View Full Version : New identity, cant it be done easy and cheap?

2013-03-11, 11:54 AM
Hi Playground,

2 days ago, I was playing my duskblade and things got ugly. Everyone in our village is dead. And the guys who did that know that we know about them and we are to be Killed on sight.
Because we will have to get in touch with them we faked our deaths and now we are looking for ways to change identities, so we can re-try to approach them as a different adventuring party.

How can this be done easily and cheaply? I mean we changed haircut, our facial hair. our clothes and this kind of stuff.

What else should we do? Are there rules to change accent and if this costs skill points like learning new language? Any magic item that helps? or a spell or w/e can do the job? I know disguise is an answer but none in the party has the skill trained, and I'd prefer something more than take 20 + bonuses from items and Aid's.

thanks in advance:smallsmile:

2013-03-11, 11:59 AM
what sort of resorces do you have available? a hat of disguise (1800gp) seems like the ideal solution.

2013-03-11, 12:04 PM
what sort of resorces do you have available? a hat of disguise (1800gp) seems like the ideal solution.

cleric,duskblade,rogue lvl 3 going 4 on the next session.

we have roughly 1000 unspent Gp atm

2013-03-11, 12:07 PM
What's your definition of "cheap"?

I think you could pay someone to give you a "permanent disguise", something like a sort of plastic surgery. Find someone with high ranks in Disguise, get him a magic item that buffs disguise and a masterwork tool and then have someone cast Guidance of the Avatar (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20010504a) on him. That should total up to a +35 modifier or something along those lines, so if he takes 20 he should have a result off 55. Have him do this to every party member. Very hard to penetrate with just a random spot check. Depending on who the "surgeon" is, you might have to... eliminate him to tie up some loose ends. You can do it without a surgeon, but you'll probably only get a result of about 45 with that.
This should cost only about 3000 gp, for the whole party.

If Divinations are a threat, try to get some source of Nondirection, Mind Blank etc., depending on your level. They are pretty bothersome to defend against, though, and if the DM isn't hellbent on your party being discovered he might not use them anyway. That would be a lot of effort gone to waste.

EDIT: Oh, new info changed my answer, but Guidance of the Avatar can still get you a +20 modifier for free if you have a Cleric in the party or just a few hundred gp if you get a partially charged wand.

2013-03-11, 12:12 PM
There are a lot of ways of escaping detection. They'd run the gamut from putting on a set of groucho glasses, to casting Genesis and holing up on your own personal demiplane. Where you'd fall on that would really depend on how hard you think your enemy is going to look for you, and what resources they have available to do so.

Some ways of escaping notice, from Core:

Alter Self (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/alterSelf.htm), Disguise Self (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/disguiseSelf.htm), andHat of Disguise (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#hatofDisguise)
Disguise Kit (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm#disguiseKit)
Misdirection (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/misdirection.htm)
Private Sanctum (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magesPrivateSanctum.htm)
Mind Blank (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mindBlank.htm)
Ring of Mind Shielding (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rings.htm#mindShielding)
Polymorph Any Object (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/polymorphAnyObject.htm)

2013-03-12, 01:48 AM
Easy, no, cheap yes, the spymaster prestige class, see if your face can get into it he then approaches under his first cover representing a group who prefers to remain anonymous.