View Full Version : A Kingdom Redeemed (IC)

Malachi Lemont
2013-03-11, 07:58 AM

This morning we received a grave message from the capital at Regalia. The beloved King Balsheer has passed on. A three-day funeral has been declared in Regalia, and throughout the realm of Farondy. Before he departed, he left us with a Last Will and Testament. I suggest we honor the wishes of our late King.

My dear people of Farondy,
I have lived a bountiful life, but I see the darkness closing in. My time approaches. I have won victories and suffered defeats. I have watched my only son, Derek, grow to adulthood, and I have watched him perish in battle. These 78 years have taken their toll on me. It is time for me to depart this life and join my ancestors.
But first, I have one final order as your rightful King. Since I leave the throne with no heir, I ask that there be no more Kings of Farondy. It is time for the people to govern themselves. The serfs must be freed from their eternal poverty, the Senate must convene, and the people must elect a new ruler. I know this will not be an easy task, but I trust my people to establish a far greater nation than I ever did. I hereby extend all executive power to the Senate of Farondy. Go in peace, and serve the Realm.

King Balsheer

2013-03-11, 09:01 PM
Lord Morgan Blake
Flowne Hall, Gelder

It was nearly noon before The Bastard Lord learned of the King's death.
Blake began his morning as he always did, at ten in the morning, reading over reports of gold ore hauled from the mines the day before. A brief meal followed, hot tea and pork, in his private chambers in Flowne Hall, the ancestral home of the house that had taken him into the fold, with his wife, who was customarily still sleeping.

Myra Flowne had grown up in the lap of luxury: at least as much as a less civilized corner of the world such as Gelder could provide for her. Her father had spared no expense in her upbringing, and she had never grown accustom to awakening before noon, regardless of the wishes of her husband.

It was near this time that Morgan was finally met by the head of his household guard, Lionel Falcontail.
"M'liege, a message arrived for you this morning. It's from the capital."

Morgan looked up from his tea, raising an eyebrow.
"A bit early for the King to require another tournament, Falcontail. How much this time?"

The guard flinched, shifting in his chain mail.
"Sir, the king no longer requires currency, aside from coins resting upon his eyes," Falcontail responded, putting the letter upon the table.

For a moment, the lord of Gelder did not respond. He read over the letter once, then again, taking in the gravity of the situation. Chandler Fletcher, Morgan's main contact within the capital and the Senate, had warned him that this day would come soon. However, he was confident that he had things in the South handled. Now, it was time to consolidate his power in the North.

"Falcontail, saddle three riders. I have messages that need to be sent to Lenardo Relagus in the south, Saram Niji to the north, and to Swordgrim in the east, to the Lord Masteria. Instruct them that the letters are for direct delivery to the Lords of the holds, not their stewards or guards," he rattled the instructions off in a business-like run down, grabbing paper from a nearby shelf and starting to scribe three, nearly identical letters.

Each was a formal request for each lord to meet at Flowne Hall in Gelder as soon as possible, for a meeting concerning the future of the northern lords. With the king dead, the letters stated, it was now important for the lords in this section of the world to unite against would-be conquerors, to pool their abilities, skills, and resources to defend their homes and guide the future of Farondy. The letter was closed with a signature, and a request for each leader to send a rider ahead regarding if they would, in fact, even attend the peace talk.

Blake handed the letters to Falcontail when he returned from rousing the riders.

"Tell them to ride hard, Lionel, we have much work to do this day."

And the riders departed, one to the east, one to the north, and another to the south, each carrying a missive that embodied the ambition of Lord Blake.

Ragnar Lodbroke
2013-03-11, 09:22 PM
"Milord, A mesage from the Capital"

The Count of Goldentree was currently reading tax reports, and had instructed Bastian, his servant, not to disturb him.
But Bastian was a clever, expwerienced butler, and Martin knew that he must have had good reason to disobey him.

So he made a sign, and his servant handed him the letter.

"So, it has finally happened" He said "What did the messenger say?"

"Our Senators await your instructions, Milord. They are worried, but faithful.

I have already prepared the envelopes to send letters to the neighbouring Lords."

"Well done, Bastian. As always."

Lord Du Rogers got up, and went to the window.

"Are we to turn into a Demoracy? Was that really his last will?" He thought.

Malachi Lemont
2013-03-11, 09:31 PM
Princess Laniyah
The Royal House of Farondy
City of Regalia

Will these grumpy old Senators not leave me alone? Honestly, men have no decency these days. My father's body is still warm and they're already squabbling over who shall fill his shoes. I have an answer for them - no one! Who can replace the great King Balsheer, who united the land under a single banner? No one, I say. I am not as young as I look, and I have long since put aside my childish dreams. No, I am a mature woman, filled with grief, not only for my father, but for the realm.

I can already see it. The funeral will barely be over before the sounds of battle will begin. Can't we do something? Can't we stop this bloodshed from happening? Of course, I cannot. What good is woman's voice in this world of men? Even a royal woman? Still, the safest place is here, in the palace. I must gather what strength I have to brace for the days ahead, for my sorrows are far from over.

To the People of Farondy: I care not about honor or glory. I wish only for peace in the realm. By the grace of the Four, let the realm be united.

2013-03-11, 10:28 PM
Arch-Duke Lenardo Relagus
House Relagus Estates

Arch-Duke Relagus' boots hit the gravel of the courtyard with a crunch. He has ridden hard from the capital, leaving an hour after the Kings death. He had stood beside the King as his last breath was drawn, and had been there when the King's final wishes were presented.

Now though, the Arch-Duke needed to prepare his lands. War would come. He knew it. The King had only held a tentaive peace across the nation. The Arch-Duke turned to a nearby guard.

"I require a scribe now! We must arrange the affairs of the House. Best wake the cook. This night shall be a long one."

Damn the old fool and his desires for Democracy. Damned old fool.

2013-03-11, 11:07 PM
"Mr. Alexon!" The servant came running into Jim's office, holding out a letter. "The king... The... The king..."

"Calm down! You're acting like a fool." chided Jim Alexon, head of the Kingsport Shipping Company. He took the letter from him, opening it with a small knife. He skims it, his draw slowly dropping.

"The king is dead! And his last wishes... We seem to have been cursed to live in interesting times.

Jim sits back in his chair. "Bring me pen and paper. The next few days may be the most important in the history of our company since my great grandfather founded it."

2013-03-12, 12:07 AM
OOC:This is all assuming my recent character change is approved. If that is not the case, I will rework this as needed.


Victor groaned and rolled over, suddenly aware of the sun beating down on his unshaven face. He tried to ignore the young man's voice and slip back to sleep.

"Captain!" The voice cried again, closer this time.

His eyes flickered open, and he quickly brought his sunburnt hand up to shade them from the harsh glare. He blinked a few times, letting his vision adjust. He lifted his head, taking stock of where he was - lying in the street again. It had been a good night, at least.

"Captain Sartosa!"

Victor turned his head, shifting his body to get a better view of the man who was running towards him. The bright sunlight made it difficult to see clearly. What time was it? Victor looked down to the shadow cast by his hand. Almost noon? Bah. He looked back up, despite the light, and made out the hat the yelling man wore. Henry? No one else wore a hat that... stupid.

"What d'ya want, Henry?" he half-yelled from the dirt.

Henry came to a stop and quickly leaned onto his knees, tired and out of breath. "The king... captain..."

"Yes yes, there's a king and I'm the captain, now what's got you so bothered?" Victor asked, rising to a sitting position and wondering where his shirt had gotten to.

"The king... is dead," Henry wheezed.

Victor stopped dead, halfway through raising himself to his feet. At length he completed the transition and turned to stare intently at the younger man. "Now I want you to be clear Henry: is the king dead?"

Henry just nodded.

Victor spoke slowly and carefully, "And who is the new one?"

Henry shook his head, "No one, captain. There's no king. Just the senate. Word is that's to be it from here on out: no king."

"And our senators?"

"Still on board. Still on the payroll, anyway."

Victor smiled and looked out, across the rooftops and dirt streets, to the deep blue that lay beyond - to the sea. "The fleet?"

"Not ready yet captain, but it won't be long now." Henry couldn't help but notice the gleam in his captain's eyes.

"Good," he said, absent-mindedly, his thoughts already far away. "Pass the word to the men: we meet tonight. There's much to do."

His grin felt as large as the open ocean. "So much to do..."

2013-03-12, 12:24 AM
Lord Blaine Masteria
Swordgrim Fief

There was a knock on the door as Blaine Masteria, lord of SwordGrim Fief, sat at his desk reading a message he had recieved from a friend the day before. It was a personal message of course, he had long since done all his official duties for the day. Enter, He said, looking up. The maid nervously opened the door and stepped inside, her eyes on the ground. What is it dear? He siad politely. His mother, bless her soul, had taught him long ago to treat his servants with dignity and respect. Something his father seemed to disregard. The maid blushed furiously and he laughed. Don't be shy now. What has happened? Even though it had been several months since his father had been exiled for treason of some sort, the servants still refused to believe a noble could end up caring for their well-being.

I don't know, sir...But this message arrived from the capital for you. The maid said cautiously, handing the scroll to Lord Blaine. Then theres this one. The captain said the messenger was found dead in the outskirts of the fief.

He carefully read the messages and sighed. Turning to the maid who patiently awaited instructions, he said Thats not good...Go fetch me that tomboyish daughter of mine, please. He said, referring to his eldest daughter Arianna, who often served as his messenger in matters like these. She had always enjoyed seeing new places and the feel of the wind in her face.

Once the maid had left, he sighed once again. I bet the other nobles are overjoyed to hear his majesty's decree. Certainly interesting times...


The vey next day, a small group of men-at-arms accompanied his daughter to deliver the following message to Lord Blake.

Good to hear from you again, old boy. I will of course be present as soon as i'm able.

2013-03-12, 12:27 AM
Lord Rodrick "Dunviel"
Forest surronding Falen Keep
A messenger rides forth through the forest of Dunharrow eyeing the shadows warily. Catching a glispe of one of the keeps tower he speed along the narrow trial till halted by two cloaked figures, the shorter one said "Who dares trespass on the High Lords land without a sign of loyalty or friendship"

Riding up and dusting some fallen leaves off his horses back "A royal messenger, due you think another would dare try to come without invitation? I have a messege for Colen, Lord of Dunharrow." The two Figures look to one another and the taller one said "Well that mite be a wee bit difficult since he died not two months past, but I don't see why his son won't recieve you."

The messenger stared into the shadow of the hood looking for the face that lied underneath and asked "I heard the plague had struck you all hard, but which son now rules?" Laughing the shorter one tossed back his hood and said "Well I little man, all my poor dear relitives now are buried underneth the crumbling chapel north of here, but you won't reconize my true name but I heard I do have a passing resemblance to my deceased father." Shocked the horseman stared long and hard till he gasped as he noticed the signiture black hair and green eyes. Of it all the mans green eyes held his attention most being niether dark or light, yet some sort of twilight shade of green.

"Now I know I have pretty face, but we don't usaly get a royal messenger so please just spit it out. Harvest is coming up and I still have to revive the stores for winter." Lord Rodric sighed as he remebered the amount of paper work he still had to due.

Stammering "Yes m'lord, the King has just passed and ordered this message to be spread about the land." Rodrick nodded to the taller man to take it then handed it to him. Craking the seal he began to read.

My dear people of Farondy,
I have lived a bountiful life, but I see the darkness closing in. My time approaches. I have won victories and suffered defeats. I have watched my only son, Derek, grow to adulthood, and I have watched him perish in battle. These 78 years have taken their toll on me. It is time for me to depart this life and join my ancestors.
But first, I have one final order as your rightful King. Since I leave the throne with no heir, I ask that there be no more Kings of Farondy. It is time for the people to govern themselves. The serfs must be freed from their eternal poverty, the Senate must convene, and the people must elect a new ruler. I know this will not be an easy task, but I trust my people to establish a far greater nation than I ever did. I hereby extend all executive power to the Senate of Farondy. Go in peace, and serve the Realm.

King Balsheer

Sighing agian Rodrick turned and started to walk back towards the Castle motion with the back of his hand he said "Well come along and I will see what we can do for lodging you for the night, I'm sure the trip has tired you and I have many questions to ask about this little situation." The taller one backs up onto the woods and disapears in the shaded foiliage.

"M'lord I'm afriad I cannot tarry for I still have three move fiefs to vistit befor I may rest." He said quivering, looking about for the tall cloaked figure.

"I figured as much" Rodric said "Fine, wait here till Henry returns he will give you a fresh skin and provisions for the next leg of your journey." and with that disapeared around the bend.

2013-03-12, 03:26 AM
ooc: long post - just an establishing post: they'll be much shorter after this.

Areavian Dominion
Capital City: Drak'thenar

The human messenger hurried up the expansive marble steps towards the colosseum that loomed above him upon its apex. From within the mighty structure came the roar of wild, unknown beasts and the cheering of crowds whose lust for violent justice was being sated.

Panting heavily upon reaching the top, the well-dressed man approached a trio of elves - guards of the monolithic arena and in touch with its royal security. Approaching the three foreigners, the human gained their attention as he came to a halt several feet in front of them. Even at this distance, should he look directly forward, his eyes would only be greeted with their stomachs.

"You seem in quite a hurry, human." one of the guards spoke through his steel face-plate, his voice smooth and curious. He took half a step forward to loom over the messenger while his two compatriots quietly drifted to his flanks.

Having to crane his neck back awkwardly to gaze up at the elf, the messenger held forward a scroll in both hands. "An urgent message for Queen Solaris, by royal decree."

Reaching down and plucking up the scroll with his long, dextrous fingers, the guard considered the rolled up paper before spotting the royal seal that confirmed its legitimacy. Nodding, "Your message has been delivered and your task completed."

"But I -"

"Aisilius." the captain stated. One of the elves that flanked the human messenger responded with a short word from their sharp tongue.

"See to it that a guest of the Queen receives his proper hospitality. Grants him fresh clothes, room, and tomorrow, his parting gift."

"Yes captain."

Lost on the spot, the human chewed his bottom lip as the guard signalled for him to follow with a sweeping gesture of his hand.

Nodding in acquiescence, the messenger followed while the Captain turned and departed into the depths of the arena. Royal decree's did not come their way that often, so he was anxious to see what news was being bequeathed to the nation.


"Dead? Of old age? Ba-haha!"

The queens amused laughter echoed off the cavernous walls of her arena suite. Her mirth seeped into the rich red and black silk tapestries that adorned the halls alongside exotic weapons and trophies taken from faraway battlefields.

"And the continent is to be administered by the...senate?! That pit of snakes?!"

Laughing contently to herself, the Queen shook her head as she stood admist the finery and opulance her station provided. A rich red and gold cloak cascaded down from one shoulder while her tall, lithe body was adorned with gem-encrusted ceremonial vestments befitting times of peace. Hair as black as the devils heart flowed down her well-muscled back as threads of the raven locks were held together with small cuffs and decorative ornaments.

"I cannot believe it, G'khar," the elven queen uttered, shaking her head in disbelief as she let the scroll drop from her long fingers. The woman headed over to one of her balconies that allowed her to peer across the ongoing construction that peppered her peoples new home city. During the silence, a bestial roar from one of the grotesque fighting horrors of the arena snuffed out the whimpered cries of an unfortunate combatant.

"To think of all the years we endured the humiliation of banishment and the unbearable hardships of the merciless ocean just to fall beneath the purview of some wrinkled child."

The Queens knuckles grew white as she gripped the railing on her balcony.

"They deserve better," she hissed, gesturing towards the city at large and her subjects within it. "We deserve better than a broken nation."

"With the King returned to the halls of his ancestors, the other human nations will descend into anarchy." the captain spoke, his voice measured and deliberate.

"Captain, I want you to mobilise the citizenry and prepare emissaries to carry messages to distant kingdoms. I want our ten year plan accelerated."

Queen Solaris pulled herself back from the balcony, a fire in her eyes that stiffened her adjutants shoulders.

"And finally, re-arm the Burning Blade and tell the Beastmasters to ready their creations. Then send words to the docks that the Stormreaver squadrons are to be rebuilt and sea-worthy!" As she re-entered her suite, the Queen hefted a spear from a weapons rack and clenched the shaft tightly as her eyes fixed upon the large map of Farondy that hung from one of her walls. With decades of practice guiding her movements, the elf drew the spear up into a striking position.

"Rouse them all from their complacency, then drive them forward to paint this continent red!'

Solaris hurled the weapon through the air towards its target. The spear impacted against the map and embedded itself deeply into the wall, such was the force behind its blow, leaving its shaft wavering back and forth with elastic energy.


Three emissaries were dispatched to different corners of the continent.

Diplomatic Messages:

Count Du Rogers:
The reaper claims the highest amongst the continent and reminds us all of the sobriety of mortality. While none of us can escape time, we can all enjoy the fruits of shared prosperity and cultural exchange. To this end I extend an invitation and my warmest desire for you to visit Drak'thenar to strength our commonalities. My emissary has been instructed to facilitate your needs in regards to dates of convenience.

Jim Alexon:
The Kings passing marks a day of mourning for the continent, and though we are joined with you in the grief for our nations father, our people are still siblings through the mother of our domains: the sea. The ocean has made both of our nations possible and through it, our prosperity and profitable enterprise ensures a bright future for those in our charge. Thus I extend an invitation and a warm desire for your company in Drak'thenar for talks of trade and coordinated naval defense so that the future of the sea in our part of the world will profit and protect us both from those with ill-intentions. My emissary will have further information as to a date.

Lord Rodric:
Though I, regrettably, know little of your customs and ways, I can say that our nations are joined in grief for the passing of the King. In the vacuum of my understanding for your people lies a desire to learn and become acquainted with your customs and the hope that our exchange can secure a prosperous future for neighbors such as ourselves. Upon this desire I extend to you an invitation and warm hope that I will host your company in Drak'thenar, where I wish to discuss an opening avenue with your lands and a friendship with your people. The emissary that I have entrusted with the task of delivering this message will have further information should you share my hope.

Malachi Lemont
2013-03-12, 06:39 AM
The people of Farondy are impressed with your skill at storytelling. It will surely be a fine song that the bards sing of this epic time.

2013-03-12, 09:09 AM
Saram Niji was sitting by the fire, reading over some mission reports that weren't really of consiquence. His mind was elsewhere, he had heard from his agents that the Good King had died. He had worked with the king many times over the years, and although they hadn't spoken in a few years he expected the news to reach him faster.

When the messanger came up the stairs Saram was already standing waiting for the letters. As he read through the news of the kings demise over and over, Saram's face filled with anger. He balled up the letter and threw it in the fire.

How could that fool think this is the right way Saram thought to himself The people have no idea how to take care of themselves, much less the rest of the country. It'll be weeks before armies are marching across the land for one Noble of the other. The fool is going to destroy everything he created with this edict.

As he opened the letter from Morgan Blake, his mood improved drastically. At least some of us realize whats about to happen

He turned to his messanger, who had now been standing quietly for at least 20 minutes. He deicded to mess with the boy a little, and stared at him for a few more minutes, making the runner squirm a little.
Don't just stand there. Grab a quill and take a message. You think I like having younglings stand around my house?

To Morgan Blake


It is good to hear from you in these dark times. I shall plan a visit in the next week to discuss these matters. Hopefully we can get ahead of any potential conflicts.

~ Saram Niji

2013-03-12, 09:29 AM
"Sir. A letter for you sir. The courier says that he will only deliver it to you."

"Well let him in. Hurry up man."

Arch-Duke Relagus reads the letter, and sits pondering the message.

He quickly pens a reply, and hands it to the messanger.

Tell Lord Blake that I will meet with him soon. Best you ride. I myself shall depart shortly. There is no time to stand around with idle chat. Go man!"

The Arch-Duke dismissed the man, and began to make his own arrangements for departure.

2013-03-12, 04:24 PM
Lord Morgan Blake
Flowne Hall, Gelder

Morgan Blake, now dressed in his customary garb of a black and gold doublet and black pants, knew that good news was on the horizon when he saw the Lord Masteria's daughter riding over the hills towards Flowne Hall. He ordered the flag of House Flowne raised above the building, a sign that the riders were welcome to come into the Hall, in peace. The flag flown above the home of House Flowne was plain and black, with a golden, gauntlet clad fist emblazoned in the center of the field.

The Lord of Gelder met the woman at the door, a docile smile attempting, with varied levels of success, to distract onlookers from his furrowed brow and the dark rings that hung under the young man's eyes like families of bats. It seems like the Bastard Lord had spent much time awake in the last few days.

"Lady Arianna, it is wonderful to see you again," Blake said, sweeping into a low bow, after which he came back up to kiss the young woman's hand. This wasn't mere pleasantries. If House Flowne was going to extend it's control through the realm, it would require all the force he could muster. And the might of Swordgrim was a force Morgan would need to turn his dream, his vision into reality.

"I'll take that, but I think I might already know your father's response," the Lord said, reaching out and taking the letter, sliding it into a pocket with a quick motion, "Do come in, I've already had chambers prepared, my men will take care of your horses. You may keep your weapons, if you wish. As a sign of good faith," he gestures to the blades on the hips of the men-at-arms.

"You are, you see, the first to arrive. Your chambers are further down that hall," he gestures towards the guest quarters, then continues, "If you require any assistance, my associates are at your beck and call."

Without waiting for any real response, Morgan Blake turned on his heel and strode comfortably to his study, throwing the door shut behind him and briefly reading the letter, tossing it on a pile on his desk when he was finished.

Things were going exactly as he had planned.

2013-03-12, 05:07 PM
Kingsport Shipping Company

Jim Alexon read the letter from the Elf Queen, and immediately started preparing for a long trip. His younger brother Erik would be left in charge of the company, though Scipio, an older servant of theirs who had been working for them since their grandfather's time, would likely be handling most of the day to day business.

First though, he had to write a letter.

the Areavian Queen

I would welcome the chance to visit Drak'thenar. When are you wishing to hold this meeting?

Ragnar Lodbroke
2013-03-12, 06:22 PM
Duchy of Goldentree, Small Council (Public)

Martin was discussing matters with his small Council.

The Stone-Trenton twins (The Count Tulace and the Viscount Tywin) were his bannermen. They used to head his armies during the war, and were seconded only by him in strength or military skill. However, they were his equals when together. They were twins, but very different. Tywin had been bigger since he was born, just after his brother. He was strong in head and body, and one of the more handsome knights of the Kingdom.

Count Tulace “The Overkiller” of Stone-Trenton was short and lean, and had a small limp. He had a handsome face, but that was the only thing that he shared with his brother. He had never liked physical games. Instead, he preferred his books, with some wine.

Some people thought that that made him inadequate as a commander, until they saw him change a battle merely by planning ahead, and shooting the enemy commander down with a ballista.

“My brother’s way is more gracious, but mine works just as well” He said to a noblewoman who questioned him on that.

Tywin, who was there at the time, laughed and added: “That is true. Besides, the fellow probably thanked my brother. My squad was charging against his cavalry when he shot over us”

Timothy Parkson wasn’t a noble, but was allowed into the small council. As the senior member of the Guilds of the County, he had enough knowledge to turn the Economy upside down.
He was the quietest of the three. Sometimes he couldn’t believe he was working alongside the governor of the County. The twins disliked him at first, since he wasn’t a noble. But they heeded his word when it came to economical matters. He had become respected in time, thanks to his skill.

Charles Du Fronde, Bishop of Gotron represented the Church of the Hills, the ancient church that dominated the hills that lied close to the central mountains. The religion had gained foothold in Goldentree, and Martin chose him as a member of his Council when it became apparent that the Bishop was a an effective politician.


"So, Gentlemen, that’s it for the month’s decisions. But there is another issue."

The Nillbog showed the letter of the Elven Queen to them, and most of them frowned.

“Martin, by the gods!! You are needed here! The King just died!”

“It’s not as easy as it seems, but I don’t know if you should go. You are needed here.”

”Gentlemen, if he doesn’t go, it might be seen as an insult. Besides, the Queen is very clever. She probably has some ideas.”

(Parkson cleared his throat)
”Milord, the County’s numbers are in proper order. You could take off for a while without everything crumbling over.”

The Nillbog smiled.
"I thank you for being honest, as always. I agree with the bishop; for one. Armies are disarmed for now; and the roads are safe. That might not be the case next year.

I have decided the following: Viscount Tywin of Stone-Trenton will join me, as the leader of my escort. I have already thought of a way to go there. I promise you’ll love it, Tywin."

Tywin laughed out loud.
“The last time you said that, I had to buy a new horse!”

"I recall that it was I who bought the aforementioned horse; but it’s true nonetheless. “

(Martin looked to the Bishop)

”Charles, you will remain here as my Right Hand while I’m gone.
Mr Parkson and the Count of Stone-Trenton will assist you."

“Charlie, you will finally get the time to teach me how you make Nillbog call you by your real name.”

”He doesn’t call him…. Nillbog... To start.....”

The viscount looked at the guildman. He liked the guy, but why did he have to open his mouth? And, on top, be right??

“Yes. Sure. I will think about that.”

Martin Du Rogers repressed the laughs, as the rest of the Council did. Only the Viscount and the guildsman looked uncomfortable.

Martin took the flask of beer that had been sitting in the table. It was probably warm enough.
”I think that wraps it up. If you don’t mind, I must prepare my journey.
Here’s to the late King!"


As they drank, the council members couldn’t help but to think that the Count had an awful alcohol taste.

Mr Parkson, however, was sure. And he was the only one who knew why.

To Queen Solaris of Areavian Dominion
“Your Royal and Gracious Majesty:

I’m deeply honored by your offer; and will attend the meeting with a small escort of my bannermen. I hope this will be the beginning of a long and fruitful friendship.

Count Martin Du Rogers.”

2013-03-12, 08:41 PM
Lord Rodrick "Dunviel"
Personal Study of Falen Keep
After meeting the queens ambassador he quickly wrote a letter in response. After calling for his fastest rider and sending him on his way he began to muster a gruad for his upcoming journey to her palace leaving details to Henry to watch over the land as his steward and to perpare for the next stage of his plans. Calling for both his mount and sword he rode off in hopes for a much needed allaince.

Queen Solaris:To the Queen Solaris,

It would be my honor to grace the halls of your Majesty and can only hope I will not embarrass myself. I am newly raised to the rank of High Lord and can only hope to learn from your lifetime of experience. I will see you in a week’s time to share my grief of the king and speak of ways that may better this; sadly I say new to be war torn country.

High lord Rodric Dunviel

2013-03-12, 10:09 PM
Lord Blaine Masteria
Flowne Hall, Gelder

Just days after the arrival of his daughter at the halls of Lord Blake, Blaine Masteria personally arrived from Swordgrim Keep to the east. He was a tall young man with a constant, mischevious twinkling in his eyes and the ghost of a grin was always on his lips. A rapier was at his waist and a dagger hilt could be seen in his boot as he rode through town towards the Hall. A dozen grim-faced soldiers rode behind him with their hands on the hilt of their swords.

Was originally gonna wait until next turn to arrive until I saw how close we really are to each other. I thought you were on other end of the world and here you are, exceedingly close to me. :smalltongue:

2013-03-12, 10:25 PM
Morgan Blake
Flowne Hall, Gelder

Specifically why I invited the people I did. My neighbors.

Morgan met the Lord of Swordgrim much like he met his daughter earlier. Standing outside the door, flanked by a few attendants, a calm smile on a weary face.
"Lord Masteria. It has been... too long, for sure. Welcome to my home, I hope it is suitable for the immediate future."

2013-03-12, 10:51 PM
Arch-Duke Lenardo Relagus
Flowne Hall, Gelder

Arch-Duke Relagus rides uptowards Flowne Hall. Many days hard ride has left the Arch-Duke weary and travel stained, but time is definetly not something the Arch-Duke can spend idly.

The Arch-Duke's guard lag behind, obviously exhausted from their travels. As the Arch-Duke approaches Flowne Hall, he and his guard are stopped by a patrol.

"Who be ye sire?"

"I am Arch-Duke Lenardo Relagus. Your master has requested my presence. Make yourself of use and go notify him would you? My men and I have had a hard ride, and I desire to meet with Lord Blake as soon as possible"

2013-03-12, 10:55 PM
Lord Blaine Masteria
Flowne Hall, Gelder

Good to see you again. You wanted to discuss something with me? I am all ears. Lord Blaine would say to Morgan. Then, looking around, Nice place you got here.... he remarked.

2013-03-12, 11:29 PM
"Perhaps some conversations are best left for closed doors Lord Blaine. Are there any other Lords here?"

The Arch-Duke brushes dirt off his travel clothes, snd attempts to neaten himself up

Ragnar Lodbroke
2013-03-12, 11:49 PM
Nillbog's arrival to Drak'thenar

The Count of Goldentree and the Viscount of Stone-Trenton arrived to the elven city just as the sun rose.

They brought the horses to a halt, and their companions stopped with them.

The Elf spoke first.

"That is Drak'thenar; our Capital."

"It's... breathtaking."

"If your wine is half as good as your city, I'm never going home."

The riders laughed, and advanced towards Drak'thenar.

Count Du Rogers had read some notes regarding the Elves; or "Westerlings", as they were sometimes called.

Proud people. He would have to be careful.

They were taken to see the Queen herself. The Palace was simply magnificent. It was smaller than the Royal Palace, in the Capital, but it looked bigger. The columns, the size of the gates and windows... Everything gleamered, showing the finest elven craftmanship.

Du Rogers and Tywin of Stone-Trenton vowed before the Queen.

"Honored to meet you, Majesty. We have come a long way."

2013-03-13, 01:03 AM
Queen Solaris was standing over a war-room desk, the expansive oak oval displaying a map of Forandy, territories included, and pieces depicting the various personalities that they knew of situated atop their lands.

Finishing with a scroll and encasing it in an ornately decorated scroll-case, Solaris handed the object to a waiting messenger and nodded to him solemnly.

"You carry the future."

The lightly armored elf brought a closed fist over his heart before saluting his monarch and departing.

Almost on cue a second officer approached, offering the Queen the same salute before he spoke.

"Your Majesty, the Count of Goldentree and his entourage have arrived."

The elven queen piqued a slender, black eyebrow in delight, her smile wide.


Solaris smiled brightly as she welcomed the Count to her domain. She made sure to welcome them in the antechamber of her palace and not the war-room - she did not want to impart the wrong impression.

"The honour is ours, Count Du Rogers," she started, taking a step forward so that she could clasp his arm below the elbow and he could hold her wrist, in a firm shake. Her fingers easily encircled his forearm. In turn she did this for the Viscount also.

"Travel must have been arduous over such a great distance, and we have much to discuss. Come, allow my servants to treat you to your rooms, new clothes, and the banquet to honour our esteemed guests: yourselves amongst them."

When she spoke, a noticeable, sharp accent laced her words. Common was clearly not her native language.

2013-03-13, 08:11 AM
Saram Hiji
Flowne Hall, Gelder

Arriving a bit later than expected for the man who lives across the river, Saram rides alone across the Gelder - Othran bridge. The old man's riding skill seems to be lacking, and he refuses help when dismounting. He pulls out a walking cane as he approaches the door.

It's been a long time Morgan! A pleasure to be back at your wonderful home, a shame it has to be during these dark times.

2013-03-13, 09:58 AM
Morgan Blake
Flowne Hall, Gelder

Morgan nodded to the assembled lords dismounting outside of the hall, and his attendants stepped forward to take their horses away.

"Yes, it is a pleasure to have you all here, yet pleasure is not the nature of our meeting today. Please come with me, we have much to discuss. My men will take your steeds, and see they are cared for," the young lord says, stepping inside of Flowne Hall and waiting for the visiting nobles.

When all were inside, Morgan strode down the hallway into his study, holding the door open and shutting it behind him when all had entered.

"Now, I'm fairly sure you all understand why you are here. The King is dead, and his last wish is for Farondy to be ruled by the people's will, embodied by the Senate. Today, you were able to ride to my home in peace, but by this time next year the hills and fields of our fair land may be ablaze. I have called you here, not to plan conquests, but to discuss how to defend the kingdom from upstart lords and would-be conquerors. The four of us are powerful lords, and this day most of all the people need defenders to stand against the rebellious usurpers who will soon reveal themselves. This rebellion, regardless of the cost, must be crushed, and Farondy must be forged into the mighty force it once was. Do I stand alone in these assertions?"

While speaking, Morgan walked over to a large table, upon which was a map of the country and the outlying islands.

2013-03-13, 10:27 AM
A now well presented Arch-Duke strolls over to the map. He straightens the clip on his cuffs as he moves a hand towards he short goatee.

"This is all and well to protect the North, but I am the closest to the capital, and the closest to the passage that runs along the mountains to the south. I do understand that you could all get men down there, but I could have men at the capital by the end of the month. If we plan to forfill the final wishes of the King, the capital must be protected."

The Arch-Duke pauses.

"I will stand with you to protect the North. But it will be my lands that will burn first. If I am to commit my people, my land and my house to this end, I require one thing from you. A promise, that when the time comes, you answer, and forfil, a single request of mine. It won't cost your treasury, it won't cost you men. This is what I require"

He smiles again and bows with a florish.

"Otherwise my Lords, I stand before you, prepared to protect the glory of the nation and her people. I will stand as the foreguard to the North."

Ragnar Lodbroke
2013-03-13, 11:33 AM
Martin got up from the high table. The feast had been abundant, and the Wount and Viscount had made a point of honoring their hosts.

Now, the feast was about to end, and most guests were walking around in groups, discussing various issues.

He saluted the dignataries and guards, and vowed before the Queen.

"Majesty; your beatiful City will never cease to amaze me, for as long as I live.

I deeply thank you for this invitation; which I will return in proper time.

Of course, you will have to wait until I'm finished paving Goldentree Castle with gold. Otherwise, I'd feel I'm not making your wellcome worthwhile.

While I hesitate from taking my mind away from this happy topics; I must ask to share a word with you, regarding the Kingdom's wellbeing."

2013-03-13, 12:06 PM
Saram Hiji
Flowne Hall, Gelder

Saram leans back in the chair

Who do you think will leading this rebellion? Until we have a definded enemy we cannot do anything more than prepare. We must also remember we are not the only 4 lords of the land. The East, the Islands, The South all have lords that probably have the same worries as we do.

Arch-Duke, I'd recommend against moving into the capitol until a threat shows itself. Otherwise we will be seen as the "rebellion" and see the entire country move against us.

2013-03-13, 12:29 PM
Kingsport Shipping Company

Jim's arrival in Drak'thenar

Jim arrived in Drak'thenar with little show. He saved it for after was already in the city. Booking a room in the nicest hotel, and showing up at the finest restaurant, he made the most of his first night in the exotic capital. The next morning, dressed in his finest clothes, he shows up at the court of the Elf Queen. He finds himself in what amounts to a large, elaborate waiting room, waiting to be announced.

2013-03-13, 01:44 PM
Cassandra Otakar
The city of Meridia

Lord Malack stepped cautiously down the small flight of stairs, looking around as he stepped out into the fresh air. Lady cassandra was seated by the edge of the balcony, at a table covered in papers; quill and abacus at hand.

She looked up as Malack approached, her face plain, uninterested. Malack bowed, speaking with a smile;

"Lady Cassandra, it's always a pleasure to see you."

"It is?" Cassandra seemed thoughtful for a moment "If you say so." She stared blankly at the Lord.

"Umm...right, I wanted to speak with you, about next months food shipment"

"Someones outbid me?"

"No No. Nothing like that. Actually...we've had a flood. Half our crops were destroyed, along with several of our outlying villages. Even with your shipments, we won't have the food to get us through the month."

"Ah, okay. I can arrange to increase the shipment. I assume you've been to see Lord Breton as well? I'll beat whatever he's offering."

"...Lord Breton was hit as well. Worse than us in fact."

"Oh." Cassandra thought for a moment "I can can double the shipment this month, for...three times the price. Next month I should be able to get you more if you need it"

Malacks eyes went wide "Three times the price! I can't pay that! Your granaries are full, you don't need the food, my people are desperate!"

"You have the money, do you not? I don't see the problem." Cassandra furrowed her brow, genuinely confused.

"I...damn you. You've got a deal"

To the Senate:
In light of the kings death, I propose a review of imperial policy. Namely, I would ask if it were possible to make Farondy a free trade region, for the benefit of all merchants of the land.

2013-03-13, 02:16 PM
Morgan Blake
Flowne Hall, Gelder

Blake nods to the Archduke,
"This is good to hear. I'm glad that you will stand with me, my lord."

The young man then, however, turns his attention to Hiji,
"Sometimes, my friend, preparation is enough to prevent the war altogether. If you see a large pile of gold in the woods, the you will claim it as your own, but if there is a dragon sleeping atop it, then you may have second thoughts. Do you understand my reasoning?"

Morgan begins to collect up a handful of statuettes shaped like scrolls, setting them, one after another, onto the map, inside the capital, surrounding a figurine of a crown.

2013-03-13, 02:31 PM
A footman soon approaches Jim Alexon, offering a polite bow before addressing the man.

"Master Alexon, we were hoping you would arrive. We have a position in the hall prepared for you already."

He would then be shown in to the banquet area where the others were gathered, eating, laughing, drinking and enjoying the entertainment.


Solaris maintained a friendly disposition to the human, smiling politely at his kind words.

"You are a kind man, and your compliments are warmly received." she said to him, before listening to his desire for a private word.

"By all means..." she uttered, permitting him the privacy to speak his mind.

2013-03-13, 04:57 PM
Lord Blaine Masteria
Flown Hall, Gelder

I stand with you as well, and I assure you, I am already preparing to meet any threat that may come our way.

As to the capital, I don't think moving against the place in force is a good move. Not until we actually know what kind of threats we really face. However, if any one of you should require assistance, militarilly or otherwise, House Masteria and Swordgrim Fief will be at your full disposal. Blaine said, studying the map. It is clear that he is considering the best moves.

I think a free-trade region is a splendid idea.

2013-03-13, 05:01 PM
Morgan Blake
Flowne Hall, Gelder

The Bastard Lord nods.
"Yes, occupying the capital at this stage seems foolish, but leaving what remains of the Royal Family in that snake pit seems even more foolish. I suggest inviting the Royal Family, in particular, the Princess, to stay in Swordgrim Fief during these dark times, provided, of course, you assent, Lord Masteria."

2013-03-13, 05:14 PM
Lord Blaine Masteria
Flowne Hall, Gelder

Of course. The Royal Family is always welcome in Swordgrim.

2013-03-13, 05:22 PM

The small towns and villages along the coastline were bustling with activity as shipwrights set to work on their creations, metalworkers hammered new tools, fisherman and local trappers brought in their goods, and a new generation of sailors learned as much as they could from dry land. Sartosa smiled. He found that few things moved him quite as much as seeing his will in action.

"Mister Crawford!" he yelled good-naturedly.

"Aye captain!" came the distant reply, as a short, portly figure detached himself from a small gathering and hurried over.

"Who owns the other half of this fair isle?" Sartosa asked, his eyes not leaving the flurry of activity before him.

"Actually, I think it should be lord," Crawford said absent-mindedly, his attention locked in the bundle of papers he held.

Sartosa said nothing for a moment, then turned to look down at the shorter man. "Um... what?"

"Your title," Crawford explained. "It's 'lord'."

Sartosa blinked. "My title."

"Aye cap- my lord. I mean, yes, you own a ship (or a few actually, I have the exact numbers around here somewhere...), so you have the luxury of choice, but it is common practice to take on the highest available title one has bestowed as their preferred; which, in your case, would be 'lord'."

Sartosa blinked again. "Alright Dave, let's assume I didn't already ask you a question and run with this for a bit, eh? Why am I a lord?"

"Because, sir," Crawford finally raised his head and met Sartosa's gaze. "You own this land. That makes you a lord."

"And if I own the whole island? What am I then?" At this point the captain was merely humouring the other man.

"Still a lord, I believe, just a more prominent one, although I can't see how that might affect social situations unless more than one member of the aristocracy was present, in which case th-"

"Yes yes. Whatever. Now: who owns the other half of Lupasia?"

"Hmm," he consulted his notes. "Doesn't seem to be any single lord, captain, just a handful of towns and fishing villages. Local headmen and the like."

Now we're getting somewhere, Victor mused. "And can we buy them out?"

"Buy or 'buy' sir?" Crawford asked, knowingly. He may not have been a pirate himself, but he had spent most of his life with them.

Sartosa smiled. "The legal way, I think. I kinda like the idea of using people's money to buy their homes out from under them. Besides, we could always go back and get it later.

"Actually, while I have you, how are preparations going for our little armada?"

"Very well sir, the ships are nearing completion, following your specifications. The hull style is somewhat unusual for such tropical waters, but the shipwrights seem to have cottoned on to the idea."

"The shipwrights haven't tried to sail in the frozen north, nor pillage up a river with an ocean vessel. I have."

"Indeed, sir."

"The captains and crew?"

Again, Crawford looked to his papers. "We have captains enough for all the vessels in port, plus a few more in the near future. Crews we're slightly more lacking on, but we've plenty of able volunteers. Most seem to pick up the ropes well enough, but the swordplay is a bit more challenging."

"No one crews a vessel in my fleet unless they can kill a man on a stormy deck. There's a reason I'm damn good at what I do, and that's part of it."

"Of course sir."

2013-03-13, 05:30 PM
Cassandra Otakar:
Cassandra Otakar of House Otakar receives an invitation from Queen Solaris of the Areavian Dominion, inviting her to Dark'thenar for discussions on the future of their region now that the king has passed on. The date the emissary provides is the same one as other local lords will be in attendance.

What would a Free Trade region entail, exactly?

2013-03-13, 07:06 PM
Morgan Blake
Flowne Hall, Gelder

Blake smiles slightly, then moves the crown figure to the section of the map labelled 'Swordgrim'.
"Excellent. Make the proposal, we should be able to provide an escort for them all the way to your halls. Next in line is our control of the Senate... I'd like to bring up the fact that, I'm relatively sure that the four of us combined, can control a large amount of the Senate. Let's say, for example, that I have... this many senators at my service."
He steps aside, revealing the scroll figures around the capital.

PMing the number of statues to all of you.

2013-03-13, 09:15 PM
Lord Rodric
arriving atAreavian Dominion
Capital City: Drak'thenar

Riding up to the Gates of Drak'thenar his reluctent herald left his mount and called out "Lord Rodric, Last son of the Dunharrows come forth to great the great Queen of the Areavian Dominion and awaits her pleasure." during this the mounts stir uneasly waiting for a response. Rodric noding his herald to contiue "He hopes his letter has reached you with hastse so not to arrive unseemly at your own door since he had left the day after it was sent in order to break words with you in person"

posted a letter in ic and pmed you and got bored and wanted to post a quick response

2013-03-14, 03:57 AM
Lord Rodric was welcomed through the gates, the expansive archways allowing him through without any troubles. Along his way he was informed that Queen Solaris and others were hoping to greet him at a banquet currently underway in her palace.

Should he venture there he and his entourage would be welcomed and shown proper hospitality by the towering elves, as well as, befitting his position as sovereign of his domain, leeway into visiting the Queen and her meeting with the other leaders.

2013-03-14, 05:41 AM
Welcomed by the news Rodric went through the gates and gave his mount to the groom saying "Keep care of this old beast, it has seen more battles than half of my own troops" With that he fallowed another servent surrounded by his and th Queens graud as he was lead to the great hall. Stoping short the Queens own herald had him wait by the two great doors, both beautifullly craved and enlayed in particularly stunning designs, and called to all inside "Welcome to Lord Rodric, Last son of the Dunharrow's, High Lord of the Southern Forest, and Beast of the Moutain." Surprised that the Queen had some heard of his eariler title as a bandit he strode throught the door still wearing his rather fine traveling clothes, sword left with his head graud and cloak tossed over his shoulder.

2013-03-14, 06:52 PM
Cassandra Otakar:

Cassandra arrives at Drak'thenar in the early morning, having rested overnight in one of the nearby villages. Travelling with her is a small band of merchants, interested to show their wares to the people of Drak'thenar, and an attaché of guards.

Oddly, of the group, Cassandra is dressed the least elegantly, in what amounts to functional, but plain working clothes. With her plain features, and lack of finery, the Heir of House Otakar looks more like a servant than nobility; among the well dressed merchants and finely polished armoured guards.

The group heads straight for the palace on arrival, introducing themselves at the gates;

"Lady Cassandra of House Otakar has arrived, on invitation from Queen Solaris. Where does the queen request our presence?"

2013-03-14, 07:20 PM
Swordgrim Fief-Royal House of Farondy
A thought has occured to me: Isn't it likely there may be some trouble in the aftermath of the Kings death and royal decree? To head off any potential trouble, I would like to extend an offer for the Royal Family to stay in the halls of Swordgrim Keep. As well as being fairly far removed from the capital, the Legions of Swordgrim are the finest soldiers in Farondy and could keep you safe during the crisis. Please get back to me as soon as possible.

Lord Blaine Masteria

2013-03-14, 08:23 PM
Both Rodric and Lady Cassandra were shown into the main palace where Queen Solaris was already entertaining Count Dur Rogers and Lord Alexen.

Their conversation politely rescinding with the arrival of the new-comers, the towering Queen turned on her heel and spotted her guests, a bright smile coming across her fey, exotic features.

"Lady Cassandra, and Lord Rodric - you have arrived as I hoped you would! You have come upon us at a most fortuitious time: we were discussing the consequences of the Kings passing."
The elf crossed closed the distance between them rather quickly and, upon doing so, drew her right hand forward to shake Rodrics hand much as she had that of Du Rogers and Alexon: she would hold his forearm, he would hold her wrist in a militiristic grasp. When Solaris turned to greet Cassandra she would hesitate from showing this same greeting, aware that the human women instead had the tendency to "curtsey", or some such. Should this not be displayed then a heart arm-embrace would swiftly follow.

2013-03-14, 08:49 PM
Rodric surprised at the Queens strong grasp shook back heartily as he looked about the room. Surprised at the nember of lords and Ladys from the surrounding fiefs and baronys he responded quitely "It is a pleasure to have finally met you dear lady, I can only hope that I can be of some use in dealing with the mess the Kings death has left us." All the while smiling knowing how close his words came to treason if at the least slander of the royal crown.

2013-03-14, 10:42 PM
Kingsport Shipping Company

The Court of Queen Solaris

Seeing the new guests, and a new round of unknown faces, Jim moves over to introduce himself after the queen. he greats both of the new arrives with a handshake. "I'm Mr. Alexon. Head of Kingsport Shipping Company, and mayor of Kingsport."

Introductions finished, Jim turns to the Queen. "The king's passing is indeed a sad day, but I am curious as to why you have called us all here."

2013-03-14, 11:19 PM
Lord Rodric
Master of Dunharrow

"Agreed" he said after greeting Mr. Alexon. "What is the point of all this, many of us have our oppions of how to handle this situation, many will see such a gathering as a threat to thier own power. Why do you risk setting yourself against the senate?"

2013-03-15, 06:38 AM
Morgan Blake
Flowne Hall, Gelder

Morgan steps away from the other Lords, and the map table, in his study.
"It's settled. You all have your duties, as I have mine. If any of you require assistance, you know where to reach me," he says, moving the scroll shaped statues to the side.
"And, my lords, I beg you to remember the words of the old scholars. 'Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely'. Keep our goal in mind while we go about our business."

2013-03-15, 06:57 AM
Solaris had to resist snorting in contempt at any mention of a "senate". The idea that she had lead her people across the ocean to a new and better life only to hand over her jurisdiction to a bunch of shriveled humans that were centuries her junior was insulting.

But...she had to keep up appearances.

"I do not set myself against the senate," she answered, pacing over to stand in front of the large, oaken table upon which a tapestry with a map of Forandy laid sprawled across.

"Nor do I ask that of any of you. What does concern me however is the discipline of the territories whose leaders are not present here, and interests will, undoubtedly, be focused upon themselves.

What I have in mind is a confederation of trade and defense."

Malachi Lemont
2013-03-15, 06:57 AM
City of Regalia
Turn II (June)

It had been two months since King Balsheer had gone before the Gods. The sun rose early over the cobblestone streets of the capital, illuminating first the spires, then the rooftops, and finally the alleys below. Senator John Ashwell, a well-built man in his forties with a close-cropped beard, strolled out of his manor in the Goldenleaf district.
Shall I call for a carriage, sir? asked his manservant, strolling out of the servants' quarters.
I'm in no hurry. I might as well walk. the Senator replied, pressing a silver coin into his servant's hand. Here, go buy yourself something to eat. The servant thanked him, gave a slight bow, and ran off. Ashwell began the twenty-minute walk to the Citadel.

He was nearly the last to arrive. Most of the Senate was already abuzz with chatter, sending a shiver down Ashwell's spine. He always grew suspicious when Senators got excited. He strode over to his desk to discover a thick envelope of brown parchment. He turned it over in his hand, examining the seal. Imprinted the wax were the letters L.R. Must be Lenardo Relagus, he thought. The Archduke. What does he want from me?

He nearly gasped when he broke the seal and twenty gold coins slid out of the envelope, rolling onto the floor in an embarrassing manner. He gathered up the money with a silent curse, hoping no one had seen.

There was something else in the envelope, he soon realized. A letter, in fine handwriting, stamped with Relagus's mark. He thinks a simple bribe will make him King? Ashwell muttered. Bloody fool. Most folks in the Senate spend that much at a tavern every night. So he claims the title of "Lord Regent" but don't they all? This is nothing like our King would have wanted.

Ragnar Lodbroke
2013-03-15, 07:42 AM
Queen Solaris meeting

Martin Du rogers bowed to Lady Cassandra; saluted Lord Rodric, and shook hands with Mr Alexon.

"I was just discussing the matter with the Queen. It is my belief that the territories not uder the rule of greater Lords will fall into disarray.

What is your opinion?"

2013-03-15, 11:24 AM
Kingsport Shipping Company

the Court of Queen Solaris

"I do not know about the mainland, but there have been no rumblings on my home island. The city of Kingsport is even expanding it's holdings into further parts of the island. I do see the need for cooperation, however it is not the holdings of the smaller lords that I worry about, but if any of the greater lords should try to forcibly take the throne against the wishes of the late king."

Ragnar Lodbroke
2013-03-15, 02:05 PM
Queen Solaris meeting

That is not bound to happen anytime soon. No Lord is that powerful.

2013-03-15, 04:06 PM
Cassandra Otakar
The Court of Queen Solaris

Cassandra does not curtesy to the Queen, instead standing awkwardly until the queen offered her arm. She shook it, having seen Du Rogers and Alexon do the same, before taking her place in the room.

"The king is dead. His opinions don't matter anymore. Forget about him. What is best for us now? Who is a threat to our growth? What sort of ruling body do we want for Farondy?"

Ragnar Lodbroke
2013-03-15, 04:31 PM
The Court of Queen Solaris
OOC: I feel it's apropiate to have this conversation behind closed doors
IC: Listening to Lady Cassandra's words, and feeling that the vital part of the conversation was to take place, the Queen asked the servants to leave, so she could talk to her guests in private.

Martin Du Rogers waited until the door was closed, and talked to Cassandra:

"That is the kind of dialogue I wanted to have. There appears to be a delicate balance of power throughout the Kingdom, even in the Senate.

But this can't last.

I'm not sure what are the Eastern noble preparing; I feel it's safe to think tht they will build an alliance like ours.

For now, this is my proposal:

- We colaborate in the Senate, through the Senators we know and influence. We are to stop any law that would threaten our existence; like the creation of a national army, or a National Tax, or trade regulation from the Capital.

Or worst, the crowning of a new King who could be against us.

- We agree on territorial expansion, to prevent conflicts between us.

- We create and strenghten trade bonds between us. I can sell timber, and I have a decent gold mine back home. If any of you have iron mines, I'll be more than happy to buy exclusively from you."

2013-03-15, 04:45 PM
Lord Rodric
The Court of Queen Solaris

"That would work very well in my mind Martin Du Rogers" pausing for a moment and glancing about the room rodric continued "I can supply information and my knowledge of the lords here abouts given time enough. Few have ever know what my men can do or what they would do for me."

2013-03-15, 06:49 PM
Kingsport Shipping Company

Court of Queen Solaris

"I can agree to those goals. I have no doubt what so ever that others will be making similar pacts. I would like to go ahead and make it known that Kingsport lays claim to it's entire island, and it's natural and mineral resources."

2013-03-15, 08:13 PM

Solaris was glad to hear the words of both Ru Rogers and Cassandra. The first for his support of what she said, as he undoubtedly had an easier time convincing his fellow humans of this idea than she did. The former because of the way in which she dismissed the Kings notions as easily as death had taken him.

"I will sell iron exclusively to the lords and lady's of this consortium, as we are the only ones to have access to such a resource on this side of the spine of the continent." the Queen used a long finger to trace down the mountain ridge that separated Forandy almost completely down the centre.

"These territories, in time, will rest beneath the banner of people."

Solaris encircled the peninsula upon which her city was already located - it covered territory 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Ragnar Lodbroke
2013-03-15, 08:35 PM
Queen Solaris Audience
"The territories 1,2,3,4,5,6 shall be under my protection.

Let us focus on organizing this territories under us, and see where the Country's politics go.

Majesty: Once I hold (5), I will contact you. I am planning to restore the Old Kingsroads. The roads connecting our respective trade bases should be the first ones, right?

Mr Alexon; I will contact your Company in due time. I wish to establish sea trade between my territories and the rest of the realm.

Lady Otakar: Consider me your faithful ally. As the main contact between our holdings and the South, a good portion of my gold will go to your coffers, and it will be well spent.

Lord Dunharrow: You are our tie with the East. Most of our external relations will affect you first."

2013-03-16, 09:46 AM
Queen Solaris Audience

"For this to work I will begin to reiforce these areas" Rodric said as he began tapping on the areas north and east of him " The only problemis to the Northeast of me is held by some Abbot. At this stage I would perfer little confortation and with your permition offer him a spot with our alliance. He would sevre as a excellent buffer both politically and strategicaly form the northern fiefs." turning to the leader of the Kingsport Shipping Company he said "Once I've captured these areas I will Establish a trade route to you as well as setting up a military line of defense between you and others on the eastern banks. Further on I will send some of my old friends to find out what they can about these Northern states"

OOC: tapped areas 20, 17, 16

2013-03-16, 11:20 AM
Cassandra Otakar

Court of Queen Solaris
"An Abbot? I do not trust such men. Besides which, he is not really a barrier. Silvia Vaughan has passage straight past him."

2013-03-16, 12:20 PM
Abbot Henricus
Silvaholm, Greenstead

"Abbot! Abbot!" A young man cried as he ran through the great oaken halls of Silvaholm's Chapel.
The weekly teaching had ended a brief few moments before and the last of the churches patrons were finally filtering out. It was just beginning to be afternoon, and green light filtered down from the rafters.
The Abbot was in his usual robes, shades of jade mixed with amber tones of earth. He was apparently just finishing a conversation with one patron, smiling warmly and shaking his hand.
"Abbot" he said once more, quieter this time, while slowing down to catch his breath.
Abbot Henricus looked at the boy, he was only around 15, but he wore the hides customary of an apprentice Watcher. "What is it lad?" he said, raising an eyebrow.
"My... mymaster... that is... sir..."
"Catch your breath son, then spit it out."
The boy paused a moment then said: "My master and a group of other watchers and I found a band of those raiders that havebeen terrorizing the local farmers. With Yggdrasil's blessing we defeated them without loss, and while searching through their stolen possessions, he found this message with the royal seal!"
Shocked, Abbot Henricus reached out to accept the message and quickly opened it to read:
Royal message:
My dear people of Farondy,
I have lived a bountiful life, but I see the darkness closing in. My time approaches. I have won victories and suffered defeats. I have watched my only son, Derek, grow to adulthood, and I have watched him perish in battle. These 78 years have taken their toll on me. It is time for me to depart this life and join my ancestors.
But first, I have one final order as your rightful King. Since I leave the throne with no heir, I ask that there be no more Kings of Farondy. It is time for the people to govern themselves. The serfs must be freed from their eternal poverty, the Senate must convene, and the people must elect a new ruler. I know this will not be an easy task, but I trust my people to establish a far greater nation than I ever did. I hereby extend all executive power to the Senate of Farondy. Go in peace, and serve the Realm.

King Balsheer

"Oh my, it seems the old King really has fallen." he sighed and lowered himself into one of the nearby oak hewn pews.
"And look at this date. It seems we have received it nearly two months late! That poor messenger must have fallen prey to those marauders, they must have thought he would have had something more valuable. Return to your master lad, and tell him to redouble patrols. It is good that we have found this message, i just hope it is not too late."

With that About Henricus left chapel and headed off to the chamber of the Listeners, to ready the people, and to send the Seekers off with diplomatic messages to the closest neighbors.

Lord Rodric and Silva Vaughan
It seems that we have been told late of the news and the impending chaos. The last months have been hard on my Watchers, because of a local bandit problem, so we have been wholly unaware of the situation. With this message I would like to extend the offer of an alliance, with support from our resources, troops, and the wisdom of Yggdrasil.

May the World-Tree always shade your path,
Abbot Henricus

2013-03-16, 02:38 PM
Court of Queen Solaris:

"Yes, the lords in the east..." Solaris uttered. She had little idea as to the personality any of them possessed, but she doubted that they would be the welcoming sort.

"Your help, Rodric," Solaris started, pointing a long finger to the eastern lands on the map of Forandy, "in keeping us up to date of the happenings in these lands will be invaluable."

OOC - to all present at Queen Solaris' meeting:
(I'm looking to sell units of iron. Would people be willing to pay 1 gold per 4 units?)

2013-03-16, 03:18 PM
Cassandra Otakar

At Queen Solaris Court:
"Shall we announce our alliance to the rest of the country now? Should deter anyone from making foolish attacks against us."

To Queen Solaris:
That prices seems to be quite a good one. Unfortunately, we have rather an excess of iron at the moment. I will get back to you when I have need for more.

2013-03-17, 10:20 AM
Lord Rodric
Queen Solaris Court:
As the groyp was talking there was a knoeck on the door, walking over Rodrick opened it while the others were talking and said "What in the world could be so important that it could not wait till after the meeting" glaring down at the servent.

"Sir there is a message for you one of your riders brought it in great haste and said it was important that you read it at once" the young man siad as he handed over two Envolopes to him and stood back.

"Thanks, next time await in my chambers if any more messages are delivered. Some things I would perfer to keep private." Rodric said as he closed the door.

Opening the frist letter it read about the current training of troops and overview of the nations status and mentionedd a letter had arrived from Abbot Henricus. Placing it in his pocket he opened the second letter.

It seems that we have been told late of the news and the impending chaos. The last months have been hard on my Watchers, because of a local bandit problem, so we have been wholly unaware of the situation. With this message I would like to extend the offer of an alliance, with support from our resources, troops, and the wisdom of Yggdrasil.

May the World-Tree always shade your path,
Abbot Henricus

"Well not the most political letter but it does get the point across, Lords and Ladys it looks like there might be another we can easily add to our number." he siad as he offered the letter to the Queen to read. " The dear Abbot Henricus has an offer of an alliance between him and I. I heard of his order and they are rather militized chruch that do hold to a sense of honor. As we seem to be already a rather large group I don't think adding one more to our number would hurt. But I will defer to our ... Councial in what we should do." All the while walking back to his chair to sit down.

Ragnar Lodbroke
2013-03-17, 05:58 PM
Queen solaris Court
”I don’t mind to add an extra member to our League. I will not be able to stay much longer, sadly. I must be going back, to get my territory in order.”

The Count smiled:

”How will be called? The Western Holy League sounds fine; but the Occidental Alliance is more martial.”

OOC - Queen Solaris
That’s a fair price. I’ll try to set up a bank, given that I’m the one holding the gold reserves. I’ll get back to you when I’m in need of Iron.

2013-03-17, 07:49 PM
Victor Sartosa
Island of Lupasia

"Now you understand what we're asking for, yes?" inquired Dave Crawford.

"I believe so," said the portly man, his attention still mostly fixed on the map before him, thick fingers tracing the coastal edges of the island. "How extensive is this project to be?"

"Exhaustive," said Crawford.

The man looked up over his half-moon glasses. "Not a simple task, I trust you understand. Nor a quick one."

"There we can help you," Crawford said as he dug through his files, pulling forth a thick stack which was tied together with hemp line. "We've already consulted most of the local fisherman, as well as those sailors who do the soundings for their vessels. This is a compiled database of what we've found so far. What we need you to do is filter all of this and translate it to map."

The cartographer nodded. "I think I can do that. It won't be cheap, and it still won't be quick, but it'll be doable."

"Lord Sartosa will be pleased. If you require anything else, don't hesitate to ask," said Crawford as he picked up his things and left the better-dressed man in his hut. He had to squint his eyes against the harsh glare as he re-emerged into the dirt streets of one of Lupasia's many small coastal villages. He narrowed avoided stepping on the prone form of a drunk man, and made his way gingerly to the port, weaving through the unusual crowds of thick-necked men with sunburns and a myriad array of tattoos. Such small towns as this rarely had more than a hundred people between the isolated fishing families, but with Sartosa's plans moving as they were, this little nameless port had become the staging point for a veritable armada.

Ahead of him, Dave could see the masts of the ships rising above the crowds like a proud forest, thick with furled sails and slack lines. Even from back where he was, Crawford could see the forms of men on the yardarms, making the last adjustments before the fleet set sail.

It didn't take him long to spot Sartosa, and true to form the captain stood on the bowsprit of on the sleek hunting vessels, leaning over the railing with one hand holding onto a line, cupping his mouth with the other as he shouted to the men working below. Of late the captain had grown attached to his title of "lord," and had begun to dress more the part. His choice of attire was much the same as always - a long-tailed black coat atop a white blouse and tanned pants, with knee-high black boots and a blue sash about his waist - but the nature of his clothes had much improved, making him by far the best dressed man present. His fingers now shown with a half dozen rings of various makes and designs, all of which once belonged to men who now sat silent beneath the waves. Even the swords he now wore at his hips were of exceptional quality.

"If you drop that one more time, then I'm flying a flag made from your skinned hide!" Sartosa was yelling.

Eventually the big captain swung over the railing and, using the rope to slow his fall, landed lightly upon the wharf, feeling satisfied that things were progressing as well as could be expected. "Mister Crawford! Are things with the good cartographer dealt with?"

"Aye sir, he seems a reliable sort."

"Good, I'd hate to have to spend good money on somebody who wasn't; it always gets messy. The captains?"

"Awaiting you aboard the Pyke sir."

"Let's not keep them waiting much longer then."

The Pyke, like most of her sisters, was a new vessel, having been constructed at Sartosa's wish only recently. She was a sleek ship, but had a deceptively shallow keel, making her more of a risk for her crew, who had to work hard to ensure she didn't tip, but also giving her the capability of moving through waters that would normally be far too shallow for a ship of her class. Her two masts were square-rigged, but bore many extra yards of sail that could augment her speed to something truly fearsome. Her tall masts and their many ropes served another, altogether darker purpose, however, as they served as lines with which the crew could swing from their vessel to another, to board those who would not otherwise welcome such men aboard. She was a hunter, able to catch almost anything at sea, or flee those who could give her crew a run for their money. The sails that sat furled upon the yardarms now were the traditional white of any sailing vessel in Farondy, but in her holds she bore another set - these ones a dark grey-black, to better allow the Pyke to slip undetected in the dark of night.

Sartosa climbed up the gangplank and faced the gather of the nine men who would lead his ships in this early season. "Captains," he said simply by way of greeting. The assembled men simply nodded, with the occasional grunt of "lord". They were a motley group, but all bore similarities - regardless of whether they were of large or small build, each of them bore little but corded muscles, and had rough, windblown skin that had been deeply darkened by years spent beneath the hot sun. Once they had each served under Sartosa, and they had proven themselves both as sailors and as killers.

"Listen well, as I don't intend to repeat myself. The Pyke, Marlyn, Sea Hag, and Windbourne will take to the seas here," he pointed to the map that had been arranged before him. "While the Scion, Harlot, Iron Soul, and Barracuda will sail further west, to here," he pointed again.

"And yerself?" Asked Harlaw, captain of the Scion. "Where will you sail?"

Sartosa grinned. "Captain Horne will take the Mako, and I will captain the Blacktyde, and we make our way here."

The other captains looked down to the map and smiled cruel grins. "A good day to be of the Fire Island I reckon," said Captain Wyke.

"A fine day indeed," Victor agreed. "Now you all know the rules: a black flag must be flown, and the meaning must be clear. I don't want to hear about undue cruelty, or unwarranted mercy. It's time we made ourselves known to the soft peoples of Farondy. Now go, and show me what it means to be from the Fire Island!"

The others shared conspiratorial looks and headed quickly back to their own ships, with only Captain Dosk remaining on the Pyke (as it was his vessel). In no more than a few hours they would each be gone from the small sandy beach which had served as their last port of call, and each had minute last-minute preparations before they set out. While no pirate considered himself to be religious, they were, to a man, superstitious; few knew as well as they the dangers of the sea.

"Captain?" came the softer voice of Crawford from back on the dock. Sartosa looked away from the map and over the railing. "The Blacktyde is ready for you sir."

Sartosa grinned and vaulted the railing, his heavy boots slamming onto the wooden planks of the wharf. "I've missed this."

2013-03-19, 12:53 AM
Lord Blaine Masteria
Outside Swordgrim Town

Lord Blaine and a small party of his retainers watched the fresh platoon of new recruits drill on the parade grounds that rested directly outside of town. supervising the platoon was a young woman of medium height and build, dressed in a suit of chain. A helmet rested at her side and a sword was at her hip. Fall out, you got five minutes to rest! She shouted to the men before turning to greet Lord Masteria. Blaine, how did you manage to convince me to come and train these farmers?

The Lord of recently expanded Swordgrim Fief just laughed and shook his head, not taking any offense to the womans intentional ommision of his title. They knew each other well enough by now that formalities were often ignored unless circumstances required them. Are they worthy of joining the Legion, Beatrixe? He asked his general, who was a friend from Farondy's Royal Army. After taking over the fief from his exiled father and seeing the sorry state things were in, he had pulled some strings and arranged for Beatrixe to help him get the Legions back in shape.

She snorted. They aren't even fit to polish my boots, let alone tarnish Swordgrims good name. Then, as an afterthought she added They're getting better though.

I certainly hope so...We will soon need all the swords we can muster if we are to drive the bandits out of the western reaches between here and Gelder.

2013-03-19, 04:49 AM
Solaris watched as the humans chattered about this and that - her mind drifting to Lord Rodric's idea that they invite the Abbot into the fold of their developing union.

The Elf queen didn't trust the human religions. They did not seem to like her too much, either. Having a member who had been ordained within such an organisation would be concerning, but he could be useful if employed properly.

"He could be useful, Rodric. But a part of our strength is the exclusivity in accordance with our homes in the West. The more opinions to enter the fray of discussion, the slower we would become to respond to pressing concerns. What do you think he could provide?"

Awesome guys. Anyone else desire ore at 4 iron pieces for 1 gold? Give me 100 gold and you get 400 iron!

2013-03-19, 06:39 PM
Queen Solaris Audience
Lord Rodric

"My Queen if you not mind I would like to speak to you in private for a moment then. I do have some information towards this gentleman that might convince and I do have some ways to Influence him." Chuckling at he looked her in the eye "In either case I do have plans that will be greatly enhanced if we were to allow him to join us. As well as ways for maybe another way to pull more fiefs under our banner. In either case is it not now my ... job to gather and expolit any information for our... cause?" He began tapping his empty sword sheath as he waited for the queens response, all the while waering a slight grin.

2013-03-20, 07:01 PM
Lionel Falcontail, Morgan Blake's Personal Bodyguard
In southern Gelder, 25 years ago

"...And hereby revokes the titles, ranks, and lands of the rebel and traitor Lionel Falcontail, and condemns him to a lifetime within Glitterdark Prison."

Falcontail looked up at the attendant, gripping the irons wrapped around his muscular wrists. The young man scowled, glancing across the room to a reflective shield adjacent to him, examining his neatly tripped beard and short, military, cropped sandy brown hair.

"Falcontail, do you have any last words before you are consigned to the eternal darkness of the prison of Gelder?"

Lionel back up to the man sitting next to the attendant who had read his sentence. Marcus Flowne, the Lord of Gelder.

"Yes," Falcontail said, standing, much to the alarm of the guards flanking him, "I wish to make it known, before my sentence is carried out, that Farondy will never change as long as the current leadership still rules the kingdom. For our way of life to improve, a man needs to arise from the ashes of Farondy, taking control at the point of a sword and better the quality of life across the board. I may not be this man, but one day, sooner or later, he will appear, and all will know that he, not the kings and lords, is destined to rule this realm."

Regardless, he was imprisoned for his rebellion against the crown.

Lionel Falcontail, Morgan Blake's Personal Bodyguard
Glitterdark Prison, 9 years ago

Glitterdark Prison wasn't built as a prison. The labyrinthine complex was originally dug as a gold mine, but was long since mined out of the precious medal that Gelder was known for. There were no guards, save a small battalion at the entrance. There were also, however, little food, water, and no light. The tunnels were filled with vicious criminals, collapsed from exhaustion, surviving off of dripping water and insects that crawled over their prone bodies.

One such prisoner was the disgraced knight, Lionel Falcontail.

Falcontail hadn't seen the light of day in a long, long time. So when the glow of a torch came down the hall, it was brighter to the renegade knight than the light of ten thousand suns.

"Lionel Falcontail. I can't believe that you're still alive."

2013-03-20, 07:08 PM
Kingsport Shipping Company

Court of Queen Solaris

"We are an alliance of rulers here, anything you can can say to the queen to sway her opinion can be said to the rest of us here."

ooc - court

Once I get some gold back, i'd be interested in buying Iron. I just need a few turns to get my economy up and running first.

2013-03-20, 07:40 PM
Court of Queen Solaris
Lord Rodric
Sighing he looked over to the Head of Shipping "If you must know I have saved members of his order befor and have welcomed them into my lands. That had been attacked by some large groups of bandits as they made their way south and my personal graud and I rescued them. I know many of my people have converted to this old faith and have myself found a particuler interest in it."

As he began to pace around the table looking at each lord and lady in the face he continued.

"In either case a decent amount of tales have reached me listing this orders strength and virtue. We would be hard pressed to take them in battle. Why waste such a offer with little fears of over expanding where he only offered an allaince with me. My plan would be that he aligned himself with me as a parther but not a member of this court till he has proven worthy. All I would do is act as overseer till he can prove himself to the councial. Would that be apporperiate?"

I would love to but as with everyone else my ecomoney needs a boast

Ragnar Lodbroke
2013-03-21, 07:05 AM
Queen Solaris Court
"That could be a good idea. We don't need a war right now, and it wouldn't do to despise potential friends.

Ladies and gentlemen, I believe we agree on the main matters.

Shall we sign a treaty? I should be going back shortly. My lieutenants are skillfull, but it will take a steady hand to organize the territories.

We should get the road network up as soon as possible, and organize a private mail service between our capitals."

To the Lords of [5]
"My Lords: As you know, important changes are to come to the Kingdom. I have been in talks to many of the local leaders, and I believe I should have a private chat with you regarding the future.

Would you agree to meet me in [Castle of a noble friend close to my borders] on [Date before the end of Turn 2]?

We have to discuss an alliance.

Count Martin Du Rogers"

2013-03-21, 07:30 AM
IC: Queens Court
ooc: Do ya'll want to start wrapping this scene up soon? I think we've hammered out the basics of: Defense and Economic treaty, everyones on board!

Solaris listened to Rodrics proposal for the order of holy warriors that had emerged towards the centre of Forandy. Surprisingly, the Elf Queen held back a soft snort of derision over the idea that she would be "hard-pressed" to take a group of humans in battle. For you maybe... she thought gingerly to herself.

"If you think he can be courted." Solaris said, her voice smooth and considerate.

"Unless others have objections?" she proposed.

During Turn 2:

Solars' bronze skin absorbed the gentle sunset that glittered gently across the roof-tops of the reconstructed Drak'thenar. Atop her balcony, the elf queen beheld the labyrinth of elegant archways, sharp architecture and flourishing vegetation that emitted a soft, golden hue as the sun slowly sunk below the horizon.

To the east glimmered the ocean that reflected the suns diminishing rays. Sifting across the calm surface were the tall, sharp sails of the newly carved elven warships, their scythe-like hulls cutting graceful speed across the face of the sea. The Queen felt her skin bristling softly as her green eyes traced over the blood-red sails that displayed the animal symbol of her nation: a leviathan.

Shifting her gaze, Solaris spotted the hundreds of mounted figures practicing outside the city walls. While a difficult task for a human, Solaris' sharper senses allowed her to pick out details amongst the shifting masses of cavalry that were practicing the mobile warfare of her people. Tall, armored elves whose temper matched the fearsome reptiles (http://www.worldofbattles.com/files/u31929/Drow-Goblin1.jpg) they rode, the Areavian cavalry drilled endlessly to ride in formation, fight from reptile-back and remain out of reach of a slower force while firing their large bows accurately from the saddle. Periodically, the primal excitement of the lethally fast, clawed reptiles which they rode would emit an ear-blasting screech that even the Queen could hear from several kilometres away.

Solaris could remember the long, arduous decades it had taken her people to finally break those fearsome creatures into something resembling a ride-able beast of war. This bitter memory would be swiftly transformed, however, when the occasional earth-shuddering roar would rumble up from deep below the city streets to remind her of the other, larger specimens her people had brought with them from across the ocean.

"My Queen," came the smooth voice of Solaris' adjutant from behind. "The iron mines have been secured and stations are flooded with recruits eager for the professional forces. Lord Drek'thorin is seeing to the organisation of the citizen levy, while General Katahr is reorganising and training the Burning Blade."

"Good." Solaris answered simply, her forearms crossed across her tummy. The rich silver-trimmed, blood-red silk of her half-cape fluttered softly in the elevated air-current, revealing the trim, thick muscles of her folded arms.

"We must expand, and we are doing so to the south."

The Queens sharp hearing detected the armored footsteps of her approaching senior officer, and listened as he appeared next to her to pause and admire the view. "What of the current inhabitants?"

Solaris waved a gauntleted hand in dismissal, the jewels encrusted across the gloved webbing shimmering in the dusk. "Wayward nobles with neither the clout nor significance for anyone to be lament of their absence."

The Queen then turned her head to face her adjutant, the other elf averting his eyes out of custom lest he be seen as defiant.

"Civilise them."

Sounds great guys. Maybe we could start up something in the future where there's an automatic trade of 400 iron to each customer each turn to keep them in a neutral state for their iron expenditures each turn or something.

2013-03-21, 07:51 AM
Cassandra Otakar:

To the Queens Court
"I do not approve of religion. The gods are not creatures to be worshipped. They are uncaring brutes, regrading the world as nothing more than a play-pen for their sadistic entertainment."

"If the abbot speaks with his own mind, then he may be useful. If he follows the will of his 'gods' he is only a liability"

OOC, to the Queens Court and GM:
What is the mechanical benefit of a road network between our territories?

2013-03-21, 04:47 PM
Victor Sartosa
South Island Sea

The bow of the Blacktyde cut into the soft sand of the beach, its momentum carrying it well up the shore. Before it had come to a stop, booted feet hit the sand as the crew leapt over the railings, several towing thick lines whilst others brandished horse-bows or blades. Sartosa himself stood perched at the bowsprit, deftly compensating to keep his balance atop the ship. He nodded contentedly as the crew dragged the shallow keel high onto the beach, ensuring they did their job well before leaping down to join them.

Without needing to be told, the pirates assembled before their captain, eager looks upon their faces. “It’s time, boys,” Sartosa says with a smile.

The men grinned, some drawing or brandishing their eclectic mix of weapons in anticipation. Some favoured boarding axes, others simple swords, of a great many styles, while some carrying long spears, bucklers, clubs, or even a whip. The more talented with arrows bore compact horse-bows, their powerful draw and short form making them ideal for ship-board use.

Sartosa drew his own blades, a pair of fine sabres, and gestured with one, over the heads of his crew. They turned to look at the distant sight of the small village that lay where their captain pointed. “There it lies,” he said in a loud, conspiratorial whisper. “Its name is meaningless, its people are weak, and they do not deserve what they have. This land has grown fat in its arrogance. It’s time to remind them who rules the waves and the shores!”

The Lupasians shook their arms and cried out for the triumph to come, before turning and charging across the sands, weapons ready for the villagers ahead. Sartosa smiled, then turned to one of the few remaining. “Jon, keep six men and watch the boat; it better be here when I get back.”

“And my cut?” the short, thickly muscled man asked before his lord could leave.

“You know the code, Jon. You sail under the black,” Sartosa indicated the plain black flag which flew from the mainmast. “You get an equal share, like all the crew.”

Jon simply nodded, satisfied that he wouldn’t be cheated, and turned back to making the ship ready to depart when the time came.

Great Sea

The last man dropped his blade, a heavy longsword – a blade best suited to fighting on land, preferably from horseback – and dropped to his knees, hands trembling as he held them before him. He almost choked out a word before the brutal greataxe silenced his pleas.

Captain Marcus Wyke pulled his weapon free and shook it to loosen some of the blood, his steely gaze sweeping the deck of the merchant ship. Everywhere he looked he saw his own men, some cutting the throats of the few mangled survivors, while the rest threw back their heads and roared in victory. The ship groaned slightly, its boxy hull tied fast against the sleeker Barracuda, as off to starboard the Scion cut across, soon to add Captain Harlaw’s men to the plunder. Wyke didn’t mind; the heavy sow of a freighter they had taken carried far too much booty for the Barracuda to make off with alone.

In the distance Wyke could see the other two ships, the Iron Soul and the Harlot, each keeping a safe distance in case something unexpected occurred. The captain had to admit, Sartosa had done a damn fine job in training up these ratings into real pirates who could be proud to call themselves “Fire Islanders”.

Not a sentimental man, Wyke began barking orders to his crew. “Strip her boys, I want everything not nailed down - and if you can pry it up, it’s not nailed down! Charles, I want weapons and anything else salvageable from the dead crew. Bloody Bart, get below decks, I want to know what stores this fat cow had left. Old Joe, take William and the Bard and coordinate with the Scion’s company, I’ll not be cheated by Harlaw or his ilk.”

The men hurried to obey, as their captain made his way up to the forecastle. He enjoyed the elevated view, as the Lupasian ships were far closer to the waterline, and did not have either a poop deck or a forecastle. He did not relish it for long, as he spotted, off to the south-west, a black spreading in the sky.

“Mister Spade!” he shouted. A man on the deck was quick to answer, and climbed up to stand beside his captain. “Get what you can, then make the Barracuda ready for storm. There’s a squall coming, or I’m a mainlander.”

Spade followed his captain’s eye, and nodded. “Aye captain, quick as the devil. What about this boat? Lord Sartosa said to take what we could.”

“That he did, boy, but there’s no way this tub will last with only a skeleton crew, and I’ll not trade the safety of my ship for any merchant’s barge. Strip her, and burn her.”

Island of Lupasia
One Month Later

Sartosa’s boots were the first to land of the wooden pier of his home, his grin broad. Behind him, a gangplank was quickly set up, and the crew wasted no time in unloading their ill-gotten goods. Victor paid it no mind, knowing that every man-jack of his crew was well aware of the punishment for stealing from a brother. Instead, he made his way across the docks, to the other ships which moored there.

He found the other captains, each regaling one another with their successes, while Dave Crawford tried to keep track of the treasures which were unloaded. Sartosa greeted his fellows, who bowed low, happy now to call him “lord”, for the riches he brought them.

“Wyke, tell me you did well.”

“Aye, well enough, my lord. Better luck than some, anyways,” he said, his bearing less giddy than one might thing.

“What troubles you?”

“Morton, my lord, he didn’t make it back. The Iron Soul neither.”

“Defeated?” Sartosa’s voice was incredulous.

“No my lord! It was the sea. A storm, quick and harsh, it battered us all. We got separated in the darkness. A day later, we found some wreckage, and a scattered few of the Iron Soul’s crew amongst it.”

Many of the pirates present touched metal for luck, or spit upon the ground to ward away ill-favour. Sartosa nodded grimly. They all knew such risks; all sailors did, even the honest ones. In a way the pirates were not surprised, and though they were not a group who were given to mourning, each of them, in their heart of hearts, feared the sea, and didn’t like being reminded of its power over them. “A barrel of drink over the side, for those who sleep beneath the waves,” he ordered Crawford, who merely nodded.

“For the rest of us, we have plunder to split, and plans to make, lest the soft-bellied land-lovers find some fire in their spirit, and make ready for us.”

He was somewhat surprised when he looked down, for he was touching the metal of his belt-buckle. He immediately let go. Never a religious man, Sartosa wondered at his unintentional superstition as he turned back to helping oversee he got his due.

2013-03-22, 12:09 PM
Morgan Blake
The Hills of Gelder

Morgan felt the rapidly accumulating stubble upon his chin with two fingers, staring down at the small plateau. A knight stood at his side, Vincent Kendall. A former suitor of Lady Blake, Kendall carried the banner of Gelder into the various tournaments of the realm. He wasn't much of a warrior, but he was excellent at by-the-books combat techniques.

"What do you think, my liege?" Kendall asked, removing his impeccable iron helm. Morgan ran his eyes like a wave over the soldiers milling about below him, knights handing them standardized armor and weapons.

"An army befitting the bastard lord," Morgan said with a sigh, "A war band of brigands, shepherds, rapists, and men looking for gold, not glory," he turned his back on his mismatched army, all donning the black iron armor of Gelder, "Make sure we get them in line. I want them on the leash in our lands."

"And what of the lands of others, my lord?" Kendall asked. Morgan did not turn around.

"Those that are our enemies are irrelevant to my interests. If the populace resists, we are not responsible for what our men may do," The Bastard Lord did not turn around. But if he did, Kendall would see the smile that put a shiver down his spine.

Malachi Lemont
2013-03-25, 09:46 AM
Terrible news for the Kingdom of Farondy! On his way back from a meeting with Queen Solaris, Jim Alexon was robbed and murdered by highway bandits. His body was discovered lying in a bush in the lands of House Otakar. The Otakar men swear innocence in Alexon's death, and direct the blame toward the scoundrel Victor Sartosa and his vast pirate organization. The Kingsport Shipping Company is on the verge of collapse, as hundreds of merchants try to fill the void that Alexon left behind.

Ragnar Lodbroke
2013-03-25, 03:23 PM
Martin Du Rogers
To Queen Solaris and House Otakar
"My Ladies:
It is with great regret that we have received the news of the death of Mr Alexon. He seemed like a trustable ally.

We fear that his death, at the hands of those dreaded pirates, will make them strong enoughr to take control of the seas. We will find a way to collaborate with your fleets to prevent that.

Count Martin Du Rogers."

To Queen Solaris
Ok, what do we do with [7]?

2013-03-25, 07:09 PM
It's right on Solris' boarder - she'll be going for it. That gives us both 6 territories each on the mainland.

2013-03-25, 07:22 PM
Lord Rodric

Leaving the Queens castle Lord Rodric took up his men towards his home detailinng letters to the surrounding territirries to his banner detailing that those who fail to do so whall be either forced to join or be wiped out be the combined forces of the Western Allinice.

Hey y'all figureed to try to convince the surronding regions to jion me through dimplomacy frist befor wasting troops on capturing them.

2013-03-27, 09:32 AM
Cassandra Otakar:

Cassandra set her breakfast down on the table; a few pieces of bread, and some simple cheese. She took a few minutes to eat, apparently oblivious to the people around her. When she was done, she looked up.

"Everyone's here?" She checked the faces around her. "Yep, lets begin. We've confirmed the report from yesterday?"

A merchant to her left, garbed in fine silks, responded. "Yes. Jim Alexon is dead. The Kingsport Shipping Company is dissolved."

Cassandra smiled "Marvelous. Saves me the trouble of killing himself myself. We can start buying up his businesses immediately."

"That's going to be hard. The pirate lord, Sartosa is expanding through the sea between Kingsport and the Mainland. He may cut us off completely by next month.

"That would not be good for us. Or him. I'll see if he can be reasoned with."

"Reasoned with? He's a pirate. They're ruthless liars. You'd be a fool to trust them."

"Don't worry about it. Pirates understand. Money is everything."

To Queen Solaris, Martin du Rogers and Lord Rodric:
"We should field some sort of force against these pirates. We all have significant supplies of wood we've not been using. I was going to save it for fortifications, but that's not entirely feasible."

"I have no skilled admirals. I f necessary I will build ships myself, but I would much rather sell my wood to one of you, to add to your fleet."

"Either way, we should see that our alliances fields as many ships as possible this month".

To Victor Sartosa:
"I see you are expanding rather rapidly. I'm sure your military capabilities are rather impressive, if not you will surely be destroyed by all the navies you are now angering."

"Fighting is not my field. I am an economist, and I see a profit to be made for both of us. Kingsport, and the surrounding territories are unclaimed. You own the surrounding seas, but only I have the resources to equip that many people for work."

"I would like your permission to buy the territories of kingsport, and equip their people for work. In exchange for this, I will send you a portion of the profits."

Ragnar Lodbroke
2013-03-27, 09:41 AM
To Cassandra Otakar, Queen Solaris, and Lord Rodric
"We won't have the capability to build ships for some time, but I offer to trade wood for iron or gold, at special rates.

1000 wood per 800 iron
1000 wood per 50 gold"

2013-03-27, 12:43 PM
Morgan Blake
Flowne Hall, Gelder

Statuettes flew to the ground like a low-flying hail storm as the Bastard Lord swore loudly. Jim Alexon's death, the Archduke losing full control of the capital, the expansion of the pirates from the southern waters, and the helplessness of the Senate had driven him to a state of fury. In the lodge, he could hear a faint creaking from above him, on the second floor, as he threw the statuette that represented the Archduke's forces into the flames of his roaring fire. At least he had successfully procured the iron mines in the north, securing him another region.

Blake took a sip of the shallow cup of wine sitting next to the table, and looked out on the moon, climbing slowly from it's grave in the east like a resurrected corpse. He would have to change his strategy entirely now. The pirate captain, Sartosa, was suddenly relevant. But he would have to make more allies than one pirate whose honor ran only as deep as the pockets of his friends. Lord Masteria in the east, alone, would not be enough to tame Farondy as Morgan had hoped. The Bastard Lord flipped the book next to him shut, studying the embossed cover for a moment before carrying it back to a shelf of other large, ponderous tomes and shoving it roughly between them with a sigh. He sat his cup upon the large map of Farondy, and walked over to a cabinet with a purposeful stride, withdrawing from it a stone mug. He then turned, and walked out of the study, towards the stairs.

The quiet creaking continued.


Morgan, flanked by Falcontail and another tired looking guard, burst into the Bastard Lord's private chambers a few minutes later, causing the two individuals inside to jump with fright.

"Sieze him."

Falcontail rushed forward, grabbing Vincent Kendall and pulling him from Lady Blake's arms, tossing him to the ground roughly near the fireplace. Morgan stalked over to the fire, placing the mug in the fire, and several small objects, inside it. Lady Blake knew better than to cry out, but the other guard, suddenly awake, was holding her arms behind her back.

"So, you think this is what I meant when I told you to train my army, Kendall?" Morgan asked, his lip curling into a sneer, his alabaster teeth glittering in the firelight.

"N-no, m'lord, t-t-this is all just a misunderstanding! Please I beg of y-"

"Beg of me what? To spare your pitiful life? To what end? There are no tournaments Kendall. Your usefulness has now... expired."

At this, Myra Blake let out a soft cry. No one in the room moved for several minutes as Morgan stared at Kendall, eyes full of hate. Then suddenly he grabbed the cup with a pair of tongs. Pulling it out of the flames, he allowed Kendall to see the dull silver inside of the cup.

"Open his mouth."

Throughout the lodge, people could hear the screams of Vincent Kendall as the molten metal scalded his throat, then suddenly he fell silent.

"You didn't have to kill him... he didn't force it on me," Lady Blake whispered as Morgan stood and dropped the cup onto Kendall's head.

The Bastard Lord chuckled.
"I didn't kill him for you. I killed him because he's suppose to be training my army."