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2013-03-14, 07:23 PM
I mention this here, because the idea originated in this thread first. You can find the thread in the homebrew threads here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=14897573#post14897573)

My idea is, for fun and flavor reasons, I want to create "Vow of Poverty" like feats with different flavor and effect. Feel free to add on! I'll keep an updated list of everyone's suggestions. I'll throw a few in there I dont have time to come up with the rules for that another can fill in, or I can later.So far, we have 2 more funny vows defined:

Profane Vow

Prerequisites: any non-good

Special: after taking your first Deadly Vow, with increasing chance for every vow you take, an Underworld's Favored on his Profane Quest (described below) may show up to attempt to kill you.

Effect: Allows one to take the Seven Deadly Vows. Also, if one has one or more of the Seven Deadly Vows, one begins to acquire bits of the Underworld's Favored template, when one has all of the Seven Deadly Vows, he or she gains the entirety of the Underworld's Favored template. This template grants:
- Fire resist 2 per Deadly vow, all Seven Deadly Vows grants immunity to fire
- Unholy or negative energy damage is reduced by 1 per Deadly Vow, all Seven Deadly Vows grants immunity to unholy or negative energy damage and instead heal 1/2 the damage
- DR 1 per Deadly Vow/+1 per deadly vow (3 Deadly Vows grant DR 3/+3, 6 Deadly Vows grants DR 6/+6), all Seven Deadly Vows grants DR 15/-
- SR 10 + 1 per Deadly Vow, all Seven Deadly Vows grants SR 35
- All stats +1 per Deadly Vow, all Seven Deadly Vows grants all stats +10
- +1 to attack and damage per Deadly Vow, all Seven Deadly Vows grants +10 to attack and damage
- +1 to Diplomacy, Bluff, Sense Motive and Knowledge (religion) per Deadly Vow, all Seven Deadly Vows grants +10 to Diplomacy, Bluff, Sense Motive and Knowledge (religion).
- All Seven Deadly Vows grants the SLA to, only once, call forth any of the Princes of hell, and petition to be granted a Profane Quest, the result of which may vary from person to person, but may include becoming the Lesser deity of Sin, a demon lord under the prince controlling part, or all, of his army in his name, ruling a rival demon lord's realm, etc. You must succeed on a DC 50 Diplomacy check success of which grants said quest which must consist of no less than obtaining profane artifacts for the Prince that advances his power over his plane and/or advances his position in his ever changing battle with the other princes of the other layers of hell, defeating another Underword's Favored (the more of the Seven Deadly Vows, the higher this feat is looked upon), and culminating in the overthrow and defeat of the current holder of the position or throne you wish to take. This should be a very difficult Profane Quest.

An example of the difficulty of just part of this Profane quest should be the death of the Underwold's Favored and his adventuring party, from which they must claw their way back to the material plane from the ninth layer of hell, numerically in order, to the prime material plane, accessible only from the first layer of hell where you continue on the other tasks to complete the quest.

Deadly Vow of Envy

Deadly Vow of Gluttony

Deadly Vow of Greed

Deadly Vow of Lust

Deadly Vow of Pride

Deadly Vow of Sloth

Deadly Vow of Wrath

Vow of Alcoholism

Prerequisites: A traumatic experience including, but not limited to: the death of a family member, being the only surviving member of a combat along side a former adventuring party, being a prisoner of war, a subject of torture, or has a party member with the Leeroy Jenkins feat

Special: Must drink until you are "have to hold onto the grass to keep from falling off the planet" hammered, at least once every two days. Must take a swig of the alcohol of choice after each combat.

When drunk, you have delusions of grandeur. You can take it. Whatever it is, however many of it there is, if you, even for a second, ponder fighting it, there is no doubt in your mind that you will mop the hillside with it's face.

Effect: Gain a breath weapon, or if already have one, gain another, at will, but no more the once every 1D3 rounds effect a single 5 foot square fortitude DC 10 + con + drunk state (buzzed, +2, Drunk, +4, "have to hold onto the grass to keep from falling off the planet" hammered, +6) or be sickened. When separated from your alcohol, you get a -2 to hit and a +4 damage and must attack anyone perceived as separating you from your alcohol to the best of your ability and the exclusion of all other combatants until the alcohol is recovered.

When buzzed, gain a +1 to hit and damage and a -1 to dexterity. When drunk, -2 dexterity, -2 to hit, +4 damage and dr 1/slashing (if you already have DR from another source, this stacks). When you are "have to hold onto the grass to keep from falling off the planet" hammered, you are unable to walk and must compulsively sit down as close to the ground as you can get, you make unarmed attacks at anyone who touches you at a -5, you must attack with your breath weapon anyone who attempts to pick you up. You gain a projectile vomit breath weapon that you cannot voluntarily use and must use it whenever the DM deems it amusing, affecting a 5 to 15 foot cone dealing 1d3 points of charisma damage from the sheer humiliation of it until the puke is cleaned off the character. Once you have been sitting for more than 10 rounds, you must succeed on a fortitude save DC 15 or fall asleep. If the save is successful, must make another fortitude save every round thereafter or fall asleep

Vow of Bro-hood

Prerequisites: must be male

Special: You must take the Vow of Bro-hood with at least one other and your bro must always be within 50 feet. If you take Vow of Brohood with three or more bros, an unbroken chain of bros must be maintained from one to the next, but they need not all be within 50 feet of each other. If the chain of bros is broken, such as one walks away, or one is kidnapped, every bro loses the benefits of this feat and has the effects of a Lesser Geas placed upon them to get the bro back. If your bro dies, you must either find a way to get him resurrected, or discover and permanently follow him to whatever plane he went to after death.

Effect: Whenever your bro is flanking an opponent, you are also considered flanking that opponent, this bonus does not stack with actually flanking that oponent. If you are in flanking position with your bro, you gain an extra 1D6 damage. When you are within 50 feet of your bro, you gain a +2 morale bonus to will saves, and a +1 brohood bonus to AC. Each bonus is gained 1/2 again for each bro within 50 feet

Vow of Cannibalism

Requirements: non-lawful, Con 12

Effect: You must consume the flesh of every humanoid you kill. From fighting off any disease, poison or drug your subject might be subject to, you gain a +4 to your saves vs poison and disease from your stronger immune system.

After eating the flesh of one of your kills, you gain +1 to hit for 1 hour (this stacks with any other sort of bonuses you may have, however does not stack with itself).

Furthermore, if you consume a creature's flesh that has immunities to fire, cold, acid, lightning, magic, or any other immunity not based on the presence, or lack of physical sensory organs, you gain resistance 5, or saves against that category (i.e. disease or poison) +5, for 3 days as your body digests this meat. (but the +5 saves on disease and poison does not stack with the +4 granted by this feat).

+5 to intimidate checks and a -10 to diplomacy checks with anyone who knows the character is a cannibal

Vow of Leeroy Jenkins

Prerequisites: Intelligence less than 14, or the absent minded flaw, less than 5 ranks in listen

Special: You must charge into combat immediately when a hostile opponent is within charge distance or an unfriendly or friendly target is decided to be attacked, regardless of whether the group is ready or if it is a good idea. You must step away from the table when encounter tactics are being discussed. It is an opportune time to go to the bathroom, refill on snacks and drinks, go for a smoke or get some air get some chicken.
Effect: When you initiate combat, you gain a surprise round in which only you can act. On their initiative, your allies must succeed on a will save DC 12 or be dumbfounded by your actions and take 1D3 +1 intelligence damage. This damage goes away at a rate a 1 point every 3 rounds, or a lesser restoration spell heals all of it instantaneously. Allies who fail their will save gain an urgency bonus +2 to will saves, +5 movement speed and +1 to hit and damage for the duration of the encounter. Allies who are accustom to this feat (have made at least 3 will saves vs this feat) get a bonus +2 to this save.

Vow of MacGyver

Prerequisites: Be smart (minimum INT 15), wear old fashion clothes and have a long hair, feat Jack of all Trades, craft (improvised deices) 13 ranks, disable device 8 ranks, spot 5 ranks, escape artist 5 ranks, search 5 ranks, diplomacy 5 ranks, knowledge (mechanics) 13 ranks

Special: Be in a desperate situation without any weapons or armor but useless stuff in the bag. Makes you eligible to the Vow of Colonel Jack O'Neil (leader of Stargate SG-1), must have an obnoxiously loud mentor. Also, you do not carry a weapon, but rely on your ability to find and craft improvised devices to solve situations, extreme circumstance excepting.

- You gain the Improvised Weapon proficiency feat
- At will: you can cast the Minor Creation spell at your character level, only for creating an object that will help you to avoid a danger or solve a bad situation
- Once/day: you can cast the Major Creation spell at your character level only for creating an object that will help you to avoid a danger or solve a bad situation
- A MacGyver seems to be blessed in everything he/she does and gain a +2 luck bonus on all skill checks (except knowledge (religion)).
- You have a very large circle of friends. Any knowledge check failed, you know someone who does know the answer, they just might not always be on hand or close by, sometimes they may need a bribe of some sorts, sometimes as simple as an apple and a flirt.
- A MacGyver gain a supernatural ability to perceive traps and gains a fifth sense about them, improving the ability modifier by +5 for Find Traps.
- A MacGyver also has an unnatural knack for avoiding danger, gaining a +2 supernatural dodge bonus to AC that stacks with all other bonuses.
- After each gaming session, you must make a DC 15 will save or watch an episode of Stargate: SG-1

Thank you umbrapolaris for your help on the Vow of MacGuyver feat.

Vow of Nudity

Requirements: Any non-lawful, non aberration, natural armor less than 5, no other natural traits that cover from easy view, any part of the naked body, nudity must not be a common state for your race to walk around, as this feat requires the shocking value of the nudity for the bonuses, charisma 15

Effect: Must never again wear any type of armor or clothes beyond rings and a necklace/amulet. When naked, receive a +4 to diplomacy checks when dealing with individuals who are attracted to you, +4 to bluff checks when bluffing about the reason for your nudity, +2 move silently, -2 hide in shadows, all attacks made against you are made at a -4, for simplicity, reflected in a nudity bonus to AC of equal amount instead, all attacks you make receive a +2 to hit. Diplomacy checks against the opposite sex (who are attracted to you) receive a bonus 1 for each divine spell casting class level they have, so a woman with Vow of Nudity asking sanctuary of a lawful good male level 16 cleric, against an enemy and the dangers of the night, receives a +20 to her diplomacy roll, in addition to normal modifiers.

Ideas: Vow of Capitalism, Vow of Communism, Vow of Deceit, Vow of Greed, Vow of Ingenuity, Vow of Macgyver and Vow of Murder

Dusk Eclipse
2013-03-14, 07:35 PM
Someone beat you to the vow of Nudity (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=45529)

2013-03-14, 07:38 PM
bow of Nudity

Your clothes disappear whenever you fire an arrow? :smallconfused:

2013-03-14, 07:40 PM
I don't think there should be a difference in the bonus to diplomacy for one gender or another. You're just asking for trouble, and game balance is all wonky. Women don't get a Strength penalty/Men don't get a Strength boost, even though either or both of those options would be more realistic.

Also, the issue with these vows is that they aren't worth spending a feat on. Personally, I think all the vows should be free, (the penalty outweighs the bonus, so why tax it?) But as it stands, Vows Require '2' feats to use.

Vow of Cannibalism doesn't really work for me, since it is sort of a vow of stupidity. Why would anyone drop what they are doing and eat someone in the middle of combat? May as well say if you are driving a car and the passenger dies, you must lean over and start eating them even if you drive off a bridge. (Hope this didn't sound overly snarky/critical, I just think the penalty is far too much.)

Maybe make it a Vow that you must eat the flesh of everything you kill, but it can be after combat and doesn't have to be the entirety of the creature, (the whole number of rounds you must eat it is really confusing, so getting rid of that stipulation is a plus.) Keep the Intimidate/diplomacy penalties, then add a Fortitude bonus. Add an additional Fortitude bonus against disease and poison. Take out the fear aura, the intimidate bonus is enough to replicate that.

There are already a ton of monsters that eat human flesh and they don't get fear auras. So why would this character?

2013-03-14, 07:44 PM
bow of NudityYour clothes disappear whenever you fire an arrow? :smallconfused:

My new favorite weapon

I don't think there should be a difference in the bonus to diplomacy for one gender or another. You're just asking for trouble, and game balance is all wonky. Women don't get a Strength penalty/Men don't get a Strength boost, even though either or both of those options would be more realistic.

Also, the issue with these vows is that they aren't worth spending a feat on. Personally, I think all the vows should be free, (the penalty outweighs the bonus, so why tax it?) But as it stands, Vows Require '2' feats to use.

Vow of Cannibalism doesn't really work for me, since it is sort of a vow of stupidity. Why would anyone drop what they are doing and eat someone in the middle of combat? May as well say if you are driving a car and the passenger dies, you must lean over and start eating them even if you drive off a bridge. (Hope this didn't sound overly snarky/critical, I just think the penalty is far too much.)

Maybe make it a Vow that you must eat the flesh of everything you kill, but it can be after combat and doesn't have to be the entirety of the creature, (the whole number of rounds you must eat it is really confusing, so getting rid of that stipulation is a plus.) Keep the Intimidate/diplomacy penalties, then add a Fortitude bonus. Add an additional Fortitude bonus against disease and poison. Take out the feat aura, the intimidate bonus is enough to replicate that.

There are already a ton of monsters that eat human flesh and they don't get feat auras. So why would this character?

I see your points, all of them. You make solid ones. I'll edit them.

2013-03-14, 07:50 PM
My new favorite weapon

I see your points, all of them. You make solid ones. I'll edit them.

Cool, cool. I also meant feat aura, not feat aura. :P

My criticism about Vows requiring a feat chain is more the design of the game, though, and not a flaw with your feat design. Regardless, I don't think Sacred Vow should be a pre-requisite, which I think you already had covered, (I don't remember sacred vow being a pre-req.)

2013-03-14, 08:12 PM
Cool, cool. I also meant feat aura, not feat aura. :P

My criticism about Vows requiring a feat chain is more the design of the game, though, and not a flaw with your feat design. Regardless, I don't think Sacred Vow should be a pre-requisite, which I think you already had covered, (I don't remember sacred vow being a pre-req.)

I agree on the no Sacred Vow being a pre-req. But I amended Vow of Nudity and completely change vow of cannibalism, what do you think?

2013-03-14, 08:55 PM
Isn't Vow of Macgyver just playing a factotum/chameleon or an artificer depending on interpretation?

2013-03-14, 09:34 PM
Isn't Vow of Macgyver just playing a factotum/chameleon or an artificer depending on interpretation?

haha, very possibly true

2013-03-14, 10:02 PM
Your clothes disappear whenever you fire an arrow? :smallconfused:

This must now be a thing.
Cursed Item: Bow of Nudity.
This appears to be a +3 Icy Burst Longbow, and in all ways acts and detects as such, unless the weilder attempts to shoot with a range incriment penalty.
In such case, the weilder must make a Reflex save (DC equal to their attack roll) or lose all items and posessions currently adorning their body (Except for any non-clothing items they may be carrying, such as a backpack, spell component pouch, or sheathed weapon). If the attack roll was successful, the items appear at the feet of the target. If not, they appear 1d10 feet per range increment away in a random direction.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-03-14, 10:08 PM
Why is is a icy burst bow? (Fairy Tail reference FTW?)

2013-03-14, 10:10 PM
A bow that deals extra Cold damage on a successful hit, and more on a successful crit.

Edit: Oh, misread your post as WHAT is, not Why is is.

It's icy burst because you feel a draft, silly.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-03-14, 10:11 PM
No, I know what the icy burst enhancement does, I was asking if there was any particular reason for the "Bow of Nudity" to appear to be an Icy Burst bow.

Edit: True, didn't think about that.

2013-03-14, 10:13 PM
Shocking burst might work as well, come to think of it.

2013-03-14, 10:36 PM
Shocking burst might work as well, come to think of it.

My friend, you are quite punny

2013-03-14, 10:49 PM
Shocking burst might work as well, come to think of it.As is flaming if...y'know...you swing that way.

Lucky me.

2013-03-14, 11:10 PM
Updated to add the Vow of Leeroy Jenkins

2013-03-14, 11:22 PM
Updated to add the Vow of Leeroy JenkinsVow of Ponies. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCpdDS3L2xs)

"I vow to try to take over the world!"

2013-03-15, 12:20 AM
Added Vow of Alcoholism

2013-03-15, 12:22 AM
Vow of Instant Gratification?
Vow of Sexual Gratification?

2013-03-15, 12:24 AM
Vow of Instant Gratification?
Vow of Sexual Gratification?

I think Vow of Sexual Gratification will get incur the wrath of the mods, my friend. But I can work on a Vow of Instant Gratification

2013-03-15, 12:31 AM
Vow of Leeroy Jenkins fixed

2013-03-15, 01:12 AM
Vow of Bro-hood added

2013-03-15, 03:34 AM
Vow of Cannibalism is better, yeah. (: Question, does the +1 bonus to attacks stack with itself? As written, it does, meaning if I kill fifty goblins I get a +50 attack bonus.

I'd also omit the line about a bonus to bluff checks for molestation lies. It opens up a whole can of worms you'd probably rather not touch. Just to sensitive of an issue. You could probably change it to a bonus to bluff when lying about a member of the opposite sex and have the same effect without the controversy.

(You may want to change the opposite gender line to something about persons who could be attracted to you. Would a male elf be attracted to a naked female mindflayer or minotaur? Would a beholder be attracted to a naked dwarf women? Not to mention varying sexual orientations. This isn't a necessity, just a thought.)

Bro-hood is funny.

2013-03-15, 03:58 AM
Vow of Cannibalism is better, yeah. (: Question, does the +1 bonus to attacks stack with itself? As written, it does, meaning if I kill fifty goblins I get a +50 attack bonus.

fixed. Thank you. And I agree, much easier.

I'd also omit the line about a bonus to bluff checks for molestation lies. It opens up a whole can of worms you'd probably rather not touch. Just to sensitive of an issue. You could probably change it to a bonus to bluff when lying about a member of the opposite sex and have the same effect without the controversy.

hmmm, well I was modeling the line after a player I rather enjoy playing with and his current, very funny, character. But point taken and corrected.

(You may want to change the opposite gender line to something about persons who could be attracted to you. Would a male elf be attracted to a naked female mindflayer or minotaur? Would a beholder be attracted to a naked dwarf women? Not to mention varying sexual orientations. This isn't a necessity, just a thought.) Bro-hood is funny.

Corrected, I am glad my intention shown through and you are right. And thank you!

2013-03-15, 04:39 AM
corrected Vow of Cannibalism

EDIT: corrected it again

2013-03-15, 05:20 AM
Why does the vow of cannibalism require a non-good alignment?

"Alas, poor Yorrick. You were strong. It will be good to have that strength.

2013-03-15, 05:56 AM
Why does the vow of cannibalism require a non-good alignment?

"Alas, poor Yorrick. You were strong. It will be good to have that strength.

do you perceive cannibalism as a good action and something that promotes the welfare of civilization and the good of others?

2013-03-15, 10:09 AM
do you perceive cannibalism as a good action and something that promotes the welfare of civilization and the good of others?It is when you're trying to save the world from the evilest of evils and it makes you stronger, assuming you don't kill specifically for that.

There are, and have been, cultures on Earth (IRL) that eat their enemies because they believe they share in their strength. In part it's to honor their strength, by openly admitting that they were worthy adversaries. How much more would that mean if it really worked?

It's all cultural, really. Plus, it's not like people don't kill others just to make themselves stronger. Remember: XP.

2013-03-15, 11:00 AM
Vow of Leeroy Jenkins

Prerequisites: Intelligence less than 14, or the absent minded flaw, less than 5 ranks in listen

Special: You must charge into combat immediately when a hostile opponent is within charge distance or an unfriendly or friendly target is decided to be attacked, regardless of whether the group is ready or if it is a good idea. You must step away from the table when encounter tactics are being discussed. It is an opportune time to go to the bathroom, refill on snacks and drinks, go for a smoke or get some air get some chicken.

Effect: When you initiate combat, you gain a surprise round in which only you can act. On their initiative, your allies must succeed on a will save DC 12 or be dumbfounded by your actions and unable to act for that round. Allies who succeed on their will save gain a +2 to will saves, +5 movement speed and +1 to hit and damage for the duration of the encounter

I like the idea of this, but it seems a little odd. You shouldn't penalise your party members for having this feat - remove the will save or be unable to act, because you'll just annoy people if you have this feat. I know that's part of the point, but it's just bad feat design.

Also, you may want to change the feat's name to match up with the other "Vow of..." feats, since it's looking a bit out of place. "Vow of Temerity"?

Vow of Nudity

Requirements: Any non-lawful (?), humanoid (? Can't other types be naked?), charisma 15 (nudity should not be stat dependant.)

Effect: Must never again wear any type of armor or clothes beyond rings and a necklace/amulet. When naked, receive a +4 to diplomacy checks when dealing with individuals who are attracted to you, +2 move silently, -2 hide in shadows (unless you have a dark skin tone) (skin tone doesn't affect hiding skill in D&D. Not even Drow get one, and they're midnight black), all attacks made against you are made at a -4, for simplicity, reflected in a nudity bonus to AC of equal amount instead (cause who WANTS to attack a naked person (someone who wants to kill you? A troll who fights naked isn't going to say "Oh, ick, a naked guy! Better not attack him!")), all attacks you make receive a +2 to hit. Diplomacy checks against the opposite sex (equality) (who are attracted to you) receive a bonus 1 for each divine spell casting class level they have(? Not all divine spellcasters are celibate priests? There are literally gods of pretty much everything, their clergy might not even notice your nakedness), so a woman with Vow of Nudity asking sanctuary of a lawful good male level 16 cleric, against an enemy and the dangers of the night, receives a +20 to her diplomacy roll, in addition to normal modifiers.

A naked character also receives a +5 to their bluff check when lying about a member of the opposite sex. (? Why?)

This one's a bit problematic. There's a lot of rules that don't make sense in the context of D&D, and a few assumptions that are equally baffling. Why do you need a certain Charisma to go naked? Why can only humanoids benefit from being naked? Why is being naked non-lawful when it is also a vow? Modrons don't wear clothes. I think this feat needs a bit of a re-think.

Keep this up, though, you'll be able to chisel some fine feats out of these.

2013-03-15, 01:05 PM
It is when you're trying to save the world from the evilest of evils and it makes you stronger, assuming you don't kill specifically for that.

There are, and have been, cultures on Earth (IRL) that eat their enemies because they believe they share in their strength. In part it's to honor their strength, by openly admitting that they were worthy adversaries. How much more would that mean if it really worked?

It's all cultural, really. Plus, it's not like people don't kill others just to make themselves stronger. Remember: XP.

I see your point. I will change it.

I like the idea of this, but it seems a little odd. You shouldn't penalise your party members for having this feat - remove the will save or be unable to act, because you'll just annoy people if you have this feat. I know that's part of the point, but it's just bad feat design.

Also, you may want to change the feat's name to match up with the other "Vow of..." feats, since it's looking a bit out of place. "Vow of Temerity"?

The Vow of Leeroy Jenkins was requested for me to make. just going off the video, it makes sense. But I see how that would be annoying and I will look at re-doing that bit.

This one's a bit problematic. There's a lot of rules that don't make sense in the context of D&D, and a few assumptions that are equally baffling. Why do you need a certain Charisma to go naked? Why can only humanoids benefit from being naked? Why is being naked non-lawful when it is also a vow? Modrons don't wear clothes. I think this feat needs a bit of a re-think.

Keep this up, though, you'll be able to chisel some fine feats out of these.

Thank you, I quite enjoy them. My reasoning behind the humanoid requisite was that since most of the benefits are role play benefits, they must have quite an effect on others for their nudity, and some creatures (aberrations, dragons, etc) are already usually naked, so seeing them named would not grant more benefits. Perhaps I should change it to "not aberrations, Natural Armor less than 5 (or nothing else naturally that covers up the parts of the body)"

Non-lawful cause it doesn't seem like a lawful thing to do, at least to me.

It's not that nudity is impossible for someone with less than 15 charisma, but the bonuses are dependant upon a positive impact, a beautiful (charismatic) person does that much better than a not-so-charismatic one

hmmmm, good point on the skin tone ting. I'll have to change that.

The "A naked character also receives a +5 to their bluff check when lying about a member of the opposite sex." is an attempt at rewording of a similar line I had of "when bluffing that they have been taken advantage of, touched inappropriately, or raped." based on a guy I am currently playing with that is HYSTERICAL to play with and is an utterly naked gnome except for his cape. The re-wording is an attempt to avoid any unpleasantness associated with those words. I agree it is odd taken out of context. Can you help me come up with a better wording?

2013-03-15, 01:24 PM
Updated Vow of Leeroy Jenkins, Vow of Nudity and Vow of Cannibalism

EDIT: Updated Vow of Leeroy Jenkins again, to do intelligence damage instead of losing a round of actions.

2013-03-15, 02:57 PM
Beautiful != charismatic

The bluff bonus is odd as it stands, and really oughtn't be gendered. Even it's origin does not need the feat taker and the bluff subject to be of different sexes or genders.
A flat bonus to bluff (or diplomacy) would work great. Very emperor's new clothes.

And since I'm posting here anyways: vow of alcoholism might well be rephrased as vow of intoxication. It would allow for more substances and seems to work better

2013-03-15, 03:19 PM
Beautiful != charismatic

The bluff bonus is odd as it stands, and really oughtn't be gendered. Even it's origin does not need the feat taker and the bluff subject to be of different sexes or genders.
A flat bonus to bluff (or diplomacy) would work great. Very emperor's new clothes.

I see your point.

And since I'm posting here anyways: vow of alcoholism might well be rephrased as vow of intoxication. It would allow for more substances and seems to work better

true, I'll see what I can do.

2013-03-15, 03:24 PM
Vow of Nudity changed from "A naked character also receives a +5 to their bluff check when lying about a member of the opposite sex." at the end of the feat to "+4 to bluff checks when bluffing about the reason for your nudity"

2013-03-15, 04:39 PM
Isn't this homebrew?

2013-03-15, 04:51 PM
Isn't this homebrew?

'tis indeed, but some of the junior members of the board post some homebrew stuff over here because of the higher traffic.

2013-03-15, 05:53 PM
'tis indeed, but some of the junior members of the board post some homebrew stuff over here because of the higher traffic.

all true, but the ideas for all this stemmed from a post here, I thought this crowd would appreciate it. I can let this thread die if I need to. The complete thread is in the homebrew section

2013-03-15, 06:04 PM
all true, but the ideas for all this stemmed from a post here, I thought this crowd would appreciate it. I can let this thread die if I need to. The complete thread is in the homebrew section

I'm not saying that it's bad, mind you - just mentioning that it happens.

Unusual Muse
2013-03-15, 06:05 PM
You could create the Vile version of the Vow feats, around a theme of the Seven Deadly Sins:

Vow of Gluttony
Vow of Wrath
Vow of Sloth
Vow of Lust
etc. etc. etc.

EDIT: You could even make it a chain, so that if you acquire all seven Vile Vows you... I don't know... turn into Kevin Spacey or something.

2013-03-15, 06:07 PM
You could create the Vile version of the Vow feats, around a theme of the Seven Deadly Sins:

Vow of Gluttony
Vow of Wrath
Vow of Sloth
Vow of Lust
etc. etc. etc.

EDIT: You could even make it a chain, so that if you acquire all seven Vile Vows you... I don't know... turn into Kevin Spacey or something.

I am inspired! I love it! And the fact you sn is "Unusual Muse" is quite funny in this context.

EDIT: Whats the opposite of Sacred? Damned?

Unusual Muse
2013-03-15, 06:29 PM
I am inspired! I love it! And the fact you sn is "Unusual Muse" is quite funny in this context.

EDIT: Whats the opposite of Sacred? Damned?

The opposite of sacred is profane.

2013-03-15, 06:32 PM
The opposite of sacred is profane.

You are so very, very right. Thank you

2013-03-15, 09:54 PM
Added Profane Vow and will soon add the details of the Seven Deadly Vows

2013-03-15, 10:48 PM
You don't auto-fail skill checks on a 1, unless houseruled to be so.

2013-03-16, 01:21 AM
You don't auto-fail skill checks on a 1, unless houseruled to be so.

very good point... I forgot my current DM is a retard.

EDIT: fixed

2013-03-16, 01:20 PM
Vow of MacGyver added

2013-03-16, 08:33 PM
Vow of MacGyver added

Good and funny additions ^^

2013-03-16, 10:23 PM
Good and funny additions ^^

Thank you! I was also thinking a Vow of MacGruber, but that movie is less known. But the "whoa, there's like a million wires here, I'm like a three wire kind of guy" line is too good and begging for a feat!