View Full Version : Livescribe Echo...

2013-03-11, 07:27 PM
Hi guys!

So, my birthday's coming up and I was going to ask for a Livescribe Echo (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Livescribe-8-GB-Echo-Smartpen/dp/B003UNL14S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1363046745&sr=8-1). It'd really come in handy at uni, and may even help me get back into writing fiction.

However, there are only two features I'm interested in: the recording (which I guess I could replace with a much cheaper alternative, or even my phone) and the writing-to-text translator. In fact, the writing-to-text feature is the only reason I really want it in the first place.

However, according to the chart at the bottom of the page, the only way to get the writing-to-text translator is to get the Pro Pack (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Livescribe-Echo-Smartpen-Pack-APX-00007/dp/B004NOM4GW/), which is almost double the price.

On the other hand, this website here (http://www.visionobjects.com/en/webstore/buy-myscript-for-livescribe) says that I can download the writing-to-text feature for just £30 or so. (he actual Livescribe store (http://www.livescribe.com/store/20070723002/myscript-for-livescribe/p-512.htm) doesn't seem to have an option for buying it).

I guess what I'm asking is, has anyone had one of these before, how did it work, and can you see any problems with me getting the cheapest option and buying the writing-to-text function separately?

Thanks guys! :smallbiggrin: