View Full Version : Let's Play: March of the Eagles

2013-03-12, 08:19 AM
March of the Eagles is yet another grand strategy game developed by Paradox Development Studio. The game takes place during the years 1905-1920, focusing on the Napoleonic Wars. If you are familiar with any other Paradox games, picking up the game shouldn't be a problem. If not, MotE is a great place to start, since it's simpler than the other Paradox titles (they even made a tutorial that tells you what the buttons do, in addition to the fact that said buttons exist (but the learning curve is part of the fun, right? :smalltongue: )).

Some game concepts (that you might not be familiar with even through other Paradox titles) explained (I will explain others when necessary):

Winning the game:
The game differs a little from other Paradox titles, since it has clear goals. Every major nation (Great Britain, France, Prussia, Austria, Russia, Spain, the Ottomans and Sweden) tries to achieve naval and land dominance in Europe by owning, occupying or controlling through a satellite state given 'dominance cities'. These cities differ from major to major. In the spoiler below you can see them all. A nation wins the game if she controls at least 7 naval dominance points and at least 7 land dominance points, and no other major controls 7 of either. Play can be continued after achieving this. If none of the majors achieve dominance before the end of the game, the nation with the most prestige is the winner.

Prestige can be gained from both land and naval battles and winning wars. There's also a small monthly gain. Prestige is lost when battles or wars are lost, and it can be used on certain diplomatic actions.

You can think of the ideas as technologies. One of them might boost the amount of manpower you have, while another might give a bonus to the attack of all your infantry. All ideas cost 200 'idea points'. Nations gain 15 idea points a month, although there are ways to alter this. There are several categories of ideas, and all the majors have a category unique to that nation.

Coalitions can only be formed against the current dominant land power or the current dominant naval power (at the beginning of the game these are France and Great Britain, respectively). A coalition consists of a leader and members. The leader pays a subsidy to all the member nations in return for their help against the enemy. Note that a member of a coalition doesn't necessarily have to be at war with the target nation (although if they decline a call to arms they will be automatically kicked out). You can think of them as temporary (even more so than usually) alliances.

Map of the game map and the dominance points:

The map in the beginning of the game:


Note: Iceland and Norway are part of Denmark (duh), Corfu is part of Russia, Gibraltar and Malta are part of Great Britain, the Netherlands, the Papacy, Italy, Swizerland and Tuscany are satellite states of France, Saxony is a satellite of Prussia, Wallachia and Moldavia are satellites of the Ottomans.

At the very beginning of the game, Russia is at war with Persia, Great Britain is at war with France and her satellites and Spain is also part of the coalition against the British (but not yet at war).

Spanish dominance

French dominance
Not shown on map: Alexandria in Egypt (naval dominance)

British dominance

Swedish dominance

Prussian dominance

Austrian dominance

Russian dominance

Ottoman dominance

I will be playing the game on normal difficulty and normal AI aggressiveness in order to be able to recover from whatever insane plans you may have. The only change I have made is that I changed the end date to 1.1.3000 so the game won't end before I/you decide it should. I will retain a veto power, but I will put my trust on you, dear readers, to come up with the "perfect" plan to conquer Europe. Your plans can be as vague or as specific you like. For example, if playing as Spain, you could ask me to occupy France, or to do so using only militia units. Of course, stating that all troops have to pass a certain route (e.g. shipped to Italy and then to France through Swizerland).

Now, the first choice to make would be which nation shall we playing as. I'd prefer one of the majors, since the minors can not win on their own, but any nation on the map is playable. The best minors can do is to hope to be on the winning side when the war ends.

Feel free to post some initial 'plans' as well, or whatever arguments you feel are necessary to convince others that your choice is the best choice. You get a virtual cookie if you make a character for yourself that will then be one of the kings (yay, that's me) 'trusted advisors'.

So, let the voting (and questions) begin!

Bling Cat
2013-03-12, 08:41 AM
I really want this game, so I'm going to vicariously play it through you, okay? Good.

Sweden! Always Sweden! Scandinavian dominance and the second Swedish empire!

I have nothing more right now.

2013-03-12, 12:31 PM
I've found that Prussia is the most interesting choice, you get to snap up/play politics with the German minors, can support or oppose France and always have the possibility of getting into a 4 front war you can never win if you get enough people angry at you. Austria is in a similar, though weaker position.

2013-03-13, 08:42 AM
Weaker? Austria is a lot stronger than the Ottomans, and taking Greece isn't that hard. After that, a defensive war against the French shouldn't be too hard, thanks to the Alps. Russia is a completely different thing though - and the only thing you truly need to watch out for.

Prussia on the other hand has no easy targets for expansion and is usually forced on the defensive.

2013-03-13, 10:51 PM
Will be gone the rest of the week due to unseen circumstances. I'll post the first update on Monday, and after that I should get one done every few days or so. Currently, it seems I will be playing Sweden (first come first serve). Of course, that might change. So, uh, see you on Monday!