View Full Version : how to give spirit shaman to feel arcane

2013-03-13, 06:39 PM
Just a general question how do you feel about making a spirit shaman feel like it is a arcane class without changing any mechanics

2013-03-13, 06:47 PM
I believe this question could be better answered if you supplied what you think defines the feel of an arcane class.

2013-03-13, 07:01 PM
Well that is what am struggling to quantify, as I am trying to get into a arcane vs divine sort of setting, where am arcane, but trying to logically deduce; how the shamans abilities could be of arcane nature versus the natural nature they are.

2013-03-13, 07:10 PM
Well, the typical split that seems to exist in the game is that Divine power comes from an external source, and Arcane power comes from an Internal Source. Of course there are exceptions. This is just the baseline it starts from. Getting magic from Gods, Devils, Celestials, whatever. Versus getting basically magic science (Wizardry), or personal power (Sorcerer), or hard drilled, trained responses (Warmage). Compared to Divine Intervention (Paladins, Clerics), Enlightenment allowing you to draw natural magic (Ranger, Druid).

Again, always exceptions.

2013-03-13, 07:47 PM
Get yourself some domains and retrieve your spells from those. The Magic and Spell domains are obvious, but there are other candidates depending upon what sort of arcanist you are trying to be like.