View Full Version : Death to the gods!

2013-03-14, 09:09 PM
The air blew quietly through the meadow, the grass swaying in the cool, early-Spring night, you could hear the ocasional cry of a bird seeking his mate, forlorn almost, the serenitity almost made you forget where you were, In the Forbidden grove of Aphrai, the demigod of Nature upon this current plane.
Snapping out of your stupor, the trees and the grass suddenly seem not so friendly, nor so nice....

Ooc: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=14898325#post14898325

2013-03-14, 09:16 PM
A woman stands there, Sabrina is an absolutely striking beauty, which is further enhanced by the fact that she stands a statuesque 6’1”. Everything about her either hints at or reveals her devil heritage, starting with her flaming red hair which is cut in such a way that her small horns are not hidden. Her eyes seem to be coal black at most times, however they will flame red when she is excited or angry. Her figure is very curvy and her skin tight black (with red trim) lingerie does nothing to hide it. Another clear give away is the barbed tail curling out of her cute derriere. A red and black cape billows from her neck, but it is free of any symbols or adornments. She wears several pieces of jewelry, a small amulet, a golden circlet nestled in her red curls, a pair of earrings, a ring; as well, the belt that holds her scabbard in place is studded with small gems, some of which glow with an inner green fire. Skin-toned gloves are nearly impossible to spot on her hands.
Sabrina is quite clearly armed, she carries a wicked looking long sword of black metal that seems to shimmer and ooze in the light, the length of which flames with small wisps of fire. A longbow is slung over her shoulder, and it too has an aura of flame around it.
As she snaps out of her reverie, she draws her blade, looking around, watching to see if anything is there to challenge them.

2013-03-14, 09:44 PM
A human made of whipcord and lean stands in the grove, with his red hair and green eyes, he wears brown leather boots, wool breeches, a sturdy leather belt, a shirt and jacket, and an ample cloak with a hood. He wears an old beat-up leather backpack under the cloak, and has a pearl necklace around his neck. You see no adornments of any deity on him.

The man looks around at his companions and allies of the moment, checking to see if there are any immediate threats.

Looking for an answer to a question:

So, do we need to stop and buff up in character, or do we just do that now? I have an Alternate Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=530282) ready for my currently-planned buff routine (there are a few things I'll be changing if I seem to be falling behind, but that's just done by Cleric spells as part of the buff routine).

2013-03-14, 09:49 PM
Unless one felt threatened by a innocent bird about 10ft away, and 30ft up, with silver wings and feathers, no threats.
Hm. Start buffing now.

2013-03-14, 11:08 PM
Aleisander, a decent five feet and eleven inches tall, surveyed the locale, his light green eyes piercing through the environs. Everything nearby him was well known; he could sense and almost see everything based on the sound, the smell, and the feel of it. Feeling the grass, he examined the ground for any tracks, anything he might be able to make use of.

Survival check made aboveground in a natural environment
[roll0] Add +4 is the Search synergy also applies

"I don't trust this. It's too...quiet." His voice was quiet and lightly gruff as he spoke, letting the words go softly. "Be careful, and watch for surprises." After finishing his work with the tracks, Aleisander moves swiftly in various directions, hiding and moving as silent as he possibly can.

Hide check (Hide in Plain Sight)

Move Silently check

In addition, his Unknown Movement makes him undetectable to blindsense, darkvision, and low-light vision unless a DC 50 spot check is made, he leaves no tracks anywhere, and, with Afterimage, enemies have to make a DC 45 Will save or be caught flat-footed and rendered AoO-less

He also has Flawless Stride, allowing me to move through any impeding terrain with no slows, unless it is magically impeding or requires a climb/swim check, and Free Movement, which gives him a continuous freedom of movement, as the spell.

All should be noted.

As he did so, he kept an eye out for any dangers that might approach, keeping part of his focus on the group. He needed to keep them, especially Sabrina (she was a woman, he had an old-style sense of honor), safe, at least as best as he could. Gods were tricky creatures, and he was not about to allow his allies to come to harm.

Of course, if it was between that and slaying the gods, he would have to make peace with...well, himself.

2013-03-15, 12:21 AM
Strainsier stands as a strange sight. He floats several inches off the ground as if mocking gravity. His body stands over seven feet tall and is completely pure white. Not just white but it seems to in fact glow ever so slightly. Swirling lines of black cover a third of his body sprouting out from each other in tight curls. His muscle structure is off as if it was to perfect too well cut. As if some non human entity formed the shape of what it thought the perfect human should look like. Solid black eyes seemed to look everywhere and yet at the same time directly into the eyes of whomever looked into them. Perfectly white hair stretched up above his head a good foot, but it behaved strangely as if he was constantly underwater. Four long chains sprouted from his back at the corners of a perfect square. The chains were made of a strange beautiful white metal, yet cracks formed on the chains from which jagged black spikes of pure black. At the end of the chains sits a skull of pure white. From each of the four skulls mouths extends a long black spike that comes to a wicked point. Around his neck sat an amulet attacked to a chain that looked much like the chains on his back. The Amulet itself was a single black heron etched onto a pair of beautiful white wings. Each ear held a small golden hoop with a strange amber colored jewel. A purple band sat around his right ring finger, and a solid black belt covered in mystic runs held up a pair of loose white pants that are tied at his ankles.

Slowly strainseir gazed around this strange place. As he did so each one of the skulls on his chains moved as if they were looking about as well," What fresh hell is this?" he whispered to himself.

2013-03-15, 02:20 AM
A man was standing there, his eyes looking onward under the slots of his onyx black fullplate, which if someone would have looked into they were a strange mix of a fiery black vortex of Undeath. As Maximus looked around he would quickly feel that his companion, who had just vanished in plain sight, though it was something that Max was use to with him, was correct as he would reach up and pull two massive swords off of his back. Each sword was the size of a greatsword, and he held them both in one hand each, showing his skill and strength but what made it even worse is that if any of his teammates tried to hold the blades they would quickly realize that it was impossible as it was far to heavy.

Maximus looked on as he would close his eyes for a moment as he looked around for what was about to happen. Maximus had no idea if anything was going to happen at all or if they were simply going to look like paranoid idiots. Max would then see that bird up there and he would simply growl for a moment, as he would swing his blade at the bird and most likely to everyone surpise a massive wave of blood and gore would shot out of Max's blades and head straight for that bird, who most likely didn't even know that it was coming for him.

This strike uses Ravaging Blow,Radiant Fury Dissolution, and Soul-Flaying Strike....

The Ravaging blow allows me to hit the touch armor class if I miss, though I only do half damage. If this creature IS an Outsider, it ignores all of that Outsider's defensive racial benefits, including natural armor, damage reduction, penalties invoked by its aura, and similar, including defenses inherent to possessing a Divine Rank.

To Hit: Taking 11 on the roll, due to the Paragon class PrC which goes to a 82 to hit and
Damage: [roll0]

2013-03-15, 06:00 AM
A ordinary looking man stands in the clearing, he wears a black cloak and has the hood up. He shimmers for a moment, before reappearing 20 ft away from anyone else. A sword in each hand. If you can see invisibility, you see a nexus of spells over him.

Temporal acceleration, casting buff routine.

Knowledge checks on what Aphrai is,, what he does, how powerful he is, etc.

Knowledge (Religion): [roll0]
Knowledge (The Planes): [roll1]

Hmm, Aphrai, time to meet your end. He thinks. He turns to the others and speaks in a hoarse whisper "Should we try to divine the demigod's location?"

2013-03-15, 07:20 AM
Bolenth Arril Draunting, knowing that hostiles might be about, begins his rather drawn-out daily routine... with one minor modification: he starts with a persistent Foresight, rather than his normal Wishes.

Note that his casting is not identifiable - no verbal, somatic, material, or focus components at all to identify the spells.

Buff plan (takes something like three or four hours, all told...). Note that BAD has a couple of immediate action counters available, which can be taken at any time once Foresight is up - hence using that one *first*.

Cast Wish five times, to get five simulacrums of myself.
Prepare divine spells (have simulacrums do so as well).
Engage in circle with simulacrums, grab a lot of spell levels from them. Use those to:
1) Boost all three caster levels to 40 (costs 10+2*19=48 spell levels)
2) Empower and Maximize the Extended Stormrage (costs 5 spell levels)

Cast regularly on self:
Major Creation (three times: Once for clothing for the final form, once for shield, once for a weapon)
Persistent Mass Lesser Vigor
Mind Blank
Persistent Ghost Touch Armor (once on armor, once on shield)
Extended Persistent Ebon Eyes
Persistent Conviction
Extended Heroes' Feast
Persistent Divine Favor
Persistent Shield of Faith
Energy Immunity (once each for Acid, Cold, Sonic, and Electricity)
Greater Magic Weapon
Magic Vestments (once for weapon, once for shield)
Extended Flight of the Dragon (repeat as needed - 800 minutes per casting, so twice a day)
Detect Scrying
Extended Persistent Xorn Movement (use a 17th level slot every other day)
Extended Persistent Starmantle (use a 17th level slot every other day)
Greater Anticipate Teleportation
Extended Persistent Bite of the Wearbear (use a 17th level slot every other day)
Elemental Body (Fire)
Extended Persistent Ghostform (use a 17th level slot every other day)
Extended Persistent Superior Invisibility (use a 21st level slot every other day)
Polymorph Any Object (Ocean Giant, using Infinite Variety to add the Zodar's Invulnerability special quality)
Extended Persistent Shapechange (use a 21st level slot every other day), and turn into a Zodar, using Infinite Variety to add the Ocean Giant's bludgeoning immunity
Iron Silence (on shield)

Using True Archmage ability, cast and persist:
Extended Stormrage (now Maximized and Empowered)
Greater Visage of the Deity
Ray Deflection
Ocular Spell Delay Death
True Seeing
Divine Agility
See Invisibility
Righteous Might
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful
Extended Sheltered Vitality
Divine Power
Death Ward
Freedom of Movement
Greater Blindsight
Weapon of Energy
Find Traps
Ruin Delver's Fortune*3 (once for each save)
Beastland Ferocity

- note that with the buff plan, every effect on this list lasts at least 24 hours (many last much longer).

If the buff plan completes, the effective sheet is here (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=530282)

Admiral Squish
2013-03-15, 01:09 PM
Cottus stood among the others, silent and smoldering. He was in the form of a human he'd once killed. He used the form often, to walk among the humans without attracting attention. And his natural form attracted a lot of attention. He was more than six feet tall, with a broad, muscular physique wrapped in bronze skin. A thick mane of black hair flowed behind him as he stood there. He carried no weapon and he wore no armor. He was clad only in a pair of sandals and a red toga, clasped at the shoulder by a golden disk the size of a man's hand, depicting a stylized fist. The only thing that gave a clue that this was not a human were the crimson irises of his eyes that burned with a deep anger.

The feeling that something wasn't quite right nagged at him, but he could hardly shed this mortal form without letting everything on the plane know he was there. He would bide his time, for the moment. Let those who came to fight him come close. Close enough he could tear out their still-beating hearts.

...My only buffs are Shield and Fly. Everything else is automatic. I'll put both on now.

2013-03-15, 02:01 PM
With a shimmer of light accompanied by the smell of honey, roses, and chocolate Corinar manifests into the clearing. With his glorious robes floating about his form Corinar resembles nothing so much as a Chanel Perfume Advertisement. Long golden hair and lambent green eyes next to flawless features combine into an image that the elf clearly relishes in projecting.

Corinar flashes a radiant smile and strolls up to Sabrina, his steps almost gliding over the grass with such grace that he leaves no prints behind him. Proffering an arm to the Erinyes he begins to stroll towards the nearest path out of the clearing. "Quiet?" he chuckles. A sound like a soft rush of wind. "Listen closely, and you will hear the sounds of life itself. This place practically oozes Virility" Corinar's voice is soft and measured, elongating each syllable as long as possible, every sentence is a promise of eroticism and ego.

Corinar gestures towards the trees. "We stand, oh noble companions in the grove of the estimable Aphrai, demigod of nature. Who very likely knows we are here." At this point the Death Knight reduces a small bird into component particles. Without missing a beat Corinar continues "Or at least he does now" idly stooping to the ground he plucks a multi-colored Peony and deftly tucks it into Sabrina's hair. "To strike at the gods is to strike at the foundations of creation. I wonder what would happen if we should succeed. Not that our success is in question. Is it my dear?" He flashes his most charming smile at Sabrina.

By this point Bolenth has become consumed in his spellcasting and Aleisander is doing his level headed best to hide somewhere in the brush. Corinar continues to whimsically saunter through the undergrowth.

Being the magnificent bastard that he is, Corinar is attempting to covertly cast his buff spells all while he is busy flirting with Sabrina and chatting amiably with the group by using sleight of handand subvocalization to mask his casting (Races of Stone pg 133).
He casts the following invocations at the following moments.

Corinar Appears: Voidsense (Blindsense 30 ft). Sleight of Hand [roll0]
Corinar walks over to Sabrina: Witchwood Step (as water walk, ignores undergrowth/rubble). Sleight of Hand [roll1]
Corinar offers his arm to Sabrina: Entropic Warding. Sleight of Hand [roll2]
Corinar says "Quiet": Arcane Knowledge (+6 knowledge, spellcraft). Sleight of Hand [roll3]
Corinar mentions how lush the place is: Leaps and Bounds (+6 to balance, tumble, jump). Sleight of Hand [roll4]
Corinar narrates the clearing as belonging to Aphrai and warns that our presence is probably known: Make Your Own Luck (luck bonus equal to charisma to Fortitude). Sleight of Hand [roll5]
Maximus kills the bird: Corinar sees this as sufficient distraction to cast two invocations, Ebon Eyes (darkvision) and See the Unseen (See Invisibility). Sleight of Hand [roll6] & Sleight of Hand [roll7]
Corinar blithely continues his speech and assures everyone that Aphrai definitely knows we're here after Maximus' attack on the bird: All-Seeing Eyes (comprehend languages, +6 search and spot). Sleight of Hand [roll8]
Corinar bends to grab a flower: Ignore the Pyre (Acid Resist 26). Sleight of Hand [roll9]
Corinar puts the flower in Sabrina's hair and uses the hair to hide his somatic gestures: Flight. Sleight of Hand [roll10]
Corinar asks Sabrina what she thinks: Beguiling Influence. Sleight of Hand [roll11]

With a total of six seconds needed to cast each invocation Corinar needs one minute and twelve seconds to accomplish this task. Each of his movements is economical and measured out to precisely take the time needed to cast his abilities which would normally look ridiculous. However, he's about as Ham and Cheese as you could get. Imagine if Jeremy Irons, Alan Rickman and Legolas had a spiritual love child and you're getting close

2013-03-15, 02:26 PM

The erinyes is certainly the equal of Corinar in the art of empty flattery, but she cant help but be a little taken in by the elf's attentions and does nothing to dissuade him, even continuing to walk with him through the undergrowth. At his question, she smiles in response...I wouldnt know about failure, seeing as I never accept it.

2013-03-15, 02:45 PM
Strainsier grins a smile that is both slightly charming and yet far to wide, as if he was a wolf for just a moment. The eccentric newcommer spoke with such passion and desire. Did he really with to know or was the spellcaster before him simply acting like a Peacock for his own whimsy? Eitherway Strainseir spoke out,"I know what will happen. I know many things from minds even beyond the far realms. Would you like to know?"

2013-03-15, 02:52 PM
Ah, but it is the Success that fascinates me.. Corinar points at a lady bug crawling up a nearby tree. "To that insect, the tree it crawls upon is its entire world. It crawls from its roots where it makes its home to the leafy foliage above to eat, and drinks water from the moisture on its leaves. Yet, this tree grows upon this demiplane because it is the will of Aphrai made manifest. If Aphrai is gone, what happens to the tree? To the insect. Does it continue to grow regardless, spreading its seed to the wind to mak more trees or will it wither and die? Perhaps the tree will simply cease to be along with this very plane."

Corinar briefly turns his gaze away from the shapely Erinyes to the ladybug, with a subtle snap it freezes solid, stuck to the side of the tree like a crystalline drop of sap.

"Or perhaps the better question is. Does that Pitiful Insect even understand the grace by which it existed. Does it deserve the attention of a demigod? Any god? Does it pay homage to its creator or hold itself equal? I just struck down one of the purest of Aphrai's subjects much like that brute back there did and Aphrai thus far has done nothing. He is unworthy. As are they all."

Turning back to Stranseir Corinar momentarily pouts. "Why no! That would spoil the fun!"
Glaciate on the lady bug. I'm politely assuming that an insect cannot make a DC 34 will save, and has less than 8d6 hitpoints and is thus frozen and instantly killed and thus I'm not going to roll the dice.

2013-03-15, 04:12 PM

I dont know about other planes...but I have seen a demigod die. Demigoddess actually. I was there when Glasya destroyed the Hag Countess to take control of Malbolge. Although spectacular in her demise, the plane continued on, just with new management. Kiling a god does not destroy a plane, although they would like make mortals believe it will.

2013-03-15, 04:34 PM
A voice speaks softly from behind Corinar "I would appreciate it if you refrain from naming the gods. Names have power, speaking one is dangerous. The demigod is almost certainly aware of us once you spoke his name, regardless of whatever else is done.

"If a god dies, the plane changes, does it collapse, probably not, though the changes wrought by the god shall fade. I recommend we act now, before the demigod can act on what he almost certainly now knows."

2013-03-15, 06:15 PM
A tiny white humanoid creature with wings floats towards everyone, then grows larger to the size of a human being. It mostly resembles one as well. Though it is rather scrawny and posesses four arms. Its head seems to only harbor a mouth and nothing else.
Said head tilts as if looking at each of the others in turn, but it doesn't speak.

2013-03-15, 08:30 PM
A feminine shaped cloud of congealed blood and rusted iron dust appears with a light crack nearby, the crack of broken fingers. It does not speak, for it has no mouth, but everyone hears its words clearly in their heads.

Where is the first? I hunger...

OOC: No buffs here, actually. No need for them. Let's roll!

2013-03-16, 01:32 AM
thedarkstone: Why a survival?
As you attempt to hide, it appears as if the sun itself shines brighter on you.

Sinpoder: All of the attack misses, flying around the small bird.

Your knowledge divines that Aphrai is infact a she (Damn stupid autocorrect), with the power level of a normal demigoddess,with a control over nature that appears to be that of a lesser deity, but not much else is known.

Jack: Assume all had taken effect before hand.

Denomar and anyone else that can see invisable stuff:

A...Emacicated, and fiendish looking...Deer thing? stands in the midst of the clearing, about 80ft away.
it looks like this:

2013-03-16, 02:08 AM
Difficult to see, even with many magical senses, Bolenth Arril Draunting concentrates briefly on the beast, then ducks underground.
Notable senses include See Invisibility (limitless range), True Seeing (120 feet), blindsense 200 feet, Darkvision 400 feet (and penetrates magical darkness), Blindsight 60 feet... so... yeah, can see him. Also Superior invisible, so hard to see (Blindsense, Blindsight, Scent, Tremorsense, and even See Invisibility are all explicitly ineffective... True Seeing works, though.

Standard action: Targeted Dispel Magic. Uncapped thanks to True Archmage, no sound thanks to True Archmage, caster level 40 (dice further down) thanks to Red Wizard, targetting the very dodgy bird.
Move: Get just underground (incorporeal + Xorn Movement, after all) and spend the remaining 55 feet of movement... south-east, for now. Break line-of-effect, make it hard to predict where I'll be popping up. If this counts as a surprise round, just a five-foot step underground.

Oh yes, and initiative: [roll0] (not very high, I know).

Dispel checks to use in order vs. the buffs on the target (if any are subject to this, that is):
(if I need more, let me know).

2013-03-16, 07:11 AM
The cloaked man adjusts his position slightly, indicating he knows there is something there. Hands slowly reaching for his blades, as his form blurs and divides ninefold (just now remembered greater mirror image and displacement).

Initiative: [roll0], if there is a surprise round, swift action to enter Silver Lotus Kata giving me the benefit of the following:
Immortal Fortitude [Devoted Spirit]
Stance of Alacrity [Diamond Mind]
Shifting Defense [Setting Sun]
Supreme Blade Parry [Iron Heart]
Leaping Dragon Stance [Tiger Claw]
Press the Advantage [White Raven]
Island of Blades [Shadow Hand]

Additional Swift action from Dual Stance Mastery to get in second stance: Ghostly Defense [Setting Sun]

2013-03-16, 09:04 AM
Max looks up and sees that none of his attacks had hit the bird, which he instantly knew was strange and he would growl loudly and would attempt to just go all out on this bird when he saw this demonic dear thing out of the corner of his eye. Max would then smile for a moment at the creature and then slam both of his blades into the ground, and suddenly ten massive pillars of blood and bone would appear besides the creature and attempt to attack it.

Max is now in four stances.
Demon Emperor Shintai
Dark Messiah Stance
Pummel The Horizon
Blood-Scenting Hunter

Max would then do all attacks.

[roll0] To Hit ( Crit on 16-20)
[roll1] Damage
[roll2] if Crit

[roll3] To Hit ( Crit on 16-20)
[roll4] Damage
[roll5] if Crit

[roll6] To Hit ( Crit on 16-20)
[roll7] Damage
[roll8] if Crit

[roll9] To Hit ( Crit on 16-20)
[roll10] Damage
[roll11] if Crit

[roll12] To Hit ( Crit on 16-20)
[roll13] Damage
[roll14] if Crit

[roll15] To Hit ( Crit on 16-20)
[roll16] Damage
[roll17] if Crit

[roll18] To Hit ( Crit on 16-20)
[roll19] Damage
[roll20] if Crit

[roll21] To Hit ( Crit on 16-20)
[roll22] Damage
[roll23] if Crit

[roll24] To Hit ( Crit on 16-20)
[roll25] Damage
[roll26] if Crit

[roll27] To Hit ( Crit on 16-20)
[roll28] Damage
[roll29] if Crit

2013-03-16, 10:32 AM

True Seeing to see the deer.

Sabrina immediately disengages herself from Corinar's arm and shifts into her battle stance. Almost without a thought (swift action) her shield kicks into place, getting her ready for battle.

[roll0] Initiative

2013-03-16, 12:01 PM
Aleisander, senses keen, shifted his focus. Something was amiss here. Disregarding the tracks (or lack thereof) for the moment, he examined the surroundings and noticed his allies staring at something, and preparing for combat. Placing a hand on his sword, Aleisander noted the presence of some form of invisible lurker. With no idea what it was, he assumed it was malign, and began his combat preparations.

Spot check is in the OOC.

2013-03-16, 12:04 PM
Well now. That's just Rude!

Corinar crosses his arm and huffs. To think that such a positively hideous looking creature should dare to stand against them! Why that could tarnish his precious reputation! Corinar stands back, peacefully, regarding the bizarre creature with a finely arched eyebrow.

Initiative Check: [roll0]
Given that we are currently on a demiplane and I have no idea which knowledge would apply to that creature I will make a Knowledge (The Planes) check to try and identify it. I also can't find how long the action would usually take. Knowledge (The Planes): Takes 10 for a 77.

Admiral Squish
2013-03-16, 01:00 PM
Eyes as old as time take note of the horrible creature standing among them, and seeing his allies preparing to fight, Cottus smiles. Finally, something to vent his fury upon, and an end to all the talking and wordplay. He casts aside his mortal form, preparing to once again taste glorious battle.

The human form roils and shifts, looking like it suddenly was transmuted to clay. The flesh becomes gray, and details fade away, sinking into obscurity. The now shapeless form expands, boiling larger and larger and larger still until it towers over the battlefield, a formless tower some 30 feet tall. From this enormous formless tower, heads begin to resolve, a pile of heads at the very peak, each bald and cast from the same gray flesh, each twisted in a furious snarl. From the sides thrust arms, dozens of them, each one massive and muscular, ending in an enormous fist, clenching and unclenching, eager to fight. Cottus lets out an earth-shaking roar from all twenty mouths, the air vibrating with his wordless fury as he rushes forward to glorious combat.

Initiative! [roll0]

I designate the Deer-creature's direction for First Shield as a free action, giving me a 50% miss chance on attacks from that direction, and a 20% miss chance from the sides.

I take a standard action to change shape into my composite form.

Free action to activate Brutal Visage, meaning all creatures that can see/detect me must attack me from where they stand or spend a move action each round attempting to approach close enough to attack. Allies are immune. Victims cannot move away, even through things like teleportation or plane shift.

Finally, move action to approach the deer-thing and put it within my threatened range.

2013-03-16, 05:14 PM
Not completely at ease with what is happening, Toronar decides to further his preperations. A moment later 2 replicas of his form, though much larger appear around the strange creature with antlers, one of which interposes itself between Toronar and the creature.

Astral Construct PLA (auto augmented to 30pp)
Creating one lvl 15 and [roll0] lvl 13 constructs:


15th-level Astral Construct
Gargantuan Construct
Hit Dice: 36d10+60 (420hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 60 ft.
Armor Class: 61 (+39 natural, -4 size, +16 Deflection), touch 22, flat-footed 61
Base Attack/Grapple: +28/+70
Attack: Slam +56 melee (4d8+32)
Full Attack: 3 slams +56 melee (4d8+32)
Space/Reach: 20 ft./20 ft.
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: One ability from Menu F, construct traits, damage reduction
15/-, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision
Saves: Fort +12, Refl +12, Will +12
Abilities: Str 75, Dex 11, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 10
Skills: -
Feats: -
Menu Decisions:
- Energy Ball: Manifester level 13; free action 1/round
- Energy Adaptation: Converts energy to harmless light
- Superior Deflection: +16 deflection bonus to AC
- Toughest (Ex): The construct receives 10 hit points per die, instead of 5.5
per die.
- Blindsight (Ex): The astral construct has blindsight out to 60 feet.
- Extra Arms (Ex): The construct has an additional set of arms and can make
an additional attack with an attack bonus equal to its highest attack bonus
- Muscle (Ex): The astral construct gains a +4 bonus to its Strength score.

13th-level Astral Construct
Gargantuan Construct
Hit Dice: 30d10+40 (340hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 60 ft.
Armor Class: 41 (+35 natural, -4 size), touch 7, flat-footed 41
Base Attack/Grapple: +24/+64
Attack: Slam +48 melee (4d6+28)
Full Attack: 3 slams +48 melee (4d6+28)
Space/Reach: 20 ft./20 ft.
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: One ability from Menu E, construct traits, damage reduction
15/epic and 5/-, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision
Saves: Fort +10, Refl +10, Will +10
Abilities: Str 67, Dex 11, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 10
Skills: -
Feats: -
- Energy Ball: Manifester level 13; free action 1/round
- Toughest (Ex): The construct receives 10 hit points per die, instead of 5.5
per die.
- Blindsight (Ex): The astral construct has blindsight out to 60 feet.
- Extra Arms (Ex): The construct has an additional set of arms and can make
an additional attack with an attack bonus equal to its highest attack bonus
- Muscle (Ex): The astral construct gains a +4 bonus to its Strength score.

Buff List:
Force Screen
Precognition Defensive
Precognition Offensive
Prescience Offensive
Grip of Iron

2013-03-16, 10:22 PM
"What are you and why do you come here? What are you?" The cloaked man speaks calmly, even as the others attack, though you can tell he is ready, as he moves to draw one sword, though not overly hostile.

2013-03-18, 07:14 AM
With a wet snarl of ripping viscera and rasping metal shards, The Red Death immediately focuses on the being she can only sense, even if she can't see it.

The being of death and madness waits until the enemy is revealed...

(OOC: Ready Action: Use Impatient Slaughter Speed [Infernal Monster] to close with any enemy that appears.)

(Double OOC: Really need to pick up True Seeing at some point...lol)

2013-03-19, 02:56 PM
If and only if we have a full round of actions:

The man shimmers out of view, he reappears as if nothing is different, though if you can see invisibility, he is in front of thick fog blocking your sight (mundane sight see's nothing).

Time Stop, [roll0]
First Round: move back 25 ft, Invisible Solid Fog
Second Round: Invisible Body Outside Body for 8 duplicates appearing surrounding me, quickened greater teleport SLA.
Exit Time stop: BoB enter same stances as me, and use Su Wish for Superior Invisibility.

2013-03-20, 01:20 AM
Difficult to see, even with many magical senses, Bolenth Arril Draunting concentrates briefly on the beast, then ducks underground.
Notable senses include See Invisibility (limitless range), True Seeing (120 feet), blindsense 200 feet, Darkvision 400 feet (and penetrates magical darkness), Blindsight 60 feet... so... yeah, can see him. Also Superior invisible, so hard to see (Blindsense, Blindsight, Scent, Tremorsense, and even See Invisibility are all explicitly ineffective... True Seeing works, though.

Standard action: Targeted Dispel Magic. Uncapped thanks to True Archmage, no sound thanks to True Archmage, caster level 40 (dice further down) thanks to Red Wizard, targetting the very dodgy bird.
Move: Get just underground (incorporeal + Xorn Movement, after all) and spend the remaining 55 feet of movement... south-east, for now. Break line-of-effect, make it hard to predict where I'll be popping up. If this counts as a surprise round, just a five-foot step underground.

Oh yes, and initiative: [roll0] (not very high, I know).

Dispel checks to use in order vs. the buffs on the target (if any are subject to this, that is):
(if I need more, let me know).

The Platnium Bird continues to fly around..and it seems as though the dispel's slide off.

The cloaked man adjusts his position slightly, indicating he knows there is something there. Hands slowly reaching for his blades, as his form blurs and divides ninefold (just now remembered greater mirror image and displacement).

Initiative: [roll0], if there is a surprise round, swift action to enter Silver Lotus Kata giving me the benefit of the following:
Immortal Fortitude [Devoted Spirit]
Stance of Alacrity [Diamond Mind]
Shifting Defense [Setting Sun]
Supreme Blade Parry [Iron Heart]
Leaping Dragon Stance [Tiger Claw]
Press the Advantage [White Raven]
Island of Blades [Shadow Hand]

Additional Swift action from Dual Stance Mastery to get in second stance: Ghostly Defense [Setting Sun]
No suprise round.

Max looks up and sees that none of his attacks had hit the bird, which he instantly knew was strange and he would growl loudly and would attempt to just go all out on this bird when he saw this demonic dear thing out of the corner of his eye. Max would then smile for a moment at the creature and then slam both of his blades into the ground, and suddenly ten massive pillars of blood and bone would appear besides the creature and attempt to attack it.

Max is now in four stances.
Demon Emperor Shintai
Dark Messiah Stance
Pummel The Horizon
Blood-Scenting Hunter

Max would then do all attacks.

[roll0] To Hit ( Crit on 16-20)
[roll1] Damage
[roll2] if Crit

[roll3] To Hit ( Crit on 16-20)
[roll4] Damage
[roll5] if Crit

[roll6] To Hit ( Crit on 16-20)
[roll7] Damage
[roll8] if Crit

[roll9] To Hit ( Crit on 16-20)
[roll10] Damage
[roll11] if Crit

[roll12] To Hit ( Crit on 16-20)
[roll13] Damage
[roll14] if Crit

[roll15] To Hit ( Crit on 16-20)
[roll16] Damage
[roll17] if Crit

[roll18] To Hit ( Crit on 16-20)
[roll19] Damage
[roll20] if Crit

[roll21] To Hit ( Crit on 16-20)
[roll22] Damage
[roll23] if Crit

[roll24] To Hit ( Crit on 16-20)
[roll25] Damage
[roll26] if Crit

[roll27] To Hit ( Crit on 16-20)
[roll28] Damage
[roll29] if Crit

You still need init before i count your attacks.


True Seeing to see the deer.

Sabrina immediately disengages herself from Corinar's arm and shifts into her battle stance. Almost without a thought (swift action) her shield kicks into place, getting her ready for battle.

[roll0] Initiative

Aleisander, senses keen, shifted his focus. Something was amiss here. Disregarding the tracks (or lack thereof) for the moment, he examined the surroundings and noticed his allies staring at something, and preparing for combat. Placing a hand on his sword, Aleisander noted the presence of some form of invisible lurker. With no idea what it was, he assumed it was malign, and began his combat preparations.

Spot check is in the OOC.

Well now. That's just Rude!

Corinar crosses his arm and huffs. To think that such a positively hideous looking creature should dare to stand against them! Why that could tarnish his precious reputation! Corinar stands back, peacefully, regarding the bizarre creature with a finely arched eyebrow.

Initiative Check: [roll0]
Given that we are currently on a demiplane and I have no idea which knowledge would apply to that creature I will make a Knowledge (The Planes) check to try and identify it. I also can't find how long the action would usually take. Knowledge (The Planes): Takes 10 for a 77.
Your Knowledge fails, but you can discern that whatever it is, Should not be.

Eyes as old as time take note of the horrible creature standing among them, and seeing his allies preparing to fight, Cottus smiles. Finally, something to vent his fury upon, and an end to all the talking and wordplay. He casts aside his mortal form, preparing to once again taste glorious battle.

The human form roils and shifts, looking like it suddenly was transmuted to clay. The flesh becomes gray, and details fade away, sinking into obscurity. The now shapeless form expands, boiling larger and larger and larger still until it towers over the battlefield, a formless tower some 30 feet tall. From this enormous formless tower, heads begin to resolve, a pile of heads at the very peak, each bald and cast from the same gray flesh, each twisted in a furious snarl. From the sides thrust arms, dozens of them, each one massive and muscular, ending in an enormous fist, clenching and unclenching, eager to fight. Cottus lets out an earth-shaking roar from all twenty mouths, the air vibrating with his wordless fury as he rushes forward to glorious combat.

Initiative! [roll0]

I designate the Deer-creature's direction for First Shield as a free action, giving me a 50% miss chance on attacks from that direction, and a 20% miss chance from the sides.

I take a standard action to change shape into my composite form.

Free action to activate Brutal Visage, meaning all creatures that can see/detect me must attack me from where they stand or spend a move action each round attempting to approach close enough to attack. Allies are immune. Victims cannot move away, even through things like teleportation or plane shift.

Finally, move action to approach the deer-thing and put it within my threatened range.
The deer thing looks at you and smirks, As it floats out of your reach

Not completely at ease with what is happening, Toronar decides to further his preperations. A moment later 2 replicas of his form, though much larger appear around the strange creature with antlers, one of which interposes itself between Toronar and the creature.

Astral Construct PLA (auto augmented to 30pp)
Creating one lvl 15 and [roll0] lvl 13 constructs:


Buff List:
Force Screen
Precognition Defensive
Precognition Offensive
Prescience Offensive
Grip of Iron


"What are you and why do you come here? What are you?" The cloaked man speaks calmly, even as the others attack, though you can tell he is ready, as he moves to draw one sword, though not overly hostile.

With a wet snarl of ripping viscera and rasping metal shards, The Red Death immediately focuses on the being she can only sense, even if she can't see it.

The being of death and madness waits until the enemy is revealed...

(OOC: Ready Action: Use Impatient Slaughter Speed [Infernal Monster] to close with any enemy that appears.)

(Double OOC: Really need to pick up True Seeing at some point...lol)
Noted, but it still hasn't appeared.

2013-03-20, 05:37 AM
Noting the obvious lack of intelligence of the beast, he looks to see if it is a zombie or the like, prying with magic. It obviously is oblivious to the 30 ft beast and something is acting through it, though that would mean... the bird.

Detect undead. Also, does Greater Arcane Sight reveal any spells on the deer/bird, or spells in effect in the clearing?

BoB will Time Stop for Ghostform and Mind Blank

2013-03-20, 01:13 PM
Noting the obvious lack of intelligence of the beast, he looks to see if it is a zombie or the like, prying with magic. It obviously is oblivious to the 30 ft beast and something is acting through it, though that would mean... the bird.

Detect undead. Also, does Greater Arcane Sight reveal any spells on the deer/bird, or spells in effect in the clearing?

BoB will Time Stop for Ghostform and Mind Blank

Detect undead: It...Registers half-way, like it was partially undead...or something like that.

Your Time stop fails.

Greater Arcane sight:
While it appears the creature Can cast spells, your Arcane Sight fails before it can tell you what level, They appear to be arcane.
The Bird: WHen you look at it, Your mind explodes with a Psionic Scream:
[roll0] damage, That ignores DR, And deals [roll1] Int damage that ignores immunitity.

You are now in a AMF :smallbiggrin:

2013-03-20, 05:31 PM
Does the scream stop me from learning anything about the bird, also, knowledge (arcana, the planes, and religion in that order to figure out what could cause such an effect) [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

The cloaked figure looks irritated at the AMF, and the scream. Looking at the bird he calmly speaks as he with inhuman strides walks around to behind the deer thing.

"I have formulated at least six ways to destroy you and your deer in seconds, my companions have probably formulated many more. If you do not start talking, I will put at least one of those plans into effect. Do you wish to turn back from a path that will with utmost certainty lead to your death?"

He seems perfectly relaxed as he stands behind the zombie-deer, sword held loosely in one hand.

Me and BoBs swift action: Emerald Lotus Bulwark, Defensive Rebuke, and Moment of Alacrity (so our initiative is 20 higher next round).

2 BoBs are healing my ability damage and normal damage via Heal and Greater Restoration (from Miracle). 1 is using Ocular, Chained, Invisible, Eyes of the Oracle effecting me, the BoBs, and my allies (all of them can ready a standard action as a free action regardless of what other actions they take). One casts Chain Freedom of Movement on the same people as targeted by Eyes of the Oracle. The other 4 cast chained Protection from [1 of good, 1 evil, 1 law, 1 chaos] on the group so outsider's natural attacks cannot hit us unless the outsider is TN and has no alignment type.

I walk [fly] past up the deer, so I am directly behind him, right next to him.

Cast Persisted Grave Strike on myself.

Readied actions for BoBs and me.

Me: Chained Greater Teleport BoBs to flank the bird and the deer by the corners (4 on each) if the bird or deer attacks me or a BoB (I assume I can choose to not take readied actions if I want).
BoBs: When I teleport them, Lightning Stroke+Irresistible Mountain Hammer+Crystal Lotus Blossom, 4 on deer, 4 on bird Channelling Greater Bestow Curse (25% chance to act normally, will DC 36 negates [I know it's pathetic, probably should be channelling something stronger]).

2013-03-20, 05:47 PM

Sabrina is suddenly standing in front of the deer, her ability to fly not affected by the AMF...
You have overestimated your situation. Wizards cannot cast under an anti-magic shell, but my sword is still a sword...and your magical defenses are now down as well. I would suggest surrender right now.

2013-03-20, 06:12 PM
Underground, BAD flies further away, making use of his flight speed to put himself one hundred and twenty five feet to the south of his target before popping up and dropping a surprisingly simple spell into the antimagic field to make the invisible beast more obvious.
Move: Fly while underground (incorporeal, can do so - 100 foot perfectly fly speed, and I'm already 55 feet away, so...), then use a few feet of movement to get back above ground while just outside the range of True Seeing (and Superior Invisibility stops almost everything else, so...).
Standard: Glitterdust on top of the invisible beast. Will DC 37 if I'm outside the AMF, 24 if I'm inside it (as nearly as I can tell, the AMF still affects my equipment, even though it doesn't affect my spells). If the bird is close enough to the beast, I'm dropping it on the bird as well; if not, the beast is the priority due to simply countering the invisibility. Duration is 40 rounds.
Swift: Held in reserve for an immediate action counter, if it becomes necessary.

2013-03-21, 12:11 AM
Does the scream stop me from learning anything about the bird, also, knowledge (arcana, the planes, and religion in that order to figure out what could cause such an effect) [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
Arcana: Naught, planes: something not of this plane, religion, You recall...that...you might have seen these Somewhere...as some deities favored Servant
The cloaked figure looks irritated at the AMF, and the scream. Looking at the bird he calmly speaks as he with inhuman strides walks around to behind the deer thing.

"I have formulated at least six ways to destroy you and your deer in seconds, my companions have probably formulated many more. If you do not start talking, I will put at least one of those plans into effect. Do you wish to turn back from a path that will with utmost certainty lead to your death?"
"As Ah ia ghal"
He seems perfectly relaxed as he stands behind the zombie-deer, sword held loosely in one hand.

Me and BoBs swift action: Emerald Lotus Bulwark, Defensive Rebuke, and Moment of Alacrity (so our initiative is 20 higher next round).

2 BoBs are healing my ability damage and normal damage via Heal and Greater Restoration (from Miracle). 1 is using Ocular, Chained, Invisible, Eyes of the Oracle effecting me, the BoBs, and my allies (all of them can ready a standard action as a free action regardless of what other actions they take). One casts Chain Freedom of Movement on the same people as targeted by Eyes of the Oracle. The other 4 cast chained Protection from [1 of good, 1 evil, 1 law, 1 chaos] on the group so outsider's natural attacks cannot hit us unless the outsider is TN and has no alignment type.Noted.

I walk [fly] past up the deer, so I am directly behind him, right next to him.
He turns to stare at you, the smell of him is...horrible
Cast Persisted Grave Strike on myself.

Readied actions for BoBs and me.
Me: Chained Greater Teleport BoBs to flank the bird and the deer by the corners (4 on each) if the bird or deer attacks me or a BoB (I assume I can choose to not take readied actions if I want).
Bird is around 100ft in the air now.
BoBs: When I teleport them, Lightning Stroke+Irresistible Mountain Hammer+Crystal Lotus Blossom, 4 on deer, 4 on bird Channelling Greater Bestow Curse (25% chance to act normally, will DC 36 negates [I know it's pathetic, probably should be channelling something stronger]).


Sabrina is suddenly standing in front of the deer, her ability to fly not affected by the AMF...
You have overestimated your situation. Wizards cannot cast under an anti-magic shell, but my sword is still a sword...and your magical defenses are now down as well. I would suggest surrender right now.
"Pathetic....Ahem, Sqreeee!"

Underground, BAD flies further away, making use of his flight speed to put himself one hundred and twenty five feet to the south of his target before popping up and dropping a surprisingly simple spell into the antimagic field to make the invisible beast more obvious.
Move: Fly while underground (incorporeal, can do so - 100 foot perfectly fly speed, and I'm already 55 feet away, so...), then use a few feet of movement to get back above ground while just outside the range of True Seeing (and Superior Invisibility stops almost everything else, so...).
Standard: Glitterdust on top of the invisible beast. Will DC 37 if I'm outside the AMF, 24 if I'm inside it (as nearly as I can tell, the AMF still affects my equipment, even though it doesn't affect my spells). If the bird is close enough to the beast, I'm dropping it on the bird as well; if not, the beast is the priority due to simply countering the invisibility. Duration is 40 rounds.
Swift: Held in reserve for an immediate action counter, if it becomes necessary.
the dust outlines the creature, as it replies to Sabrina

Admiral Squish
2013-03-21, 12:19 AM
Cottus is furious as the creature drifts out of his reach. He feels his armor shimmer into visibility and realizes what's afoot. Without his items, without his magic, his options are limited. He snarls at the deer-thing, promising to destroy the creature later, and makes tracks to the edge of the antimagic field, turning to the sky as his natural magic comes back, and soaring skyward toward the silver bird.

Move action to the edge of the AMF. I've already moved 60 feet, so it shouldn't take more than the one move action to reach the edge, then when fly comes back on, moving up and over toward the silver bird.

2013-03-21, 12:24 AM
Cottus is furious as the creature drifts out of his reach. He feels his armor shimmer into visibility and realizes what's afoot. Without his items, without his magic, his options are limited. He snarls at the deer-thing, promising to destroy the creature later, and makes tracks to the edge of the antimagic field, turning to the sky as his natural magic comes back, and soaring skyward toward the silver bird.

Move action to the edge of the AMF. I've already moved 60 feet, so it shouldn't take more than the one move action to reach the edge, then when fly comes back on, moving up and over toward the silver bird.

You manage to escape it, and the bird still is out of your reach...

2013-03-21, 11:14 AM
Despite the malfunction of his sword, Aleisander moved swiftly and stealthily towards his foe. As he arrived, he drew his blade and struck decisively, one single stroke, diagonally upwards and to the right, before slashing straight downward. As he finished the sweep, he dashed away from combat, fairly certain he had done something of use.

Moving at least 20 feet, attacking (rolling in OOC), then using spring attack to continue escaping, sheathing his blade as part of the move action, if possible. Making sure to attack where the beast is flanked.

2013-03-23, 08:43 AM
Feeling most of his power drain away, Toronar recognizes the effect. His attempt to keep even his basic projection capability intact fails as well. Reason dictates, that he is to prepare for the most basic of physical exchanges.
Commanding his likenesses to attack the antlered being, he himself concentrates his self, willing himself to push his own form to its very limits.

He blurs as the empty space around him shrinks. Within a few seconds his humanlike form now towers over the trees surroudning the glade.

Constructs charge the antlered thing:
Construct 1: attack [roll0] for [roll1] bludgeoning
Construct 1: attack [roll2] for [roll3] bludgeoning

Toronar takes a fullround action to grow to colossal size ( (Ex) ability)

2013-03-24, 12:23 AM
With a flash of blood red light, the sinuous form of the Red Death vanishes from its current location to reappear right behind the massive, now visible, thing.

(Impatient Slaughter Speed triggers. now in hand to hand range of the undead thing.)

2013-03-25, 12:56 PM
Despite the malfunction of his sword, Aleisander moved swiftly and stealthily towards his foe. As he arrived, he drew his blade and struck decisively, one single stroke, diagonally upwards and to the right, before slashing straight downward. As he finished the sweep, he dashed away from combat, fairly certain he had done something of use.

Moving at least 20 feet, attacking (rolling in OOC), then using spring attack to continue escaping, sheathing his blade as part of the move action, if possible. Making sure to attack where the beast is flanked.
142+232 damage, Not bad.

As You draw your blade and slice the creature, And roll away, It's barely held in insides roll out, spraying..something not blood everywhere, and it stumbles away from you.

Feeling most of his power drain away, Toronar recognizes the effect. His attempt to keep even his basic projection capability intact fails as well. Reason dictates, that he is to prepare for the most basic of physical exchanges.
Commanding his likenesses to attack the antlered being, he himself concentrates his self, willing himself to push his own form to its very limits.

He blurs as the empty space around him shrinks. Within a few seconds his humanlike form now towers over the trees surroudning the glade.

Constructs charge the antlered thing:
Construct 1: attack [roll0] for [roll1] bludgeoning
Construct 1: attack [roll2] for [roll3] bludgeoning

Toronar takes a fullround action to grow to colossal size ( (Ex) ability)
As it stumbles away from Aleisander, it gets demolished by your constructs, and stumbles, and drops to it's knees.

With a flash of blood red light, the sinuous form of the Red Death vanishes from its current location to reappear right behind the massive, now visible, thing.

(Impatient Slaughter Speed triggers. now in hand to hand range of the undead thing.)
Noted, but too bad...=p

All: The Creature howls, as the Sword and the Construct's fists damage it, and it drops to it's knees, and slowly melts.

You All hear a loud Shreech, like that of Nails on Chalkboard, Combined with Metal Grinding, as the bird drops out of the sky, with a Metor-like explosion, and you feel the Anti-Magic Zone fail, as it slowly grows into a human shaped form, Metal flowing to shape into the form of a Human, with the head of a Raptor (Bird, Not Dino), with massive Wings unfolding from it's back.
"What have you done, Fools?"

Admiral Squish
2013-03-25, 01:50 PM
The ancient war-giant dives from above, his multitude of arms whirling as he descends like a furious tornado of steel and muscle. His fingers hook into shredding claws as he descends, a roar of fury on his lips.

Okay, Since there's only one guy left, might as well go nova.
Swift action, initiating god-smiting outrage.
Full-round action: Using Strike of the Triadic Master to initiate War Master's Charge, Pouncing Charge, and Time Stands Still.

End result: All successful attacks gain +25 damage. I make a charge attack (first attack deals +50 damage), which ends in a two full attacks. Everyone within 30 feet can make a charge attack as an immediate action.

Full Attack 1:
Arm 1
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack 3: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Attack 4: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Attack 5: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

Attack 6: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

Arm 2
Attack 1: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13]

Attack 2: [roll14]
Damage: [roll15]

Attack 3: [roll16]
Damage: [roll17]

Attack 4: [roll18]
Damage: [roll19]

Attack 5: [roll20]
Damage: [roll21]

Attack 6: [roll22]
Damage: [roll23]

Arm 3
Attack 1: [roll24]
Damage: [roll25]

Attack 2: [roll26]
Damage: [roll27]

Attack 3: [roll28]
Damage: [roll29]

Attack 4: [roll30]
Damage: [roll31]

Attack 5: [roll32]
Damage: [roll33]

Attack 6: [roll34]
Damage: [roll35]

Arm 4
Attack 1: [roll36]
Damage: [roll37]

Attack 2: [roll38]
Damage: [roll39]

Attack 3: [roll40]
Damage: [roll41]

Attack 4: [roll42]
Damage: [roll43]

Attack 5: [roll44]
Damage: [roll45]

Attack 6: [roll46]
Damage: [roll47]

Arm 5
Attack 1: [roll48]
Damage: [roll49]

Attack 2: [roll50]
Damage: [roll51]

Attack 3: [roll52]
Damage: [roll53]

Attack 4: [roll54]
Damage: [roll55]

Attack 5: [roll56]
Damage: [roll57]

Attack 6: [roll58]
Damage: [roll59]

Arm 6
Attack 1: [roll60]
Damage: [roll61]

Attack 2: [roll62]
Damage: [roll63]

Attack 3: [roll64]
Damage: [roll65]

Attack 4: [roll66]
Damage: [roll67]

Attack 5: [roll68]
Damage: [roll69]

Attack 6: [roll70]
Damage: [roll71]

Arm 7
Attack 1: [roll72]
Damage: [roll73]

Attack 2: [roll74]
Damage: [roll75]

Attack 3: [roll76]
Damage: [roll77]

Attack 4: [roll78]
Damage: [roll79]

Attack 5: [roll80]
Damage: [roll81]

Attack 6: [roll82]
Damage: [roll83]

Arm 8
Attack 1: [roll84]
Damage: [roll85]

Attack 2: [roll86]
Damage: [roll87]

Attack 3: [roll88]
Damage: [roll89]

Attack 4: [roll90]
Damage: [roll91]

Attack 5: [roll92]
Damage: [roll93]

Attack 6: [roll94]
Damage: [roll95]

Arm 9
Attack 1: [roll96]
Damage: [roll97]

Attack 2: [roll98]
Damage: [roll99]

Attack 3: [roll100]
Damage: [roll101]

Attack 4: [roll102]
Damage: [roll103]

Attack 5: [roll104]
Damage: [roll105]

Attack 6: [roll106]
Damage: [roll107]

Arm 10
Attack 1: [roll108]
Damage: [roll109]

Attack 2: [roll110]
Damage: [roll111]

Attack 3: [roll112]
Damage: [roll113]

Attack 4: [roll114]
Damage: [roll115]

Attack 5: [roll116]
Damage: [roll117]

Attack 6: [roll118]
Damage: [roll119]

Arm 11
Attack 1: [roll120]
Damage: [roll121]

Attack 2: [roll122]
Damage: [roll123]

Attack 3: [roll124]
Damage: [roll125]

Attack 4: [roll126]
Damage: [roll127]

Attack 5: [roll128]
Damage: [roll129]

Attack 6: [roll130]
Damage: [roll131]

Arm 12
Attack 1: [roll132]
Damage: [roll133]

Attack 2: [roll134]
Damage: [roll135]

Attack 3: [roll136]
Damage: [roll137]

Attack 4: [roll138]
Damage: [roll139]

Attack 5: [roll140]
Damage: [roll141]

Attack 6: [roll142]
Damage: [roll143]

Arm 13
Attack 1: [roll144]
Damage: [roll145]

Attack 2: [roll146]
Damage: [roll147]

Attack 3: [roll148]
Damage: [roll149]

Attack 4: [roll150]
Damage: [roll151]

Attack 5: [roll152]
Damage: [roll153]

Attack 6: [roll154]
Damage: [roll155]

Arm 14
Attack 1: [roll156]
Damage: [roll157]

Attack 2: [roll158]
Damage: [roll159]

Attack 3: [roll160]
Damage: [roll161]

Attack 4: [roll162]
Damage: [roll163]

Attack 5: [roll164]
Damage: [roll165]

Attack 6: [roll166]
Damage: [roll167]

Arm 15
Attack 1: [roll168]
Damage: [roll169]

Attack 2: [roll170]
Damage: [roll171]

Attack 3: [roll172]
Damage: [roll173]

Attack 4: [roll174]
Damage: [roll175]

Attack 5: [roll176]
Damage: [roll177]

Attack 6: [roll178]
Damage: [roll179]

Arm 16
Attack 1: [roll180]
Damage: [roll181]

Attack 2: [roll182]
Damage: [roll183]

Attack 3: [roll184]
Damage: [roll185]

Attack 4: [roll186]
Damage: [roll187]

Attack 5: [roll188]
Damage: [roll189]

Attack 6: [roll190]
Damage: [roll191]

Arm 17
Attack 1: [roll192]
Damage: [roll193]

Attack 2: [roll194]
Damage: [roll195]

Attack 3: [roll196]
Damage: [roll197]

Attack 4: [roll198]
Damage: [roll199]

Attack 5: [roll200]
Damage: [roll201]

Attack 6: [roll202]
Damage: [roll203]

Arm 18 Attack 1: [roll204]
Damage: [roll205]

Attack 2: [roll206]
Damage: [roll207]

Attack 3: [roll208]
Damage: [roll209]

Attack 4: [roll210]
Damage: [roll211]

Attack 5: [roll212]
Damage: [roll213]

Attack 6: [roll214]
Damage: [roll215]

Arm 19
Attack 1: [roll216]
Damage: [roll217]

Attack 2: [roll218]
Damage: [roll219]

Attack 3: [roll220]
Damage: [roll221]

Attack 4: [roll222]
Damage: [roll223]

Attack 5: [roll224]
Damage: [roll225]

Attack 6: [roll226]
Damage: [roll227]

Arm 20
Attack 1: [roll228]
Damage: [roll229]

Attack 2: [roll230]
Damage: [roll231]

Attack 3: [roll232]
Damage: [roll233]

Attack 4: [roll234]
Damage: [roll235]

Attack 5: [roll236]
Damage: [roll237]

Attack 6: [roll238]
Damage: [roll239]

Arm 21
Attack 1: [roll240]
Damage: [roll241]

Attack 2: [roll242]
Damage: [roll243]

Attack 3: [roll244]
Damage: [roll245]

Attack 4: [roll246]
Damage: [roll247]

Attack 5: [roll248]
Damage: [roll249]

Attack 6: [roll250]
Damage: [roll251]

Arm 22
Attack 1: [roll252]
Damage: [roll253]

Attack 2: [roll254]
Damage: [roll255]

Attack 3: [roll256]
Damage: [roll257]

Attack 4: [roll258]
Damage: [roll259]

Attack 5: [roll260]
Damage: [roll261]

Attack 6: [roll262]
Damage: [roll263]

Arm 23
Attack 1: [roll264]
Damage: [roll265]

Attack 2: [roll266]
Damage: [roll267]

Attack 3: [roll268]
Damage: [roll269]

Attack 4: [roll270]
Damage: [roll271]

Attack 5: [roll272]
Damage: [roll273]

Attack 6: [roll274]
Damage: [roll275]

Arm 24
Attack 1: [roll276]
Damage: [roll277]

Attack 2: [roll278]
Damage: [roll279]

Attack 3: [roll280]
Damage: [roll281]

Attack 4: [roll282]
Damage: [roll283]

Attack 5: [roll284]
Damage: [roll285]

Attack 6: [roll286]
Damage: [roll287]

Arm 25
Attack 1: [roll288]
Damage: [roll289]

Attack 2: [roll290]
Damage: [roll291]

Attack 3: [roll292]
Damage: [roll293]

Attack 4: [roll294]
Damage: [roll295]

Attack 5: [roll296]
Damage: [roll297]

Attack 6: [roll298]
Damage: [roll299]

Arm 26
Attack 1: [roll300]
Damage: [roll301]

Attack 2: [roll302]
Damage: [roll303]

Attack 3: [roll304]
Damage: [roll305]

Attack 4: [roll306]
Damage: [roll307]

Attack 5: [roll308]
Damage: [roll309]

Attack 6: [roll310]
Damage: [roll311]

Arm 27
Attack 1: [roll312]
Damage: [roll313]

Attack 2: [roll314]
Damage: [roll315]

Attack 3: [roll316]
Damage: [roll317]

Attack 4: [roll318]
Damage: [roll319]

Attack 5: [roll320]
Damage: [roll321]

Attack 6: [roll322]
Damage: [roll323]

Arm 28
Attack 1: [roll324]
Damage: [roll325]

Attack 2: [roll326]
Damage: [roll327]

Attack 3: [roll328]
Damage: [roll329]

Attack 4: [roll330]
Damage: [roll331]

Attack 5: [roll332]
Damage: [roll333]

Attack 6: [roll334]
Damage: [roll335]

Arm 29
Attack 1: [roll336]
Damage: [roll337]

Attack 2: [roll338]
Damage: [roll339]

Attack 3: [roll340]
Damage: [roll341]

Attack 4: [roll342]
Damage: [roll343]

Attack 5: [roll344]
Damage: [roll345]

Attack 6: [roll346]
Damage: [roll347]

Arm 30
Attack 1: [roll348]
Damage: [roll349]

Attack 2: [roll350]
Damage: [roll351]

Attack 3: [roll352]
Damage: [roll353]

Attack 4: [roll354]
Damage: [roll355]

Attack 5: [roll356]
Damage: [roll357]

Attack 6: [roll358]
Damage: [roll359]

Arm 31
Attack 1: [roll360]
Damage: [roll361]

Attack 2: [roll362]
Damage: [roll363]

Attack 3: [roll364]
Damage: [roll365]

Attack 4: [roll366]
Damage: [roll367]

Attack 5: [roll368]
Damage: [roll369]

Attack 6: [roll370]
Damage: [roll371]

Arm 32
Attack 1: [roll372]
Damage: [roll373]

Attack 2: [roll374]
Damage: [roll375]

Attack 3: [roll376]
Damage: [roll377]

Attack 4: [roll378]
Damage: [roll379]

Attack 5: [roll380]
Damage: [roll381]

Attack 6: [roll382]
Damage: [roll383]

Arm 33
Attack 1: [roll384]
Damage: [roll385]

Attack 2: [roll386]
Damage: [roll387]

Attack 3: [roll388]
Damage: [roll389]

Attack 4: [roll390]
Damage: [roll391]

Attack 5: [roll392]
Damage: [roll393]

Attack 6: [roll394]
Damage: [roll395]

Arm 34
Attack 1: [roll396]
Damage: [roll397]

Attack 2: [roll398]
Damage: [roll399]

Attack 3: [roll400]
Damage: [roll401]

Attack 4: [roll402]
Damage: [roll403]

Attack 5: [roll404]
Damage: [roll405]

Attack 6: [roll406]
Damage: [roll407]

Arm 35
Attack 1: [roll408]
Damage: [roll409]

Attack 2: [roll410]
Damage: [roll411]

Attack 3: [roll412]
Damage: [roll413]

Attack 4: [roll414]
Damage: [roll415]

Attack 5: [roll416]
Damage: [roll417]

Attack 6: [roll418]
Damage: [roll419]

Arm 36
Attack 1: [roll420]
Damage: [roll421]

Attack 2: [roll422]
Damage: [roll423]

Attack 3: [roll424]
Damage: [roll425]

Attack 4: [roll426]
Damage: [roll427]

Attack 5: [roll428]
Damage: [roll429]

Attack 6: [roll430]
Damage: [roll431]

Arm 37
Attack 1: [roll432]
Damage: [roll433]

Attack 2: [roll434]
Damage: [roll435]

Attack 3: [roll436]
Damage: [roll437]

Attack 4: [roll438]
Damage: [roll439]

Attack 5: [roll440]
Damage: [roll441]

Attack 6: [roll442]
Damage: [roll443]

Arm 38
Attack 1: [roll444]
Damage: [roll445]

Attack 2: [roll446]
Damage: [roll447]

Attack 3: [roll448]
Damage: [roll449]

Attack 4: [roll450]
Damage: [roll451]

Attack 5: [roll452]
Damage: [roll453]

Attack 6: [roll454]
Damage: [roll455]

Arm 39
Attack 1: [roll456]
Damage: [roll457]

Attack 2: [roll458]
Damage: [roll459]

Attack 3: [roll460]
Damage: [roll461]

Attack 4: [roll462]
Damage: [roll463]

Attack 5: [roll464]
Damage: [roll465]

Attack 6: [roll466]
Damage: [roll467]

Arm 40
Attack 1: [roll468]
Damage: [roll469]

Attack 2: [roll470]
Damage: [roll471]

Attack 3: [roll472]
Damage: [roll473]

Attack 4: [roll474]
Damage: [roll475]

Attack 5: [roll476]
Damage: [roll477]

Attack 6: [roll478]
Damage: [roll479]

Full Attack 2:
Arm 1
Attack 1: [roll480]
Damage: [roll481]

Attack 2: [roll482]
Damage: [roll483]

Attack 3: [roll484]
Damage: [roll485]

Attack 4: [roll486]
Damage: [roll487]

Attack 5: [roll488]
Damage: [roll489]

Attack 6: [roll490]
Damage: [roll491]

Arm 2
Attack 1: [roll492]
Damage: [roll493]

Attack 2: [roll494]
Damage: [roll495]

Attack 3: [roll496]
Damage: [roll497]

Attack 4: [roll498]
Damage: [roll499]

Attack 5: [roll500]
Damage: [roll501]

Attack 6: [roll502]
Damage: [roll503]

Arm 3
Attack 1: [roll504]
Damage: [roll505]

Attack 2: [roll506]
Damage: [roll507]

Attack 3: [roll508]
Damage: [roll509]

Attack 4: [roll510]
Damage: [roll511]

Attack 5: [roll512]
Damage: [roll513]

Attack 6: [roll514]
Damage: [roll515]

Arm 4
Attack 1: [roll516]
Damage: [roll517]

Attack 2: [roll518]
Damage: [roll519]

Attack 3: [roll520]
Damage: [roll521]

Attack 4: [roll522]
Damage: [roll523]

Attack 5: [roll524]
Damage: [roll525]

Attack 6: [roll526]
Damage: [roll527]

Arm 5
Attack 1: [roll528]
Damage: [roll529]

Attack 2: [roll530]
Damage: [roll531]

Attack 3: [roll532]
Damage: [roll533]

Attack 4: [roll534]
Damage: [roll535]

Attack 5: [roll536]
Damage: [roll537]

Attack 6: [roll538]
Damage: [roll539]

Arm 6
Attack 1: [roll540]
Damage: [roll541]

Attack 2: [roll542]
Damage: [roll543]

Attack 3: [roll544]
Damage: [roll545]

Attack 4: [roll546]
Damage: [roll547]

Attack 5: [roll548]
Damage: [roll549]

Attack 6: [roll550]
Damage: [roll551]

Arm 7
Attack 1: [roll552]
Damage: [roll553]

Attack 2: [roll554]
Damage: [roll555]

Attack 3: [roll556]
Damage: [roll557]

Attack 4: [roll558]
Damage: [roll559]

Attack 5: [roll560]
Damage: [roll561]

Attack 6: [roll562]
Damage: [roll563]

Arm 8
Attack 1: [roll564]
Damage: [roll565]

Attack 2: [roll566]
Damage: [roll567]

Attack 3: [roll568]
Damage: [roll569]

Attack 4: [roll570]
Damage: [roll571]

Attack 5: [roll572]
Damage: [roll573]

Attack 6: [roll574]
Damage: [roll575]

Arm 9
Attack 1: [roll576]
Damage: [roll577]

Attack 2: [roll578]
Damage: [roll579]

Attack 3: [roll580]
Damage: [roll581]

Attack 4: [roll582]
Damage: [roll583]

Attack 5: [roll584]
Damage: [roll585]

Attack 6: [roll586]
Damage: [roll587]

Arm 10
Attack 1: [roll588]
Damage: [roll589]

Attack 2: [roll590]
Damage: [roll591]

Attack 3: [roll592]
Damage: [roll593]

Attack 4: [roll594]
Damage: [roll595]

Attack 5: [roll596]
Damage: [roll597]

Attack 6: [roll598]
Damage: [roll599]

Arm 11
Attack 1: [roll600]
Damage: [roll601]

Attack 2: [roll602]
Damage: [roll603]

Attack 3: [roll604]
Damage: [roll605]

Attack 4: [roll606]
Damage: [roll607]

Attack 5: [roll608]
Damage: [roll609]

Attack 6: [roll610]
Damage: [roll611]

Arm 12
Attack 1: [roll612]
Damage: [roll613]

Attack 2: [roll614]
Damage: [roll615]

Attack 3: [roll616]
Damage: [roll617]

Attack 4: [roll618]
Damage: [roll619]

Attack 5: [roll620]
Damage: [roll621]

Attack 6: [roll622]
Damage: [roll623]

Arm 13
Attack 1: [roll624]
Damage: [roll625]

Attack 2: [roll626]
Damage: [roll627]

Attack 3: [roll628]
Damage: [roll629]

Attack 4: [roll630]
Damage: [roll631]

Attack 5: [roll632]
Damage: [roll633]

Attack 6: [roll634]
Damage: [roll635]

Arm 14
Attack 1: [roll636]
Damage: [roll637]

Attack 2: [roll638]
Damage: [roll639]

Attack 3: [roll640]
Damage: [roll641]

Attack 4: [roll642]
Damage: [roll643]

Attack 5: [roll644]
Damage: [roll645]

Attack 6: [roll646]
Damage: [roll647]

Arm 15
Attack 1: [roll648]
Damage: [roll649]

Attack 2: [roll650]
Damage: [roll651]

Attack 3: [roll652]
Damage: [roll653]

Attack 4: [roll654]
Damage: [roll655]

Attack 5: [roll656]
Damage: [roll657]

Attack 6: [roll658]
Damage: [roll659]

Arm 16
Attack 1: [roll660]
Damage: [roll661]

Attack 2: [roll662]
Damage: [roll663]

Attack 3: [roll664]
Damage: [roll665]

Attack 4: [roll666]
Damage: [roll667]

Attack 5: [roll668]
Damage: [roll669]

Attack 6: [roll670]
Damage: [roll671]

Arm 17
Attack 1: [roll672]
Damage: [roll673]

Attack 2: [roll674]
Damage: [roll675]

Attack 3: [roll676]
Damage: [roll677]

Attack 4: [roll678]
Damage: [roll679]

Attack 5: [roll680]
Damage: [roll681]

Attack 6: [roll682]
Damage: [roll683]

Arm 18 Attack 1: [roll684]
Damage: [roll685]

Attack 2: [roll686]
Damage: [roll687]

Attack 3: [roll688]
Damage: [roll689]

Attack 4: [roll690]
Damage: [roll691]

Attack 5: [roll692]
Damage: [roll693]

Attack 6: [roll694]
Damage: [roll695]

Arm 19
Attack 1: [roll696]
Damage: [roll697]

Attack 2: [roll698]
Damage: [roll699]

Attack 3: [roll700]
Damage: [roll701]

Attack 4: [roll702]
Damage: [roll703]

Attack 5: [roll704]
Damage: [roll705]

Attack 6: [roll706]
Damage: [roll707]

Arm 20
Attack 1: [roll708]
Damage: [roll709]

Attack 2: [roll710]
Damage: [roll711]

Attack 3: [roll712]
Damage: [roll713]

Attack 4: [roll714]
Damage: [roll715]

Attack 5: [roll716]
Damage: [roll717]

Attack 6: [roll718]
Damage: [roll719]

Arm 21
Attack 1: [roll720]
Damage: [roll721]

Attack 2: [roll722]
Damage: [roll723]

Attack 3: [roll724]
Damage: [roll725]

Attack 4: [roll726]
Damage: [roll727]

Attack 5: [roll728]
Damage: [roll729]

Attack 6: [roll730]
Damage: [roll731]

Arm 22
Attack 1: [roll732]
Damage: [roll733]

Attack 2: [roll734]
Damage: [roll735]

Attack 3: [roll736]
Damage: [roll737]

Attack 4: [roll738]
Damage: [roll739]

Attack 5: [roll740]
Damage: [roll741]

Attack 6: [roll742]
Damage: [roll743]

Arm 23
Attack 1: [roll744]
Damage: [roll745]

Attack 2: [roll746]
Damage: [roll747]

Attack 3: [roll748]
Damage: [roll749]

Attack 4: [roll750]
Damage: [roll751]

Attack 5: [roll752]
Damage: [roll753]

Attack 6: [roll754]
Damage: [roll755]

Arm 24
Attack 1: [roll756]
Damage: [roll757]

Attack 2: [roll758]
Damage: [roll759]

Attack 3: [roll760]
Damage: [roll761]

Attack 4: [roll762]
Damage: [roll763]

Attack 5: [roll764]
Damage: [roll765]

Attack 6: [roll766]
Damage: [roll767]

Arm 25
Attack 1: [roll768]
Damage: [roll769]

Attack 2: [roll770]
Damage: [roll771]

Attack 3: [roll772]
Damage: [roll773]

Attack 4: [roll774]
Damage: [roll775]

Attack 5: [roll776]
Damage: [roll777]

Attack 6: [roll778]
Damage: [roll779]

Arm 26
Attack 1: [roll780]
Damage: [roll781]

Attack 2: [roll782]
Damage: [roll783]

Attack 3: [roll784]
Damage: [roll785]

Attack 4: [roll786]
Damage: [roll787]

Attack 5: [roll788]
Damage: [roll789]

Attack 6: [roll790]
Damage: [roll791]

Arm 27
Attack 1: [roll792]
Damage: [roll793]

Attack 2: [roll794]
Damage: [roll795]

Attack 3: [roll796]
Damage: [roll797]

Attack 4: [roll798]
Damage: [roll799]

Attack 5: [roll800]
Damage: [roll801]

Attack 6: [roll802]
Damage: [roll803]

Arm 28
Attack 1: [roll804]
Damage: [roll805]

Attack 2: [roll806]
Damage: [roll807]

Attack 3: [roll808]
Damage: [roll809]

Attack 4: [roll810]
Damage: [roll811]

Attack 5: [roll812]
Damage: [roll813]

Attack 6: [roll814]
Damage: [roll815]

Arm 29
Attack 1: [roll816]
Damage: [roll817]

Attack 2: [roll818]
Damage: [roll819]

Attack 3: [roll820]
Damage: [roll821]

Attack 4: [roll822]
Damage: [roll823]

Attack 5: [roll824]
Damage: [roll825]

Attack 6: [roll826]
Damage: [roll827]

Arm 30
Attack 1: [roll828]
Damage: [roll829]

Attack 2: [roll830]
Damage: [roll831]

Attack 3: [roll832]
Damage: [roll833]

Attack 4: [roll834]
Damage: [roll835]

Attack 5: [roll836]
Damage: [roll837]

Attack 6: [roll838]
Damage: [roll839]

Arm 31
Attack 1: [roll840]
Damage: [roll841]

Attack 2: [roll842]
Damage: [roll843]

Attack 3: [roll844]
Damage: [roll845]

Attack 4: [roll846]
Damage: [roll847]

Attack 5: [roll848]
Damage: [roll849]

Attack 6: [roll850]
Damage: [roll851]

Arm 32
Attack 1: [roll852]
Damage: [roll853]

Attack 2: [roll854]
Damage: [roll855]

Attack 3: [roll856]
Damage: [roll857]

Attack 4: [roll858]
Damage: [roll859]

Attack 5: [roll860]
Damage: [roll861]

Attack 6: [roll862]
Damage: [roll863]

Arm 33
Attack 1: [roll864]
Damage: [roll865]

Attack 2: [roll866]
Damage: [roll867]

Attack 3: [roll868]
Damage: [roll869]

Attack 4: [roll870]
Damage: [roll871]

Attack 5: [roll872]
Damage: [roll873]

Attack 6: [roll874]
Damage: [roll875]

Arm 34
Attack 1: [roll876]
Damage: [roll877]

Attack 2: [roll878]
Damage: [roll879]

Attack 3: [roll880]
Damage: [roll881]

Attack 4: [roll882]
Damage: [roll883]

Attack 5: [roll884]
Damage: [roll885]

Attack 6: [roll886]
Damage: [roll887]

Arm 35
Attack 1: [roll888]
Damage: [roll889]

Attack 2: [roll890]
Damage: [roll891]

Attack 3: [roll892]
Damage: [roll893]

Attack 4: [roll894]
Damage: [roll895]

Attack 5: [roll896]
Damage: [roll897]

Attack 6: [roll898]
Damage: [roll899]

Arm 36
Attack 1: [roll900]
Damage: [roll901]

Attack 2: [roll902]
Damage: [roll903]

Attack 3: [roll904]
Damage: [roll905]

Attack 4: [roll906]
Damage: [roll907]

Attack 5: [roll908]
Damage: [roll909]

Attack 6: [roll910]
Damage: [roll911]

Arm 37
Attack 1: [roll912]
Damage: [roll913]

Attack 2: [roll914]
Damage: [roll915]

Attack 3: [roll916]
Damage: [roll917]

Attack 4: [roll918]
Damage: [roll919]

Attack 5: [roll920]
Damage: [roll921]

Attack 6: [roll922]
Damage: [roll923]

Arm 38
Attack 1: [roll924]
Damage: [roll925]

Attack 2: [roll926]
Damage: [roll927]

Attack 3: [roll928]
Damage: [roll929]

Attack 4: [roll930]
Damage: [roll931]

Attack 5: [roll932]
Damage: [roll933]

Attack 6: [roll934]
Damage: [roll935]

Arm 39
Attack 1: [roll936]
Damage: [roll937]

Attack 2: [roll938]
Damage: [roll939]

Attack 3: [roll940]
Damage: [roll941]

Attack 4: [roll942]
Damage: [roll943]

Attack 5: [roll944]
Damage: [roll945]

Attack 6: [roll946]
Damage: [roll947]

Arm 40
Attack 1: [roll948]
Damage: [roll949]

Attack 2: [roll950]
Damage: [roll951]

Attack 3: [roll952]
Damage: [roll953]

Attack 4: [roll954]
Damage: [roll955]

Attack 5: [roll956]
Damage: [roll957]

Attack 6: [roll958]
Damage: [roll959]

2013-03-25, 02:42 PM
The Slayer saw the massive bird headed monster, his other sword flew from its sheath, and called en mass, mobilized the replicas of himself to attack, all delivering a single, perfect blow, expending the life-force they possess and vanishing into dust. "Made the first strike against tyrants."

Go nova you say? Well, I suppose that's so. If it manages to survive this, the Slayer might actually enter combat himself, seeing as it is against a 'worthy foe.'

BoBs all use the boosts God-Smiting Outrage, Jade Lotus Dominion, and White Lotus Victory (All allies within line of sight to them treat the next attack they make as a 20 [autohits] though it doesn't activate qualities like vorpal, or threaten a critical hit, and till the end of my next turn, they all have a +10 insight bonus to AC).

I Su Wish them to appear around the raptor-man, in flanking positions.

After I teleport them, they all attack with Lightning Stroke, Ancient Mountain Hammer, and Greater Divine Surge [taking 22 Con damage, enough to kill them].

Lightning Stroke and White Lotus Victory both make the attack autohit.

Damage for BoB 1-8:
1) Damage: [roll0] (50d8 from Greater Divine Surge).
Lightning Stroke and Ancient Mountain Hammer makes it deal [roll1] bonus damage and overcome all hardness and damage reduction.

2) Damage: [roll2] (50d8 from Greater Divine Surge).
Lightning Stroke and Ancient Mountain Hammer makes it deal [roll3] bonus damage and overcome all hardness and damage reduction.

3) Damage: [roll4] (50d8 from Greater Divine Surge).
Lightning Stroke and Ancient Mountain Hammer makes it deal [roll5] bonus damage and overcome all hardness and damage reduction.

4) Damage: [roll6] (50d8 from Greater Divine Surge).
Lightning Stroke and Ancient Mountain Hammer makes it deal [roll7] bonus damage and overcome all hardness and damage reduction.

5) Damage: [roll8] (50d8 from Greater Divine Surge).
Lightning Stroke and Ancient Mountain Hammer makes it deal [roll9] bonus damage and overcome all hardness and damage reduction.

6) Damage: [roll10] (50d8 from Greater Divine Surge).
Lightning Stroke and Ancient Mountain Hammer makes it deal [roll11] bonus damage and overcome all hardness and damage reduction.

7) Damage: [roll12] (50d8 from Greater Divine Surge).
Lightning Stroke and Ancient Mountain Hammer makes it deal [roll13] bonus damage and overcome all hardness and damage reduction.

8) Damage: [roll14] (50d8 from Greater Divine Surge).
Lightning Stroke and Ancient Mountain Hammer makes it deal [roll15] bonus damage and overcome all hardness and damage reduction.

Readied action from Eyes of the Oracle to use Crystal Lotus Blossom+Irresistible Mountain Hammer+Diamond Nightmare Blade on the attacker.

2013-03-25, 05:13 PM

With the anti magic shield coming down, Sabrina is in her element. She teleports to the bird creature as she activates her snowflake wardance, and then uses her belt of battle to give herself a full attack routine on the creature.

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage
[roll6] attack & [roll7] damage

EDIT: After the first hit, DR no longer applies, shadowstriking

2013-03-25, 07:06 PM
Bolenth Arril Draunting considers, shrugs, and casts a spell, lobbing a surprisingly large clear globe at the ex-bird. He then slips around to the north, and five feet underground, maintaining a 125 foot distance from his target.
Nat-20 to all allies within line of effect? Handy....

Standard: Orb of Force at the visible target.
Move: Down five feet, and 95 feet along a curve to the... south, I think... keeping a 125 foot distance between himself and his target.
Swift: Kept in reserve for an immediate-action counter if necessary.

So that's:
[roll0] Force damage - not much, I know, but eh, auto-hits are handy sometimes. And if it bounces back, well, Ray Deflection will handle it.

2013-03-25, 11:01 PM
"Oh Finally! Some one to talk to!..."

Corinar's words are drowned out in the ensuing explosions and flashes of light.

2013-03-26, 11:42 AM
Aleisander watched the first foe fall, and then a new threat present itself. And it called him a fool? Was he the one who betrayed the people of the world? No, it was the gods, and this one was either one of them, or a follower; either way, it did not deserve to live.

He dashed back into combat, jumping at the not-bird and slashing downward with the draw of his blade, then back upward, in a diagonal blow to the right. This time, he remained in melee; he would be using all of his skills in this fight.

Moving close and striking twice. Rolls in OOC.

2013-03-28, 05:31 AM
The Red Death heard the mental orders of the one being, even as all of his duplicates sprung into action. Relishing a chance to wreak even more havoc with assistance from someone else, it draws close and strikes.

As soon as it regains equilibrium, a shattered groaning starts to emanate from the god slaying being, a groaning that is quickly realized as a form of screaming, even as the haze of blood droplets swirls in large arcs near the sinuous being. A green sickly light is seen amidst the swirl of blood and gore, light that grows to the point where the only relief from its rays comes when a particularly large swirl of blood interposes between the source and an onlooker for a brief moment.

With a loud groan, the Red Death plunges a single bare fist into the creature's head, a faint sizzling sound being heard...


Okie dokie, here....

Immediate Action, thanks to Cottus- Charge Attack
Attack-[roll0] (-20 Power Attack penalty, +20 Cold Logic bonus, +5 Primordial Mythos Exultant bonus)
Damage-[roll1](+40 Power Attack bonus,+25 Maneuver bonus and +20 Cold Logic bonus included, plus add an additional 15 from Slayer Prince Epic Destiny, plus add [roll2] fire damage. Opponent has to make a DC 45 Will save or lose 2d4 Int.)

My actual turn-

Active Stances- Pummel the Horizon (if I can see it, I can punch it!), all Infernal Monster stances (Retribution Will Follow, Rabble-Terrorizing Puissance, Untamed Apocalypse Shintai [doesn't count as a stance], Sempiternal World-Menacing Obligation, and Demon Emperor Shintai.

AC goes up by three, due to the last one. Still have +10 bonus from rweird's character. (Currently 84.)

Free Action: Enter Frenzy. +20 to Strength, extra attack on a full attack, take 2 pts of nonlethal damage per round. Duration: 12 rounds. Inspire Frenzy- anyone within 10 feet of the Red Death, who wants to, gets +10 Strength, the extra attack, and the nonlethal damage. Duration: also 12 rounds.

Swift Action-reserved for immediate action use.

Standard Action: Strike of the Dual Adept. Fusing Origin Focus and Drown the Lost.

Attack- automatically a 20, for a total of 90
Damage- [roll3]

Instead of the normal base damage, roll a knowledge check without any other combat modifiers. The target takes damage equal to the check and you learn one of the following things about them for every 4 ranks you have in Knowledge.
-Creature Type (including subtypes).
-Their current HP.
-One of their save bonus.
-One of their ability scores.
-Their bonus on two skills of your choice. (Intimidate and Bluff, please)
-How many spells/powers they have on them at the moment.
-Their CR (if they're bigger CR than you then it just reveals that they're bigger CR than you).

So I learn all of the above, plus his other two saves.

Then, If you hit, your opponent is assaulted by its worst fears and doubts, needing to make a Fort, Reflex and Will saves (each DC 45).
-If the Fort save is failed they take extra damage equal to a knowledge check [roll4] and can only take one standard or move action on their next round.
-If the Reflex save is failed they take extra damage equal to a knowledge check [roll5] and are entangled for 1 round.
-If the Will save is failed they take damage equal to a knowledge check [roll6] and are affected by a Bestow Curse effect for 1 round.

Opponent has to make a DC 45 Will save or lose 2d4 Int.
Also, must make a DC 51 Fortitude save or die, via Slayer Prince capstone.

Free Action: Storm of Visions- enemies within 30 feet of her must succeed on a DC 46 Will save or be dazed for 1 round, as visions of xotic truths captivate their minds. This is a mind-affecting effect, and cannot be used more than 1/round.
If the enemy is immune to mind affecting effects, he must still make the save, but he gets a +5 bonus.

At the end of your turn, if you made at least one melee attack roll, all living creatures within 60ft must make a Will save (DC 51) or become Shaken for 1 minute (those that are already Shaken become Frightened, and those that are already Frightened become Panicked, as normal; which resets the 1 minute duration).

Creatures that are immune to fear but still fail their saving throw instead invoke the amusement of the Infernal Monster, which we have already established is bad. Any attack you make that hits and deals damage to such an individual grants you a stackable +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls against that same individual for the remainder of the encounter. At the end of the encounter, this amusement fades.

Sempiternal World-Menacing Obligation-every time someone makes an attack or other hostile action, regardless of target, I heal 1 hit point. If at full, I gain it as a temporary hit point, up to a cap of (Strength score). Currently at +82 temporary HP, maxed for now.

2013-03-28, 09:00 PM
Admiral Squish
Your Blows Seem to hesitate before Striking the creature, and you can tell you obviusally injured it, as it's gears and Flesh-like metal crack and shatter.

As all of your attacks hit the Damaged Construct, It stumbles back.

Your Sword Strikes true, and you actually manage to cut off it's left arm

Your Force Slams into the Construct, And it very well nearly shatters, it almost seems impossible that it's still held together.

Your Right Sword hits nothing, as it's arm is already gone, and it appears to now be falling apart.

Zarthrax ONLY

-Creature Type (including subtypes).
-Their current HP.
-One of their save bonus.
-One of their ability scores.
-Their bonus on two skills of your choice. (Intimidate and Bluff, please)
+121 and +400
-How many spells/powers they have on them at the moment.
10 Of Each Level of Spell, and 8 9th Level Psionic
-Their CR (if they're bigger CR than you then it just reveals that they're bigger CR than you)
A LOT higher then you..

The Creature stumbles back, and collapses into a pile of Metal.

2013-03-28, 09:15 PM

Sabrina would have wiped the blood off her blade, but there was none to be found, although there might have been some oil. She looks around.

Somehow, I thought killing a god would be, I dont know, harder than all that. And more earth shattering in its result. So I suppose that wasnt the god.

2013-03-28, 09:20 PM
The slayer of kings looks at the creatures that were slain in disgust and contempt. "Those were pathetic. They didn't even attack, or speak. We should make haste away from here to reach the god. Are any of you hurt?" He sheathes his sword and casts an enchantment on the many-handed abomination.

Miracle for Persisted, Extended, Ocular Bite of the Wearbear, +18 enhancement to strength, +4 enhancement to dex, +10 enhancement to con, +7 enhancement to NA, gives benefit of Power Attack and Blind-fight, 2 claws doing 1d8+str, and a 2d8+1/2 str bite (for medium creatures).

2013-03-28, 09:49 PM
Rwierd:Ah, so you're making use of the clause "In all ways, a metamagic spell operates at its original spell level" for Miracle, and stacking massive metamagic on them? Makes sense. I suppose if we keep up with that route, I'll need to re-spec a bit, as I'm currently set to apply the metamagic to the wish, rather than the wish to the metamagic....

Bolenth Arril Draunting heads back over to the group, staying underground and listening to the conversation. When he reaches the party, he mentions (still from underground) "So. Do you think we may have attracted his attention?"

2013-03-28, 09:57 PM
True, though I could have just psychic reformation-ed/dark chaos shuffled my feats to get it to count as an 8th level spell and switched them back. Wouldn't make a big difference.

"I don't know. I would guess yes, though seeing how unresponsive these things were, maybe not, I really can't tell."

Admiral Squish
2013-03-28, 10:19 PM
The protoform giant stomps on the remaining pile of metal for a few moments before he's satisfied that there's no further need. "Hmf. Weak." He grumbles. At the talk of the god of the plane taking note, he thinks for a moment. His form ripples and loses coherence for a moment, before suddenly rending apart into two identical towering many-armed pillars of flesh. "Let him come. I am ready." He growls from fourty heads at once.

2013-03-29, 02:00 PM
Feeling his grip on the energies return, Toronar accesses his full limits, only ordering his constructs to attack as well as an afterthought.
The strange bird thing at once is surrounded by psionic energies. lashing out at it with incredible force.

The constructs charge again:
Construct 1: attack [roll0] for [roll1] bludgeoning
Construct 1: attack [roll2] for [roll3] bludgeoning

Toronar Full attacks (he can melee attack from 130feet away)
Attacks have:
Shattermantle: Each hi reduces target's SR by 2 for one round (cumulative)
Wounding: cumulative 1 point of bleed per hit
Powerleech: If target has power point reserve, it loses 1pp with each hit
Prismatic burst: On a critical hit, prismatic spray effect.
Included are crit confirms if necessary. (19-20/x2)
Damage is FORCE.

Attack 1: [roll4] for [roll5] damage + [roll6] Intelligence damage (DC 38 will save reduces to one point)
crit confirm: [roll7] for [roll8] damage.

Attack 2: [roll9] for [roll10] damage + [roll11] Intelligence damage (DC 38 will save reduces to one point)
crit confirm: [roll12] for [roll13] damage.

Attack 3: [roll14] for [roll15] damage + [roll16] Intelligence damage (DC 38 will save reduces to one point)
crit confirm: [roll17] for [roll18] damage.

Attack 4: [roll19] for [roll20] damage + [roll21] Intelligence damage (DC 38 will save reduces to one point)
crit confirm: [roll22] for [roll23] damage.

Attack 5: [roll24] for [roll25] damage + [roll26] Intelligence damage (DC 38 will save reduces to one point)
crit confirm: [roll27] for [roll28] damage.

Attack 6: [roll29] for [roll30] damage + [roll31] Intelligence damage (DC 38 will save reduces to one point)
crit confirm: [roll32] for [roll33] damage.

Attack 7: [roll34] for [roll35] damage + [roll36] Intelligence damage (DC 38 will save reduces to one point)
crit confirm: [roll37] for [roll38] damage.

2013-03-31, 12:27 PM
Bolenth Arril Draunting considers for a moment, shrugs, pops out of the ground, and quickly duplicates a particular spell twice, to see if he can conjure up some information.Spell-like Wish(Simulacrum) twice - once for each currently-downed opponent. So they can be interrogated.Bolenth Arril Draunting then gives the two quasi-real duplicates a set of orders: "Regardless of anything else that might happen, you like me, you trust me, you want to help me, and you want me to achieve the goals I set for myself. You will answer all questions put to you as truthfully and fully as you are able" and follows the orders up with a question "So: Where does the being that commanded your originals generally reside?"

2013-03-31, 12:36 PM
The Slayer smiles, Thats a smart one. he thinks Quick to act.

"They might not understand our language, the originals made no real indications they did." he says as he Su miracle-casts tongues on each of them.

He also examines the deer-simicrum with greater arcane sight to see what level of spells this ice duplicate can use.

2013-03-31, 12:52 PM
Bolenth Arril Draunting considers The Slayer's words, shrugs, and repeats the order and the question to the two shadow-duplicates.

2013-03-31, 03:06 PM
Bolenth Arril Draunting considers The Slayer's words, shrugs, and repeats the order and the question to the two shadow-duplicates.


While you are focused on said ice Sculptures, You fail to notice that infact, the Metal Creature has gotten back up, and is ignoring Toronar and his smashings, as they seem to smash against some force that prevents them from even hitting it...

A Blinding Flash of Light Shatters the head of one Simulacrum, while a Blade decapitates the other.

"Fools, we don't take kindly to being killed like that, It is a utter waste of time, don't you think, that being a god, we would not die? Fool."
Says the Bird-Construct, as his form turns into liquid metal.
"Of course friend, Naturally, dieing is only the beginning.."
Says the Wendigo, as his form rebuilds itself.

Psionic Attack upon your mind, Make a Dc 100 Will save or loose 2d10 Spells, in addition to taking 200 Hp damage.


You can feel your body decaying rapidly, make a Dc 100 Fort save or wither and die in 6 Rounds, This perices immunity to death effects.

Make a DC 90 Will save or your constructs fail, and you take a coma-like state upon which you shrink back to normal size and curl up on the ground.

Tree Branches reach from the ground like ropes, make a DC 110 StR Check to break free.

Your Mind is assulted with visions of corruption, make a DC 100 Will save.


Nothing right now, but your watching your allies deal with problems. :smallwink:

2013-03-31, 03:36 PM
Bolenth Arril Draunting shrugs, and replies "Honestly, as easily as you went down, I figured you were minions." as he defends himself against the attack with Force, counterattacks with a blast of lightning from his eyes, then ducks underground again.
Immediate Action: Wings of Cover, blocking line-of-effect for the mental attack. If that doesn't work, well, I'm immune to ability damage from the construct type I currently carry from Shapechange, immune to ability damage again from Sheltered Vitality, and flat-out immune to attack from other sources anyway. But just in case, the Will save: [roll0] (looks like I need a 19... oh well)
Standard: Lightning eyes! Part of the maximized empowered Stormrage I'm sporting. Ranged touch: [roll1] for 120 plus half of [roll2] lightning damage (159).
Move: Five feet underground, then 95 feet... North-East, this time.

2013-03-31, 05:02 PM
The Slayer rolls his eyes. "I am tired of you, go die and leave this world untainted by your pathetic selfs. NOW!"

His eyes flash golden as he shouts "NOW" and as he redraws his blade, eight duplicates of him split off from him and dive at the bird-thing, striking eight perfect blows, each channelling a bolt of force into the metal monster. The Slayer once again staying at the edge of the battle, ready to defend himself, though not attacking directly.

Swift: Blossoming Steel, Moment of Alacrity, Defensive Rebuke

Standard: Casting BoB again via SU Wish, 8 more BoBs.

Each BoB Uses White Lotus Victory, and Jade Lotus Dominion, and Defensive Rebuke for boost, other swift to go into Silver Lotus Kata (Immortal Fortitude, Stance of Alacrity, Shifting Defense, Supreme Blade Parry, Leaping Dragon Stance, Press the Advantage, Island of Blades) and Ghostly Defense.

All 20s for too hit for this.

They move up to the Bird-thing and strike, using Crystal Lotus Blossom, Strike of Perfect Clarity, and Ancient Mountain Hammer channelling miracle for Maximized Orb of Force (CL 50). Each attack Auto-hits and ignores damage reduction and hardness, the +300 damage of the 12d6+300 is force.

Crystal Lotus Blossom means they can deal ILd8 force damage as a free action at any time after this, they will do it to disrupt his casting and stuff.

BoB 1: +[roll0]
BoB 2: [roll1d8+154+
BoB 3: [roll1d8+154+
BoB 4: [roll1d8+154+
BoB 5: [roll1d8+154+
BoB 6: [roll1d8+154+
BoB 7: [roll1d8+154+
BoB 8: [roll1d8+154+[roll7]

EDIT: See OOC for full damage expression.

2013-03-31, 10:01 PM
Corinar's voice is at once soft and pervasive. A whisper that touches the soul. "Enough my darlings. Come to me. We may find another way." Beckoning to the figures with a dazzling smile.

Corinar takes ten on a rushed diplomacy check with no penalty for a result of 185. This is well in excess of the dc of 150 required to turn a hostile figure into a fanatic. As a fanatic both the 'wendigo' and the 'bird thing' will give their lives to serve me. They'd throw themselves into the pits of oblivion if they thought it would make Corinar smile. There is no save against this. This effect also cannot be dispelled as it is not magical.

Admiral Squish
2013-03-31, 10:03 PM
The twin titans roar and flex, muscles forged in millennia of battle bulging and straining against the tree branches. The wood creaks and groans in agony as they fight against their bonds, before, with a terrible crack, the branches shatter under their terrible might and they rush forward, a look passing between them as they both rush forward, taking up flanking positions on opposite sides of the silver bird-man. "Should have stayed dead!" Their mouths roar in unison.

Standard action: Iron Heart Surge.
Move Action: Move up to 60 feet, the two taking up flanking positions.(Would I get a flanking bonus to my attack rolls next round?)
If this is a new encounter, I spend my swift action initiating God-Smiting Outrage and Blossoming Steel. If it's not, I'll just do Blossoming Steel.

Both the original and the duplicate are ready to use meteor smash if the bird does pretty much anything. The original is going to do the first attempt, the copy doing the next. Bird must make a DC 54 fort save to avoid having the action interrupted.
If these trigger, they deal:
Original [roll0]
Copy [roll1]
No save, no attack roll.