View Full Version : Accessing scrolls as a free action

2013-03-15, 06:21 AM
As I understand it, casting a spell off of a scroll requires the same action that casting the spell normally does. That means that immediate action spells such as wings of cover or celerity can be used off of a scroll as an immediate action. However, I would imagine you would have to have the scroll in hand or be able to get to it as a free action to pull that off.

Just carrying the scroll around all the time doesn't really work too well, since it leaves only one hand free and I can only carry one scroll that way.

Is there an item that lets me access multiple scrolls as a free action?

I thought about having the party artificer craft me a custom item kind of like a quarterback's playbook wristband, so I could have one on each arm, but I'd rather use something that already exists if possible.

Anyone know of anything like this?

Duke of Urrel
2013-03-15, 08:27 AM
Here's one idea: Employ an Unseen Servant to retrieve magic scrolls for you. If you could somehow make this spell permanent, your problem would be permanently solved.

2013-03-15, 08:30 AM
Just carrying the scroll around all the time doesn't really work too well, since it leaves only one hand free and I can only carry one scroll that way.

Is there an item that lets me access multiple scrolls as a free action?Unless you can take more than one Imm Action per round, and can draw items as an immediate action, you're out of luck.

You cannot use free actions when it's not your turn, so you cannot count on drawing the scroll at all: Either you do it with an immediate action or you have it drawn beforehand.

2013-03-15, 12:32 PM
This would require some amount of houseruling and the use of some 3.0 material, but it's reasonable enough that it might fly.

Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting has a mundane MW Bandoleer that can hold 12 items, as well as a Scroll Organizer that holds 15 scrolls.

Manipulating an item (including retrieving it or putting it away) is typically a move action. However, you can draw a weapon (specifically a weapon, not an "item") as a free action as part of a move if your BAB is 1 or more. The Quick Draw feat allows you to draw a weapon (again, specifically weapon, not "item") as a free action, or a hidden weapon as a move action.

I would think it's reasonable enough to rule that a character with both the Quick Draw feat and either a scroll organizer or bandoleer, would be able to draw a scroll from those as a free action.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-03-15, 02:10 PM
There is an item in the MiC Infinite scrollcase that holds something like 50 scrolls ready to use, can't recall the specifics though; but you ought to check it.

2013-03-15, 02:45 PM
Here's one idea: Employ an Unseen Servant to retrieve magic scrolls for you. If you could somehow make this spell permanent, your problem would be permanently solved.

Collar of Perpetual Attendance (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fools/20030401c) can take care of that.

However, directing a spell such as unseen servant is usually a move-action, at least to start with. If you give it detailed instructions beforehand, you might be able to reduce it to a free action (speaking is generally free, thus "Jeeves, scroll of fireball!"), but you'd want to clear that with your DM first.

Another thought: Buy a quiver with some arrows, wrap your scrolls around the arrows, maybe do something with color-coded fletching to denote spell level or whatnot. Free action to draw ammunition.

There is an item in the MiC Infinite scrollcase that holds something like 50 scrolls ready to use, can't recall the specifics though; but you ought to check it.

Move action to use an Infinite Scrollcase. Functionally, it's the same as tossing a bunch of scrolls into a Handy Haversack.

There's also the Caster's Shield in the DMG. You can scribe a scroll directly on the shield, so no action needed to draw it.

2013-03-15, 03:21 PM
Sounds like what I want isn't so easy.

Would wands be easier? I basically want to be able to use either celerity or wings of cover off of a wand or scroll, depending on which the situation calls for.

The wand bracer and wand bracelet won't work, since I can't switch them in and out quickly enough. Anyone know of anything else.

Maybe it would be easier to just turn into something with 4 arms and not worry about it?

2013-03-15, 04:06 PM
Would wands be easier? I basically want to be able to use either celerity or wings of cover off of a wand or scroll, depending on which the situation calls for.

Staff with a wand chamber (100 GP, Dungeonscape) in both ends. That should cover a wand of celerity and a wand of wings of cover.

Quickdraw or Least Crystals of Return (MIC) might work with wands. If your DM doesn't allow that, then hollow out a bunch of weapons with wand chambers and draw those as a free action.

2013-03-15, 04:23 PM
Dual wield Caster's Shields (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicArmor.htm#castersShield). It looks like you have to scribe the scroll on to the shield, not just staple it on, but it does most of what you want.

2013-03-15, 04:45 PM
Druid 16/MoMF 9 can, I think, shift into any elemental and get all the SLAs, SU, Ex and otherwise abilities of any elemental (all abilities of the elemental per elemental wild shape, any elemental of appropriate HD, which at 25, it most of them, per MoMF, not sure it works like that though, might be a better idea to take Elemental wildshape Epic Feat, hehe). Turn into an Immoth allows you to store "Ice runes" on your body (no different from scrolls, but only useable by you) and they are activate-able as a free action. Although, at that point, unless your DM is smart and banned it, epic spell casting could easily do that.

2013-03-15, 04:49 PM
Druid 16/MoMF 9 can, I think, shift into any elemental and get all the SLAs, SU, Ex and otherwise abilities of any elemental (all abilities of the elemental per elemental wild shape, any elemental of appropriate HD, which at 25, it most of them, per MoMF, not sure it works like that though, might be a better idea to take Elemental wildshape Epic Feat, hehe). Turn into an Immoth allows you to store "Ice runes" on your body (no different from scrolls, but only useable by you) and they are activate-able as a free action. Although, at that point, unless your DM is smart and banned it, epic spell casting could easily do that.

Thats...not really what I'm looking for. I'm playing an 11th level archivist. And the game isn't going to go up to epic levels.

2013-03-15, 04:51 PM
Staff with a wand chamber (100 GP, Dungeonscape) in both ends. That should cover a wand of celerity and a wand of wings of cover.

That'll do what I want, and it's even cheap. Thanks.

2013-03-15, 06:30 PM
DMG notes that you can put more than one spell on a single scroll. Draw the scroll before hand. put ALL your spells on it. If you get a new scroll, tape it to the bottom.

2013-03-15, 07:27 PM
I've got an answer for you. Use a glove of storing. It's a bit expensive and you'd need to know what spell you need in advance but should get you the item as a free action.

2013-03-15, 07:28 PM
Quickdraw or Least Crystals of Return (MIC) might work with wands.
Quickdraw works. The rules say specifically that wands may be drawn as if they were weapons, as may other weapon-like objects: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm#draworSheatheaWeapon

You might make an argument for making a few scrolls into flags to quickdraw those, but there's only so many you can wear before it gets (more) silly and hard(er) to convince your DM.

But even if you could access your scrolls as a free action, you can only take free actions on your turn. So you couldn't use immediate action scrolls without first drawing them on your turn.

A lesser known rule that could help is that you may have multiple spells on a single scroll, and they get expended individually. You could then be holding this long scroll all the time. All you need now is a way to make it as large as possible while still fully unfurled at all times.