View Full Version : Blood transfer: Dresden vs. Discworld

2013-03-11, 07:48 AM
Right. I just got the audiobook for Carpe Jugulum and finished it last night. I'm also a giant Dresden fan, and it got me thinking. Let me introduce our characters first, and then a few scenarios.

Spoiler warnings all around for both the Dresden Files and the Discworld.

Harry Dresden: Wizard and private detective. Broadly capable spellcaster and investigator, with a talent for force over subtlety. Has an amazing talent to get involved with people more powerful than himself and annoy them mightily with his ability to be sassy, principled, stubborn and hard to kill. Common magics include fire, wind, pure force, personal shields and highly capable divination. For the purpose of this thread, Dresden has his staff, his blasting rod, his magic-enforced leather coat and Bob the spirit of intellect bound to a skull. He does not have Hellfire, Soulfire, Lasciel or the Mantle of the Winter Knight.

Esmeralda "Granny" Weatherwax: the witch of Lancre. Unbreakable will and conviction. Would have been a wicked witch if she didn't have to be good to balance her sister. Once got into a staring contest with the sun and won by trickery. Highly skilled in headology, which is not psychology, and the ability to read people. Has the ability to "borrow", transfering her mind to various animals and, if not control, then at least "guide" them. Once defeated vampires by making them act like her after they bit her. Gifted healer. Never shies away from a difficult decision. Is magically aware of much that happens on her ground. Can read the underlying stories in the world and manipulate them to her end. Other magical powers include telekinesis, pyrokinesis, the ability to not be hurt by physical attacks until it's a more convenient time, to not be seen if she doesn't want to, shapeshifting and slowing down time on an entire kingdom. Rarely uses her own magic, since she knows better. Never shies back from doing what has to be done.

Gitta "Nanny" Ogg: the other witch of Lancre. A nice, friendly old woman who knows everyone and is mother to half a small town. A well-beloved tyrant to her family. Utterly shameless and a surprisingly able caster if she has to be. Her mind might just be a strong as Granny's. As her colleague, a healer and midwife of considerable skill. Brews some amazing alcohol. Author of a cook book and several infamous songs. Owner of the knicker leg of holding. Might just be the most charismatic person on her world.

The Red Court: these vampires are bloodsucking slimy bat-fiends that cloak themselves in beautiful human skin. They drink blood and have a highly addictive, euphoric venom in their saliva. Pro: stronger, faster and more durable than humans, immortal, sometimes gifted in magic, heal quickly. Weaknesses: sunlight, cutting their skin open spills their blood, truefaith, can't enter a building without being invited.

The White Court: these vampires are humans bound to a succubus or incubus spirit. They do not drink blood, but instead drain the energy of their victims after inducing a certain emotion, for hte purpose of this thread it is lust. They can draw upon the energy they have drained to temporarily boost their healing, speed, strength and mind-control powers, though doing so leaves them weak and potentially in a hunger-frenzy. They are harmed if they try to touch anyone feeling true love.

The De Magpyrs. Count de Magpyr and his clan were very typical movie vapmires with a host of weaknesses, until they decided that this was stupid. Have since become resistant to the sun, holy items, their own compulsive disorders and various other weaknesses, including lemons, vinegar and wine. Too fast for the eye to follow, able to fly at will, incredibly strong. Their greatest weapon is their mind control, which extends across an entire town and makes people forget that there ever even was anything unusual.

Now down to the scenarios:

1. Dresden in Discworld. King Verence of Lancre has invited the De Magpyrs into his kingdom, giving them power over it. By a freakish magical occurence (probably wizards trying to find Rincewind again, or interference by The Lady), the witches of Lancre vanish. Instead, Harry Dresden appears in Lancre.

Can he defeat the De Magpyrs?

Ground rules: there is no Nevernever in Discworld. Harry can not open the ways or summon anything. The sight reveals Discworld magic and the colour Octarine. Harry's magic does interact with discworld magic as if it was magic of his own world.

2. Magpyrs in Chicago. All the supernatural factions of the world and Chicago in particular have vanished due to unexplained circumstances, with the sole exception of one certain professional wizard. There is no Marcone and his criminal empire is gone as well.
Instead, we have the De Magpyrs, who were invited into Chicago under the rules of the accords and immediately begin to take over the city.

Can Harry stop them from doing so?

3. Red Court in Discworld. Instead of the De Magpyrs, King Verence has invited Duke Ortega, Warleader of the Red Court. who has come quite gladly with a small cadre of vampires and thralls to take over the area.

How will the witches stop him?

4. Granny Weatherwax in Chicago. Harry Dresden is gone from Chicago, exchanged for a single, slightly bewildered old witch. How much ass does she kick when she discovers the Red Court at large in the city?

And just for fun:

5. Nanny Ogg and the white Court. Lara and Thomas Wraith are locked into an inescapable small cottage with Nanny Ogg, her Banjo and a small bottle of scumble. What happens?
And what happens if Greebo is there as well?

2013-03-11, 08:57 AM
1) Yes, until they reform again (in CJ it's suggested that vampires are very immortal and reform even when reduced to ashes). A good old Pyrofuego is sufficient to burn the count to ashes so fine they resemble atoms.

2) That depends on whether the accords are broken by the Magpyrs, if so, yes like the above, else Harry is in for a lot of pain.

3) Well, they will no doubt convince him to lie still and accept the stake in his heart.

4) I'm not sure about this... I mean, she could theoretically stare the fey (yes, both courts) and wizards (like all of them at once) down enough to wipe the red court out while Esmeralda drinks a nice cup of tea with Mother Summer and Mother Winter :smallamused::smallcool:

5) Now I feel bad for Thomas and Lara, especially when Greebo is in there with them. I'd give both the Raiths just about 49 minutes to stay alive and sane in there. Then it's just about utter chaos and pain delivered by Greebo (He's like the Mister of discworld).

I'd actually pay to watch/read this...

2013-03-11, 09:34 AM
Ooh, that's another good one. Greebo and Mister.

2013-03-11, 11:55 PM
Ooh, that's another good one. Greebo and Mister.
Obviously an epic battle for dominance that will grow to encompass the multi-verse, drawing the attentions of the Dungeon Dimensions and whatever dwells in beyond the Dresdin-verse.

2013-03-12, 04:05 AM
Eh, not so much. Mister is huge, almost certainly bigger than Greebo, but is essentially a normal cat. Greebo hunts elk and kills she-wolves.

Mauve Shirt
2013-03-12, 04:26 AM
Connington, you clearly haven't read the short story in which we learn that Mister is the White God. :smalltongue:

2013-03-12, 04:27 AM
How will the witches stop him?

I'm liking the fact that you're not actually doubting that they will succeed :smallbiggrin:
sadly I know nothing about Dresden files.. but I'd say that Magrat would faf about a lot and then smack one with a frying pan, Granny Weatherwax would use headology on Gytha Ogg who would allow herself to fall for it and decide to for once show the full extent of her powers..
also, "our Jason" would probably brain one or two with the hammer from his forge...
adding Greebo.. seems overkill to me.

on a sidenote, I just found out that Jason Ogg actually exists (https://tcboregon.com/Service/RelationshipManagement/1563/Jason-Ogg.html)!!...and from now one, whenever I'll be "casting" a Discworld movie, Jason will be played by Russell Crowe