View Full Version : Optimized low level character

2013-03-11, 09:20 PM
I was recently asked to join a campaign. He said he disliked high magic, high level campaigns. So far I have determined my character will have the symbiotic template with the guest as a greenbound windigo hellwasp swarm. This will make him immune to weapon damage (raw changes type to abberition, keeps swarm subtype, template gives ability to the host, swarm immunities is an ability) The question is what type of character is optimal for this level? Keep in mind the characters mental scores are locked at Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 17 from the guest. The guest must be a humanoid, so no elan. Dm said no to using the race that allowed highest ability to substitute for magic ability to be transparent for psionics. I am used to building for higher levels where only casters matter. Is crit build rouge assassin good? I have heard a lot on frenzied barbarian, on the other hand the King of Smack build is a classic, but I will never obtain rapid strike to make it useful.

2013-03-11, 10:45 PM
:smallsigh: I suppose since you're already completely abusing the symbiotic template you could just stack more template onto the hellwasps until your mental abilities are where you want them if you want to be a psion. On the other hand, you're already far more powerful than any of your partymates are likely to be so I don't really see much point.

Still, in the interest of assuming good faith:
Rogues don't really care about crits at all, their main source of damage isn't multiplied. Assassin also doesn't add terribly much to rogue that other PRCs don't do better.
Frenzied berserker is bad, you either leave big exploitable holes in your build so your allies can lock you down when combat ends or you kill them. Neither option is good.
King of smack is by no means a low level build.
If you want something that makes good use of your abilities go cleric, using lots of divine and devotion feats to properly leverage your charisma score. The casting is mostly gravy, giving you the odd buff and a fair amount of out of combat relevance. Paladin is another option.

2013-03-11, 11:01 PM
(The GM) said he disliked high magic, high level campaigns. Dm said no to using the race that allowed highest ability to substitute for magic ability to be transparent for psionics.

..my character will have the symbiotic template with the guest as a greenbound windigo hellwasp swarm. This will make him immune to weapon damage...
And.. you.. think that a GM who likes gritty, lower level gameplay.. is going to let slide something like that..? With immunity to normal damage and four nouns in a row trying to describe your symbiote? Really?
I don't predict you being invited to that game for very long, honestly.

2013-03-11, 11:02 PM
If you're already going nuts with the race, might as well add the Troll Blooded feat. As a swarm, you will be hard to heal, and regeneration is good anyway. Though you'll need a way to get fire immunity.

2013-03-11, 11:13 PM
Water Orc (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/elementalRacialVariants.htm#racesOfWater), Dragonborn (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20060105b), Mineral Warrior (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20031003e), in that order. Get the breath attack from Dragonborn, with the feat Entangling Exhalation from Races of the Dragon. Since you get Mineral Warrior after Dragonborn you don't lose anything it gives you. The only thing you lose from Water Orc is the darkvision, the light sensitivity drawback, and the often bad race of water traits, but you keep the swim speed and ability score adjustments.

For your build go Crusader 5/ Binder 1/ Hellreaver 5/ Crusader 9, from Tome of Battle, Tome of Magic, and Fiendish Codex II, respectively. Bind Naberius for Fast Ability Healing, which counteracts the Hellreaver 5 ability that makes you take Con damage to activate it. That makes a character who's a healing machine that's just as good at melee as anyone else in the party, and he can tank tons of damage thanks to the DR from Mineral Warrior, delayed damage pool and healing from Crusader, possibly the Stone Power feat in ToB, and high hp due to his Con score, and high AC from heavy armor with a shield. I'd even get the Quick trait (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/characterTraits.htm#quick) so you still move at 30 ft. with heavy armor, the HP loss is negligible considering your Con bonus. Just be sure you have the skill ranks required for Hellreaver by the time you want to start taking it.