View Full Version : Help with Spellcasting Item Creation Rules

2013-03-11, 05:53 PM
I'm creating a bard/bladesinger, and I was wondering if a bladesinger level that gives me a boost in spellcasting level will also let me take an item creation feat.

Actually Comprehensible Version of the Question
I took four levels of bard and some bladesinger levels, and I want to know if I qualify for Craft Magic Arms and Armor.

2013-03-11, 06:15 PM
If you take 4 levels of Bard and then take a level in a prestige class that has "+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class", then yes you would qualify for taking Craft Magic Arms & Armor.

However, you don't come anywhere near to meeting the requirements for entering Bladesinger at level 5. Especially because no class combination can enter Bladesinger before level 6, since it requires +5 BAB.

2013-03-11, 06:41 PM
I also took 2 fighter levels, but those are irrelevant to the question.