View Full Version : PC, Lycanthropy, Cures and XP question

2013-03-12, 03:15 AM
I have a player who recently botched his save after getting bitten by a were-rat. The party has adventured for a while, he changed, they freaked, subduded him and are heading for the cure.

Assuming that they find the cure that they need, what happens to the xp that has been accumulated so far? It's enough to push him up to another level of Ranger if the Lycanthrope template curse is removed.

Does he simply level up?


2013-03-12, 03:31 AM
I'm pretty sure the answer is just a straight and simple yes.

2013-03-12, 03:33 AM
Probably... I can't say for certain, but seems right.

The only provision I know of to prevent leveling up when you have enough XP is one against gaining multiple levels at once (Which caps you at 1 XP shy of your next level).

That might come into play if the situation would jump them up 2 levels or more.

2013-03-12, 07:49 AM
I always thought XP as being a pool with no limit, into which you can dip to do whatever. You can spend it on leveling up, or you can spend it on crafting, spells, etc.

Hence, a character with LA2 and Character Level 5 is ECL 7, and to get to Character Level 6, it needs the XP to get ECL8. Removing that Template giving him ECL5 means he no longer needs to spend that XP. However, if the XP is spent before the template is removed, then the extra XP it cost to go from 7-8 intead of 5-6 is now lost.