View Full Version : Oobleck

2013-03-14, 03:04 PM
Have any of you have messed around with Oobleck (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-newtonian_fluid#Oobleck) (a non-newtonian fluid) or though about using it in a game ?

What would be the implications in 3.5 / PF mechanics ?

What sort of nice lulz you could get as part of a trap ?

Lets say a 15 ' x 15' pool of the stuff, 30 ' deep or so, blocking a hallway.

2013-03-14, 03:24 PM
I love where this is going already.

If you run across the pit you can make it, if you walk you sink in.

Dye it green and make pcs think it is a slime. Pcs will whack it for ever.

Make a custom item, "bag of endless corn starch, " place with a decanter of endless water, for a continually expanding pool.

2013-03-14, 03:33 PM
Dye it green and make pcs think it is a slime. Pcs will whack it for ever.

Have it chase them down a spiral stair case. Hitting it will make it stop, for a while.

2013-03-14, 03:53 PM
Have it chase them down a spiral stair case. Hitting it will make it stop, for a while.

Or do a sloping tunnel, make it like Indiana Jones' boulder.

It needs to have a touch attack, does no damage but triggers engulf.

2013-03-14, 03:56 PM
Cast a powerful spell to make it rain the stuff...

2013-03-14, 04:20 PM
Have a large room full of the stuff, three feet deep or so. Home brew an oobleck golem that gets a burrow speed in it. (modify the calzone golem for this)

2013-03-14, 05:58 PM
Cast a powerful spell to make it rain the stuff...

I like the way you think.

Clearly, it should be an incantation (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/magic/incantations.htm).

2013-03-14, 06:41 PM
Also it should be yellow and taste of vanilla. Maybe awakened too ?

2013-03-14, 06:54 PM
Either magically disguised or simply died brownish, take a bunch of the stuff and make it into SOME of the walls in a dungeon. The BBEG Lich-lord will then squish through it halfway and shoot spells at the PCs, and/or escape by turning a corner and crawling through one, so it looks like he disappeared. Treat all such walls as though they have a constant Meld Into Stone effect.

(Elven Secret Door Sense will be going crazy... :smallbiggrin:)

2013-03-14, 07:03 PM
Walls of force that contain the oobleck deactivate via traps and ooze it everywhere.

2013-03-14, 07:13 PM
Resilient Spheres filled with the stuff, high above the floor in a tall ceilinged chamber. These dispel whenever someone walks underneath them.

2013-03-15, 09:39 AM
Nice set od ideas here, eh.

What about a blade barrier that center in a pool of the stuff ? Will it it turn it solid for the duration of the spell ?

ALso, vidration does affect it so I guess this puts [Sound] based spell on the spotligh.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-15, 10:10 AM
I like the way you think.

Clearly, it should be an incantation (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/magic/incantations.htm).

Ask and ye shall receive:

Ooblek Storm
Conjuration (creation)
Effective Level: 8th
Skill CheckKnowledge (arcana) DC 41, 8 successes
Failure: Drown
Components: V, S, M, B
Casting Time: 4 hours
Range: Personal
Target: 10-mile radius, centered on caster
Duration: 1 day
Saving Throw: Reflex negates (DC 18 + caster's charisma); see text
Spell Resistance: No

You produce a rain of ooblek that coats everything in a 10-mile radius from you. Any creature not protected from it by being under cover must make a Reflex save each round. After five failed reflex saves they are entangled. After ten failed Reflex saves they are entangled and unable to move unless they succeed on a DC 15 Strength check. After 15 failed Reflex saves they are entangled and unable to move unless they succeed on a DC 25 Strength check. After 20 failed Reflex saves they are entangled, unable to move, and begin suffocating. With an appropriate tool, like a knife, a character can remove five failed Reflex saves worth of ooblek as a full round action, but automatically fail their Reflex save that round. Washing in at least ten gallons of water removes all ooblek.

In addition, every failed reflex save deals 1 nonlethal damage from the impact.

After four hours of raining ooblek, all terrain in the area is considered difficult except by creatures using the run action. After 12 hours of raining ooblek, all terrain acts as though it were affected by entangle, regardless of whether there are plants in the area, except by creatures using the run action.

The caster's and all secondary casters' lungs fill with ooblek and they begin drowning. Every two rounds after the first, they may make a DC 18 + the caster's Charisma Fortitude save to expel the ooblek and stop drowning

Backlash Component
The caster and all secondary casters contract Ooblek Fever. The disease has an incubation period of 1 day and deals 1d3 points of Strength damage, 1d3 points of Dexterity damage, and 1d6 points of Constitution damage on a failed DC 25 Fortitude save as their body turns into ooblek. Any creature that dies from Ooblek Fever completely turns to ooblek and cannot be returned to life by any spell short of true resurrection, miracle, or wish.

Successful saves do not allow a victim of Ooblek Fever to recover. Only a break enchantment spell followed by remove disease can cure Ooblek fever.

Material Component
10,000 GP worth of corn starch.

Secondary Casters
Ten required, these chant "gloop gloop" repeatedly as the incantation progresses.

2013-03-15, 11:05 AM
Remember that if an oobleck "drop" hits someone, it will do so as a solid. The rain should inflict a small amount of damage (possibly non-lethal) then accumulate as entangling goo on the floor/surface.

2013-03-15, 11:08 AM
Also, this opens the doors for the Ooblatapult.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-15, 11:11 AM
Remember that if an oobleck "drop" hits someone, it will do so as a solid. The rain should inflict a small amount of damage (possibly non-lethal) then accumulate as entangling goo on the floor/surface.

Way ahead of you:

In addition, every failed reflex save deals 1 nonlethal damage from the impact.
I figure it hits as a solid, sticks a little, and thus entangles.

2013-03-15, 11:13 AM
I think some one has been reading XKCD. :smallamused:

2013-03-15, 11:32 AM
I think some one has been reading XKCD. :smallamused:

Are you implying some playgrounder do not ? :smallwink:

2013-03-15, 06:18 PM
Ask and ye shall receive:

Awesome! I am deeply grateful. :smallsmile:

2013-03-15, 11:47 PM
I must give a nod to the awesome nature of threads involving non-Newtonian solids.
