View Full Version : Help request: Pathfinder Dragon Disciple

2013-03-14, 05:43 AM
Hello all,

I'm starting as a player in a new Evil Pathfinder game, which may theoretically go from 1 to 20 but will stay in the lower levels for a while. I kind of set my heart on a Dragon disciple (level 6+). What I would appreciate is some advice on the first five levels that both make a decent mid-level DD but still is fun to play at levels 1-5.

I have read Oterisk's Guide to the Dragon Disciple (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2nffu?Oterisks-Guide-to-the-Dragon-Disciple) but it's a bit above me, especially where it comes to feat selection. It's also a bit outdated I believe (according to the SRD Red Dragon Breath doesn't give vulnerability to cold, for example)?

For one, I want to be a Sorcerer. Summoner and Bard don't fit my character thematically (and we already have a summoner). On that subject, I want him to be a melee character with the ability to fire off some serious blasting. No, this isn't about optimizing a character to the max (because then you probably won't pick DD and blasting), I just want to be something decent in my role as BBEG and look downright awesome in RP. :)

I wish to be both caster and melee combatant as soon as possible, so I believe a 2 level fighter/ranger/etc and 3-level sorcerer would be my best bet for the first five levels? I understand that with 8 levels of Dragon Disciple I would fall short of level 9 spells at level 20, but that's ok I guess. I think going crossblooded is fine.

Now, fighting with claws and other natural attacks seems to be something the guide recommends as being a good route (due to lowered BAB). My confusion starts when feats get mentioned, like Dragon Style (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/dragon-style-combat) and Dragon Ferocity (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/dragon-ferocity-combat). Mainly because they require prereqs that are hard to obtain for anything but a monk or Unarmed Fighter (and the Unarmed fighter will still need to get stunning fist for as the prereq for Dragon Ferocity at level 6).

Then comes the Ranger, which can get permanent claws at second level (Combat Style -> Natural Weapon -> Aspect of the Beast -> Claws of the beast). However, these claws are not augmented by the sorcerer's draconic bloodline, correct? In addition, my question would be how the ranger dip can get access to the Dragon style feats as he'll fall short on feats fast.

The anti-paladin makes a good 2-level start as that gives the nifty Cha to saves buff, but it would probably mean giving up fighting with claws in favor of using a nice 2-hander. Also the armor proficiencies would seem to go to waste as they interfere with casting?

Then there's the barbarian, which is a great class to dip in for the speed bonuses and such. Not sure if it's the best choice even if I can get more claws while raging (which again I don't think get the bonuses from the draconic bloodline, correct?).

So please, help me out here to get a nice build going that's fun at the starting levels. For races anything that can walk over the street is fine (humans, half-elves and half-orcs seem to be the best initial choices, although I don't want to go for an intimidate build).

2013-03-14, 11:06 AM
Fell off the front page without a reply? Come on my friends! Come to my aid! :)

2013-03-14, 11:42 AM
The Magus has the Cabalist archetype, that gives spontaneous casting I believe. This would allow it to qualify for Dragon Disciple and let you be a caster/warrior from the word go!

2013-03-14, 12:50 PM
I was going to suggest 1 lvl sorcer and 4 lvl Magus. Then just advance the magus side of spell casting through the Dragon Disiple.

2013-03-14, 12:57 PM
Big Magus fans I see here. :)

Both are neat ideas and I hadn't considered them. The guide mentioned Magus being a poor choice as straight magus would be better. I am also not very impressed with the spell list of the Magus personally, so I hope anyone else has any idea involving the sorc/wiz spell list? :)

2013-03-14, 01:53 PM
I prefer Abyssal/Draconic Cross-blood Sorc, crossed with Master of Many Styles monk or Unarmed fighter. MoMS can have styles for free for levels 1-2, so DS and DF can be easy to get. Take Weapon Focus: Claws and Feral Combat training is a go.
At level 3, take Abyssal Claws as your Bloodline. Now you have twice as many claws. Heck, if you're a Tiefling, Fiendish Heritage will get you 2 more rounds per day (+2 Cha for all bloodline powers and spells). Plus at level 9 you can get Fiendish Strength.
I personally also like Pally, that way you get super saves and Smite Evil to get your claws around DR. Optional though.

2013-03-14, 05:42 PM
At level 3, take Abyssal Claws as your Bloodline. Now you have twice as many claws.

The draconic natural armor seems rather important to take at level 3 though?

Heck, if you're a Tiefling, Fiendish Heritage will get you 2 more rounds per day (+2 Cha for all bloodline powers and spells).

Ah yes, the +2 STR and +2 CHA variant does seem very likeable.

2013-03-14, 06:35 PM
The natural armor is useful. I mean, you could take Abyssal Claws as a later power, but you'd have to wait. And only 6-8 rounds of weapons every day could end badly. If you're starting at high level, though, it would be fine.
Level 9 power should definitely be the Abyssal Strength, though. That + DD's Str boosts means you can naturally have a Str of like, 24.

2013-03-16, 06:08 AM

So I've been looking at optimizing the claws and it's not easy as I soon find myself feat-starved; I see I require the following feats:

Weapon Focus: Claws
Feral Combat Training: Claws
Dragon Style
Dragon Ferocity
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist

Then I would need Weapon Focus and Feral Combat Training for each additional natural weapon. That's quite hefty.

It would look something like this:
1: Unarmed Fighter 1 (Free: Improved Unarmed Strike, Bonus: Dragon Style, lvl1: Stunning Fist
2: Sorcerer 1 (get claws)
3: Unarmed Fighter 2 (lvl 3: Weapon Focus: Claws, bonus: Feral Combat Training: Claws
4: Sorcerer 2
5: Sorcerer 3 (Dragon Ferocity) (get more claws)
6: DD 1
7: DD 2 (Weapon Focus: bite) (get bite)
8: DD 3
9: DD 4 (Feral Combat Training: Bite)

Is this correct?

2013-03-16, 10:59 AM
Wait, can't get stunning first. darnit, that also throws a wrench in dragon ferocity.

2013-03-16, 11:42 AM
Monk (MoMS)/Sorcerer/DD attempt:

1: MomS 1: Free: Improved Unarmed Strike, Free: Stunning Fist, Bonus: Dragon Style +1 feat (2 if human)
2: Sorcerer 1 (get claws)
3: MomS 2: Bonus: Dragon Ferocity, Weapon Focus: Claws
4: Sorcerer 2:
5: Sorcerer 3: Feral Combat Training: Claws
6: DD 1
7: DD 2 (Weapon Focus: bite) (get bite)
8: DD 3
9: DD 4 (Feral Combat Training: Bite)

Are there any feats out there that switch a monk's AC bonus to charisma?

2013-03-16, 11:57 PM
Are there any feats out there that switch a monk's AC bonus to charisma?

If 3.5 is allowed, there's Ascetic Mage from Complete Adventurer. It's pre-reqs are Improved Unarmed and 2nd level arcane spells. It's meant for Monk/Sorcerers, so it should be perfect if you can get it.

2013-03-17, 03:30 AM
(Un)fortunately it isn't, only Paizo Pathfinder is allowed (no third party either). And the DM has already banned Fiendish heritage because we have a few people with slight munchkin tendencies in the group. ^^

2013-03-17, 04:48 AM
I've got a halfling Ranger that essentially went this route.

I went Ranger 6/bard 1/ Dragon Disciple (I didn't learn Draconic until 7th level, or I'd have entered sooner).

Ranger was essential. The bloodline claws are so limited in duration, it's good to have the normal claws as a fallback position. I also picked up a Ring of Rat Fang (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/rings/ring-of-rat-fangs) to have a bite attack too. However, I am almost entirely melee focused, if I were casting spells more often, I probably wouldn't be using the claws every round.

My to-hit was decent enough thanks to weapon finesse, so I haven't needed weapon focus yet. However, now that my BAB progression is 3/4ths instead of full, it probably wouldn't hurt to grab it, especially if I plan to continue using Power Attack.

I have not been using Dragon Style or Dragon Ferocity. I did look at them, but I was more interested in Belier's Bite, but that would have required 4 feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus (claws or bite), Feral Combat training, and then Belier's Bite.

2013-03-17, 06:26 AM
(Un)fortunately it isn't, only Paizo Pathfinder is allowed (no third party either). And the DM has already banned Fiendish heritage because we have a few people with slight munchkin tendencies in the group. ^^

That's too bad, I'm pretty sure the only other way to get Charisma to AC in first party Pathfinder is with one level in Oracle taking the Sidestep Secret Revelation from the lore mystery, and that replaces DEX. It could work I guess, although I find the idea of multiclassing into Oracle pretty fun with their curse. ''Hey guys, I can cast healing spells! Wait... I can't see.'' The good news is that levels in other classes count for half as far the Oracle's Curse is concerned, so if you multiclass into it late enough you can skip right past the levels where the curse really hurts.

2013-03-18, 08:18 PM
Skip on the Dragon Style feats.
They are killing your build, tying up many of your levels and feats for marginal gains.

Here's my bits of advice (mix and match as you see fit):
2 levels of Ranger with Natural Combat style nabbing Aspect of the Beast (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/aspect-of-the-beast) for ALL DAY Claws.

1 level of Oracle with Nature>Nature's Whispers or Lore>Sidestep.
I'd go with Lore as it gives CHA to AC and REF save, whereas Nature is CHA to AC and CMD.
Also, the Wolfscarred Face (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/oracle/oracle-curses) Curse is worth a look, as it gives you a permanent Bite attack. NOTE: Your DM may rule that the "wasted spell action" applies to Sorc spells too, in this case try to focus on Non-verbal spells, long duration buffs, and Non-combat spells.

For Race:
Suli (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/uncommon-races/arg-suli) is a solid choice, no Natural Claws, but you do get +2 STR, +2 CHA, -2 INT, and Resist 5 to Acid/Cold/Fire/Lightning (yes ALL of them).

Ifrit (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-ifrit) is solid if you Crossblood with the Elemental (Fire) bloodline, as your CHA is treated as +2 for ALL Sorc abilities, this stacks with the Ifrits stat bonuses of +2 DEX, -2 WIS, +2 CHA.

Lastly, as an alternative to 2 levels of Ranger, you can go Catfolk (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-catfolk) and take an Alt-Racial Trait for permanent Claws. Their stats are also +2 DEX, -2 WIS, +2 CHA

2013-03-19, 03:23 AM
The all day claws don't stack with sorcerer claws in that they don't become magical, etc. I will also be playing in a campaign where 'normal' looking races are preferred. The game started, so I can't radically change my build any more (I started of MoMS 1), but thanks for the advice everyone! :smallsmile: