View Full Version : Versatile Spellcaster and Spontaneous Divination

2013-03-12, 01:17 AM
Hey, I just had an idea that if you were to have spontaneous divination on a wizard, you would qualify for the "Ability to spontaneously cast spells". Then say you were a 9th level wizard who managed to get his hands on a 6th level scroll of say... legend lore or some other level 6 divination spell, and you scribed it in your spellbook. It is now considered one of your "spells known". Would you then be able to use versatile spellcaster to spend 2 5th level spells (assuming you have a second one due to high int or specialisation, if not, then welp) to cast that 6th level divination?

2014-08-02, 12:17 AM
This is an old trick and people who attempt to use it to convert spells to divination spells spontaneously, then convert those to a higher spell that they "know" which could be any spell in their spellbook divination or not.

Miss Disaster
2014-08-02, 08:40 AM
I've seen a few cases of DM's modifying the feat so as to ensure the 2 source spells and the 1 converted spell are all of the Divination school .... for Spontaneous Divination Wizards.

Or if the Wizard has other spontaneous spell generation capability (say, the spell Teleport from the Belt of the Wide Earth), they could easily substitute into the modified process up above. In essence, ensuring all spells involved in the conversion are legally spontaneous-castable by the Wiz.

Just food for thought. Especially since I don't think RotD had any published errata.