided to [Expletive Deleted] and [Expletive Deleted] run through my illusion and start attacking Skeletons.


So, now that the Clerics controlling the Undead know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the wall is an Illusion, and they haven't happened upon a Wizard capable of throwing out walls of Stone, and command their Undead forward.

The idiot who ruined my illusion got killed within the round, by the way.

So, being the slow Dwarf that I was, I decided to give the others a bit of a chance to get away and then make a run for it. I had pretty close to the best AC, and after casting Fist of Stone, a decent Attack Bonus and Attack Routine to go with it. So, plonking myself so that I could make a Run Action through the hole in the wall, I prepared to keep the Skeletons from swarming my party members while they got out of there.

Then the Cleric walked up and hit me with the Death Domain granted power, and killed me outright.


2013-03-11, 05:09 AM
I think the most aggravating way I've personally died was in a PbP game on this very site.

The premise was that the world had been overrun by the rotting hordes of the Undead, and our goal was to survive as long as possible. We began inside a barn, unsure of how we had been deposited there, and began to plot a way to get out. Unfortunately, a large number of undead entered the area, guided by three cloaked figures. This horde was leading a number of despondent commoners in a chain-gang scenario.

I was, for point of reference, a Dwarven Illusionist (all of us were first level), who just wanted to find and protect her family.

By some happy accident, one of the members of our group decided that he didn't want to let the Undead bring those Commoners to their deaths, and threw open the doors of the barn and attacked. This proved unwise, and we were under attack soon after. In an attempt to get us all out of there alive, I threw up a Silent Image of a wall of jagged spikes over the barn door, since that would fool the Mindless Undead and give us a chance to get away. We'd already made an opening on the other side of the barn, and I told the others they would need to go before I could leave, as I needed to stay within sight of my illusion to maintain it.

Then one [Expletive Deleted] Player decided to [Expletive Deleted] and [Expletive Deleted] run through my illusion and start attacking Skeletons.


So, now that the Clerics controlling the Undead know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the wall is an Illusion, and they haven't happened upon a Wizard capable of throwing out walls of Stone, and command their Undead forward.

The idiot who ruined my illusion got killed within the round, by the way.

So, being the slow Dwarf that I was, I decided to give the others a bit of a chance to get away and then make a run for it. I had pretty close to the best AC, and after casting Fist of Stone, a decent Attack Bonus and Attack Routine to go with it. So, plonking myself so that I could make a Run Action through the hole in the wall, I prepared to keep the Skeletons from swarming my party members while they got out of there.

Then the Cleric walked up and hit me with the Death Domain granted power, and killed me outright.



Mine is legendary... It's kinda sad really.

I had a level 7 Monk/3 Tattooed Monk. We were facing some trolls in a mountain pass. I held my action just to see what was going to happen. I had pumped both my Wis and Dex so had pretty good AC (41), plus a few buffs from the Cleric, and seeing as front troll had already used an AoO on one of the Druid's summoned critters, I decided to charge in.
A crit with a huge great axe later, the DM informs me it's an "Assault Troll" and had Combat Reflexes. (:smallfurious:)

So here I am, sitting on 2hp in front of an angry ubertroll, with both the Cleric and Druid too far away to heal or (because of spell selection) help in any real meaningful way, as the trolls turn rolls around...
The DM rolls his d20... Nat 20.... Rolls again.... Confirmed... (:smalleek:)

My party and I watched as he did this another 2 times, completely in the open so it was all above board, leaving me with copping a total of 4 crits in just over one combat round... We made him retire that die after that session.

2013-03-11, 05:21 AM
you couldn't make a dc 15 tumble check to avoid AOO's?

2013-03-11, 05:32 AM
It's not my death, but that of one of my players in a campaign I'm DMing.

There was this ruined dwarven city that had an 8-mile-deep 300-feet-wide vertical shaft that ran through the entirity of the city-mine complex. The party was using it as a short-cut to the middle levels of the city, but in the way encountered two spell turrets (constructs) that had miraculously not gone offline in the centuries of neglect. The turret was situated on a platform resting on the shaft's wall, and the party rogue made his jump checkk (with a ring of improved jumping), landed atop the platform, and securely tied the end of the silk rope(that they were using to climb down) on one the pillars while dodging AoE spells. The ranger climbed down the rope while wizard spent a round buffing himself so he won't fail the climb check. Then the last member still on the rope, the fighter clad in full plate, said he'd jump down rather than climb down.

"Seriously," I said, "you want to jump that 10 feet distance." He had no ranks in jump. And by 10 feet I meant 10 feet horizontally. He was 20' above the platform as well.
"I do want to," he replied.
"You might want to check your armor penalty," I suggested, "it puts your total jump modifier in the negatives. The climb DC is rather low, as you've seen with our wizard."
"I want to jump down. I can jump down right?"
"You are entitled to anything you are capable of, and yes, you can jump down a rope unto a platform."
"Then I jump." Then he rolled the jump dice. The unspoken rule in our party is that once the die is cast there is no going back.

He rolled 7, resulting with a total of 3. He fell down 7 miles to the bottom of the shaft and succeeded in transforming into a jelly.

2013-03-11, 08:45 AM
Awesome guys just awesome

2013-03-11, 09:26 AM
Had to drop down a 100ft shaft. I grabbed my rope and jumped. Forgot to tie it.

2013-03-11, 12:38 PM
Well, I tend to play squishy caster types, and for some reason my number one cause of death with those is a full-attack from the group's own dominated fighter. Happened several times, though not in the same campaign.

And while I dearly love the bard class, I have discovered that it is cursed for me. My very first bard got captured (and later eaten) by a troll, and my recent one (brought in mid-campaign to replace -you guessed it - a full caster dying to his dominated party member) survived right until his second encounter, when the necromancer we were fighting dropped a well-placed Circle of Death.

2013-03-11, 01:15 PM
The party Rogue noticed a suspicious mechanism on the ceiling of a dungeon. He poked it with a long stick, which activated a trap and the walls smashed together. He just barely got out of the way. The trap then reset to its original position.

He decided to poke the mechanism again. Without the stick.
Only an ugly stain was left.

2013-03-11, 01:22 PM
I was DMing and this was one of my players.

There was a trap room. There was a stone door to the north east and west, all sealed. They came in through the southern door and it sealed behind them.

There were four raised tiles near the four corners of the room. There are several openings where large steel balls are constantly rolling in and out of. The center of the room is the only safe place. If a character were to be hit by the trap they can make a Reflex save equal to the damage received for half damage.

Only one switch does anything. The lower left switch opens all the doors and disables the traps.

Rolling Steel Ball Trap: Atk +7 melee (3d6, large steel ball);.

Kazumi, a 3rd level half-oni barbarian (homebrew race) tries to run into the middle of the room, and succeeds. He spots the switches and takes a buckler out of his pack and decides to frisbee it over at one of the false switches. He misses the switch. Having nothing else to throw he dashes into the corner without taking damage and picks up the buckler. He steps on the switch to no avail.

I think everyone can see where this is headed.

He attempts to dash back into the middle, is critically hit and fails his Reflex save. We end up with a pile of ground half-oni and a buckler that looks like a penny that had been flattened on railroad tracks. The party looks on in horror as the steel balls keeping running over what is left of him over and over again.

2013-03-11, 01:50 PM
you couldn't make a dc 15 tumble check to avoid AOO's?

As I said, the troll had already made an AoO on the turn I charged. None of us thought it would be able to make another so I didn't state I was going to tumble at the end of my charge. Oversight at the time yes, but one that was made thinking they were normal trolls. The DM had never sprung anything like these trolls on us before... He even said they appeared to be normal trolls when we asked him to describe them.

2013-03-11, 01:58 PM
In a one off session of trying out the Tomb of Horrors I DM'ed ended with a near TPK with the only surviving member being the factotum. It was the are with a small hallway with the stone juggernaut golem that dealt trample attacks. This is combined with a deadly sleeping gas trap also. Needless to say the rest of the party goes sleepy time except for the factotum and the dwarf cleric.

The factotum jumps over the pit back at the beginning of the hallway and watches as the juggernaut just continues to trample over his teammates. The cleric makes it the edge of the pit, but fails his fort save against the sleeping gas and passes out on the edge. The factotum decides to try and grab his unconscious teammate and drag him over the pit to his side. He fails miserably and the cleric falls to his death down the pit as the factotum watches in horror as the juggernaut tramples the rest of his team into a bloody pulp.

Kieran Cage
2013-03-11, 02:16 PM
3.0 D&D, a fairly standard dungeon crawl in a Kobold warren. Party was around 5th or 6th level; in a departure from my usual preference for high HP melee types, I was playing a Wiz/Sor/Cler multiclassed caster.

Anyways, despite the unreasonably high number of spells per day that build afforded me, the sheer quantity of combat encounters meant that I had managed to exhaust nearly my entire magic reserves, and was stabilized at 0 HP with all of our healing gone.

So, with only a couple of rooms left to clear, the party decided that the safest place for me would be a small room off to the side of the main hall, where we could barricade the door from both sides, and I could wait until the fighter-types cleared the dungeon and came back for me.

Unfortunately, the person playing the rogue (who was the only party member capable of translating the scrawlings around the warren from kobold into common) didn't know that "rookery" was a kind of nursery, and assumed it was some kind of storage room.

Being slowly nibbled to death by dozens of newly hatched kobold babies was probably the ignoblest death I have yet to experience.

2013-03-11, 02:47 PM
Not my characters, but 2 of our party, in a dungeon where everyone got split up (moving walls and such)

Druid with a flight form, and a ranger/rogue/sorcerer/something else character are heading down a corridor to meet up with the rest of the group. Enter 5-foot across trap door that had already been tripped.

Ranger hops across no problem.

Druid fails his jump and falls 50 ft down onto a bed of spikes.

Ranger tries to dangle a rope to him, but it's too dark to see where his hand is to help him grab it.

Ranger ties the end of the rope to an arrow, fires it into the middle of the pit, hoping that he'd be able to grab it. Rope comes lose, arrow lands in the druid.

Ranger lights an arrow on fire, launches it down so that she can see where his hands are. Arrow lands in the Druid. Druid is now on fire.

Ranger takes Decanter of Endless Water and pours it down to try and put out the fire. Water goes over Druid's head and he drowns.

At the end of that same dungeon, a new girl joined the group. First time playing pen and paper for her. Spent 2 hours helping her roll up a lvl 10 character, and she got introduced as we were attacked by a huge (or bigger, this would have been 8 years ago) deep dragon. Her literal first turn with this brand new character, on her first time playing D&D, another player who was beside her distracted the dragon, and jumped out of the way of it's subsequent acid breath, which immediately turned the new girl into goo.

On the upside, she and I are now married with a 16-month old daughter.

2013-03-11, 03:08 PM
My very first character ever, level 1 halfling rogue. We were in a room and touching magical runes inscribed on pillars. We knew that each one we pressed would summon some critters. So after we fought some and rested for the night, we decided to press another one. 2 dire boars (stats modified I believe). These were not as tough as the bears or the bugbears we had fought the previous day, so we thought, "piece of cake." however after some failed attempts at hitting these, I decide to climb up the portcullis at the end of the room to escape the charging boar. I make it up, the boar hits the gate, then turns to run. I drop down and stab it in the face and proceed to ride it around the room. After a round or two it throws me off, I hit the wall and go splat.

Shining Wrath
2013-03-11, 03:15 PM
Party got spotted nearing the castle, tried to carry on with the mission anyway, party got sprayed with arrows climbing the walls, and hid at the bottom of a tower to heal.

DM brought every monster in the castle to attack from all sides. My dragonborn fighter was holding the stairs up to the next floor. He was finally worn down as the healer ran out of spells and the door to the courtyard was battered down by demons, leading to a flood of baddies fighting their way in from ground level. The only survivor was the ranger who went out the back door and had a high enough hide that the archers on the walls couldn't spot her even running.

I may have died but I dealt much scathe. IIRC I was 4th level and killed 3 3rd level fighters and severely wounded the 5th level leader.

Shining Wrath
2013-03-11, 03:17 PM
Not my characters, but 2 of our party, in a dungeon where everyone got split up (moving walls and such)

Druid with a flight form, and a ranger/rogue/sorcerer/something else character are heading down a corridor to meet up with the rest of the group. Enter 5-foot across trap door that had already been tripped.

Ranger hops across no problem.

Druid fails his jump and falls 50 ft down onto a bed of spikes.

Ranger tries to dangle a rope to him, but it's too dark to see where his hand is to help him grab it.

Ranger ties the end of the rope to an arrow, fires it into the middle of the pit, hoping that he'd be able to grab it. Rope comes lose, arrow lands in the druid.

Ranger lights an arrow on fire, launches it down so that she can see where his hands are. Arrow lands in the Druid. Druid is now on fire.

Ranger takes Decanter of Endless Water and pours it down to try and put out the fire. Water goes over Druid's head and he drowns.

At the end of that same dungeon, a new girl joined the group. First time playing pen and paper for her. Spent 2 hours helping her roll up a lvl 10 character, and she got introduced as we were attacked by a huge (or bigger, this would have been 8 years ago) deep dragon. Her literal first turn with this brand new character, on her first time playing D&D, another player who was beside her distracted the dragon, and jumped out of the way of it's subsequent acid breath, which immediately turned the new girl into goo.

On the upside, she and I are now married with a 16-month old daughter.

Epic win for you, but yeah, rough introduction to D&D.

2013-03-11, 03:56 PM
Most Impressive Death
A small group of near-epic gestalt good characters have tunneled up into a city where literally thousands of demons a minute are pouring out, becoming an invasion force to overwhelm the entire world. The DM describes a single portal point at which hundreds of different places in the abyss are all feeding into the same physical location here, in a courtyard. The whole gate-portal thing is shielded by a sculpted antimagic effect - so the gates work, but they can't be targeted by any magical effect outside of them.

My character, Alla, is a grandmotherly cleric/ardent saint with a quite literal martyr complex. While her companions are taking out squads of balors in the courtyard, she picks up a Weirdstone brought by one of her colleagues (thanks again, Togo!), and steps into the middle of the gate so that she's inside all of the portals at the same time.

Now, a weirdstone is one of those quasi-artifacts that shuts down all extraplanar movement in a six mile radius. And Alla is simultaneously on hundreds of layers of the abyss at once. On each of these layers, there are hundreds of demons massed and waiting to get through the portal.

So she casts a quickened transdimensional holy word, with an effective caster level of about 28, thanks to a bead of karma, and then activated the weirdstone. By my calculations, she killed off about 25,000 demons, and shut down a primary plot point. The DM ruled it to be the equivalent of a retributive strike. She failed her chance to plane shift, and was utterly obliterated. The campaign literally stopped at her action. While I really regret that the game didn't continue, it was a great way to end!

Least Epic Death

Level 3 priestess who got locked in a closet with an allip and died of brain damage before she could get the door open.

Funniest Death
One of the players in my RL campaign had a tree-hugger gnome druid who loved the Dr. Doolittle "talk to the animals" thing, and just wanted everyone to get along. When she went alone into a room with a bunch of rats, she made a wild empathy check to befriend them. Which she failed. Badly. And then discovered that they were starved and disease-carrying rats who swarmed her.

The other players were laughing too hard to offer help, and she resisted using lethal force to get them off of her (to her credit, morally anyway). She didn't actually die, but did drop down into negatives before the other players came to get them off.

2013-03-11, 04:31 PM
Not me, as I have yet to suffer a Character Death.

However. I shall use the party's rogue's mistakes to contribute.

Try to Dive bomb the lightning-wielding demons with the flying elf.

Toy Killer
2013-03-11, 05:16 PM
Playing a recon style, search and destroy campaign. I had a scout, with the dash feat (:smallcool: I know, sub-par, but I liked it) and the Bolt Shirt (Allows a quick 30ft teleport). We hired a Mongrlfolk to infiltrate our mark, A hobgoblin fortress, for intelligence gathering.

We found that they had a series of defenses lined up, basically over swarm style. Specific torches that burned green to signify that an intruder was present, and arcane casters used Dancing Lights to signal where. We were to frame the elven nation (whose name eludes me) for the Assassination of their high priest of Maglubiyet, so rounds were high and defenses were tight.

After a long deliberation on who could afford to take off their armor and how we were going to get everyone's sneak roll's high enough to infiltrate the base, I hit a font of inspiration. (Everyone had stealth capacity, but that didn't mean they were able to rely on it consistently, if that makes sense. I was the true skill monkey of the group.)

I tip-toed in, got to the center armory and led an epic chase through the courtyard, used tumble in a fantastic number of ways, had the guards chasing me through the entire fortress and ran out the front gate with the Bolt Shirt, through the portcullis, where my party was waiting, camouflaged on the outside. The guards opened the gate, trampled on through after me, party snuck in when they were out of sight. I ran a lap around the fortress and lost most of them...

and then failed my Constitution check to keep running...

But mission was a success, guards were locked out of their own keep, High priest was successfully assassinated and I was carried back on a Tenser's Floating Disc...

2013-03-11, 06:02 PM
Here is one i was playing an eberon campaign and had an artificer who speciclised in alchmey and homoculouses you know the little golems

Well i kind of caused a tpk i made a homoculous out of glass and asked the dm its volume he said 10 gallons i tored him in a portable hole after filling it with 10 gallns of alchimists fire this was 1280 does of alchimist fire we were in. Fight against 10 times our number in black guards we were ment to lose and be taken captive i open the portable whole nd hand it my +3 mace and tell it to charge

One mushroom cloud later and no more city........ 1280 d6 oops

2013-03-11, 06:08 PM
i really don't know if it counts as a character death, seeing as how it was heavily affected by the real world. in the campaign, however, it has been deemed canon.

the setup
last year i joined the return to the temple of elemental evil. being the genre savvy little frigger that i am, i rolled up a level 5 halfling paladin, despite the dm's protests (hates halflings, paladins, goofy concepts...). i made sure of 3 things with her: she could cast the most heals possible, she was stupidly untouchable(yup, a tarpit in close combat), and she was anathema to undead. let's just say that she was very useful to the only scenario that she was present (i think by using half of my healing capabilities, everyone went from 2-3hp tops to over 3/4 hp). irl intervened, and the party disbanded, with many broken friendships (basically, me, the wild elf barbarian, and the dm stayed friends, whereas the other 3 players got in a big fight with the dm. not pretty).
the character description
i loved that paladin, she was my first DnD character ever (and she sported a fabulous pink mohawk :smallbiggrin:). so i always garnered the hope that she'd escaped the fortress and survived, or even better, went back to wipe it out.

she was just under three feet tall. she had been beautiful once, but alas, the scars of battle had left indelible marks upon her face. she had deep, emerald green eyes, and wore her hair in a mohawk, dyed bright pink.
the death
fast forward 6 months. reboot of the campaign, i'm in the same friggin' fortress with a dwarven cleric of pelor (get the hint that i don't like undead, yet?).
during this time, my dm kept on saying that my halfling paladin had suffered the dm's wrath and i'd never see her again. it was a... sore point between him and i (and the reason i'm both banned paladins and halflings...). then, came last session, about a month ago. he calmly stated that i'd suffer this time around. like, a lot. seeing as how my cleric got nearly possessed by a demon, and almost got scragged messily by the last boss encountered, i was like "bring it. i eat iron so i can pee barbed wire and crap out chains. i'm tough now". he told me that it had been three weeks in game since my paladin had been in there. one of the characters was crucified to the entrance of the fortress. i should have taken the hints. *auto-dope slap*
we proceeded to humiliate the fortress and send her to her room. then came the sarcophagus room.

in this room was arranged in a rectangular manner. within were contained over a dozen sarcophagi, some broken, most intact. we heard a bump coming from one of them.
just there, i knew. by this time, the dm saw that i was physically affected by what was coming, going pale, shaking, and visibly fighting with something inside me. could i do this? would i fall for this?
as my cleric and the wizard rushed to open the sarcophagus, we heard panicked screams from inside. as we shoved off the lid, the dm handed me the floor and told me, "describe what you see, if you please." i stood up shakily, my face serious, almost painfully torn up with my feelings, and i proceeded to shakily say the following words:

"she was just under three feet tall. she had been beautiful once, but alas, the scars of battle had left indelible marks upon her face. she had deep, emerald green eyes, and wore her hair in a mohawk, dyed bright pink. her name is Brutehilde, and she was my paladin."

if before the party had been tense, they were now ashen. i'm the joker in the group. i can find a gag or a pun in any situation, which is very useful, since as you can tell, we play survival horror flavored dnd. i wasn't laughing now. i wasn't even mad, i just refused to admit that this could be possible. the dm proceeded to describe what had befallen my beloved Brutehilde.

"as you've seen from your improvised autopsies of the corpses in the last room, she's undergone a ritual to make her undead. she isn't a ghoul, she isn't a lich, she's something else entirely. she doesn't radiate evil, as you could expect. she's terrorized, covered in fresh scars. her green eyes have turned a pale blue, her skin has become white as snow. deep down inside you, you know she has suffered a horribly painful experience, and even now in her undeath she is deprived of eternal rest."

she had been feasting on the corpse of the wild elf barbarian. as she looked upon her liberators, she flinched, probably since we were the first people she had seen since she had been killed. my cleric managed to calm her somewhat ("i'm a doctor, you can trust me. by pelor, what did they do to you, dear child?"). she proceeded to tell us that just after the last session with her, they had been attacked during the night. the bard, the rogue, and the cleric had been taken, whereas the barbarian and her had been able to escape and last one week trying to survive and free the others, before being captured and tortured for the rest of the time. she didn't remember much else.

by this time, i said to myself: "screw In character. even if i fall, i'm not killing her!". the dm understood, and told me that should i die, he'd make her my reroll. he saw that he'd gone too far in the psychological horror department, and apologized. but the horror didn't end there. oh, no.

i told her to go free, telling her where the entrance was, and placing pelor's benediction on her soul (for rp purposes, mostly, but by this point i was really hoping that that poor girl could have a chance at being ok :smallfrown:)
the rogue-sorceror in the party cast a spell at the corpse of the barbarian (lesser heal, iirc... by this point i was drained mentally). suddenly, a spine-chilling scream echoed through the empty hallways. we looked at each other, thinking "oh crap. he wasn't deader than dead". as soon as we said that, we see a spectre rushing through the wall and standing above the barbarian's corpse. his spectral form still showed his tattoos on his bare chest, his bastard swords forever clasped in his hands. as he looked upon the scene, he inquired, "where is Brutehilde?" he turned to us, his face a mask of rage and anguish, "what have you done to her? even in undeath, i, Tzilmir will avenge her!". we put up our weapons, as by this point real life and roleplay had collided with the fourth wall, leaving nothing between. we answered truthfully, and Tzilmir's spectre followed Brutehilde's steps, to be bound to her soul.

we've survived a lot, but after that session, we'd never felt so drained emotionnally and physically.

the aftermath:
the dm, almost as consolation for the two destroyed characters, told us what had happened.
"ok, so you know what a crucimigration is? read this *hands the book to me*. imagine a variant of this, with more grimdark, less willingness, and more torture and mindrape. i rolled beforehand. the dice spoke, Brutehilde "survived" the ritual, Tzilmir didn't. you can still play them, but seeing as they're undead, i'll give you a one-shot scenario, and depending if you survive, it could blossom into a campaign. on one condition, she will never be a paladin again. you will reroll a new character. i'll get the spectre sheet, and create a template. you'll both be soul-bound, to reflect your last days together in the fortress."

at least we get our blaze of glory, even if her reputation was made in one session, with retellings by all of the players that saw her in action elevating her into a memetic badass that saw undead quake in their boots as soon as her mohawk approached. her description became a meme whenever my gaming group roll female halflings, and her death was mourned fight club style (chanting "her name is Brutehilde"). who knew that a silly character could be so beloved?

oh, and sorry for waxing lyrical there. i guess she never got a proper eulogy. she'll live forever, now!

2013-03-11, 06:32 PM
Our party wizard once used a disintegrate spell against a magic goblet that had a gem inside it (I think this ocurred on the Return to the Temple of Evil Campaign, but I'm not sure). The Wizard rolls for his touch attack... and gets a natural 1. At the moment we were using a homebrewed fumble table, so he rolls again and gets the "You hit yourself" effect.
Of course we all started laughing hard, except for the wizard, who claimed that could not happen, for there was no way he would point at himself.

The DM was laughing at his attempts to save himself from such a stupid demise, but after some debate, he let him try again. So he rolls again... and gets a 10.

Turns out the goblet had a spell turning effect. He died. And we were still laughing.

2013-03-11, 07:30 PM
Another one of mine i was playing a rogue and i was sneaking through a castle i run into a marilith alone
alone im 11 level and i have 2 poisoned daggers and i crit 4 out of 6 times then it kills me but shortly after it dies it left

2013-03-11, 07:36 PM
"Best" death I've seen in 20+ yrs of gaming was a lvl 13 fighter willinging jumping into a pit of murky/ slimy water and it ending up with green slime in it, and the fighting getting "slimed" :smallfurious:

2013-03-11, 07:45 PM
Wow just wow

2013-03-11, 08:02 PM
Friend of mine playing a Frenzied Bezerker popped the Cleric one to many times... So the Cleric buffs up and Casts Body of the Sun and dukes it out with him in a Inn. The Cleric walks out a few rounds later as the Inn crashes down behind him. LOL

I had a Dwarf Cleric who i DESPISED but was the only way i could get into the game so i played him. I killed him off a few times but the group kept bringing him back because the loved him so much. One of his last deaths before IRL fighting killed the game was the group against a Balor. I died in melee range and slyly reminded the DM about the couple of pounds of Gun Powder my guy was carrying. (only dwarves had Guns. was a world arc thing) BOOM he went and the top half of his skull was used by the Barbarian as a cup... till they rezed him again.

2013-03-11, 09:48 PM
I once lit the world on fire just to watch it burn

2013-03-11, 09:50 PM
Level 1 halfling, was either a bard or a rogue. Roll a natural 1 on a climb check, fall down 20ft, barely survive at -9 hp. Get eaten by the dire rat at the bottom before the party can make it to help.

2013-03-11, 10:10 PM
Ker splat lol

2013-03-11, 10:56 PM
I don't tend to lose characters often, but my best death belonged to my barbarian Abar. You have to understand that while this guy wasn't as reckless as barbarians stereotypically are depicted, he accrued a lot of near-death experiences. Throughout the campaign some of them included: buried in avalanche, fighting water elemental underwater, jumping on top of mountain from exploding airship, being sacrificed (stabbed in the heart twice), fell into water pit trap that contained bloodsucking jellyfish and escaped into fast moving river which ended at spiked wall that he was impaled upon, walked around with mummy rot for a week...
The list keeps going. Anyways so onto how he met his death. The party is defending a city as it is being evacuated. Massive army of undead, dragons, mages,whole nine yards. I get buffed with a fly spell so I can engage in some aerial combat with a black dragon, who soon regrets dousing my turban with acid. After a very brief encounter, I turn my attention on the undead army and make a pass over them. I get nailed by a dispel magic and find myself completely separated from the party. Taking it all in stride I mow down some of their number before succumbing to the masses.
Afterward however the party goes to some difficulty trying to get me back, some of which stems from me. Feeling I had done my duty, I was content to reside in the afterlife with my ancestors. With some pleading from the party and DM I grudgingly returned to the land of the living where I continued to make a mockery of Death.

2013-03-11, 11:19 PM
I don't tend to lose characters often, but my best death belonged to my barbarian Abar. You have to understand that while this guy wasn't as reckless as barbarians stereotypically are depicted, he accrued a lot of near-death experiences. Throughout the campaign some of them included: buried in avalanche, fighting water elemental underwater, jumping on top of mountain from exploding airship, being sacrificed (stabbed in the heart twice), fell into water pit trap that contained bloodsucking jellyfish and escaped into fast moving river which ended at spiked wall that he was impaled upon, walked around with mummy rot for a week...
The list keeps going. Anyways so onto how he met his death. The party is defending a city as it is being evacuated. Massive army of undead, dragons, mages,whole nine yards. I get buffed with a fly spell so I can engage in some aerial combat with a black dragon, who soon regrets dousing my turban with acid. After a very brief encounter, I turn my attention on the undead army and make a pass over them. I get nailed by a dispel magic and find myself completely separated from the party. Taking it all in stride I mow down some of their number before succumbing to the masses.
Afterward however the party goes to some difficulty trying to get me back, some of which stems from me. Feeling I had done my duty, I was content to reside in the afterlife with my ancestors. With some pleading from the party and DM I grudgingly returned to the land of the living where I continued to make a mockery of Death.

why do i get the feeling that the real unsung hero in this barbarian's life is the patient healer who patches up mr. awesome up there? this guy sounds like he could get his soul ripped from him by the grim reaper in person, stand back up, dust himself off, and quip, "meh, i've had worse. my turn."

2013-03-11, 11:30 PM
At the end of that same dungeon, a new girl joined the group. First time playing pen and paper for her. Spent 2 hours helping her roll up a lvl 10 character, and she got introduced as we were attacked by a huge (or bigger, this would have been 8 years ago) deep dragon. Her literal first turn with this brand new character, on her first time playing D&D, another player who was beside her distracted the dragon, and jumped out of the way of it's subsequent acid breath, which immediately turned the new girl into goo.

On the upside, she and I are now married with a 16-month old daughter.

Amazing story.

Mine is also about a PC from a game I was DMing. We had 5 players in the party: 3 noobs and 2 seasoned players. One of the later wanted a drow hexblade, so I told him that he would have to role play a character I intended to run as NPC (a servant to a bishop with levels in Clr) till the party got to 3rd level. Also, behind the scenes I told both seasoned players that I would give a "plot shield" to the other players until they reached level 5, i.e. they were allowed extra saves, amazing bonuses to their rolls, etc in order to keep them alive at least for a couple of sessions (and hey, we needed new players).

Weeks passed by and finally the drow hexblade appeared. The others (4 humans and 1 elf - counting the NPC servant now being run by me) look at him in awe. But alas, my friend wanted to role play an antihero and opened with what was perceived as a threatening phrase by one of the newbies. Needless to say, the party slayed him in under a round (due to ECL he had only 9 HP). My friend was furious, but resumed the role of the pious servant.

2013-03-11, 11:31 PM
why do i get the feeling that the real unsung hero in this barbarian's life is the patient healer who patches up mr. awesome up there? this guy sounds like he could get his soul ripped from him by the grim reaper in person, stand back up, dust himself off, and quip, "meh, i've had worse. my turn."

We didn't really have much in the way of healing, hence my mummy rot for a week incident. In the beginning our sole source of magic was a wizard/cleric theurge, midgame we gained a paladin and some time later we grabbed a dwarf cleric with some abysmal stats.
We did make many jokes about his close personal relationship with death and felt it odd when we ended a session without him spending a bit of time hovering around the negatives.

2013-03-12, 03:55 AM
He even said they appeared to be normal trolls when we asked him to describe them.

Ah yes, the weasel words of doom. "It appears to be X… Now the X eats your face."

2013-03-12, 05:22 AM
Mine was as a DM. The party make up were 2 rogues, a cleric of boccob and an NPC fighter for "muscle."

the dungeon was the Tomb of Horrors.

Party finds out the rue entrance to the dungeon and dutifully take notes on the fiery writing that greets every would be tomb robber.

They take particular mention of a creature called the Tormentor. In fact, they find a hidden door on the wall with an image of a demonic gargoyle.

Cleric casts clarivoyance to see past the door.

Cleric informs the party that, in fact, such a creature is behind the door, in a room.

The party had no reason to go in here, given the other choices up ahead for rooms and puzzles.

"Hey! It's XP, let's do this", the drow rogue, ever eager.

The NPC fighter is asked to go up front and open the door as the cleric readies a flamestrike.

Door is opened. Four armed gargoyle of death is blasted. It is not killed. NPC fighter rolls a 1, as well as the rogues with crossbows.

What followed was a fighter in fullplate being sliced and ripped apart in chunks of gore and metal. The party panics, they start running down the hallway without taking the time to check for traps, given that a winged four armed gargoyle had obliterated their toughest party member.

As the cleric fell into a spiked pit trap and became impaled, the remaining rigues did their best to hide from this monsrosity in the next room. alas, the Tormentor would eventually find them and soon, a rogue and a drow lay splattered on the tomb's wall and floor.

More casualties for that dreaded module.

2013-03-12, 06:36 AM
Not my own death but happened in a party i was part of.

We were a band of evil dudes doing some graverobbing of a very holy monolith/statue thingie, when suddenly an angel/celestial guardian appeared to clean this place of our vandalism and herecy. Long story short we were in for a very tough fight and we were given the chance to surrender to the forces of of good while he at the same time picked up our near death wandering alchemist (homebrewed class revolving around making bombs and the like) and hovering over us showing how he was far superior to us, when our half-dragon fighter suddenly remembered the huge amounts of bombs the alchemist always carried around strapped to him, one fire breath attack and a failed reflex save later, there were no more angel nor alchemist ^_^

Oko and Qailee
2013-03-12, 09:55 AM
Only death in any campaign I have been in has been of a single friend.

Party was:
Me (Split personality disorder Cleric (the complete opposite of optimized))
Niwa (our druid, was optimized because two guys helped make her character)
Gherrik (our necromancer)
Sylar (Our pirate turned assassin)
Van Qelsh (Our half elf ranger)
Hero (duskblade, who never fights ever)
and Ignacio (our skill monkey kinda)

our first boss fight type thing was versus this kobold queen, her three kobold adepts and 5 hobgoblins. We were about level 2.

So things are going okayish. I'm somewhat dedicated to healing, our druid (nicknamed Zoo Crew) is tearing through everything with her wolverine, sylar duel a hobgoblin for ~8 rounds during which neither of them ever hit each other (they both rolled really bad).

Anyway, our Half elf ranger gets hit by a hobgoblin and takes like 6hp worth of dmg, he asks for a heal since he wants to charge into 3 other hobgoblins to back up our zoo crew. I top him off to max, and he enacts his brilliant tactical plan to get surrounded, next round the three hobgoblins all strike, all hit, and he drops dead.

Slayer Lord
2013-03-12, 10:53 AM
Not a death, exactly.

In my second-ever DnD campaign we uncover a Deck of Many Things. The first four of us each take one or two cards without any ill effects. Worst thing that happened was that our supposedly lawful good wizard was turned chaotic good, which was pretty much how he'd been playing to begin with. Then our half-dragon druid decides to take six cards. She made it to maybe the third or fourth card before she got sucked into the elemental plane of fire. We were level three and there was no feasable way to save her before she died, so our DM took pity and had the ambiguously evil lich rescue her because we're "still useful to him."

Our druid's reaction when she gets back: "What, I DON'T get to keep drawing cards?"

Shining Wrath
2013-03-12, 11:44 AM
I don't tend to lose characters often, but my best death belonged to my barbarian Abar. You have to understand that while this guy wasn't as reckless as barbarians stereotypically are depicted, he accrued a lot of near-death experiences. Throughout the campaign some of them included: buried in avalanche, fighting water elemental underwater, jumping on top of mountain from exploding airship, being sacrificed (stabbed in the heart twice), fell into water pit trap that contained bloodsucking jellyfish and escaped into fast moving river which ended at spiked wall that he was impaled upon, walked around with mummy rot for a week...
The list keeps going. Anyways so onto how he met his death. The party is defending a city as it is being evacuated. Massive army of undead, dragons, mages,whole nine yards. I get buffed with a fly spell so I can engage in some aerial combat with a black dragon, who soon regrets dousing my turban with acid. After a very brief encounter, I turn my attention on the undead army and make a pass over them. I get nailed by a dispel magic and find myself completely separated from the party. Taking it all in stride I mow down some of their number before succumbing to the masses.
Afterward however the party goes to some difficulty trying to get me back, some of which stems from me. Feeling I had done my duty, I was content to reside in the afterlife with my ancestors. With some pleading from the party and DM I grudgingly returned to the land of the living where I continued to make a mockery of Death.

A barbarian landing in the midst of an undead army after offing a dragon and going down with ichor dripping from his axe sounds like an truly wonderful last act.

2013-03-12, 03:13 PM
Luckily, I didn't die from this. But I came damn close, and it is an excellent story. I was playing an AD&D game as a Halfling Rogue. We were running a module, Caves of Chaos or something like that I believe. Our party ran into a kobold invested cave, and the traps were intense. We ran into a classic rolling boulder (which turned out to be made of paper mache, but we didn't know that as we were too busy running like babies).

Our party got completely splintered from some people running in different directions down different tunnels to get out of the boulders path. I was the last one, all other party members having abandoned ship down different side tunnels. I jumped into a room and to the side as the boulder crashed by me. This room contained lots and lots and lots of spiderwebs. We hadn't explored it yet. I decided to go meet up with the rest of the party while also leaving a little surprise for Mister Spider. I don't happen to carry torches, having Halfling infravision, but I do carry a pipe. I broke out the matches, tossed them at the web, and realized as the match left my hand that the flame was green instead of red.

The room was filled with methane gas. Kaboom. The DM usually makes characters start from level one (we were fifth level at the time) but he said had my Rogue died there my new character would have started at second level for having such an epic death.

2013-03-12, 03:30 PM
Luckily, I didn't die from this. But I came damn close, and it is an excellent story. I was playing an AD&D game as a Halfling Rogue. We were running a module, Caves of Chaos or something like that I believe. Our party ran into a kobold invested cave, and the traps were intense. We ran into a classic rolling boulder (which turned out to be made of paper mache, but we didn't know that as we were too busy running like babies).
*snip for relevant part*

game i was running for ADnD way back when i was in HS for my brother and a friend of ours. My bro was a Halfing Thief at level one who in the first round of combat in the Kobold cave he was hit with a crit from a crossbow and killed.

i laughed and laughed.

2013-03-12, 10:48 PM
Did he keep playing with u guys

2013-03-12, 11:08 PM
A few stories....

1. We were playing a BESM game that ended up being a kind of amalgam of various anime types of characters tossed into a homebrew world forcefully. My character at the time was a Shinigami from Bleach whereas one of the party members was a teleporter based on the ideas of One Piece (A fruit user). His character of course being blind and capable of quite easily seeing in the dark to Daredevil levels.

Well, some games down the road we had entered a dungeon and started crawling. A few fights later at the bottom of a pit we fell/jumped/teleported/climbed into (depends on which character in the party you were) we were down a few party members. Dead, injured, drained, etc.

The teleporter was the best off and being his usual dickish pirate self took the only torch I had and teleported the only remaining living member of the party out leaving me in the dark. With...unknown creatures. Needless to say my body was slain and my spirit (DM fiat) was pulled back to soul society.

To figure out what happened Soul Society sent me back to the same gave better equipped only for me to die to the exact same thing that had killed me previously.

2. in a 2e game I was using a thri-kreen that was found inside a dungeon by the rest of the party members. At the end of the dungeon our characters had been forcefully teleported to the domain of a homebrew deity who was the patron of Elves. Needless to say in her eyes something that finds elf meat particularly delectable I was seen as a monstrosity and...wiped out of existence.

All by random dice rolls on our destinations.

The worst part is that my Thri-Kreen was lead to the Goddess for a ritualistic execution by the same player who killed my character in the first story.

2013-03-12, 11:14 PM
Now that is funny i laughted out loud

2013-03-13, 02:47 AM
Not mine, but my player's:

Our party Monk, abusing the "can deal unarmed strikes with any part of his body" rule, would CDG fallen foes in a rather humiliating fashion (this was back when Halo was pretty new).

He tried this on a Troll, which was only at -11 hp, and rolled minimum damage 2 rounds in a row.

The Troll regenerated, sat up, grabbed him with both claws, and Rended him asunder.

2013-03-13, 10:21 AM
I had quite a few epic deaths with my characters since I tend to go out with a bang, but one of the best was the following.

I was a 15th level human paladin(pathfinder) named Odric.
Odric was my favorite character and we have been playing that campaign for a year and a half, three times per week. Odric was a knight who's brother had betrayed their king, killed
their father, tortured Odric and exiled him with nothing but a bastard sword which once belonged to their father, a man Odric looked up to.

Odric had spent his life defending the weak and fighting for justice and honor. At one point,
he even defeated his brother and freed his homeland. Then came the war against dragon lords, the pure evil almost immortal dragons.

Odric lost his wife and chuld in that war and was pretty much at the end of his road. The party had discivered the last dwarven stronghold which could be used as a refuge for those who wanted to escapw thid war, but there was a catch. The stronghold was near another ancient city ruled by duregar and one of the dragon lords. The leader of the stronghold had asked the PCs to go into the duregar teritory and place several explosions on some weak points of the tunnels which cinnected the two strongholds and bury the duregar. The trigger for the explosions was given to the alchemist who had soon diedbwhen the duregar had found us. We sent a monk to inform the dwarves that we had been discovered and that the duregar will soon come in full force. We ran towards the tunnel exit, fighting a massive amounts of foes, but soon we had reached a dead end. There was just a small hole through which we could escape, but it led right to the dwarven stronghold and we did not wish to risk the duregar discovering it, so that was where we made our last stand.

We fought for a long time and we were near death when the dragon lord hadnappeared. Odric was at 10hp and IF knew that he would die so I had forced the rest of the party t flee through the small hole. I took a phylactery which we had acquiered a few sessions back and the DM clearly stated that it was unstable for some reason and that if broken, it would explode
killing all in the blast radius. I held my ground until the dragon approached, yelled "Victory at all costs" and blew myslef up along with him. It was EPIC!!!

Although I had loved that PC, I did not wish to be ressurected since I felt that his story had ended, but the dwarves did built a huge statue in my honor :-)

2013-03-13, 02:05 PM
spoilered for length
I had quite a few epic deaths with my characters since I tend to go out with a bang, but one of the best was the following.

I was a 15th level human paladin(pathfinder) named Odric.
Odric was my favorite character and we have been playing that campaign for a year and a half, three times per week. Odric was a knight who's brother had betrayed their king, killed
their father, tortured Odric and exiled him with nothing but a bastard sword which once belonged to their father, a man Odric looked up to.

Odric had spent his life defending the weak and fighting for justice and honor. At one point,
he even defeated his brother and freed his homeland. Then came the war against dragon lords, the pure evil almost immortal dragons.

Odric lost his wife and chuld in that war and was pretty much at the end of his road. The party had discivered the last dwarven stronghold which could be used as a refuge for those who wanted to escapw thid war, but there was a catch. The stronghold was near another ancient city ruled by duregar and one of the dragon lords. The leader of the stronghold had asked the PCs to go into the duregar teritory and place several explosions on some weak points of the tunnels which cinnected the two strongholds and bury the duregar. The trigger for the explosions was given to the alchemist who had soon diedbwhen the duregar had found us. We sent a monk to inform the dwarves that we had been discovered and that the duregar will soon come in full force. We ran towards the tunnel exit, fighting a massive amounts of foes, but soon we had reached a dead end. There was just a small hole through which we could escape, but it led right to the dwarven stronghold and we did not wish to risk the duregar discovering it, so that was where we made our last stand.

We fought for a long time and we were near death when the dragon lord hadnappeared. Odric was at 10hp and IF knew that he would die so I had forced the rest of the party t flee through the small hole. I took a phylactery which we had acquiered a few sessions back and the DM clearly stated that it was unstable for some reason and that if broken, it would explode
killing all in the blast radius. I held my ground until the dragon approached, yelled "Victory at all costs" and blew myslef up along with him. It was EPIC!!!

Although I had loved that PC, I did not wish to be ressurected since I felt that his story had ended, but the dwarves did built a huge statue in my honor :-)

tell me again why paladins have a crappy reputation? i seem to see only paragons of the spirit around here!

Destiny reached
2013-03-13, 03:21 PM
I was playing a wizard 8/fighter 3. We had just defeated Galrun, leader of the Knights of Life's Circle. Basking in our rewards, we began to make our way back home. We came across the pit of blades we had encountered earlier, and laughed as we avoided its dangers. However, just as I stepped past the edge of the pit, a lone, dying guard on the floor reached up to grab me. I spun around and tripped. Right into the hole. :smallfurious:

http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/6.jpg (http://www.nodiatis.com/personality.htm)

2013-03-13, 03:28 PM
While not all directly from DnD, we had several interesting deaths in a series of Scion campaigns I GM'd.
Death by firing range (funny):
We were fighting the titan of chaos. His minions and magic had been mucking up the demigods' world all around, and so a band was formed to fix it. Except one of the guys was questionably evil... we'll say "chaotic horny".
He molests an unconcious team-mate, gets her pregnant, and eventually tries to kidnap the babies. Nope, not letting it happen. Everyone was fed up with him and looking for ways to put him in his place. But he was trolling and didn't care.
He was chasing around our scion of Sun-Wukong, the monkey prince of chinese cosmology. This particular demigod had a bag of holding which he could draw a random item from 1/round. He reached in, got lucky, and pulls out the portal gun. Yeah, the one from the game.
Places a portal at the firing range, where dozens of demigods are honing their skills in skeet-shoots. Waits for idiot to come running around the corner, pops another portal, and shoves him in so hard that he is launched out of the other side, flying high into the air, and getting shot at by the previously mentioned marksmen.
He survived to regenerate, but that's only because he'd recently switched sides and got a lot of new evil powers.
Death by anime girl:
The same guy as before, but playing in a prior campaign, and actually the character that would eventually become his trouble-maker's father. For ease of memory, the father's name is Alec, the evil s-o-b is name... I don't know, Junior, I guess.
We had a scion of the celtic earth deity... can't remember their name, but basically big, strong, and likeable. This scion was a 12 year old girl with the strength of a bodybuilder and a mallet the size of a small duffel bag. She was the friendliest, nicest, most outgoing and charismatic character we'd ever had. She was also our tank and bruiser. Alec liked to tease her, probably because his player had a crush on hers... anyway, one day he went a little too far.
See, she had this weird phobia IRL. People with axes. Too many horror movies in her formative years, I reckon, but she was terrified of people with axes, and would get paranoid that there might be one "looking in her window late at night". Also, she was scared of lions. She was weird like that.
So, in game, Alec uses his animal-domain shapeshifting powers to assume the form of a lion, and he grabs a greataxe and waits around a corner. He told me this in secret, so I didn't let on.
She comes around, not worried at all, and I describe the action of a large, dark lion leaping at her with a gleaming greataxe. She screamed in real life and panicked a little. Then she mustered her resolve and declared her actions (in scion, there are a lot more immediate actions, so characters can do a lot of stuff quickly.)
"I turn on my body armor boon, my strength surge, and my double speed. I draw my hammer and hit him in the head."
I nod, and tell her to roll. She has a massive strength modifier, and he was a squishy caster in disguise. He got flattened in an instant, and would have been dead except I was feeling generous.
Death by apocalypse... except for that one guy that survived:
That goof campaign again, fighting the titan of chaos. It was basically my excuse to do whatever I wanted, since his realm allowed him to manifest peoples' imaginations and desires at will. So we had a few random items with us...
An apple from the garden of eden. Take a bite and time-shift to the past for a few seconds. You get to recover while you're there, since time in eden apparently flowed more slowly than normal.
A pokeball, usable only once. Why? I don't remember. Someone asked for it.
Lastly, a few players who were through with the sytem and looking for ways to end the campaign/their characters.
I throw them a couple random mobs over the course of a short dungeon. They're nearing god-hood at this point, and have resorted to throwing enemies to the moon to get rid of them. Hence, I've begun implementing lots of "blue runes" that just make it where they can't do most of their OP crap.
Final random mob: 1 huge plutonium dragon (straight from munchkin). Yep, that's one big block of living, animate radioactive material.
Genius bruiser gets an idea, and throws a pokeball at it. In the second round of combat. There's no way I'm letting them catch it at near full health...
I tell him the ball closes, and then begins rocking just like the game. I'm intending for it to pop open after a few seconds.
He runs up to it and forcefully holds it shut. We make a contested strength check, and I'll be damned if he didn't beat the thing.
OK, plan B... You just compressed a massive amount of plutonium. You can feel the ball heat up as it begins to burn.
Then he shouts at me: "I eat the apple. Whole thing, don't care. I'm gone, losers!"
"I stutter and stammer, and then nod. Yep, you blew up most of the world, and only you survive. There are a few humans here and there who manage to not die immediately, so I guess their race goes on...
That's it... campaigns done, I guess. You blew up the bad-guys realm, plus every spot of earth he'd opened a portal to. Good job."

2013-03-13, 07:59 PM
Why is it that so many people destry the world:xykon:

2013-03-13, 08:17 PM
another funny death of a friend of mine. (he has many btw, and many hilarious characters that we remember a decade or more later)

He just made another character because his previous one died. I dont remember which one it was.. a drow, or diopsid or something like that. Its an underdark game. (which reminds me of an older character from another underdark game.. will get to that in a min). So anyways he makes an Illithid. We meet up with him in the caves and not too long later we start to see a rolling cloud of darkness coming our way. Well him being the smart guy he is decides to levitate up so he can see over the darkness. *thump thump thump* Handcrossbow bolts to the chest and drow poison. He fails his save and is knocked out not to mention the damage done to him. Well somehow i think it was ruled that since he couldnt concentrate on the spell or he was knocked out for longer than the duration he ended up falling to his death.

Now that previous character i mentioned. He was playing a Duergar. We were escaping from the underdark. Demons and Madness and all sorts of nasties (ADnD btw). Well we make it to a Formian Hive. Well him wanting to be the hero decided to Grow. So now instead of only a few of them being able to hit him. MANY more now can. splat. Not much farther on the Cambion licked a frog. ( i dont remember why) and started to hallucinate. We have God calls in our games. 1% per level roughly and your God actually hears you and notices you. Well he yells out "DEMIGORGON!" and succeds on his roll. Next thing you know we are all being taken to his realm.. my poor poor Pixie. (i was a captive)