View Full Version : Converting PF races to 3.5

2013-03-14, 01:50 AM
I'm making some plans to DM a 3.5 (online) campaign with a group that's already fairly familiar with PF, though not all of them are familiar with 3.5. It's probably going to be mostly core due to book availability, though I have access to just about every 3e and 3.5 book out there. I want to keep it more interesting than pure core, especially since that's more or less what the two systems have most in common, so I'd be using a lot of splats to keep them on their toes; but I don't want things to be too straightforward for the group, either, so I'll probably be allowing a significant amount of PF material.

Conversion is pretty straightforward, of course. The one thing (that I've encountered in my planning at this point, anyway) that I'm really not sure about converting, though, is races. I'd have the group use 3.5 versions of races that occur in both (the core races, tieflings, aasimars, that kind of thing), and I don't mind using the alternate racial traits for the other races (that's actually one of my favorite parts of PF); but how would you guys go about converting it?

My initial thoughts are: for most races, even up the ability score bonuses and penalties so that you no longer have the +2 (or so) net gain over your rolls/buy-ins... and that's it, really. I suppose alternatively, it may make sense for some of the more powerful races to remain unchanged and gain a +1 LA or something.

I'm also thinking of replacing the genasi altogether with the elemental planetouched (oreads, sylphs, ifrits, and undines) from PF, as I kind of like the flavor better.

Anybody have any suggestions, or links to threads that have addressed this issue before?

2013-03-14, 12:58 PM
Bump while the sun is actually up, I guess. Anybody have any tips?

2013-03-14, 01:18 PM
Just replace the races with their pf variants