View Full Version : Dungeoncrawl [IC]

2013-03-15, 11:59 AM
You all begin in separate jails, each awaiting your fate in the dungeons. One day, at noon, you are ordered out of your cell and escorted by a well-armed contingent of warforged to a room where a dragon appears to be preparing a teleportation circle spell. The warforged have you wait until the dragon finishes, at which point you are unceremoniously shoved into the circle.

A moment later, the five of you appear in a spacious, well-lit, and neatly swept room. Sitting calmly in the center of the room, her tail curled around her legs like a cat, is a red dragon with immaculately polished scales. She stands about twelve feet at the shoulder and, despite her size, appears slim and delicately proportioned. She blinks once, slowly, when you are teleported in, but otherwise does not react to your appearance.

Suddenly her head snakes down towards your group, so that you and she are almost at eye level. Her breath is swelteringly hot and stinks faintly of sulphur. She speaks in Common, "I am your new patron. My name is Kynathris, known in the dungeon as Cinder. You, however, shall call me Mistress Cinder. Now, pets, tell me your names and why you think you will survive the dungeons."

Based on her size and general appearance, you would guess she is a young adult red dragon.

2013-03-15, 12:08 PM

Dana answers in a very level manner. "My name is Dana, Mistress Cinder, and I will survive the dungeon because I believe I will."

2013-03-15, 12:37 PM
Marcus, a halfling, glances around the room a few times looking for anything of note (or anything invisible.

"Finally, nice to have someone to talk to who's not a rock or a bucket-head.
I've survived this far, haven't I? The last bit has been kind of boring, though.

About the time one of you dragons landed in front of me I figured this would happen. I've been thinking since then about it... I'll survive because - ONE. I'm awesome... and TWO, because the dungeon crawls are entertainment and I can put on a show. Everyone likes bright lights, explosions, fireworks, and such, right? That's why you pick smart people like us instead of a bunch of stronger and tougher, but totally boring ogres who just scratch their butts and swing at things with clubs."

As appropriate

2013-03-15, 12:55 PM
Not appreciating his unlordly entrance, Gregory steadies himself in the new room, taking a moment to absorb all the details and consider the dragon before them.

Ah, a red. Interesting. Not too old by the looks of her either. Perhaps we're her first... She seems nervous.

Mentally bemoaning his painfully impoverished state, Gregory takes note of each of the other wealth-less humanoids around him before finally replying.

"I am Lord Gregory Astrakein and I will survive because you cannot stop me from doing so. That, my young draconic 'Mistress', is a promise."

2013-03-15, 01:28 PM
The dragon looks rather bemused at Marcus' statement. (Nothing invisible. The room is quite bare -- the only exit is a single dragon-sized door.)

As soon as Gregory speaks, all her attention focuses on him. "Wait, Astrakein? Where have I heard that....wait. You're that silly human who thought he'd make a better ruler than a dragon?" She eyes Gregory up and down. "Well, at least you don't look nearly as inbred as the stories say."

2013-03-15, 01:31 PM
Gregory merely smirks. Tempting.

"Generations beyond count of fine lordly marriages I'll have you know. We even kept to our own species, unlike some creatures that could be named."

This could hurt...

2013-03-15, 01:58 PM
Darien sniggers at Gregory's comment. Oh he is going to be a fun one

He turns to address Kynathris "My Name is Darien your dragonfullness, and I probably will not survive the dungeons to be perfectly honest. Spent too much time reading books instead of jogging, that sort of thing."

2013-03-15, 02:29 PM
Kynathris' mouth drops open in a toothy smile. "I am as dragon as you are human, little one. If you are referring to dragons in general, I fear I must point you towards half-elves, half-orcs, aasimar, tieflings, and, yes, half-dragons in your own species' checkered genetic history. We won't mention the centaurs, minotaurs, or harpies, shall we?"

Eyeing Darien, she adds, "At least you will be more entertaining than my last lot, even if you do end up dying."

2013-03-15, 02:57 PM
Marcus sniggers at the dragon's comment, and mutters under his breath about having never heard of a half-halfling anything.

2013-03-15, 04:04 PM

Still level and apparently detached from the discussion, Dana adds: "For an interesting and comprehensive, though not exhaustive, treatise on inter-taxon relationships and the species that came to be I can advice 'Bloodlines in past and present: predicting future species' by an anonymous author." She eyes the dragon. "It's a fascinating read."

2013-03-15, 05:17 PM
Flash shudders around the Warforged, he never did like anything his magic couldn't effect.

"Greetings. The name's Flash, and let's be honest. I'm looking to survive because I put on a good show, same reason I wanted in these dungeons in the first place. Now that I'm here, maybe I can show off my real talents."

2013-03-15, 09:17 PM
Well Darien muses I guess if a halfling and a human had a kid, then it would be called a quaterling, and then if that thing had a kid with a human, it would be an eighthling. So on and so forth.

He blinks and turns back to address the dragon.Well yeah, I mean we will die. Thats kind of obvious. All things made out of squishy flesh eventually die. Even the not-as-squishy flesh that your made out of will eventually decay. He says with the tone that one would use to explain a simple fact to a child.

what happened to our predecessors?

2013-03-18, 09:55 AM
The dragon seems slightly taken aback by Darien's explanation, "Well, of course we will all die. Most want to put it off as long as possible, though.

"And as for your predecessors," she sighs, "they were...less than competent when it came to fighting."

2013-03-18, 02:30 PM

Dana is obviously not in the mood for small talk and pleasantries. "So, what is supposed to happen now? You put us in a cell, or?"

2013-03-18, 03:28 PM
"I'm hoping for some gifts first, myself." Marcus looks down at his worn, grey prison clothing. "Nobody wants to watch a bunch of dirty unarmed and unarmored people fight, right?"

2013-03-18, 06:55 PM
Darien seems a touch indignant at the behavior of his fellow prisoners.

My word, there is no need to be so rude to our host he says in chastising tone They have been courteous enough to give us free food and lodging. That straw I had last night gave me one the most comfortable sleeps I have had in a long time, and now you expect her to give us free presents too? Darien shakes his head If my old momma were here she would wallop you all something fierce. Well, she would probably give me quite the beating first but that is another story...

Darien turns back to speak to the dragon and asks in a matter-of-fact manner.

Well why did you have them participate in the dungeons if they weren't ready for a decent scrape? I reckon that is a bit irresponsible, and a waste of potential to boot

2013-03-18, 07:52 PM
"Yes, I'd rather appreciate being clothed like a lord, rather than a peasant, if you wouldn't mind."

2013-03-18, 07:59 PM
"I respect your point, Darien, and certainly don't wish to be rude to our most gracious employer," says Flash, "but being properly equipped would certainly be for the benefit of the audience as well as us."

2013-03-18, 08:50 PM
"They certainly claimed to be competent," she says, looking quite annoyed. "If you haven't had a chance to see some of the early dungeons...let's just say that the incompetent are weeded out quickly.

"You will receive your armor and weapons when the time comes for you to begin your first dungeon."

Kynathris rises to her feet. “Well. Now that the introductions are over, let us continue.

"You will fight your first dungeon tomorrow. There is not much I can tell you to prepare -- as usual, your first will be one of Vixicanthia's creations and she likes to include a little bit of everything to keep things unpredictable.

"Now then, if you will follow me, I will show you to your quarters."

She turns and walks towards the door.

General knowledge
The initial dungeon crawl for a team is not usually shown widely -- often just in the home towns or neighborhoods in a larger city of the participants. This is because a fair number of the people thrown into the dungeons really aren't as good of dungeon crawlers as they were hoping they'd be, and the crawls often aren't that exciting. It's rare for a team to make it through the first run without any deaths -- the better known teams are almost always compiled of the only people on several teams to survive the first couple of dungeon crawls. So it's not that uncommon for a patron to have had a rather disastrous team or two in their past.

2013-03-18, 08:53 PM
"Aye, Mistress Cynder..."
Spot DC 15

Marcus mouths "...ella" once her back is turned

2013-03-18, 09:26 PM
Spot [roll0]

Darien shoots a bemused expression at Marcus and mutters under his breath Must be some strange halfling thing

He then comments aloud
Quarters? We get Quarters. Well ain't this something, were gettin' the posh treatment. I wonder what my pa would say if he could see me here living like a lord. Does anyone know when the afternoon tea is going to be served?

2013-03-18, 09:42 PM
Gregory scoffs audibly. "Quarters, yes, sure, definitely not hovels where we're shoved for the evening. No respect...

2013-03-19, 04:58 PM
"Even if our quarters aren't that great right now... which, I might add, we have no reason to suspect, I'm sure we'll get sent to better places when they find out what big names we are."

2013-03-20, 04:13 PM
Cinder leads you a short distance through what you presume is a fairly basic, although well kept, draconic home. She stops at a human-sized door, and opens it. Inside you can see a sitting room and several doors leading off of it.

"Here you are. If it is not to your liking, Not-Lord Gregory Astrakein, I'm sure I can arrange to have the beds replaced with piles of moldy straw and import some rats and fleas.

"Now, one other thing. Even though it is your first dungeon, you will still need a party name for the announcer. So decide amongst yourselves what that will be before the morning.

"The bell pull in the corner there will summon one of my servants if you need anything tonight. I will see you in the morning."

2013-03-20, 04:25 PM

"Thank you." Dana enters the living room. "And good night." She seeks out a place on one of the seats and starts pondering on a team name.

2013-03-20, 05:40 PM
Darien starts talking as soon as Cinder is gone.

Well isn't this swanky he says while looking around. I haven't seen any place to rest one's head as nice as this in all my years. Although it does make me a tad nervous that we are being treated this well.

Darien casts detect magic in the room and looks around for any magical auras, he will also look around in any adjacent rooms while the spell is up.

2013-03-20, 06:11 PM
Exploring the rooms reveals they look something like this:

The rooms seem to be mundane, aside from shielding on the magical practice room. The furniture is plain and has clearly been bought used, but it is still sturdy.

2013-03-20, 06:14 PM

Dana sees Darien opening the doors one by one and then notices the library. "Look, a library!" You haven't seen her that engaged so far and she immediately heads off to inspect the books that are available.

2013-03-20, 06:26 PM
The books are mostly written in common and draconic, and are primarily bestiaries and books on magical theory, although you do spot one section that seems to be devoted to the history of the sport of dungeoncrawling. The books are clearly used and most of the books are quite large for you -- there is a good chance these were originally some of Cinder's schoolbooks.

Mechanically, the books give a +2 bonus on most Knowledge checks related to common creatures and creature types, as well as anything pertaining to the dungeoncrawl.

Fluff-wise, if you're leveling in a casting class or adding ranks to a Knowledge skill, these books will make a great resource.

2013-03-20, 06:57 PM
Scoffing at Cinder's comment, Gregory strolls into the living quarters and takes a good look around, inspecting each and every room in turn before finally proclaiming aloud.

"This is acceptable. As for team name, the decision is clear, Team Astrakein is the only option available to us that is both proper and accurate."

Saying this, he flops himself down on the bed in the bottom-left room.

"And this shall be my room."

2013-03-20, 07:07 PM
Marcus walks into the sitting room and spins around.

"Not bad, not bad. Ceilings a bit too high, but that's to be expected."

He also checks the area using his innate Detect Magic abilities.

"Hmm... anything with our number in it is out, because some of you will probably die. Something playing off Cynder's name might flatter her, which could help us. The Ashes of Destruction, maybe?"

If there are any books his size in the library on dungeoncrawling, he'll look at them this afternoon. Any dragon-sized books are too big, and he's not going to ask for help.

2013-03-20, 08:38 PM
Might be a bit difficult to wash the blood out Darien mutters as he leaves the magical practice room.

He calls out to Dana and Marcus as they enter the library If you find any references to this 'Vixicanthia' could you let us know? Now about the tea I wanted... He walks over to the bell in the sitting room and pulls it.

While he is waiting for whatever is supposed to appear, he muses about the team name "maybe we could something like 'Three men and two halfs"... Or maybe with 'five' in it since, you know, they are five of us. "Runaway Five" or the "Unstoppable five". But if we put five in the team name, that will sound very awkward then when one of us dies... We need something timeless, yet current. Classy, yet down to earth.

Therefore, we should be known as Team Satisfaction

2013-03-20, 09:16 PM
"How about the Dunguun Gangstaas? No, that's just silly, isn't it. The Order of the S- nevermind, that's just as bad." Flash sighs, then sits at the table. "Fighting Mongooses? This is hard. Maybe we could come up with a team color, or something, and I could prestidigitate all of our items to match?"

After his pondering is over, he sits up. "I do quite like Team Satisfaction. If no one comes up with anything better, my vote's on that."

2013-03-20, 10:38 PM
"I don't think that idea will satisfy the crowd's desire for excitement. We want something catchy.

Slayers? Solvers?"

2013-03-21, 03:29 AM

Dana comes back into the living carring a book and starts leafing through it absent-mindedly. "Something with fire. I am sure our new hostess will like that. 'Righteous Flame'. 'Blaze of Glory'. 'Burning Justice'. 'In Faith and Flame'. 'The Cleansing Flame'." She looks up to the others. "I like fire, and the elements in general. We could take an elemental theme as well. Earth representing our physical toughness, fire representing our offensive powers and air representing our magical abilities..." She ponders a moment. "Earth, Wind and Fire?"

2013-03-21, 02:42 PM
"Earth, Wind, and... yeah, I like it. Plus, I'm willing to accept anything that'll get us out of this rut."

2013-03-21, 04:00 PM
A few minutes after Darien pulls the bell cord, a window opens in the main door, at about waist height for a human. A small kobold is visible in the hallway outside, standing well out of reach of the window. "Did you need something?" she asks.

2013-03-21, 04:58 PM
Darien glares at Flash Team Satisfaction will remember your treachery, little man

trying to achieve consensus on this matter will be a greater challenge then anything the dungeons will throw us. I appreciate the elemental theme, although I'm not sure how my particular.. talents would be incorporated

When the kobold arrives, his mood lightens and he says
This is a rather nice set up you gave us here, but it is missing that homely touch. I would like to take Cinder up on her offer to import some straw and a few rats, although preferably ones without fleas, but I will not be too picky. Also I would appreciate having some afternoon tea as well. Thanks

2013-03-21, 05:02 PM

"Well, what are your particular talents, then?" Dana glances up from her book. "The beauty of the elements is that they embody all aspects of life, no?"

2013-03-21, 05:34 PM
Hearing chatter that does not summarise to 'Yes Team Astrakein is a fantastic idea!', Gregory gets back up off his new bed and once again wanders their new living quarters.

"Do you not think 'Earth, Wind and Fire' is a tad... cheesy? It strikes me as a game a group of small children might play, pretending to be mighty wizards or some such."

2013-03-21, 05:39 PM
The kobold takes a step back. "Rats? Straw? Mistress doesn't-" She takes a deep breath. "I'll go get your tea now," she says, before turning and hurrying down the hall.

2013-03-21, 05:41 PM

"No, I don't. Otherwise I would not have suggested it. And quite honestly, the fact that someone who insists on naming the team after himself does not like the name tells me it is perhaps a pretty good one."

2013-03-21, 05:52 PM
"Of course, have we considered Team Flash? That could stick."

2013-03-21, 06:19 PM
"Psh! I am the most prominent member of society present, it would be proper to name the team after my house. Simply because you do not wish to support me in this matter doesn't mean the only other alternative is a small child's fancy."

2013-03-21, 06:47 PM
Greg has a point,Team "Boring People that can't have fun" would be a unique way to approach this

He glances back to Dana

You say the elements represent all aspects of life? Thats only half of the story, and a very short and fleeting part of it. As for what I do. I'm sort of an opposite. It will be a lot easier to show then to explain

Darien goes into the Armory and retrieves a dagger. He goes back into the Sitting room.

Rather convenient that they are leaving all of these sharp bits of metal just lying around

He then stabs himself in the chest

2013-03-21, 09:14 PM
"I like Team Flash."

2013-03-22, 02:06 AM

Dana regards her surroundings and her amazement grows. There's this one guy who wants to name the team after himself, then there's this other guy that gets inspired and wants to name the team after him, then there's this guy that actually likes to be in a team named after the gnome and finally, there's this guy that just started stabbing himself in the chest. Her jaw drops and the book drops shut. "What about 'Loony Bin'?"

2013-03-23, 05:15 AM

The name is not going anywhere right now, but Dana also thinks that is not very important. "Let's forget about that name for now. We are supposed to be a team. You know, work together. Perhaps it would be good if we learned from each other what we can bring to the table when faced with a foe or obstacle. I'll start."

"I have had formal training as a warrior. I can handle most armors and weapons, but prefer heavy armor, longswords and shields. I am a frontline fighter. Also, I dabble a bit in magic. Healing magic and fire magic. I am also well educated, and I accumulated a lot of knowledge on many subjects. That may or may not come in handy."

"What about you guys?"

2013-03-23, 08:09 AM
From the library, Marcus hears this question and responds: "I can kill people and break things at a distance. Eldritch magical power, kind of eye-catching, which is how I got here.."

2013-03-23, 09:18 AM
"I am very skilled in the art of illusion and enchantment, and can have a hold over any foe actually capable of thinking. Outside of battle, I know how to avoid being seen and heard, and I have the ability to deal with a wide range of traps."

2013-03-23, 08:40 PM
"For the purposes of the dungeon, at least, I am capable with a weapon and armour. Similarly I am an accomplished athlete, have a broad range of knowledge extending from my proper education. Oh, and I dabble in certain battle magics, but nothing to compare with a focused study arcanist."

2013-03-23, 09:21 PM
Marcus pulls down a few boring books and stacks them so that he can reach a particularly interesting title on a top shelf. "...I need a way to climb better. Or fly, yeah, flying would be good."

2013-03-26, 02:58 AM
Gregory frowns quite obviously, making no attempt to hide it at all.

"It appears, therefore, we all have some semblence of magical ability, however minor... Assuming, of course, you do also?" He says, looking directly at Darien.

"If that is the case..." Clearly not waiting for Darien's reply, he continues. "Perhaps something to signify that? The Arcanists? Something along those lines? If you all insist on following improper procedure with naming, of course."

2013-03-26, 04:36 PM

Dana shrugs. "I can go with that, though I must admit it sounds a bit arrogant, seeing how we are dragon puppets. But perhaps that's why I like it." She smiles.

2013-03-26, 06:18 PM
Funny, that usually gets more of a reaction Darien thinks it always creeped out the people at the resistance. Or maybe these people here .. they Understand

Darien pulls the dagger out of his chest and drops it to the ground. He staggers a bit, and pull his hand to his open wound. He activates the Charnel Touch causing his hand to obtain a sickly glow. Suddenly, his wound heals up leaving no scar or other trace of damage besides his blood soaked shirt.

hm? He says, distracted from Gregory's comment. That's a good name for us to use right now, although we might get a better idea later on. As for what I can do He pauses, trying to think of the right choice of words. In a dramatic tone, he says:

I am the first and only Dread Necromancer

2013-03-26, 08:41 PM
"I suppose that will do, but I agree with stabby boy over here that we might want to change it later." Flash turns to look at Darien, and extends his hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm the first and only Dread Illusionist."

2013-03-27, 11:04 PM
At this point the kobold comes back, or at least you assume she does because a tray is pushed through a slot in the door and you can hear small feet fleeing back down the hallway.

The tray contains a pot of tea and a stack of five cups. There are four plates of cookies, and one plate of....dead rat on a bed of straw. The rat and straw look slightly damp, as if they have recently been washed, and a large skewer is still protruding from the rat's side.

2013-03-28, 02:06 AM

Dana takes a plate (the one furthest away from the rat) of cookies and a cup (one from the middle of the stack) of tea. "Looks like we have a job for the rat necromancer here..."

2013-03-28, 07:51 AM
Marcus takes some cookies and pours himself some tea.

2013-03-30, 03:17 PM
((I'm going to skip ahead to morning, but feel free to retroactively post what you did the previous night or early in the morning.))

The beds are comfortable and in the morning you find breakfast and fresh clothing waiting.

Not long after you finish eating, a male kobold wearing a red sash opens the door. "Are you ready? Mistress is waiting for you. Come, I'll take you to her." He sounds quite excited.

2013-04-01, 11:17 PM
The night before

Hmm, I wanted the rat for the decor, not for snack. Silly kobolds, besides, thats not a proper eating rat. Not enough meat on it. They washed the straw too, curses, that gets all the smell out of it.

He glances at Dana when she comments

You have a point, waste not, want not

He takes the rat and straw into his room, then comes back and grabs a cup of tea



2013-04-02, 03:44 PM
Having done nothing special last night, Flash looks up to the kobold. "Alright! This should be cool. Lead the way."

2013-04-02, 03:45 PM

Dana nods and follows the kobold silently.

2013-04-02, 09:29 PM
Marcus tags along at the back of the group, watching for anything interesting as they go down the hallway.

2013-04-02, 10:27 PM
The kobold, who is almost bouncing as he walks, leads you through what is apparently the servants' passages -- it's certainly too small for a dragon! You pass several other kobolds, who give you a wide berth, and eventually come out through a small door that blends into the plaster as it closes into a main, dragon-sized hallway. Directly ahead of you is a large door. The kobold opens the door and indicates you should go in.

This room is apparently Kynathris' sitting room. The walls, ceiling, and even the floor are marble inlaid with precious metals and gems. In the center of the room, Kynathris herself lounges on a bed of coins and other treasure. In a row in front of her are a row of five chairs that the kobold directs you to sit in. After you are seated, he bows deeply to Kynathris and leaves the room.

The dragon stretches her wings lazily towards the ceiling and smiles, showing rather a lot of very pointy tooth. "Well, it's the morning of your first dungeon. Have you decided on a name for your group?"

2013-04-03, 01:43 AM

Dana follows the kobold and seats herself. "Good morning. We did not reach full consensus yet, but if I remember correctly we decided to roll with 'The Arcanists' for now." She looks at the others for confirmation.

2013-04-03, 08:30 PM
((OOC: I'm going to have a whole bunch that doesn't really require your input happen at once, to keep things moving. If you want to go back and do anything at any point, just say so.))

Cinder nods and makes a note in a book at her feet. "A fair name. We'll see if it lasts."

She then spends the next half hour or so explaining the rules and etiquette of the dungeon crawl. Major points are that if the creatures within the dungeon surrender, you're not supposed to kill them (some are quite expensive to capture/train/hire), that you're going to be watched the whole time you're in the dungeon, so don't do anything you wouldn't want everyone to see, and that this is supposed to be entertaining, so try not to do the entire crawl while invisible or otherwise make it no fun to watch. Additionally, she spends some time going over what dragons are involved behind the scenes and who are are and are not allowed to talk to (mostly 'are not').

Finally, Cinder takes a deep breath. "It is time, then. Follow me."

She leads you back to the room you arrived in yesterday. Sitting neatly spaced around the room are five piles of equipment. "I believe that will suffice for now," she says as she directs you each to your own pile. "Try not to damage it too much."

((OOC: Yay, you now have the gear on your character sheet))

After you've equipped yourselves, Cinder inspects you closely and calls in a couple of kobolds to polish anything not spotless. Finally, she's satisfied, and directs you to step into a teleportation circle with her.

You arrive in a large room full of busy dragons. Several large scrying pools are being prepared, presumably for the dragons to watch your progress. In one corner of the room, you see the only dragon who doesn't seem to be doing anything -- an old green female. She nods to Cinder. Cinder doesn't seem to notice or deliberately ignores her, and the green dragon's mouth opens in an amused smile.

A male blue dragon walks up to you. "This way," he barks, shoving you roughly towards the side of the room away from the scrying pools.

Cinder whispers "Good luck" as you are led away.

You wait on the far side of the room under the blue's watchful eye for about twenty minutes while dragons bustle about and several cast scrying spells on you.

You're free to do whatever you want during those twenty minutes, with the constraint that you're being watched by the blue dragon and occasionally poked by dragons who want to cast scrying spells on you.

2013-04-03, 09:40 PM
Marcus looks around, seeing what he can learn, but wisely staying silent for most of the time.

I have See Invisibility pretty much permanently (24-hr invocation).
-Is anything invisible in the room?
-Are the dragons casting spells from items, or naturally. If yes to items, what item type, and is it with a single item or do they each have one?

Listen [roll0] and Sense Motive [roll1] for anything interesting, and political interplay.

As the twenty-minute period wears thin, he pops his knuckles, pulls his spiked gauntlet on, and sheaths his bare hand in a crackling field of reddish energy. "Showtime..."

2013-04-04, 01:59 AM

Dana undergoes it all in silence. She does her best to comply with the dragons' demands, but otherwise tries to avoid interaction with them. "Yes, showtime. Good luck all. And have faith." She smiles when she mentions faith and then mentally starts to line up all the acts of injustice of the dragons to find and fuel her inner fire.

2013-04-05, 11:13 AM
Realising that nobody particularly cares for his opinion in this vile place, Gregory stays largely silent through the process, though clearly annoyed at each dragon that pokes him or prods him to cast a spell.

As the time nears an end, he begins fiddling with his equipment - specifically his anklet - checking that everything is fitted properly.

"Faith will do you no more good here than blind luck. Trust in your skills only."

2013-04-07, 01:41 PM
Why would we need luck?

Darien cranes his head around. trying to take in everything he sees.
As a point of interest, can we keep anything we kill? and who is getting to see this besides you scaly lot?

2013-04-07, 01:47 PM
Nothing invisible.

Most of the dragons are casting naturally, but a few are using wands.

It's a bit too hectic to pick up much, but you do hear the one dragon refer to the old green female as "Vixicanthia".

The blue dragon glances down, "Yes, you do get to keep whatever you want, excepting anything that is kept by creatures that surrender, of course. It's your first dungeon crawl, so just whoever in your villages and neighborhoods is interested will be watching."

2013-04-08, 11:12 PM
After the twenty minute wait, most of the dragons who had been casting scrying spells on you teleport out of the room, presumably to show your progress to whoever at your old homes is watching.

After a few minutes more, the blue dragon receives the signal he has been waiting for. "Touch my flanks," he instructs, spreading his wings for you to step close to him. Once you are all touching his sides, he begins casting a teleportation spell.

In the blink of an eye you appear in a room carved out of granite. The room is barely large enough for the lot of you plus the dragon, and a single human-sized door is the only exit.

The dragon glances around to make sure that everyone made the trip safely, then he rears back and announces in a booming voice, "Once again, an untried team face one of Killer's legendarily deadly Dungeons! Let us see how The Arcanists fare!" Looking down at you, he adds quietly, "Go through that door when you are ready." He casts another teleportation spell, leaving you alone in the now almost empty room.

2013-04-09, 09:28 PM
Glancing around at the room and taking it all in, Gregory sighs.

"Here we go. Who's to take point then? It would be inappropriate for the most valuable member to do so, so I will remain second in the procession at most."

2013-04-09, 09:44 PM
"Showtime! We shall befuddle our enemies and bedazzle our viewers with displays of intelligently targeted eldritch powers!"

Marcus moves to the side of the door, indicating silently that someone else is going to go through it before he does.

2013-04-10, 12:42 AM

Dana shakes her head and steps forward to take the lead. As she walks, she turns to Gregory: "People tend to take you more seriously if you joke around less..." She heads for the door and when she gets there, she opens it (assuming the others follow).

2013-04-10, 07:42 PM
"I'm no good in melee, but I can handle traps well. I'll stick near the back, unless we think there's trouble."

2013-04-10, 07:57 PM
Marcus follows Dana.

2013-04-11, 10:12 PM
Om my gosh, what should I do. I totally should have thought this through more

Darien turns and waves to the likely perspective of any observers

Hey Ma, hey Pa! Look at me! You were worried that I wouldn't amount to anything, but here I am. And Audrick, you stole me five gold pieces.

He notices the door and the group's apparent indecision about how to procede


He elbows Dana out of the way and proceeds to open the door

2013-04-13, 06:28 PM
"Well, whoever's taking point, let's get a move on, we've got people watching out there!"

Flash sends up four glowing purple orbs with Dancing Lights, intending to add some flourish to their dungeon entrance.

2013-04-15, 11:43 PM
On the general conditions:
Unless noted otherwise, the following conditions apply:

The walls, floors, and ceiling of this dungeon have been carved out of granite and smoothed until they will not interfere with movement.
Ceilings are 8-10 feet high.
The doors are good wooden doors.
Regularly placed continual flame spells keep the dungeon well-lit.

The door swings open easily at Darien's touch. Beyond, you see a pyramidal room, triangular in shape and rising to a point at the center. Faceted blue gemstones are set into the walls, catching all available light. At each point of the triangle stands a faintly glowing, tall blue crystal. In the very center of the room is a large wooden chest with two visible locks.

At first it appears that there is no exit, but then you spot a trapdoor set into the very peak of the pyramid. There does not appear to a way to reach the door.


The only one who had an image on their sheet was Gregory, so everyone else gets lame tokens :smalltongue:

Also, let me know on size -- I'm resizing these smaller so you can see the whole thing more easily, but if it's too small to read, I can make the next one bigger.

2013-04-16, 08:58 PM
"Magic here! I can see it and smell it." Marcus pushes his way to the door and stands in the doorframe looking at the room. After a few seconds, he holds up a finger in a "Wait" sign. He'll continue studying the room for up to 30 seconds (5 rounds) unless he thinks he's figured out as much as he can before then.

2013-04-20, 04:39 PM
Marcus There is a faint aura of evocation magic hanging around all three crystal pillars and the chest. While the magic is centered on those four spots, it feels as if it's all part of a single effect/spell/something.

2013-04-20, 06:00 PM
"Just the pillars and the chest." Marcus struts in to the room, confident that most of it is safe. "They're all linked... it's probably a trap, but beyond that I don't know."

2013-04-20, 06:24 PM

Dana follows. "All right."

2013-04-22, 12:02 PM
Like a little trap will even stall the arcanists!

Darien walks into the room and proceeds to touch all of the crystals with his bare hands

2013-04-29, 11:39 AM
Flash fumbled for his tools when he saw Darien run off. "What the hell are you doing, I can disarm those!"

2013-04-29, 12:44 PM
As Darien reaches towards the first crystal, all three crystals suddenly flare brighter. Small bolts of searing blue light fly from each crystal to strike Darien and Dana!

Darien - [roll0] damage (bypasses DR)
Dana - [roll1] damage

The crystals flare even brighter after the attack.

Spellcraft DC 21 Looks like magic missile.

Map http://imageshack.us/a/img844/6151/room2r1.jpg


2013-04-29, 09:22 PM
"Silly..." Marcus steps to make sure one of the crystals is in view, then utters a magical syllable that seems to reverberate and resonate with itself, as though he'd said it four times at the same time.

Baleful Utterance on one of the crystals (preferably the center one, but whatever).

Shatter creates a loud, ringing noise that breaks brittle, nonmagical objects; sunders a single solid, nonmagical object; or damages a crystalline creature.

Used as an area attack, shatter destroys nonmagical objects of crystal, glass, ceramic, or porcelain. All such objects within a 5-foot radius of the point of origin are smashed into dozens of pieces by the spell. Objects weighing more than 1 pound per your level are not affected, but all other objects of the appropriate composition are shattered.

Alternatively, you can target shatter against a single solid object, regardless of composition, weighing up to 10 pounds per caster level. Targeted against a crystalline creature (of any weight), shatter deals 1d6 points of sonic damage per caster level (maximum 10d6), with a Fortitude save for half damage.

2013-04-29, 11:12 PM
Darien seems momentarily dazed by the magical blast, when he catches his breath he grins. Was that supposed to impress us? When he gets the chance, he tries his best to break the crystals using his glaive.

2013-04-30, 09:22 AM
Flash is going to search for any specific trap mechanisms, assuming the crystals aren't shooting right now.

Search: [roll0]

2013-04-30, 09:48 AM

Dana grunts as the magical missiles hit her, and curses under her breath. If the coast looks clear and the crystals stop shooting, she moves towards Darien and adresses him while she seeks her inner power to heal. "I see you have a death wish, but do you wish us all dead?" She puts her hands on his shoulders and channels her divine blessing. "There you go. Now, go stand in the back, or at least get out of our harm's way."

I use my Lay on Hands on Darien for 6 hit points of healing.

2013-05-02, 01:37 AM
As Darien and Dana get hit, Gregory sighs audibly.



2013-05-02, 02:16 AM
Within the blink of an eye, Gregory is next to the right-hand crystal, swinging his sword at it.

"I have no answers for this. Best to simply remove the obstacle."

Anklet to E5, then an attack.


2013-05-13, 06:29 PM

Damage (if relevant): [roll1]

Darien takes his glaive in hand and tries to swing at the nearest crystal, he misses wildly and giggles as the glaive clangs agianst the ground. whoops, hee hee, first time doing this

As Dana lays her hands upon Darien, he lets out a blood curdling scream. He scrambles as far away from her as he can. He gazes at Dana in shock and looks at her with the most focus and attention that the party has yet to see him give anything. "What was that, WHAT IN THE NINE HELLS WAS THAT!"

2013-05-14, 01:41 AM

Dana's eyes widen as she looks in shock at her hands and takes a step back. "I ehh..."

2013-05-20, 02:42 PM
New Map

Flash You do not see any specific trap mechanisms on the crystal.

Gregory Your sword connects squarely and a small crack appears in the crystal. Unfortunately, it does not look nearly as damaged as you'd like.

Dana You discover your healing is not quite as effective as you'd been hoping...

Darien You....manage to miss the giant stationary crystal :smallconfused:

Marcus For a moment nothing seems to happen, but then the crystal seems to pick up the ringing, echoing your syllable, before shattering across the floor.

Crystals The crystals flare again, shooting bolts of energy at everyone in the room. This time everyone is only hit with two, however, as the farthest crystal is unable to attack.

Flash - [roll0]
Gregory - [roll1]
Dana - [roll2]
Darien - [roll3]
Marcus - [roll4]

DM only
L - 10
R - 9
T - 0

Rounds remaining: 6

2013-05-20, 04:01 PM

Still confused by what just happened to her healing touch, Dana observed the events in the room. Her tactical mind starts ticking and she starts shouting commands: "Retreat and find cover in the anteroom!" She moves to the anteroom (F4), and when she gets there, she invokes her healing magic. Uttering a short phrase from a healing song, she touches Marcus and shouts: "Cover and heal. Marcus has the key!"

Moving to F4 and casting CLW on Marcus [roll0]

2013-05-20, 05:47 PM
Marcus steps into the room as Dana steps out, and utters another Word that echoes four times.

Baleful Utterance again for [roll0] sonic damage

2013-05-20, 09:06 PM
but how... why?
Darien fearfully looks around the room, and then uses charnel touch on himself

roll in the ooc thread

It's all starting to slip away..

2013-05-21, 02:19 PM
Flash looks around the room, and then considers his spells. "I don't suppose these things are sentient..."

He then looks up to the trapdoor in the ceiling. "Well, next best thing." He then casts Spider Climb on himself and begins scaling the pyramid wall.

2013-05-23, 12:11 AM
Flinching as the bolts of energy impact him squarely in the chest, Gregory seems almost surprised.

"Huh, weaker than expected. Well, fall back while they get shattered I guess!"

Saying this, he follows Dana around the corner.

Pull back to F1

2013-06-13, 01:10 AM
Flash You are near the trapdoor at the roof of the chamber. (You'll be there with about 10' more movement.)

Gregory and Dana make it safely out of the room.

Darien heals himself somewhat. (Did you mean to stay in the room?)

Marcus The second crystal shatters.

Crystal The single remaining crystal pillar flares brightly again.

Flash - [roll0]
Darien - [roll1]
Marcus - [roll2]


DM notes
L - 0
R - 9
T - 0

Rounds remaining: 5

And go!

2013-06-13, 10:17 AM
Marcus moves to put the chest between himself and the last crystal (ie to C3) and crouches, hoping that the crystal can't "see" him, before trying to shatter it as he did the two previous crystals. [roll0]

2013-06-13, 01:09 PM

Dana nods as she sees Marcus head off. She stays in cover and prepares to provide the warlock with healing, should that be needed.

2013-06-26, 01:58 AM
Since Loki hasn't posted, and I'm very unlikely to make this save, I'm going to rule that Flash delays until after Marcus.

Save: [roll0]

Edit: nope.

The last crystal seems to vibrate in time with Marcus' word, then shatters.

Of course, the trapdoor in the ceiling is still closed, as is the chest in the middle of the room.

XP: 240 each.

2013-06-26, 03:24 AM

Dana walks into the room and approaches Marcus. "Good job. If you are in need of healing, let me know." She then eyes the chest and the trap door. "Can someone inspect this chest, see if it is trapped?" She looks at her team mates. "We might want to deal with it before that door opens..."

2013-07-07, 01:55 PM
Flash, after temporarily getting distracted by the exploding crystals, shrugs and clambers down, inspecting the chest. "Hold on, I'll check it out. I didn't find anything with my quick search earlier, but I'll focus on the chest this time."

Search: [roll0]

Edit: Oh. If that fails, I'll just take 10.

2013-07-07, 07:38 PM
The chest is held shut with two locks. Your searches do not turn up any traps.

2013-07-07, 09:26 PM
Marcus looks at the chest again to see if it's still radiating evocation magic.
Detect Magic

2013-07-07, 09:38 PM
No, that seems to have stopped with the last of the crystals shattering.

2013-07-07, 09:46 PM
Darien takes the time to heal himself back to full health, he still looks warily at Dana.

2013-07-10, 08:06 PM
After looking the chest over, and not finding anything even with a scrutinizing search, he pulls out his tools and begins working on the locks.

First lock: [roll0]

Second lock: [roll1]

2013-07-10, 10:29 PM
The first lock proves stubborn, but you manage to open the second. (Since nothing happens to you when you fail, you can take 20 to avoid needing to roll a lot, if you'd prefer.)

2013-07-11, 03:05 PM
Yes, I think I'll do that.

Flash goes back to the first lock, taking as long as he needs.

2013-07-11, 03:27 PM

Flash is taking his time and Dana is getting a bit nervous, keeping a good eye on that trap door.

2013-07-21, 10:54 AM
Marcus waits impatiently for about 30 seconds, tapping his foot.
"If you're not done with that other lock yet, I can just Shatter it."

2013-07-24, 12:49 PM
The final lock pops open, and you raise the lid of the chest to reveal....gold. A slip of paper with a single word in draconic lies atop the coins.


2013-07-24, 01:41 PM

When she hears the chest pop, Dana shuffles over to Flash and peeks at the gold and the note. "Is there something on it?"

2013-07-24, 05:50 PM
"Great, gold! Maybe we can spend it when we get out of here. Which we're not. Out of here." Marcus looks up at the door in the ceiling.

2013-07-24, 06:01 PM
Flash stares at the paper a bit, working to translate it. "I think the paper says Congratulations. Marcus is right, that damn lock took up too much time, we're boring the audience. We'll count the gold later, right now, let's focus on getting out of this room."

2013-07-24, 10:54 PM
Flash & Gregory
When the lid of the chest opened, you heard a faint grinding sound, as if something mechanical had shifted, coming from the chest or something in/near it.

Sorry, forgot to roll for it earlier :smallredface:

2013-07-25, 09:59 PM
"Ok, somebody start climbing up there. Once you're through the door, a couple of you tall people can boost the rest of us through."

2013-07-30, 10:59 PM
"Yeah, we better hurry, that chest is making some kind of weird noise." Flash glances to his tools, still out from the locks. "Unless you want me to take a look at it. It sounds mechanical."

2013-08-15, 08:59 PM
As his companions stand around staring at the chest, Marcus utters another four-fold word of shattering aimed at the door, and then tries to climb the wall.
Out of combat, I can take 10, so that's a Climb result of 12.

2013-08-18, 09:36 PM
The trap door above shatters in a pleasingly theatrical way, showing you lightly with wood fragments.

Marcus' attempt at climbing the wall is much less theatrical, however. He doesn't make it far before losing his grip on the slanting walls and slipping back down.

2013-08-22, 10:24 PM
Marcus fires an Eldritch Spear at the chest, hoping to push it to one side with the burst of energy.

2013-09-14, 03:17 PM
The chest contains about 100 lbs of gold. Can your eldritch spear move it?

2013-09-14, 04:26 PM
The chest slides backwards, revealing the floor underneath it (and looking rather the worse for the wear).

As soon as most of the chest's weight is off that section of floor, a spiral staircase begins to rise up from the floor, with loud mechanical creaking. It stops just under the trap door in the ceiling.

2013-09-14, 07:40 PM
"Behold the power of Magick!" Marcus crows, flourishing his hands (with an eldritch glow around them) before stepping lightly up the staircase. He stops just at the level of the trap door and looks cautiously through.

2013-09-15, 05:30 AM

"Well done, Marcus!" Dana smiles as she appreciates the creativity of the warlock, and she follows him up the stairs.

2013-09-15, 11:23 PM
Flash treads along after the other two. "Finally we're moving on. If feels like we spent forever on that one room. Can't keep the fans waiting."

2013-10-21, 01:03 PM
At the top of the stairs, you are climb through a trapdoor to find yourselves in a corridor. After a couple of turns, there is a door, barely visible from where you're standing.


2013-10-21, 01:08 PM

Dana walks up to the door and inspects it, after which she turns to the others: "Think it is trapped?"

2013-10-21, 11:07 PM
"I haven't seen many traps that can turn corners. Back up."

After Dana & Marcus are back at the stairs, Marcus channels eldritch energy, flashing in both hands as he points at the door and utters a Word that Shatters it.

2013-10-23, 12:57 AM
Why did I think a warlock with that invocation was a good idea? :smalltongue:

The door shatters at Marcus' word, leaving behind a rather large quantity of splinters and an empty doorway still barred with a sturdy-looking wooden bar. You should be able to lift the bar free or even just duck under it quite easily, but it probably would have made forcing the door open difficult.

Beyond the doorway, there is a circular room containing a large fountain topped with a carved dragon. The dragon squirts water into the air from its mouth. The water falls down all three tiers of the of the fountain and into a drain in the floor, filling the room with the sound of gently splashing water. Three doors, covered in strange runes and barred from within, lead out of the room (not counting the door you are at).


2013-10-23, 01:09 AM

Gregory eyes the runes on the doors. "Clearly Draconic in origin." He sniffs, "They have no imagination. However...it's not draconic. Looks more like some sort of cipher."

He walks over to the door on the left and begins to examine the runes more closely.

Decipher script checks:
Left door - [roll0]
Straight across - [roll1]
Right door - [roll2]

I'll give you the results of his investigation after you all have a chance to do something or say you're doing nothing but waiting for the analysis.

2013-10-23, 01:21 AM

Dana stands around, waiting for the others to inspect the room. She stands next to the fountain, and has a good look at it. "Pretty fountain..."

2013-10-23, 08:05 AM
Marcus stands in the doorframe and looks at the room.

Detect Magic to see what's magical

2013-10-23, 11:56 AM
Marcus (and anyone else who detects magic)
Yep, there's something magical here.
There's only one aura, and it's faint.
It's coming from the fountain.
The fountain has a faint transmutation and conjuration aura.

2013-10-23, 05:37 PM
Marcus picks up a shard of wood from the door and lobs it into the fountain from 10' away.

2013-10-23, 06:02 PM
The wood lands in the fountain. It gets wet. Nothing else happens to it.

2013-10-23, 08:14 PM
"Gregory? Can you make head or tails of the runes? They aren't magical... but the fountain is. Something with changing and calling things into being. It could be healing, but I'm not sure and I don't want to test it."

2013-11-08, 05:58 PM
I apologize, I remember writing a response but apparently I either dreamed it or it didn't go through.

Gregory frowns. "They...seem to be clues. I think the dragons are toying with us.

"The one on the left says 'An obvious foe, but danger lurks above.'

"The one on the right says 'A hidden door saves much work.'

"I can't make out the one across from us, though."

2013-11-09, 05:57 AM

"So...we're looking for a hidden door then? Is anyone good at that?" She eyes around the room as she judges every surface for being a possible hidden door, but she couldn't find a hidden door if it was marked by a sign.

Search: [roll0]

2013-11-09, 08:23 AM
Marcus checks the hallway leading into the fountain+rune room.

Search [roll0]

2013-11-09, 03:21 PM
Rolling for Flash [roll0]

Even with Flash checking, you don't find any secret doors in the fountain room or in the hallway you came from.

2013-11-10, 07:54 AM
"Let's try the door on the right." So saying, Marcus walks past the fountain to the door and opens it.

2013-11-10, 03:32 PM

"Sure thing." Dana follows Marcus. "Do you want me to open it, or?"

2013-11-10, 09:32 PM
The door opens easily after you lift the bar. It leads to a short hallway with another door on the far wall.


2013-11-11, 02:17 AM

"Hmmm..." She looks at Marcus. "Too easy, or do we carry on?"

2013-11-11, 09:19 AM
Marcus checks the hallway for any signs of hidden doors or trapdoors.
[spoiler]Search [roll0]

2013-11-11, 12:55 PM
I apologize, I neglected to mention earlier that this hallway slants slightly upward and the walls are covered with murals of showing dragons flying through the clouds.

In the mouth of one such dragon, Marcus finds a recessed handle. Looking closely, he can see a thin outline of a door surrounding the handle.


Before he has a chance to do much else, there's a soft pop of a teleport behind you. A woman stands there, dressed in rich green robes. "So sorry, there's been a....slight change in your sentences. I'll need you three to come with me." She indicates Gregory, Darien, and Flash. Once they've come to her, she looks over at Dana and Marcus and says, with apparent sincerity, "I am sorry for this, dears. Poor Cinder, she can never seem to draw a good team. Well, good luck." With that she, and the other three former members of your team, teleport away.

2013-11-11, 04:46 PM

Baffled by the whole situation, Dana watches her team mates port away. "Right....Let's open that door and see what happens?"

2013-11-11, 08:45 PM
"Go for it." Marcus motions his teammate to the door, as he glances both ways down the hall.

2013-11-11, 09:16 PM
The door opens onto a narrow, winding passage carved out of rock. At one point you climb up a ladder, continue for a short way, then climb down a second ladder, before doubling back a short distance. You end up at another door. It looks like this door opens inward, towards you.

If you had to guess, you'd say you were on the other side of whatever room was at the far end of the hall you came from.

2013-11-11, 10:27 PM
"Gregory was right. They were toying with us." Marcus yanks the door open.

2013-11-11, 11:25 PM
This large room is set up for a fight. Overturned tables provide cover from the other door and caltrops are scattered across the floor.

Nine hobgoblins crouch behind the tables, crossbows and glaves readied for you to come through the other door. The one nearest the secret door turns, apparently hearing that door open, and yells in surprise when she sees you.

"Behind us! Damn those dragons!"

(Pretend there's a hallway where you are.)

The overturned tables function as low walls, and there are caltrops in squares A4, B5, and B7.

Hobgoblins [roll0]
Dana [roll1]
Marcus [roll2]

Marcus, you're up.

2013-11-12, 08:22 AM
"Surrender or die!" Marcus holds up his hands, glowing with magic, and points at the nearest of the hobgoblins. "Lay down your arms and live, or I'll kill you all!"

Intimidate [roll0]
Bluff [roll1] if applicable

Readied action to attack the nearest Hobgoblin with Eldritch blast if he makes a hostile move.
Attack [roll2] Touch
Damage [roll3]

2013-11-12, 12:47 PM
The hobgoblins fall into complete disarray. About half throw down their weapons immediately. The remainder argue amongst themselves for a few seconds -- the gist seems to be "the dragons hired us to kill them!" "they lied to us about the secret door, we owe them nothing" -- before also throwing down their weapons.

The leader says "Alright, look, we're going to all stand in this corner, here. You can go through the door; doesn't matter to us." They all retreat to the upper left corner of the room, leaving both doors unblocked.

XP: 675 each

2013-11-12, 05:44 PM

It looks like Marcus has a strong handle on this whole situation, so Dana decides to just be the silent muscle and follow her warlock friend to the next room, keeping an eye out for any hobgoblin out to do something funny.

2013-11-13, 08:02 AM
Marcus turns right and goes through the door on the north side of the room (F1), his hands trailing a glow of arcane fire as he walks.

2013-11-13, 03:11 PM

Dana follows Marcus. When outside earshot of the goblins, she whispers: "Good job. What else do you think there's in store for us?"

2013-12-02, 09:37 PM
Marcus walks through the door and blinks.

2014-02-07, 03:53 PM
Every surface of this room is covered in sheets of ice. In the center of the room is an enormous pillar of ice, stretching almost to the ceiling 50 feet above. A narrow, winding path is carved into the pillar, leading towards the top.


(Sorry, I had a terrible time finding a way to represent a pillar of slick ice.)

2014-02-07, 04:50 PM
Marcus walks through the door and circles the room, looking up and around for anything noteworthy besides the slick, narrow path.

2014-02-07, 05:07 PM
Make a spot check.

2014-02-07, 09:26 PM
Spot: [roll0]

2014-02-08, 06:42 AM

Dana follows Marcus and also has a look around. "Gosh, I hope we don't have to climb that icy path. I am not, ehh.... equipped to do that." She looks down at her heavy armor and shield and starts pondering: 'Can I burn that ice down with my spells?'


2014-02-08, 03:17 PM
The room is chilly enough that you wouldn't want to camp there, but not so cold that you'll be in danger just from being in there.

The ice is slightly roughed up -- definitely not something you'd want to be fighting on, but not too bad to just walk slowly on.

Really it's mostly just a path up an ice pillar. However, as you're circling it, you do notice some odd shadows -- it looks like there's something moving around on the top of the pillar, and whatever it is is solid enough to cast a shadow on the ceiling. Since you're just seeing the shadows, you don't really have enough information to tell what it is, however.

2014-02-08, 03:29 PM
Marcus whispers to his companion. "I think there's something up there, but I can't see it. It's not a dragon, so it's not the end or our way out. Let's see if I can get a reaction."

He focuses, an magic blurs the air 35' up the side of the pillar, as bats appear out of nowhere.

Summon Swarm, bat swarm. At 35' up, whatever's at the top of the pillar is closer to the bats than we are.
They have a 40' fly speed, so they'll get there pretty quickly.
Marcus will maintain concentration on the spell at least until something happens.

2014-02-09, 06:27 AM

Dana nods and whispers back: "Right...see if you can get it, or them, down here..."

2014-02-18, 02:07 AM
The bats fly quickly up and over the top of the pillar. A second later, you hear a pair of shrieks, quickly followed by frantic shouts in a language you don't recognize. A burst of dust and grit appears above the column, quickly followed by a small, humanoid winged creature that appears to be made of swirling air, flying frantically away from the bats. A second creature appears, this one looking as if it's made of ice and snow. It spots you and shrieks in fury as it dives towards Dana.

Air creature here played by whirlwind
Ice creature here played by icicle

Initiatives, please.


2014-02-18, 02:54 AM

Feel free to roll this for me next time, Savannah, to speed things up.

2014-02-18, 08:48 AM
Marcus moves around the pillar towards Dana and the creature that, inititially, he could only glimpse through the pillar.

Coming into view, he thrusts his hand at it and fires a lance of glowing red eldritch energy. "Begone!"

Initiative [roll0]
Eldritch Blast ranged touch attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Crits [roll3] [roll4]

2014-02-19, 04:56 PM

"Brace yourself!" Dana prepares for battle. Since her reflexes are fast, she trawls her memory for knowledge on the creatures in preparation and then starts an incantation to enhance her sword. Then, she draws her sword and awaits the attack.

Casting Magic weapon. +1 to attack and damage, and +2 to attack and damage from knowledge devotion (see OoC thread for roll). Draws longsword. Prepares to die :smallsmile:.