View Full Version : [Pathfinder] Advice on wizards.

2013-03-11, 10:46 AM
Hello Playgrounders.

Im going to be joining in a game of pathfinder in a few days, and have the task of being the wizard.

We will be Level 10 and the campaign will be a undead heavy and underground based adventure. Its using one of the Foggoten realms campaigns but being run for pathfinder. The group is definatly not an optimized group, Now i am ok with all this but..

How should i make the wizard.

The party consists of:

A Paladin Level 10, who has already strictly said he will IC be very much against necromancers. (New to Roleplay games)

A Bard/Shadowdancer (7/3) Who is going to be the face of the party with a huge charisma (Fairly good Roleplayer, but quite new.)

A Monk, panda... level 10. going to be taking drunken monk variant from the APG. (Very experienced in Roleplay games)

A Fighter level 10, Very VERY tanky, (fairly new but shows great promise)

A cleric level 10 ( the player is very much a "kick door in kill monsters" fighter, so this kinda been forced on them.. they still gonna be fighty though. Also fairly New)

And then me being a wizard.

Now i'm very experienced with Dnd and pathfinder,.. when running a game.. so i kinda been thrown into the deep end.. I kind of want to support the party, but also have fun and blow stuff up.

I've already decided that i going to be a gnome, I just have a fondness for the short guys.

What sort of Feats and Spells should i take and what specialization, if any, should i go for. 1 thing i do have to make a note of though, is that WBL is not happening, and we are allowed 5 items, each of which the value is under 5k. and then 2k for.. general kit ( including wands scrolls etc) so advice here is helpful.

Thanks guys in advanced.

[Edit] Ive read Treants God wizard guide, but im still unsure on things. And boks we are limited to Core book and advanced players guide.

2013-03-12, 05:17 PM
Does fun for you require blowing stuff up, or can fun also be dictating the battlefield, setting the conditions of the battle, etc?

Because this party has tons of regular damage dealers already. Someone to support that army of melee-ers would be perfect; a buffer or a battlefield controller. And of the two, battlefield control is the most fun.

Also, if you're having trouble with incorporeal level drainers, some force spells are absolutely necessary.

As a wizard, don't do the stuff that everybody else can do. Focus on the stuff that nobody else can do. There's plenty of that, and you're excellent at it.

2013-03-12, 07:11 PM
Does fun for you require blowing stuff up, or can fun also be dictating the battlefield, setting the conditions of the battle, etc?

Because this party has tons of regular damage dealers already. Someone to support that army of melee-ers would be perfect; a buffer or a battlefield controller. And of the two, battlefield control is the most fun.

Also, if you're having trouble with incorporeal level drainers, some force spells are absolutely necessary.

As a wizard, don't do the stuff that everybody else can do. Focus on the stuff that nobody else can do. There's plenty of that, and you're excellent at it.

Exactly this. The poor man's Wall of Stone, Summon Monster IX, and Finger of Death are Silent Image, Minor Image, and Ray of Exhaustion.

2013-03-12, 10:25 PM
A Paladin Level 10, who has already strictly said he will IC be very much against necromancers. (New to Roleplay games)

If ever there was a reason to play a Neutral Good Necromancer.

"We've cleared the warlords ground forces."

"I raise them, let his armies consume him for the blood they've shed."

You know, a nice guy, but don't get on his bad side.