View Full Version : A Questionable Link [WFRP]

2013-03-11, 04:19 PM

Marktag, 21 Brauerzeit, 2522, approximately 10 AM

Reiksplatz, Nuln

Pushed along by the crowds, you stumble into the Reiksplatz, the bustling hub of the city, packed with people. You hear snippets of all sorts of foreign languages. Elves and Dwarfs brush by you, and women in the finery of courtiers are almost as common a sight as the street urchins who roam the square in packs.

The square is presided over by an imposing stone building on the northeast side, unadorned except for a few large windows. Chimneys at each corner give off far more smoke than one might expect so early in the year. A steady stream of people, primarily tradesmen by the look of them, flow in and out of its several doors. Though the air is hazy, you can see the rise of the Altestadt, the hill where the city’s wealthiest live, in the distance behind it.

The northwest side of the square is delineated by a wrought-iron gate, twice as tall as man and topped with ornate points. It is interrupted by a single arching gate. Worked into the gate’s decoration are the words “Grand University of Nuln.”

The other sides of the square appear to be dominated by smaller inns and ale-houses. One flies a blue flag with nine yellow circles arranged in a grid.

You recognize this as the traditional Tilean marking for a casino.

Throngs of people mill about the square, many visiting the dozens of market stalls, selling everything from cloth and knick-knacks to highly polished guns. The food stalls saw the heaviest traffic, with particularly long lines for “Camwise’s Beef Kidney Pies-Like My Halfling Mama Used to Make” and “Gerhart Trubald’s Fine Sausages-Favorite of the Gunnery School”

In the center of the square is an ancient, gnarled tree, covered with bits of paper that flutter in the breeze. A large man walks around the tree, bellowing, though at this distance you can only make out bits of what he has to say.

“Join the Nuln Halberdiers today and earn...”

“...wanted for the murder of...”

“...immediate vacancy for the position of food taster...”

Almost in unison, the shopkeepers all break from whatever they were doing. A hush falls over the crowd, and almost immediately the thunderous roar of cannon fire breaks out, echoing through the city. After a few moments, it subsides, and the volume of the crowd is immediately restored,

“Good pay for discreet...”

2013-03-11, 04:37 PM

The Marienburg sailor eyed the flag and smiled ruefully to himself, mentally marking it for later. Any other time he would have been drawn to the gambling den like a moth to the flame but right now it was the crier that attracted Leopold's notice. His purse felt dangerously light and as it was he had not the karls to see him through to Altdorf let alone pay his debts there. Yes time to earn some coin.

Approaching the tree Leopold tries to get within good earshot of the offers, moving through the crowd of onlookers. 'Good pay' sounded promising at least...

2013-03-11, 05:07 PM

Recently off the road after a job she was a torn between looking for somewhere to relax and to just get out there again and make some money.

Her ears picked up at the mention of a murder, could be quick and easy ... or long and tiresome, but worth finding out which.

Leading her horse through the crowd towards the shouter and paused as silence fell thinking the worst for a second ... an attack?
The sound of the cannon went off and she spent some time controlling the horse "bloody hell" she muttered likely a timing thing instead of church bells.

She pushed on in a fouler mood towards the shouter, "whats this about a murder" she stated bluntly.

2013-03-11, 08:27 PM

Whistling a jaunty tune, Ulrich strolled through the Reikplatz for the first time. Only recently arrived from Osterland, home for his entire life, Ulrich was excited! So many people compared to the farming villages he grew up in. So noisy, though.. Ah, well he thought.. I was getting tired of the quiet..

BOOM!! Ulrich flinched and nearly threw himself to the ground. He looked around and noticed everyone else resuming their activities.. Strange place, this! But, where there are guns, there are soldiers, and where there are soldiers, there are wounded soldiers.. And patching people up.. That was just up Ulrich's alley! Looking calmly around for a cheap (but not filthy) inn, as his funds were very short, Ulrich decides to take his time and just see what there is to see, and hear.. that fat man bellowing the news.

2013-03-11, 08:55 PM

Still somewhat sore from a fresh fight soon after he entered the city he moves slowly across the untold masses of people moving in the square his eyes watching with vague interest the various stalls, taking care to pause briefly on various weapons, and even longer on a particularly fine specimen of a great axe.

As movement ceased and a hush fell across the crowd his hand drifted towards his own axe, with the booming of cannons his hand grasp hold of the shaft for a few seconds before once again relaxing, he grinned slightly amused at his own paranoia. As he stood still tugging slightly at his nose ring he paid more attention to the man near the tree, his interested peaked he moved closer.

2013-03-11, 09:44 PM

Carlott and Ulrich's reactions earned chuckles from the locals. A gaunt old woman leaned over to Ulrich,

"Relax, child. It's just the Gun'ry School. They practice the same time erry day, reg'lar as sunrise."

Gathered around the tree now, the old man looked up Carlott, surprised at the interruption to his routine. You notice a stool by his side, with a bowl full of coins, and a half-eaten sausage. Quickly, he turned back to the tree, jowls flapping as he scanned the papers.

"Hmm...where was the notice? Ah, here we go.

Herr Gustav Bosch is wanted for the murder of a lady of the night, believed to be named Elise. Last spotted in Westdorf.

I should warn you, that's a rather old notice. And Westdorf isn't an area anyone should go alone, never mind a lass like you.

Now where were we?

Good pay for discreet, talented, and resourceful individuals. Discretion required. Apply in person at the Trubald residence, 182 Links Park. No callers after mid-day. No time wasters.

Missing Ostermark terrier. Answers to the name Bonifaz. Return to the Green Bottle Inn for a reward.

Stacy's Tankard! Cheapest lager north of the Reik!"

2013-03-11, 09:58 PM

A gaunt old woman leaned over to Ulrich,

"Relax, child. It's just the Gun'ry School. They practice the same time erry day, reg'lar as sunrise."

Cheerily, Ulrich smiles at the woman. Well then, milady, at least I shall know that we're not under attack! Ulrich sweeps the old ladies hand to his mouth, just touching the back of her hand with his lips. My name is Ulrich, fair maiden, and a doctor am I! As the first citizen of Nuln to show me kindness, know that any medical assistance you may require are forever free. Merely send for Ulrich, and he will come!

Now that we have your medical care attended to, and I must say, you are in quite capable hands and I applaud your choice of physicians, you have excellent taste.. Now that we've sorted that out, can you bechance tell me at which inn I may rest comfortably without lighteningn my purse overmuch? And mayhap a pastry? I starve! Will you take tea with me, and tell me of your fine city? I am, as you may notice, quite new here, and have yet to set out my shingle, as it were. Ulrich jingles his slightly worn handbag of medical implements..

I would imagine that a lass as spry as yourself would know of many business opportunities for they who seek employment! What news, what news, you must tell me everything! Ulrich grins at her, his teeth askew in every direction, but very clean!

2013-03-11, 10:26 PM
Adelbart strolls down the street, clumsily avoiding carts and people, but as he walks he whistles a cheery tune he hear the other night.

Brought up short by the small group of people around the gaunt woman he stops and listens in.

"Oh, I say (sniff) the Trubald residence is not so far from here. I know exactly where it is! If you would like, I (cough) can guide you to there. In trade I'd accept 6 pfennig from the lot of you. You wont find a better price.

Adelbert fidgets nervously with a heavy bound book as he waits for a response

2013-03-12, 06:40 AM

"I like the way you think friend," Leopold told Adelbert cheerfully. "Though perhaps we better talk price later - I'm here to earn coin rather than spend it! I'm Leopold Van Aken of Marienburg. Perhaps you have heard of the famous Captain Van Wyk and his expedition to far Cathay? Well you are looking at his boatswain. Aye, after the terrors of the open sea I think I can handle all this city can throw at me."

Leopold was quite confident none of this collection of lubbers had so much as set foot on an ocean going boat far less be in a position to challenge his, ahem, inventive claim.

2013-03-12, 01:06 PM

Murder didn't sit well with her, and of cold cases even less so - could be cultists or mutants or just human filth, but letting them get away was somewhat wrong. But practicality meant that if it was a while ago there was nothing she could do she was a tracker primarily not an investigator.

Hearing the others speak of a more nearby job that might be less out of the way she joined the conversation "six pfennig for a guide?" she asked incredulously "to a place that we can learn from the crier for free?", she fixed her good eye on him "you're not havin a laugh here are ya".

Null may be dangerous she supposed, but to look at him she doubted that he was asking for protection money.

2013-03-12, 03:06 PM

He approached closer to the growing group stopping a fair distance away whilst still in easy hearing range. He did not advertise himself just yet, nor did he join the conversation, he simply listened and was slightly amused.

2013-03-12, 05:26 PM

Yes (cough cough), six pfennig, and a measure of discretion as well. Criers dwell on gossip, and gossip on a murder is a fair lucrative subject. I suppose (sniff) you could ask one of those geese, but I can assure you your description and the nature of your inquiry will be honking it's way through every street and alley inside of an hour. Especially if you intend to lead your beast all over the city. I would advise finding a stable to keep your mount before twilight, lest you find yourself outside the gates after hours with no place to shelter your horse. Plus you'll find it easier to navigate the streets without err..him(?), her(?)..ummm...it(?). Oh bother...where are my manners? I am Adelbert, late of Rohrhausen, and a student of law here at th-the University, at your service!

At this last, Adelbert sketches a clumsy bow.

Time is wasting though...

If it helps, consider it 2 pfennig per person...

2013-03-13, 12:57 PM

Was this some city trick she wondered, or had the man mixed up the conversations, "the murder was in Westdorf" she said as she folded her arms "Trubald is only looking for discreet people, for all I know they want someone to teach reading or the like" eying the book suspiciously "and you could be asking us to pay for escorting you to a job" pausing "and I am taking it you won't pay for that?" she scoffed.

Turning to the crier "can you give me location of the Trubalds please", daylight was wasting and the man was right stabling Wolfgang would need to be handled if she was staying the night here.

2013-03-13, 05:38 PM

I'm sure your mistrust is completely misplaced.

2013-03-15, 11:24 AM

"Mistrusting people until you know them is simply common sense", looking at the man "tell you what, you bring us to the house and if the job is worth taking and offers some pay up front - and if you are useful in getting the job and won't be part of the operation then you can have the 6 pfennigs" shrugging "legal writings might be worth having on the deal".

2013-03-15, 04:55 PM
So you want me to find gainful employment for you and the others, but I cannot partake of said employment? I'm sorry but I hardly see any benefit to it. Good day.

Adelbert will walk away.

2013-03-15, 06:35 PM

Leopold, who had been watching the exchange with amusement laughed and strode after Adelbert. "Easy my friend. By Handrich I admire your gall but in future maybe know your audience first. A partner might have helped... or a bodyguard. Maybe think again - you might not get coin right away but better to be part of a group that does, right?"

2013-03-15, 07:11 PM
I beg your pardon, but since you are allowing this person speak your terms for you I hardly see benefit to entertain your back-handed compliment. Furthermore, I take umbrage at your insinuation that I might be about some nefarious purpose, or have need for a confederate to make an offer of assistance, such as has been kindly made. Secondly, the meager coin I asked as price is fair and fitting, and would have purchased a meal for me, and perhaps an ale besides, but since the earning of it entails that I find gainful employment for your leader and you, and none for myself, I hardly see how I profit. So your options are thus: fall in step with the cards played for you by another; or countermand the offer made by your presumed leader, strike a better bargain and I will take such presentation under consideration.

2013-03-20, 02:46 PM

She shrugged, "you can partake, or even take the job yourself. But I am not paying to find you work", as the name turned away "good day" she returned to him.

Facing the crier to wait for a chance again to ask where the Trubald house was.

2013-03-20, 06:26 PM

"Well if we can find one more willing to honorably pay a good man for honest work then we can be off. Perhaps that masterful dwarf would be willing to come along as well."


What say you Master Dwarf? Would you be willing to help in paying a guide for the chance at honest work? All I ask is 2 pfennig in return"

2013-03-27, 11:59 AM
His gruff voice answers loudly and clearly "I would be willing to pay for a guide, although" he smiles slightly "if you find your self interested in the honest work along side me i will ask for the them back."

2013-03-27, 11:46 PM
His gruff voice answers loudly and clearly "I would be willing to pay for a guide, although" he smiles slightly "if you find your self interested in the honest work along side me i will ask for the them back."

That sounds like a fair trade. I agree!