View Full Version : Golden Ice feat or Ancestral Relic or ?

2013-03-13, 06:58 PM
Thinking of possibly picking this up as my 6th level feat, and wanted to ask a few questions: does its initial damage apply from every hit? (im using natural attacks) or does it only apply once and then no longer apply. Is there anyway to speed up the secondary damage time to quicker than 1 minute? And does it bypass an undead creatures immunity to ability damage to its physical scores.

I also see however that the DC is only 14 (I assume its Fort) and don't think thats very high, so its usefullness most likely won't scale into higher levels.

Im currently playing a werebear druid using the savage progression class for werebear and the swift and deadly hunter AFC for druids my 1st favored enemy are abberations, and will have 1 level of druid and 5 out of 6 levels of werebear at level 6 my BAB will only be +3 so I won't qualify for improved natural attack yet. Multiattack is probably the best choice but im considering other options, im also considering going for the Ancestral Relic feat since in our campaing magic items are rare and hard to come by but I have over 10k gold just sitting in what is essentially a bank doing nothing. I may ask my DM if I could use a amulet or something instead of a weapon or armor as I fight with natural attacks and with no armor. If I choose this feat would I be able to put multiple enchantments on it? like Natural Armor, Con boost, and Amulet of mighty fist boosts, all at once?

2013-03-13, 07:03 PM
Well, I think due to the wording of Wild Shape's effect, it won't matter what form it really is in, you wouldn't get the item. Unless you had an enchantment on the item which specifically allowed you to use it while Wild Shaped. So that's something to consider as your DM might bring it up if you go for Ancestral Relic.

I'm presuming you already have Natural Spell up. Though if you're just turning level 6 I don't see how as you need Wild Shape first and you didn't get Wild Shape until level 5. But definitely get Natural Spell if you haven't already. It's about as "no brainer" as you can get for a feat. It's what makes Druids as scary powerful as they are.

2013-03-13, 07:07 PM
Held items are dropped in Alternate Form; one in which a character still has human hands (Legendary Apes at higher level), you drop it and pick it up with 2 free actions (technically, as you explain you're not dropping it at all) your DM shouldn't whinge about the free action).

2013-03-13, 07:14 PM
Well, I think due to the wording of Wild Shape's effect, it won't matter what form it really is in, you wouldn't get the item. Unless you had an enchantment on the item which specifically allowed you to use it while Wild Shaped. So that's something to consider as your DM might bring it up if you go for Ancestral Relic.

I'm presuming you already have Natural Spell up. Though if you're just turning level 6 I don't see how as you need Wild Shape first and you didn't get Wild Shape until level 5. But definitely get Natural Spell if you haven't already. It's about as "no brainer" as you can get for a feat. It's what makes Druids as scary powerful as they are.

The ACF im using replaces wild shape with armor bonus like a monk, speed like a monk, and favored enemies like a ranger. I'm a natural werebear that can change at will. hince why I said druid 1/werebear 5

2013-03-13, 08:01 PM
Make sure you read the template correctly.

To gain the bonus you need to be in Hybrid form, or have access to Alter Form while in Bear Form, and then need some form of casting without speaking (speaking or somatics, in the latter).

Your progression at ECL should look like Druid Avenger 1/Werebear Template 2/Brown Bear (Lycanthrope) class. This puts you 2HD behind the rest of the party (but while in Hybrid form, you gain +2 HP a level. This reduced HD also affects your Feat Progression, Base Attack Bonus, Saves, on top of class dependent features.

2013-03-13, 08:54 PM
To Clarify then I will have 6 hit die 1 from druid 5 from bear class with a total ECL of 9(+3 for 3 levels in the template class), my DM rules that I can speak and therefor cast in hybrid form, but I don't see how that has any effect on the feat as it automatically occurs upon physical contact with an evil creature.

Anything im holding does not drop, all magical items with the exception of armor/weapons change to accomidate my size change (although technically im still a medium creature until I take the 6th bear level)

Any armor I would be wearing would be destroyed in the procces of said transformation( if it was magical It would get a saving throw) Fortunanetly with my ACF I get wisdom bonus to armor (same as a monk) while unarmed so I wear no armor.

I basically walk around with next to nothing on my person at all times.