View Full Version : Ways to balance my caster, review and suggest options

2013-03-16, 12:12 AM
Alright, so I'm having issues with a character's balance within the party and want some community input on how to balance it out.

First, the rest of the party.
Cleric/RSoP - endless healbot. Even after he's out of spells, he can still heal up to 8hp/round to everyone within 30 feet. Also he makes undead explode, no questions asked.

half-celestial human SAD Wisdom warrior. Flies around, and uses wisdom for EVERYTHING (hit, damage, all forms of AC, hp, saves (twice!), etc). Smashes faces with a bigass sword.

half water-orc mineral warrior. Throws axes. Throws axes hard.

So my wizard is leaps and bounds above the party, and I need to balance her.

First option: force her to take one of the spell casting flaws
1) no fast metamagics and all casting takes one catagory longer (swift > move. Move > standard. Standard > full round. Full round > full round + effect starts on next round)
2) movement speed is 0 feet on turns when casting, dex treated as 0 for AC (-5 bonus)

Second option... That's actually the only option I've come up with. Ned halp plz

Third option: see above :(

2013-03-16, 12:23 AM
Second option:

Take warweaver and buff the complete party. You can be way stronger than all in theory, but if you buff every partymember they will love you for it. Besides if you buff the others won't even see you as overpowered or strong, but as a handy wizard to have around.
Take spells like the heart of series (water, earth etcetera), fly, teleport; become a utility caster instead of a you die (no) save caster.

Third Option:
Roleplay the wizard differently. Play him as someone that does not use magic for everything but only for the really necessary things. So use weapons (but be buffed offcourse) instead of conjuring up whatever spell it is.

Second option is easier than the third one specially since the third one needs a very good roleplayer.

2013-03-16, 12:29 AM
Unfortunately, the character is set on the build; so I need to DM myself around it. I'd like to let her play what she wants to play, but I'm going to have to gimp it accordingly since the player is an amazing optimizer.

2013-03-16, 12:34 AM
Unfortunately, the character is set on the build; so I need to DM myself around it. I'd like to let her play what she wants to play, but I'm going to have to gimp it accordingly since the player is an amazing optimizer.

I read it wrong in that case, I thought you were the wizards player. In that case how about asking her to tone it down or DM- fiat hits her.

You are the DM normally you don't need to use the powers rule 0 gives you but sometimes you do. Ask her to be a good team player and to not steal the spotlight.

If that does not work see if you can find a legal way around it. Lots of creatures with high spellresistance or even immune to certain spells she uses (but offcourse not with too high DR or such, because that would hurt melee).