View Full Version : Starting Adventure

2013-03-12, 05:48 PM
I am the DM of a new gaming party. We are currently working off of the pathfinder rules and we are all fairly new to dnd (first campaign ever). I am currently working on an adventure for a party of 7 who are all 2nd level characters. I am having some troubles going through the process of building a world and creating a new adventure. I have a few ideas, but I am hitting some writers block right now. We started using the Dragon Cult packet of starting adventures, originially written for 3.5, and completed the Tsathzar Rho adventure. From here I am trying to write my own adventure. It has to do with a city who is, unkown to the characters, run by a vampire who uses her father as a "puppet" or figure head. Word has spread about this and a clan of lycanthrope are planning to work with the cities' guards and turn the guards into lycanthropes to thwart the vampire in her own city. I don't know where to go from here though. I have the idea, but Im not sure where to take it. And I understand a lot of dms work on an outside in concept and build the world first before going into detail. Suggestions on how to go about that?


2013-03-12, 08:54 PM
Try reading the "Speaker in dreams" adventure module. It has some of the things you are doing, or at the very least similar. It's about a mind flayer that's controlling the lord of the town, and pretty much proclaims martial law when the adventurers come and do some stuff around town, prohibiting them from exiting.

It won't answer all of your questions but should give you a solid footing at the very least how to build things in your world.