View Full Version : Immersion Tips

2013-03-12, 08:25 PM
I've recently read some of SilverClawShifts adventure campaign thread, and found it most satisfying. One thing I picked up on was how the DM would hand notes to the PCs doing a Knowledge check so that the PC in question could share the info instead of the DM.

I thought, "Gee, that's a nifty idea. Totally going to do that the next time I run a campaign." Then I realized it'd make a great thread (again more than likely).

So, you awesome experienced DMs and GMs, what are some other tricks I could use that would heighten immersion in the game?

2013-03-12, 09:40 PM
Don't be afraid to make a fool of yourself acting out NPCs and talking in funny voices. No matter how bad your acting is, in my experience, it improves the game, if only because it encourages your players.

2013-03-12, 10:03 PM
Also, you should try to make encounters that actually make sense.

In my current campaign, we recently fought 2 Yeth Hounds in an empty featureless room. A couple doors down we fought a Bralani and 2 Celestial Lions. Talk about an immersion breaker.

I guess the DM gets busy sometimes and can't prepare anything meaningful, but it's still really annoying.

2013-03-12, 10:09 PM
I've done the cards. Also, good music helps in setting the mood. Try Hans Zimmer or Midnight Syndicate. Conan the Barbarian has a GREAT soundtrack that instantly sets the mood for role playing. LOTR and Harry Potter might also set the mood, but I've found out that players don't like using those unless you also plan to use the settings. Hope this helps.

2013-03-12, 10:11 PM

Take a risk!

Put yourself out there when RPing!

You're with a group of people who are there to have fun with you, they won't judge you, so take some risks.

Leading by example works really well.

Whenever I speak as my Dwarf fighter, I go into a rather exaggerated scottish accent.

Or, when having an argument with other players (in character only), I will actually start yelling across the table when my character talks.

It works.
It's simple.
but it works

2013-03-12, 11:21 PM
I once was playing a star wars rpg and i got about 2 levels of bunus xp by the end for doing this but was playing a wookie spent about half the capaign passing notes to the one player who spoke wookie it was hellirous because he did not alway commuicate and i spent a few week practicing a frustarted wookie roar by the end of the campaign i had it mastered :smalltongue:

2013-03-13, 08:17 AM
Great suggestions! I do love to act, and doing silly voices isn't an issue. Actually can do a fairly passable Scottish brogue.

What about dice rolls and other mechanics? I've heard some DM roll certain checks for the player, like Search for traps, to keep the players from knowing they rolled low and allowing them to react more like the PCs.

Any other rolls, mechanics, etc any one can suggest to aid in immersion a.k.a suspension of disbelief?