View Full Version : 3.P:A companion to my magus?

2013-03-13, 04:17 PM
Due to various schedule conflicts and such, my group has rotated through several people (generally always filling the role of bard/rogue/party face) and the only two consistent players were myself and the barbarian. The barb player hasnt shown up in a while (I suspect she got a new job and didn't tell us) and we haven't had a session in..several months.

The DM told me last night he really wants to get back into it, but we're tired of always picking up new people who can only stay for a few sessions then school/work/whatever picks up again, and the fact that the group was often split on seperate sides of the world kind of made scheduling difficult. So he said he's thinking of just making it a solo game and allowing me to make a second character to play with from now on, at least until we find some people we can group with irl rather than online. I'm fine with that, and I've played with 2 characters before, but I'm not sure what to make my second character as :s.

We're at level 8 currently, I have a dex based dervish dancer build magus already. I had 2 characters I'm considering but I hadn't expected to use them in this campaign- the fochlucan lyrist in my signature, or this archivist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14564668&postcount=14) suggested to me when I had a thread about casters that don't cast. Like I said I hadn't planned on using either of these so I'm open to other suggestions :)

We use pathfinder rules but generally any 3.5 content is fine too and we just convert rules where necessary.

2013-03-13, 05:23 PM
I'd suggest a Druid as your second character. Simply because they can bring along an animal companion to help with combat, as well as summon more to help even out fights while maintaining just enough of a healing presence so that your aren't crippled for long periods of time. In wildshape, a druid is also a very able melee combatant.

As a Magus, I hope you have dabbled with UMD so that you can buy and use wands of various "Remove X" or 'Restoration X" spells when the needs arises.

If you don't want a druid, see if your DM will allow you to take Eldritch Heritage (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/eldritch-heritage) and pick the Sylvan bloodline (there are argument at whether this is actually possible, hence I say ask your DM), so that you might be able to pick up an animal companion.