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2013-03-16, 02:27 AM
Weeks in the wilds have given you a sense of security, but it's not an easy life. Few have the skills to survive so far from civilization, and fewer still can stand to. Either short on supplies or short on human contact, you've gravitated towards a nameless town in the trackless eastern Longmoors.

It's a strange place, like a block from the merchant quarter of Centerloch or Farport torn out and dropped into the middle of the swamp. A bit more ramshackle and seedy, perhaps, but just as wealthy and bustling. Here bandits, smugglers, and pirates trickle in from the seas and hinterlands to sell their takes to big city gangsters and unscrupulous trading costers. It's isolated and lawless, yet connected to the trade routes by a maze of channels and canals navigable by a few dozen knowledgeable, well compensated boatmen. In short, it's just the right kind of place for someone on the run from the government to resupply.

But that doesn't mean it's safe. Not at all. As anathema, there's a bounty on each of your heads, and there are no shortage of bounty hunters--professional and opportunistic amateurs--walking the streets. Never mind the many wretched thieves who would cut your throat for the boots on your feet.

You arrived this morning, perhaps by boat, like most, perhaps following one of the handful of boggy overland trails, or maybe you were mad enough to bushwhack through the marshlands. In any event, your shopping is completed, and you've settled into the common room of a nondescript inn and drinking house situated conveniently on the edge of town (just in case you need to beat a hasty retreat into the wilds).

A group of five sits around a table in the corner, gambling and drinking with equal seriousness. Two strangers sit well apart at the bar, a rather dashing dark-haired young man in a fine cloak and a scarred veteran with a bardiche as tall as a minotaur, each seeming content to take a solitary supper. In a dark spot near the door to the kitchen skulks a small, lean figure who fiddles with a knife as he waits for his order. In the corner opposite the gamblers sits a red-headed woman, her back ramrod straight in immaculate plate mail, and her humorously incongruous companion, an unshaven mountain of a man in scuffed, mud-spattered plate of his own.

The calm atmosphere of the inn is shattered as a man in midnight black leathers wrenched open the door and marches up to the innkeeper. "I will require two rooms--your best two--for myself and my associate."

"Er, of course sirrah. That will be 6 crowns a night, meals included." Musters the innkeeper after a moment of surprise.

"Is there something wrong with your ears, inn-keep? Perhaps some congenital condition, or you jammed your fat finger too far in digging for wax? I said require not rent. Perhaps this will makes things clear." He flashes something to the innkeeper from a pouch on his neck, but none of you can make it out from where you sit. The effect of whatever it was is immediate. "Yes, sirrah, m-my mistake. Please, accept a bottle of our finest to help forget this little mix up."

A perturbed "hmph," and a hand motion to bring the bottle forth is the man in black's only response as he takes a seat at the bar beside Roland (or is is Mikael?).

Howls and yips filter in from outside. Bors immediately recognizes the sound of his hounds barking up a storm from their stall in the stable across the street, soon followed by a muffled shouting from stable-keeper. "You can't keep those things in here," implores the man loud enough to be heard through the timber walls of the inn.

2013-03-16, 02:49 AM
Abigail observes surreptitiously the man who so rudely demanded, and got, rooms. "Either he's a feared crime lord/bandit leader around here, or he's from high up in the government. Not that there's much of a difference, heh..."

Joking aside, this worries the paladin somewhat. Government people out here in the middle of nowhere swamp could mean Familiars on a hunt. And now what? The stable-keeper making a fuss about new animals? "Bors, it's not *your* hounds causing trouble, I imagine. Perhaps there's some new exotic creatures riling them up."

2013-03-16, 07:08 AM
Viktor looked up from his knife. Sliding it back into the only visible sheath on his belt, he adjusted his seating and tried to get a better look at the man, trying to see if he recognizes anything about him. He quickly eyeballs the room, to gauge everyone else's reactions. There isn't much for him to do about this, as he doesn't want to try any attention to himself, but he notices at least one other person is ill at ease about the arrogant man.

The glimmering beacon of "LOOK AT ME" didn't seem to approve, which was odd, Viktor thought. Why would someone who opposed such people wear such bright armor? Such a person would be easy to pick out of a crowd. Maybe she was a spy, but Viktor doubted this too. Government spies didn't draw attention to themselves. Fools, and arrogant people drew attention to themselves, or people with nothing to hide. Dismissing her momentarily, he eyed her companion. He looked more like what was expected of a disgruntled individual. Maybe the woman was his bodyguard.

Regardless, he scanned further, and summed up the rest of the room as average adventurers. The massive bardiche stood out, but the man was apparently a pikeman, which didn't really set off any alarms in Viktor mind.

Back to the gleaming woman. She may know something about the man, and if he kept his identity hidden, he could escape later without her recognizing him in the street. Viknor ran a finger across the short beard on his face, then made his decision. He would nonchalantly greet the woman, then aim the direction towards the man, while seeming to be innocently wondering who he was, and if he was a big shot. He'd mention that he sold pelts, and he had a high quality one he couldn't sell to the more common folk, as it was a bit out of their price range. He figured that would draw little attention to himself. When his food arrived, he pulled his hood more over his face, to make his feature stand out less and picked up his food, bringing it to her table and dropping it on her table, then lounged in the chair behind his food.

"Ah!" Viktor sighed. "You two look new. Just enter the city? Or maybe I've just never seen you around?" Taking a large bit of the bread that came with is stew, he pointed at the woman. "That armor is a might too bright for you to not stand out though, I'd wager you're new. Travelers? Or refugees? Maybe mercenaries looking for your fortune. There's plenty of that here. By the way, name's Tom. Tom Small, I'm a local trapper. Deal only in large game furs, and mostly only the ones big enough to endanger the locals. Not on a matter of pride or anything silly like that, they just fetch better prices." Downing a swift chug of his ale, he smiled. "By the way, who was that man? Seems like the type arrogant enough to over pay for a pelt, if I play up it's value."

Viktor sighed, pleased with his meal. "The stew here is great, if you haven't ordered yet, I highly recommend it." Viktor hoped he brought enough random idle chatter into the conversation to mask his desire to know about the arrogant man. He was also banking on how nonchalantly spoke to make the obvious newcomers think this was typical of this city. That people just sat with strangers and ate. It had worked before, when all he wanted to do was chat, so he figured it wouldn't fail now. Plus, the woman looked to honest and earnest to suspect him of anything.

Turning to the less immaculate man and grinned. "Ale's good, huh?" He was a little worried the muddied man was in charge, and he was talking to the hireling, so he threw a comment his way as well, but deep down, he doubted the obvious outdoorsman knew or carried about the type of man who would have so much authority he could get a free night at an inn with the flash of a.... whatever that object had been. A badge?

Ah yeah, first roll is nat 20.

2013-03-16, 09:11 AM

Velisarius enjoys his meal with the flourish of someone who hasn't had a good one for ages. His armored coat, by long practice, was not on the way.

"A month. A whole month on the damn wilderness, eating game and martial rations. Not to mention the baths in the streams, like a hermit. And all that, after twelve years of service!"

The plate empties quite rapidly and just in time the second one appears. Finally content, the big man starts to chew on a variety of sweets and lights his pipe. His was approaching contentment. He has had a bath in warm water twice in two days, he has eaten real food three times a day and he had given Pip a good rubbing and some rest. Perhaps his luck was changing. Perhaps he could start making plans again.

And then the man appears. Velisarius tenses inside. He knows the type. And he knows their usual affiliation.

I am not sure how Knowledge: Local will work, but assuming it is something like Streetwise: [roll0]
To see if he knows the man.
And Perception [roll1]

When he leaves, Velisarius takes a new look around the inn. From the other patrons, three stood out. And now they were talking to each other. Velisarius sits back and tries to hear the conversation .

2013-03-16, 09:50 AM
The large man rolls his eyes at the shouting. Leaning in to Abigail, "Lyle and Faye? Don't take much to get them going. Mayhaps someone walked by with slaughtered chicken. Knew I should have had them stay out of town, but you know how they get."

He turns to the window, bellowing, "I paid they stay!"

Seeing the newcomer sidle over to their table, he gives the man a guarded nods. "No need for pelts here. Got a couple still walking about. Can't speak for the pleasant fellow that just passed." Turning back to his ale he makes it clear he is not interested in further discussion of the matter.

Gathering a crowd, might be time to shove off. He gives Abigail a glance, expecting she might share his sentiments.

2013-03-16, 10:31 AM
Mikael Firebrand II (Rostel)

Looking around, taking in everything, Rostel begins to get curious about the table, now merging with people. Traveling has taxed his resources more than he likes, and seeing a group of what appears to be hardened adventurers might be just the place to make friends, or at lest check the waters. Also, eating alone has become quite the norm for him, something he isn't quite used to. Walking over to the table, he takes his hat and bows, "Good day to you ladies and gentlemen, would you mind if I sit here? I am new to the area, and a lack of acquaintances in a new area tends to be the least safe option these days."

2013-03-16, 12:10 PM
The flame-haired beauty in plate (or at least she was before her change) does share Bors' sentiments, but...

She looks at the arrogant man once again. Abigail worries that he might cause trouble for this town's inhabitants...or at least a select few who are...different, if there are any. The lady knight, having recently learned sign language in her spare time, has at least taught Bors a few rudimentary signals. She communicates a few basics words to Bors: Stay. Protect. Maybe. Anathema.

As the small, lean, hooded figures appraoches her table, Abigail watches him guardedly but not with unfriendlyness. "And a good evening to you as well. My armor is gleaming because in these marshes, it will *rust* unless it is constantly cared for. I can't stand things going into decay." She ignores the questions about why they are here in town, although truth be told she came to buy some very important supplies: Healing kit and...soap. Yes, can't live without soap!

"As for that man, I don't know him, but you should stay away. He smells of trouble and he probably isn't used to paying for anything." Viktor notices that the lady in armor doesn't touch her food much. She eats maybe a quarter of what her companion eats. Perhaps she isn't hungry? Maybe she'd look a bit less pale is she had a hearty meal.

As for the other newcomer, Rotel, Abigail gestures to a seat across from her. Still not knowing where these two came from, she prefers that she can keep them all in her field of vision. "You are free to sit, but I'm afraid my companion and I won't be staying in this town for long, so we may not be the best acuaintances to make if you wish to make friends int his town."

Whenever Abigail has the chance, she will also take the time to study the arrogant man, then the two newcomers, and try to see if she can sense any evil.

2013-03-16, 02:24 PM
Rostel takes an open seat, and begins to contemplate the situation. Travelers most likely, don't seem to be locals. And not staying for long sounds like quite the opportunity. Travelers tended to be the most dejected with the state, making them generally easier to get along with.

"Thank you, allow me to introduce myself, I am Rostel, a writer and orator. As for you not staying long, I think you may be just the friends I need. These days, I haven't had too much to stick around in one place for.

As for where you are off to, it matters not. I merely wish to see the world. As a writer, practical experience is far better to write from than assumption and study alone."

Looking over the two, they appear competent to him. Better to travel in numbers, and boats are a little high profile. Rostel contemplated a few men on the boat over that seemed a little more intrigued than necessary.

"I must say, that is quite the set of armor you have. I figure you use it, not many travel in something with that kind of maintenance."

2013-03-16, 04:24 PM

Velisarius follows the conversation with undisguised interest. So. People heavily armed, with strange animal companions, trying to avoid detection.People who are thinking of leaving town. Velisarius has worked with less in the past.

He continues to take notice. Perhaps it would be worth also joining that table.

2013-03-16, 05:35 PM
The man in black pours himself a tall shot from the old bottle of brandy given to him by the innkeeper, downs it in a single gulp, then pours a second to nurse. He pays no overt attention to the pow-wow growing around Abigail.

A barmaid delivers another round to the gamblers as their game reaches a crescendo. "That's the red empress's court, right there. Read 'em and weep, boys," squawks a female player as she rakes a sizable pot into her already formidable pile of winnings.

Outside, the argument intensifies, though the shouting remains one-sided. "I don't care if you're one of Ashyra's own, personal soul takers, you're not storing your bags'o'bones in my stable."

2013-03-16, 06:49 PM
Viktor stares at the gleaming woman's hand for a moment, unsure if he had just read a secret message in sign language, or if possibly he was going insane. But as long as he was sane, which he was starting to doubt, the woman had said anathema. Which meant she had some connection to their plight. She could be hunting us! Viktor worried, but then calmly breathed. Stay? Protect? Maybe she was on his side, and they just didn't know it yet.

Viktor took a big swig of his liquid courage, and put the mug down. He lifted his hand up and said, while hand signing, "Wait!" He locked eyes with the woman for a moment, and then signed If you understand, ignore my lips, watch my hand. With that he went into a long winded talk about the virtues of keeping clean, then tangentially discussed the need for fine pelts in order to keep warm, and finally mentiond that he knew the area well, and if they needed a guide he would be happy to help, as he was both knowledgeable of the area, and low on money. While he said this, he signed to her, Who are you? What do you care for the plight of the anathema? Are you remnants of Laern? I trust you will not cause problems here. If you wish to protect the local anathema, you would do best by leaving them along. This bustling city doesn't care about petty things like that. This city cares about gold. Viktors hand rested for a moment, hesitating. You? Anathema? The burly man too?

Viktor felt himself surge with fear, but he swallowed down more ale and sighed with false satisfaction. "Barkeep!" Viktor called out in common, "Another round for my friends." Turning back to the woman, his hand twitched and then leaped back into conversation. I mean you no harm. I, myself, am a remnant of Laern. I find moral ground to oppose the government. Viktor paused for a half-instant, then decided not to lay his whole hand bare. While I may not be anathema myself, I will do whatever I can to help you. But if there is danger for anathema loyalists here, there is much danger for me, and I should leave. My offer to be your guide stands. You don't... Viktor sighed, and drank more ale. He was contemplating making the big reveal, but he was terrified that this was a setup. Finally, he decided that if these were spies, he had said enough to get himself killed, but if they were not spies, he needed to be honest with them if he was to get anywhere. I'm sorry. Bad habit. I lied. I am anathema. I judge you to be activists. I'm tired of living scared and alone. If you try to betray me, it will end in bloodshed, if you are spies you will never catch me, but if you are who I think you are... Then I want to come with you. I won't be a burden. But we should go soon.

Viktor covered his face with both his hands, then spoke between them, "So, milady, what say you? Do you have need for a guide?" Viktor could feel the volatile mixture of fear and excitement begin to work horrors on his stomach. He felt it knot up and regretted drinking so much ale. But if he had ever read a situation right, he was sure he had now. Nobody says Protect anathema in a widely unused communication system unless they are trying to hide something, and not something like being murderers, because there was no reason to hide that in this wretched society. Plesse, please let them not be murderers, or anything else horrible. I don't want to be alone. But I also don't want to die.

2013-03-16, 07:10 PM
Watching the man toss his hand around in a flurry, Rostel begins to question his sanity... Remembering hearing something about physical communication in the past before, and remembering the woman also made some sort of motions with her hands, assumes some sort of communication. Perhaps they know eachother? Perhaps their conversation as strangers is an act?

"Is your hand alright sir? You seem to be trembling."

Paranoia must be getting the best of me. Rostel begins contemplating how close his cane is...

2013-03-16, 07:20 PM
Viktor jumped at the question. "What? My.. hand? Oh that!" Viktor laughed. "It's just minor epilepsy combined with a type of physical tourette's syndrome." Viktor lied calmly. "Not contagious. But when I get excited it flares up pretty badly." He flashed a small smirk, then leaned in to whisper "Obvious tourists, major cash cow." He winked and sat back.

Maybe this one was with them, and this was a set-up. Maybe they were going to surround him, and then the man at the bar would drag him off to be tortured again. The thought made him shudder. His absent mindedly felt the mechanism just under his two layers of clothing, knowing that in an instant, he could be a flurry of daggers. That made him feel better. "Are you with them?" Viktor asked as calmly as he could. He felt the creeping paranoia wash over him. He shifted in his chair, ready to bolt out of the place. Those gamblers... he could knock aside their winnings as he fled, causing them to leap up and be in the way for the others if they tried to make chase.

2013-03-16, 07:25 PM
The loudmouthed woman at the poker table answers for Viktor. "That's no fit of palsy, handsome, that's the hand-cant. Favored language of mutes and sneak-thieves everywhere," she laughs. "Though the later usually isn't dumb enough to wag their tongues...er...hands on certain topics,"
she adds, a bit drunkenly.

@Abigail, Bors
The woman's voice is familiar. You're certain you've heard it before. Your memory flies back to to a lonely inn in the swamp and some business with a necromancer.

2013-03-16, 07:36 PM
You never replied whether Abby detect Evil in this room, especially on the arrogant man. Also, is that the voice of the woman we passed in that inn?

2013-03-16, 07:43 PM
Yes she is, and the man in black has a faint aura of evil, but it's overwhelmed by what's outside. You've never felt so uneasy--at least not since acquiring your current condition--there are a half dozen sources out there, and two are quite strong.

2013-03-16, 07:51 PM
Viktor flinched. "Miss. If you think I have some kind of magical way of making words with my hands, you've had a bit too much to drink. Which you clearly have, from your general demeanor. But I would too, were I able to win so much gold in one night. I spoke openly about being a tracker, because that is all that I am. Nothing more. Please go back to your drink, you are going to scare off my customers. Barkeeper, for the sake of my business, I'd like to invest a pint in that woman's mug." Viktor hoped the bribe would buy her silence. He had made a mess of things.

Viktor mentally scolded himself for such recklessness. The woman was a loud drunk, but he was sure she never got a good look at his face. He covered it a bit more, then grabbed the facemask part of his pickpocket outfit from under his peasant clothes, and pulled it over his mouth. He wouldn't let her see "Tom Smalls" face, and since Tom Smalls didn't exist, he didn't plan on being hunted down.

2013-03-16, 07:59 PM
"Much obliged, Tommy boy," signs the woman with a cheshire grin. Fortunately, she seems content to stop tweaking Viktor return to her game as the next hand is dealt.

2013-03-16, 08:15 PM
Well, pulled blades and drunken women are the peculiar topic of the day... The man seems just about as paranoid as Rostel does, likely not of any concern. The woman on the other-hand, appears quite observant for a drunkard.

"Well, palsy or cant, neither concern me, just ensuring your health. I'm well educated, but not a doctor."

Gently leaning towards him, whispering as quietly as possible.

"The woman back there, worrying you as much as I?"

Rostel pulls back, and grips his cane's head tightly in his left hand.

2013-03-16, 08:20 PM
Abigail can barely keep up with the epileptic PACE of this man...Tom Small's...conversing. She understands him well enough, but doesn't want to risk responding much because of how...OBVIOUS he is being. All she signals back is, 'YOU. OBVIOUS. DOLT. WE'LL BE EXPOSED, FRIEND.'

What she says out loud is, "I suppose we *could* use a guide, although we don't have a *ton* of gold. Let us negotiate rates later. Bors, I think your hounds are agitated outside because there are some...unusual creatures stabled with them. Cousins to the kind that...ended Honey."

2013-03-16, 08:29 PM
Viktor frowns apologetically. He makes the hand sign for "Sorry" and holds it for a long time flat, just on top of the table, so it would be hard for others to see. Worrying that his new friends will think he is an idiot, he starts feeling a little depressed. "We can discuss price tonight. I'm sure my fees will be acceptable. They are the lowest in town. Plus, if you can pull your own weight, then I won't even have to charge a defense against vicious beasts fee."

Fully covered, Viktor is glad no one can see his reddening face. "But, hounds?" Viktor rather liked the few dogs he had met before. "Mind if I take a look? The right kind of hounds can lower the price even more..."

2013-03-16, 08:36 PM
The lady knight places a hand on Viktor's arm. "Don't be so hasty, Tom. Stay awhile with us and let us have a toast of your...hiring." She hastily gives Viktor an update with sign language. 'Multiple undead outside. Stabled?'

2013-03-16, 08:43 PM
Feeling outside the frequent gestures passing around the table, Rostel waves at the barkeep.

"Barkeep, bring me a bottle of your finest, this man has been buying more rounds than he needs. A toast deserves a quality drink."

2013-03-16, 08:54 PM
At this point, Viktor assumes the man with the cane is with them, but is relatively sure this is not a setup. "Oh, why, sure." Viktor nods at the offering the finest drink. "Thank you kindly." He smiled warmly.

Despite the danger outside, Viktor was happy to have the social contact going so smoothly. It sounded like he would be travelling with this party now, at least for as long as they needed a guide. But maybe even longer...

We should leave then. Undead equals trouble. He kept his signing low now. What is the plan?

2013-03-16, 09:36 PM
Signing back, 'Staying. Protect. People. ALL. You go if want.'

2013-03-16, 09:40 PM
Mikael Firebrand II

Looking back and fourth between the signing, Rostel starts getting a bit restless, they seem agitated and secretive. Clearly they just met, but they seem startled by something, and in on it.

I'm not usually one at loss for words, but it certainly feels like there is something bothering you two. Is something the matter?"

2013-03-16, 09:48 PM
Viktor's eye slide over to the unknown man. With an exaggerated scratching movement, Viktor pulls a wand out from his bandolier, activates it, and puts it back. Assuming the spell went off, he pats the man on the back, activating the message spell.

Since the spell went over so well, he sends the message, "Undead in the stables. The woman wants to protect the citizens, if anything bad happens. Want to help if anything ends up happening? The fight outside is over the nasties."

Viktor then signs I'm not sure how we can rid ourselves of these things without drawing too much attention. It would be better to lay low, wait for them to leave town and ambush them. Again, Viktor signs with his hand on the table, so as to make it difficult for anyone not sitting at the table to see.


2013-03-16, 09:57 PM
Mikael Firebrand II

Smoothly, Rostel pulls up his cane, sliding it up just slightly enough to get the glint of cold steel pointing right at Viktor.

He looks at the woman in plate.

"By the way, still haven't got your name out of all this. It's not often that I end up in situations like this without at least knowing names.

2013-03-16, 10:34 PM
The paladin decides not to lie (as she is pretty bad at it), and answers truthfully. "Please, call me Abigail. Stay while and relax. I sometimes spend my time people-watching in my spare time. Interesting people." She then shifts to look pointedly at the arrogant man in blank.

She signs to Viktor, 'That man is Evil. Necromancer perhaps?'

2013-03-16, 11:00 PM
Tilting his seat to the side, to better facilitate range of motion, he glances with a smile to Abigail.

"Quite a beautiful name Abigail, I also enjoy people-watching, you can learn so much from the people around you."

Glancing at the guy in black, he smirks.

"Sometimes you see the best things life has to offer in people, other times though..."

He looks back at Abigail.

"I think you understand where I am going with this. Maybe coming into this town wasn't the best idea..."

2013-03-16, 11:25 PM
Viktor signed back. He'll sleep soon enough. We can visit him at night. Necromancers bleed the same as you or me.

Viktor drank some of the inn's finest and spoke aloud "If you want to lay up here for the night, we can discuss things in the morning."

Or do our business and leave before anyone is the wiser. I don't know how you do business, but I prefer to not be seen. Being anonymous has allowed me to live here for a long time without any danger.

Viktor gestured at the gentlemen talking with them. Is he with you?

2013-03-17, 03:38 AM

Velisarius watches the happening in the next table with a sense of alarm. Something is not right. Too much babbling, to much hand waving, too much politeness. He recognized the feeling. These people were on the move. Like he has been. And the voices coming outside and the drunken woman 's interjection made that all the more clear.

What can I do? I need allies, even unlikely ones. Ashyra, spin your coin on that one.

Velisarius very obviously and slowly walks out to the party. His voice is hoarse and with volume, a commander 's voice.

"Goodmorning to you all. I figure that since you are people who buy drinks you must be my kind of people. I am Velisarius.

I hear you are planning an excursion and have secured a guide. I would like to travel with you. I also have one of those"

he points at the plate mail

"and yes, cleaning them is a chore. But it goes well with this."

He nods at his bardiche.

"I think we can be good traveling companions. I think we may share interests.

Can I come upstairs and discuss things? I am a private old dog."

While the canter is one of awkward flirting towards Abigail, like one would expect from a uncouth veteran, Velisarius makes certain that both Abigail and her companion see his face. His eyes are dead serious and nothing but his mouth smiles. Whatever that is, it is not flirting.

Will they get the message? The last thing we all need is a misunderstanding.

2013-03-17, 05:05 AM
Set ill at ease by the new comer, Viktor wondered what it was he wanted. Maybe he had deduced their plans, and was setting up to end them before they could execute the necromancer. Maybe he was just a friendy fool. Maybe he would be useful. Hell, he could even be an anathema. They seemed to be cropping up suddenly. Then again, a spy wouldn't be so obvious, would he? He was likely merely just a traveler, needing a guide.

We should move. Too many people, too much attention. Bring those two with us? We can get that necromancer later.

2013-03-17, 12:51 PM
Bors quietly nurses his drink, having never gotten more than a rudimentary grasp of the fiddly and vaguely ridiculous hand cant. This changes when Abigail mentions his old, lost friend. A deadly flush rises, glowing even on his sun-tanned cheeks, moving above his thick beard until his while face is aflame. He stands abruptly, speaking quietly through gritted teeth. "I think I need to go check on the stabling."

A long-hafted hammer, with a spike on the reverse and a green cloth wrapped about the end, comes to his hand as he turns for the door, taking great, and obvious, care not to look at the man at the bar or their old 'friend' at the other table.

2013-03-17, 01:30 PM

Velisarius watches the unheard discussion continue and the big man leave. Why do they continue when their secret language has been read by a drunken woman across the bar?

"I think I will let you consider my offer. I must see to my horse also"

Perhaps the man would see reason. Velisarius follows Bors outside, careful to let the other man see him and his hands. When there is a chance to approach him somewhere quietly and without startling him, he will do so.

"Hey there. I want to talk to you. And to your friend. It seems we share some interests"

2013-03-17, 03:35 PM
Abigail gives a faint smile, as if amused, to the man 'flirting' with her even as she signals back to Viktor, Know only man I sat with. I not leave until people safe.'

2013-03-17, 06:56 PM
Bors throws open the door to the inn wide and steps outside, revealing a glimpse of a strange, disturbing scene to anyone who looks up.

A heavy four-wheeled cart sits outside the stable across the street, its irregularly-shaped cargo smothered under course burlap sheets and stout chains. It's whats drawing the cart that catches your attention, however: four skeletal draft horses. A man in charcoal-black armor sits atop an even larger skeletal destrier, perversely shrouded in gleaming mithral chain barding.

"I'm telling you, those... things will stress the living horses. Half my stock will die of fright if I let you stable here. You can park your carriage inside, I'll look after the cargo until the auction, but the rest stay outside. It's not like they need the shelter," the stable master heatedly argues with the mounted man.

2013-03-17, 07:17 PM

Velisarius watches the unheard discussion continue and the big man leave. Why do they continue when their secret language has been read by a drunken woman across the bar?

"I think I will let you consider my offer. I must see to my horse also"

Perhaps the man would see reason. Velisarius follows Bors outside, careful to let the other man see him and his hands. When there is a chance to approach him somewhere quietly and without startling him, he will do so.

"Hey there. I want to talk to you. And to your friend. It seems we share some interests"

Bors tears himself away from the scene, hands threatening to crush the haft of his weapon. He looks his interlocutor over with a wary eye. "We'll talk. Not yet though. I have...business...And I didn't bring a horse." If he lives through this, then we can trust him enough, I reckon.

He turns to the stable and gives a sharp whistle. The baying stops. Calling Lyle and Faye to his side. I presume they can hop out of whatever they are in easily enough, though if Bors recalls differently he'll go get them. This is more stylish though.

2013-03-17, 07:30 PM
The two hounds fall silent at their master's signal, and easily leap from their stall. Lyle and Fay give the undead horses a wide berth and a few token growls as they lope out of the stable to sit obediently at Bors's side.

2013-03-17, 09:10 PM
The lady knight notices that the hounds Lyle and Faye have stopped barking loudly. This somehow worries her more. "Something might be about to happen..."

2013-03-17, 09:33 PM
the hounds are actually wolves. The archetype was written for hounds, but I thought wolves worked better given how much time Bors had been in the wild lately.

The two sleek forms flank Bors, one black, one silver, but each unmistakably a full-blooded wolf. Only the imposing form of their master kept objections to their presence in town quiet.

The green-plated knight gives Velisarius a nod before turning back to the cart. I've seen the cargo such 'men' bear. The world would not miss them. I could tell Abigail that they started it...but she would know, wouldn't she?

He saunters over to the black armored man, feigning jocularity. "What's your cargo, friend?" His weapon rests casually on his shoulder, half a thought from a deadly swing. The wolves pace behind him, tongues lolling out to dissipate the heat trapped by their chain bardings.

Alpha pack make noise at dead things.

Eat dead things?

Smell bad. No eat. Where dead pack?

2013-03-17, 09:34 PM
Viktor watched the burly man go, then frowned. What is he doing? A fight? Should we get him? Viktor lazily gestured at the potential necromancer at the bar. Viktor pulled out a stick of charcoal and a scrap of paper and wrote: D.A.N. Druids Against Necromancy on it. If there was a fight, he would at very least redirect attention away from himself by leaving this calling card.

Gib this guy? Help your bud? Viktor knew in a matter of moments, he could be deadly armed, and ready to take that man out.

2013-03-17, 09:46 PM
"None of your concern, friend," the rider murmurs dismissively. Whatever is under that covering is alive, as you can hear the chains rattle softly as it breathes.

The mounted man turns back to the stable master and continues in a soft voice, "It looks like you've yet another empty stall, with this man's mutts vacating. I'll not be leaving my creations sitting out in the elements, the damp is rather bad for their continued integrity. You can either house them or join them."

2013-03-17, 10:29 PM
Mikael Firebrand II

Rostel looks at Abigail, and then stands up. "You know, I feel like I won't rest too easy tonight..." Walking towards the bar he motion to the barkeep, "Ill take a solid glass of your strongest cheap liquor." Placing a single gold piece on the table, he takes the poured drink and downs it. Walking back to Abigail, he puts one leg on the seat. "I have a strong feeling that I am going to have to write a eulogy tonight. When you move, I have your back."

Fortitude for that strong and cheap drink, lets see how drunk I get if something goes badly.

2013-03-17, 11:23 PM
Abigail speaks in a whisper, "We shall not make the first blow. Even evil men are presumed innocent until their actions show otherwise. However, does anyone have knowledge of the local laws? If the laws do not permit the presence of undead animals, then we could, as concerned denizens, inquire into the matter and kindly ask the owner to leave. If the owner attacks, then we can kill in self-defense."

It's probably knowledge (local) for local laws.

2013-03-17, 11:40 PM
Mikael Firebrand II
"I respect your nobility. As for local laws, I may have a note or two somewhere in mind."

Pondering for a few moments, he remembers the name of the town...

"Sorry madam, I believe we are on our own, this being a haven to scofflaws for a reason. Just be ready."

Knowledge (Rules Lawyer)(Local)

2013-03-17, 11:50 PM
There's no real rule of law in this town, seeing as its a wretched hive of scum and villainy. You can get away with pretty much anything, as long as you don't tick off someone stronger than you are.

2013-03-18, 12:00 AM
Viktor frowns at Abigail. Whispering, "That's not how this town works. Trust me, I've lived here a while. The winner of a fight has the law on his side." He continues on in handjive, Strike first, and escape into the night. Necromancers kill without remorse. He drew first blood years ago.

Being noble was how people wound up dead around here. He just barely made a new friend, he wasn't going to let her pride get herself killed. Your friend will need us. Soon. Causing a commotion. Kill him, back up your friend.

Viktor looked away at the man, sizing him up.

2013-03-18, 12:38 AM
Looking keenly at Viktor, Rostel pulls the dagger from his haversack and holds it in his left hand.

"Am I to assume, by your knowledge of this town, that this would be your tool of choice in dealing with matters like these? Well now that I understand where you are coming from, I think we will get along quite splendidly."

Picking his words wisely, he goes on.

"I assume you know how to dance with a partner."

If this roll is a 15, then my bluff to tell you a "secret" message would pass. I'm basically inferring my willingness to flanking manuvers. This is of course, subject to DM digression. Particularly if Bhaakon feels that it is a complex secret message, which is DC 20.

2013-03-18, 01:01 AM
Without even needing to think about what the man had said, Viktor could easily guess at the meaning. Go help your friend. Viktor gestured at Abigail. "I'm had some experience, but I wouldn't mind a little more practice."

((Situation went a different way))

2013-03-18, 01:02 AM
"No, I will *not* become a bully at best, and a murdurer at worst. It is *possible* for undead to not be evil, and as long as those things outside and their master do not threaten others, I shall NOT attack them. However, I shall see for myself what exactly are those creatures outside."

Abigail stands up quietly, and calmly walked outside. It is possible her companion is in trouble, like the others suggested, and she must evaluate the situation fully.

2013-03-18, 01:35 AM
Mikael Firebrand II

With a smile, clapping faintly, Rostel chuckles.
"Bravo milady, it does good to see someone stand for whats..."

Suddenly, Abigail's last statement slowly begins replaying in his mind, "...it is possible for undead not to be evil..." Not a normal statement by someone who is blindly faithful, like most upstanding individuals in armor I have met.

In a quiet yet cheerful tone, he speaks again.
"Interesting woman... What have you seen in your lifetime?"

Smirking, he slowly follows behind her.

2013-03-18, 01:49 AM
Viktor was ready to attack the man inside, but at the apparent sudden disinterest from the bard, Viktor shrugged. He would prefer to just skip town, or maybe ste up an ambush. But the woman obviously wanted to protect the citizens.

Not wanting to be left behind, Viktor followed the pair. "Nobody is inherently evil." Viktor agreed. "Evil is a choice. Things happen beyond our control, and situations happen that make other make assumptions..." Viktor had experienced plenty of hatred for simply resisting magic. "But some choices are inherently evil..." Viktor sighed. Like necromancy. Or other forms of violation.

2013-03-18, 02:56 AM

The situation is going from bad to worse. Velisarius gut instincts, honed by a thousand battles and skirmishes, are scratching like a badly tuned violin. Unconsciously, he makes a mental lost of all his things. Yes they have been packed, as always. Always ready to go. This is why he has taken to eating in his armor. He can be in his horse in three minutes. This is why he chose an easily accessible room.The green plated man has some impressive friends, and his posture smells of hostility.

But his is right, by Ashyra 's bones! People going around with dead horses are right, but he, Velisarius, must run, because that magical stuff does not stick right in his blood! This is what he hates, guys like this. Stable them or join them? He has another thing coming. It is made from steel and has an edge.

Velisarius 's scar gets redder as he silently gnashes his teeth. Slowly, he shifts the bardiche in his hands, like leaning on it. It would take a fighter to see that his weight is not actually on it, and that several pounds of bladed metal can be in the air in split seconds. Opposite the green plated guy, playing the role of the bystander, he catches his eyes. A small node.

I am here.

2013-03-18, 07:45 AM
Outside. When she sees the skeletal horses, her eyes narrow, and she is on high alert. How do the skeletal horses react to her, if there's any reaction?

2013-03-18, 08:10 AM
"None of your concern, friend," the rider murmurs dismissively. Whatever is under that covering is alive, as you can hear the chains rattle softly as it breathes.

Bors slowly moves, not exactly toward the dark man, but not away either, sidling toward the wagon. "Of course. Though it sounds like it may not WANT to be there. Some might take to wondering just what would travel in such fashion, under cover, in chains, pulled by dead beasts. Seems you might avoid a bit of trouble by avoiding all the secrecy, if you don't mind me saying. Friend. Nosy folks about."

The wolves stay hard on his heels, eyes fixed on the dead destrier.

2013-03-18, 09:20 AM
Viktor eyes the outdoor situation. Overhearing Bors, Viktor wonders what he is referring to, but an obvious conclusion would be that something is under the cover of the cart and Bors somehow knows about it. Either he saw it move, heard it or it was mentioned. Regardless, Viktor is less informed about the situation and decides to follow the hound master's lead. Preparing for the worst, Viktor readies himself for combat. His daggers are a flick of the wrist away.

Undead horses too? More necromancy! Evil filth. Who ever took these beasts from their graves needed to fill the vacancy themselves. The poor beasts... he wondered if the undead wished they could return to the afterlife. He guessed it depended on the individual, and their goals.

2013-03-18, 03:29 PM
"Brandon, what upsets the wolves? Is something the matter?" she says nonchalantly to Bors as she observes the situation.

2013-03-18, 06:32 PM
The horses are statuesque, no reaction or movement at all. Whatever control the rider has over them is complete.

"Nosy folks soon find themselves noseless in this town, friend." The rider murmurs to Bors. His hand drops to a dagger at his belt, perhaps to accentuate his point with some physical display when the cargo in his cart begins to shift and snort.

"Tembor!" Shouts the rider, raising his voice for the first time, "haul yourself out here, it's waking up again!" Inside the tavern, the man in black pushes back from the bar with a loud sigh and heads for the door, fishing a small silver vial and a large-bore injection device from his belt pouch.

2013-03-18, 06:44 PM
With a quick glace, Viktor tries to guess what that vial might be, as well as what the groaning thing might be. Assuming that it is a slave, and the vial is to keep it unconscious while it is transported, Viktor is not willing to wait for someone else to throw the first punch. Then again, the creature could be a horrible undead monster, filled with so much hate and malice, that even the bad guys keep him sedated to prevent a rampage. Viktor needs mor eknowledge before he acts, but baring that, he will prevent the injection if he can. He'd rather have to inject a monster himself, than have a living person suffer under slavery.

But before he acts, he tries to analyze the situation better.

Rolls, lots of rolls

I don't know which skill fits, so I am rolling them all...

Know: Arcana [roll0]
Know: Dungeoneering [roll1]
Know: Nature [roll2]
Know: Local[roll3]
Appraisal [roll4]
Perception [roll5]

2013-03-18, 07:27 PM
A wicked grin spreads under Bors' heavy beard. The hooked spike on the back of his lucerne hammer darts out to hook the tarp covering the wagon, pulling with all his considerable might. "Rise and shine!"

The two wolves fan out slightly, ready to pounce on the rider.

strength check [roll0]

2013-03-18, 07:31 PM
@darklink shadow
The sound of the cargo waking up includes snorting that sounds vaguely equine. That hardly rules out some sot of horse-like monster, however. You won't be able to tell more without a clear look at the thing.

The vial itself is unmarked and opaque, though the fact that it's made of silver rather than glass suggest that it's non-corrosive and either sensitive to light exposure or dangerous enough that a shatter-proof container is warranted. The syringe is strong evidence of an injury-type poison. You can't tell conclusively without directly examining the substance, but all of this suggests a certain sleeping poison well known among slave takers and certain deep-forest blowgun hunters.*

*Mechanically, it's drow sleeping poison, but no drow. So same poison, different fluff

2013-03-18, 07:40 PM
The spiked end of Bors's hammer rips open a jagged flap of fabric, revealing the rear leg of a large, ivory horse or similarly equine creature. The animal takes advantage of the small bit of freedom by lashing out violently, quickly smashing the wooden sideboard of the cart to splinters and loosening some of the chains which were anchored there.

The riders eyes narrow at Bors's impudent behavior, "you'll regret that, literally," he hisses, and launches into casting.

I'll roll initiative and have a map up shortly (or possibly after dinner, depending how fast I am). Until then, wait patiently

2013-03-18, 07:54 PM
Is...that a horse? The leg and hoof looked the part. Animals slavers? As she sees the man in black known as Tembor comes out of the tavern, she sees the syringe and knows that SOMEONE is being held captive right now. Making a quick decision, Abiigail meets him at the door, blocking him "Injection eh? Well luckily I'm immune to those. unless it's holy water."

The lady knight puts on an earnest face. "Please sir, would you calm your friend down? I think there's about to be a terrible misunderstanding between my friend and yours. My friend seems to think you two are slavers, and there's some anger flaring up."

Abigail hopes to delay Tembor long enough for the creature to break free.

2013-03-18, 08:13 PM
Abigail's attempt to defray the situation comes a split second too late. The man on the horse has already made his decision to escalate the situation, but Bors expected as much when he tore the covering and acts as the man begins casting.

Map & directions
First full round. Bors, Victor, and Velisarius can act first (yes, I realize that I used "Va" instead of "Ve" for Velisarius.


2013-03-18, 08:46 PM
HP:31/31||AC:18 ; FF: 14 (Uncanny Dodge) ; T: 14 +2 vs Light Blades || CMD: 18 || Saves: Reflex: 10 (Evasion!) Others: 4 || SR:15

At this moment, Viktor knew there was no escaping conflict. Rather than being upset at the bloodshed, as Viktor thought the paladin must be, Viktor was happy to have a chance to strike back at evil. This man was obviously enslaving that... horse thing.

Without a word, Viktor flicked his wrist, activating the mechanism in his right sleeve, forcing his trusted blade into his hand. Having the initiative over the thug with the poison, he lept, literally, into positon, and skewered him between the ribs.


Move, not leap, to F5. Knowing that the man isn't aware of the rogue's threat yet, Viktor will gladly get into better position, without having to try to dodge a blow.

[roll0] vs flatflooted
Confirm crit?
[roll1] vs flatflooted
[roll2] (Double on crit)
Sneak Attack!

2013-03-19, 07:55 AM
HP: 47/47||AC:24 ; FF: 20 ; T: 11 || CMD: 19 || Saves: W:1 R: 2 F:7 (Grind the teeth 4/day || SR:15


Velisarius liked to keep a level head. Battle was not the place to lose it. Anger, the rush of danger, bloodlust were all useful. But a warrior did not fight his emotions. This is what Velisarius knew. This is how he had survived.

But something broke loose inside him when he saw the rider 's demeanor. The avalanche of injustices, the hardships of living on the road, the horrors he had seen arcanists escape with, simply because they could, all came back to him.
Velisarius realized that he was growling and gnashing his teeth. As the rider started speaking his strange words, Velisarius' bardiche was already on the air.

I do not know if that counts as an AoO, since the rider is casting within V's reach. In any case, if it is, tell me and I will roll again.

Atk [roll0] dmg [roll1]

2013-03-19, 08:28 AM
"Hup to you mangy curs. Not a bite before I say." The two wolves slide forward crouching defensively.

"And as for you, fight like a man, don't hide behind yer spells! Look me in the eye if you want to start a fight."

Bors: swift to issue challenge (+5 damage, -2 to AC against anyone else), standard to use tactician to grant precise strike to allies in 30', everyone acts as if they have precise strike (+1d6 when flanking) for 5 rndsBors Oakstaff (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=532705)
M NG Human Cavalier (Hound Master), Level 5, Init +2, HP 42/42, Speed 20
AC 21, Touch 11, Flat-footed 20, Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2, Base Attack Bonus 5
reach, brace Lucerne Hammer +1 +11 (1D12+8, x3)
Lucerne Hammer +1 (power attack) +9 (1D12+14, x3)
Cestus +10 (1d4+5, 19-20x2)
Fullplate +1 (+10 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
Condition None

AOO for casting a spell (if not defensive) [roll0] (has reach)
damage [roll1] (includes challenge)

Faye 5' to K8, total defense, immediate to aid another for +2 AC [roll2]

Lyle move to K6, total defense, immediate to aid another for +2 AC [roll3]

Wolves:Lyle & Fay (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=532873)
Wolf Animal Companion (Bodyguard), Level 5, Init +2, HP 37/37/37/37, Speed 50
AC 21, Touch 12, Flat-footed 19, Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +2, Base Attack Bonus 3
Trip, Menacing (+2 when flanking) Bite +5 (1d6+3, )
Chain Barding +1 (+5 Armor, +2 Dex, +4 Deflect)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Condition +4 dodge (total defense)

2013-03-19, 01:21 PM
Velisarius shortens his grip on his bardiche and sends the sharpened hunk of steel on a stick screaming for the mounted man's head. The rider's skeletal destrier rears at the last moment, turning a possibly mortal wound into a deep gash in the thigh. The rearing abomination lashes out with its hooves as Velisarius recovers from the swing, landing a punishing blow to the soldier's clavicle.

10 HP damage

The rider grimaces in pain as blood pouts down his leg, but continues his casting, taking care not to leave himself open to more attacks. He points his finger at Bors as his spell reaches a crescendo, sending a crushing wave of regret and remorse to wash over the big man. "You call me a coward," the rider snipes, "yet you hide behind your curs! You ought to be ashamed of yourself."

DC 21 Will save or fall under effects of Terrible Remorse (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/t/terrible-remorse), dealing 11 damage to yourself

The man in black blinks in surprise as he reaches the door of the inn to discover a full-fledged melee breaking out. He immediately drops the vial and syringe and grabs for his dagger and rapier, but Viktor is faster. The smaller man has his dagger planted in the dark man's kidney before the poison hits the ground.

The man in black wheels before Viktor can drive the blade deep enough to turn the blow mortal, but only just. Still spinning, he whips out his own weapons and sets to work, his subtle strikes and parries revealing a style of dueling more suggestive of an urbane courtier than a simple blackguard. His deceptive sword work wears away at Victor's defenses, delivering a dozen minor nicks and jabs that add up to real injury.

7 damage. He actually just has two attacks, but I like my description better.

The creature in the cart continues to thrash against it chains, but makes scant progress. Perhaps it can work its way free in time, but not in the next few minutes. The skeletal horses stand impassive, mindlessly oblivious to the battle erupting out around them.

Everyone is up.

2013-03-19, 01:33 PM
Bors succumbs to the spell, immediately impaling his thigh with the spike of his weapon. He manages to gasp out "Sic".

The wolves waste no time acting, leaping toward the rider, seeking to tear him from the saddle with savage fangs.

Lyle-moves to L6

Lyle: bite [roll0] (+5 base, +4 from flanking due to menacing property)
damage [roll1]
bonus damage [roll2] (from precise strike)
free trip [roll3]
free re-roll from tandem trip [roll4]

Faye: bite [roll5] (+5 base, +4 from flanking due to menacing property)
damage [roll6]
bonus damage [roll7]
free trip [roll8]
free re-roll from tandem trip [roll9]

2013-03-19, 02:38 PM
Finally seeing an opportunity, Rostel maneuver's gracefully into position opposite Viktor.

Lashing out his cloak, he attempts to remove one of the man in black's weapon from him. Grabbing it into his hand if he pulls it off.

Acrobatics check to avoid an attack of opportunity.

Disarm attempt (3BAB + 4DEX +2 Trip Wep + 2 Improved Trip)
*Note, according some sources, if you have weapon finesse, and you use a weapon in your combat maneuver, (trip, disarm, sunder) you can use your dex instead of strength. If this doesn't count for you, then just subtract 4 from the result, and we can work it out later.

If the weapon is disarmed, I will be equipped with it, pulling it into a free hand.

2013-03-19, 02:51 PM

Velisarius takes the nightmarish destrier 's hit in his plate, grunting from the impact. He could feel the bruises forming. He growls, a primitive sound.

"You will bleed for me some more!"

Taking a step back, he lengthens the grip of his bardiche, even as he swirls the haft from his hip.

Atk [roll0] Dmg [roll1], taking a 5ft step back and lengthening the haft again.

EDIT: Actually it is +16, not+13 at dmg, so please add 5 to the amount

2013-03-19, 03:39 PM
Abigail the Paladin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=534287)
HP: 57/57
Saves: 14F / 7R / 7W
AC: 20 = 9 ARMOR + 1 DEX
CMB: 19 = 5 BAB + 3 STR + 1 DEX
Conditions: LoH 8/8, Smite Evil 2/2, Aura of Courage 10ft,

Abigail shouts, "TOM SMALL, IF YOU MURDER THAT MAN, YOU WILL ANSWER TO ME! We've got a bigger problem. There's a magician who controls undead over there CASTING SPELLS at us."

Abigail basically talks as free action and Delays until an appropriate time to act.

2013-03-19, 08:45 PM
Bors pulls his weapon free from his leg and raises it high, death in his eyes. Without a word he swings in a mighty arc.

power attack [roll0] (includes +4 for flanking)
damage [roll1] (includes +5 for challenge)
bonus damage for flanking [roll2]

statusBors Oakstaff (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=532705)
M NG Human Cavalier (Hound Master), Level 5, Init +2, HP 31/42, Speed 20
AC 21, Touch 11, Flat-footed 20, Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2, Base Attack Bonus 5
reach, brace Lucerne Hammer +1 +11 (1D12+8, x3)
Lucerne Hammer +1 (power attack) +9 (1D12+14, x3)
Cestus +10 (1d4+5, 19-20x2)
Fullplate +1 (+10 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
Condition terrible remorse

2013-03-19, 11:42 PM
HP:20/31||AC:18 ; FF: 14 (Uncanny Dodge) ; T: 14 +2 vs Light Blades || CMD: 18 || Saves: Reflex: 10 (Evasion!) Others: 4 || SR:15

Grimacing, Viktor defends himself as best as he can. "Unfortunately for you, I've trained in how defend myself from thugs like you." Viktor says, as he dodges and parries as many of the slashes as he can. "Oops. Better practice more." He said as the majority strike him anyways.

In a great flanking position, with his opponent apparently losing his rapier, Viktor couldn't feel better. Bors' challenge to the spell caster made him feel great too, somehow, more aware of his surroundings. Using that, he strikes areas a little more tender on his opponent.


Attack 1
Confirm 1
Bor's Helpful Extra d6

Attack 2
Confirm 2
Bor's Helpful Extra d6

oops, -2 on all to hits. Forgot about penalty for TWF
But one crit! Yeaaaah!

2013-03-20, 12:09 AM
"You do more than knock him out before we know more, then *I* shall be your next opponent. ATTACK the NECROMANCER instead!"

2013-03-20, 12:20 AM
Mikael's cape snaps out and wraps around Tembor's rapier like a starved constrictor, wrenching the thin blade from the man's hand and leaving a mile-wide opening for Viktor to drive his dagger into the man's gut. But the man in black isn't quite through, he managed to drive his own short blade clean through the smaller man's forearm, until an inch of bloody steel rips out the other side.

4 damage

Outside, the rider is pressed from all sides. Lyle leaps up to grab on the man's leg, holding him fast in vice-like jaws while hammer and bardiche finish the job. Face pounded flat and belly sliced open to the spine, the remains of the man flops backwards and out of his saddle.

No longer tethered by their master's magic, the horses revert to their unnatural state as remorseless agents of death. The riderless destrier rears again, a perverse imitation of a living mount, and leaps at Velisarius, once more landing a heavy hoof-blow

6 damage

The skeletal draft horses' previous calm evaporates in an instant. They strain against their harness, snapping rope and tearing leather as they pull in four disparate directions. The cart's rigging won't hold long under their assault.

@ Bors
Another DC 21 Will save or 7 damage


2013-03-20, 01:08 AM
Abigail the Paladin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=534287)
HP: 57/57
Saves: 14F / 7R / 7W
AC: 20 = 9 ARMOR + 1 DEX
CMB: 19 = 5 BAB + 3 STR + 1 DEX
Conditions: LoH 6/8, Smite Evil 2/2, Aura of Courage 10ft,


The paladin gathers her prayers, and closes her eyes, suddenly becoming a spot of calm in what is quickly becoming a hurricane of violence. White, soothing light emanates from her, and blanket the undead in the area. She then draws a greatsword from its sheath.

Assert Initiative.
5ft step to 7-G
Channel positive energy. Damage undead option. Exclude herself. [roll0]

2013-03-20, 02:59 AM

HP: 47/16||AC:24 ; FF: 20 ; T: 11 || CMD: 19 || Saves: W:1 R: 2 F:7 (Grind the teeth 4/day || SR:15

Velisarius once again rings like a muted bell as the skeletal destrier hits him. He could feel his ribs straining and bruising. His anger has crystallized into a focused energy. Undead and mages. Both will perish.

Atk the destrier from 10ft away [roll0] dmg [roll1]

2013-03-20, 03:07 AM
HP:16/31||AC:18 ; FF: 14 (Uncanny Dodge) ; T: 14 +2 vs Light Blades || CMD: 18 || Saves: Reflex: 10 (Evasion!) Others: 4 || SR:15

No longer having any need for words, Viktor focuses on the combat at hand. This man has already brought Viktor down enough that he is starting to worry about his own health. Because of the insistance to not kill him, and the fact the man is now laying on the ground, Viktor drops his daggers, the main hand one falling to hang my the cord tied to his wrist, and the other falling to the ground. With knowledge of where to punch for extra damage, Vikto goes for the throat, punching the man twice.


Attack 1
Confirm 1
Crit: [roll3]
Bor's Helpful Extra d6

Attack 2
Confirm 2
Crit: [roll9]
Bor's Helpful Extra d6

Treat all attack rolls as +1 of what I rolled. (+2 for meleeing a fallen target, -1 for non-enchanted fists.) Damage would be the same, however,

2013-03-20, 08:15 AM
Bors face changes, becoming a mask of grief. "My fault, my fault, my fault," as he strikes a blow against his own helmet with the haft of his hammer. The pain gives him a moment of clarity, long enough to turn and strike one of the dead horses pulling the wagon.

Bors - power attack vs the nearest horse
damage [roll1]

status Bors Oakstaff (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=532705)
M NG Human Cavalier (Hound Master), Level 5, Init +2, HP 24/42, Speed 20
AC 21, Touch 11, Flat-footed 20, Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2, Base Attack Bonus 5
reach, brace Lucerne Hammer +1 +11 (1D12+8, x3)
Lucerne Hammer +1 (power attack) +9 (1D12+14, x3)
Cestus +10 (1d4+5, 19-20x2)
Fullplate +1 (+10 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
Condition None

"Stay on that beast," he calls to the wolves. They advance, fangs grasping for rotting legs.

Lyle to L6
attack [roll2]
damage [roll3]
bonus damage [roll4]
trip [roll5] [roll6]

Faye to L8
attack [roll7]
damage [roll8]
bonus damage [roll9]
trip [roll10] [roll11]

Lyle & Fay (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=532873)
Wolf Animal Companion (Bodyguard), Level 5, Init +2, HP 37/37/37/37, Speed 50
AC 21, Touch 12, Flat-footed 19, Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +2, Base Attack Bonus 3
Trip, Menacing (+2 when flanking) Bite +5 (1d6+3, )
Chain Barding +1 (+5 Armor, +2 Dex, +4 Deflect)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Condition None

2013-03-20, 09:50 AM
Mikael Firebrand II
Stat Block

Mikael Firebrand II (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=534270)
HP: 29/29 /// Saves: 2F / 7R / 5W [+4 vs Bardic, Sonic, or Lang. Dependant]
AC: 16 Touch: 13 Flat: 13
Conditions: Spell Resistance 15, Flanking

"Oh lovely, a Necromancer...

Quickly, Rostel attempts to snap his cloak around his opponent's legs.

"Exit blocked Abbs, no way to get to ya'."

Trip attempt (3BAB + 4DEX +2TripWep +2ImpTrip +2Flanking (13))
*Note, Flanking may or may not apply to combat maneuvers, if it doesn't, just subtract 2 from the total roll.

2013-03-20, 10:34 PM
Lyle and Fay stick on the skeletal destrier's hooves, the later even managing to lock her jaws around the thing's rear leg and crack open one of the long bones there. It's an injury which would drive a responsible rider to put his horse down, but doesn't even slow the necromancer's mount down.

Bors tries to put down the nearest draft horse, but he's hampered by his unnatural grief and self-inflicted wounds. The half-hearted swing of his hammer falls well short of the mark.

Velisarius backs away again, clearing space for a full swing of his wickedly sharp polearm. The heavy blade blasts through the undead beast's rib cage and into the empty space where its vitals one nestled. Another mortal blow--if the target was living. Thankfully, the force of the attack knocks the horse off-balance, and its snapping jaws and kicking hooves fly wide of the wily veteran warrior.

Back inside the inn, Miakael's cape twists and knots around Tembor's ankle like the grasping tentacle of some undersea monstrosity. A swift yank is enough to upend the man in black's footing, and he falls heavily on his rump. Viktor is quick to take advantage, delivering a one-two combination that knocks the downed man unconscious.

The skeletal draft team continues to pull their harness apart outside. The web of leather and wood has nearly sheared through, damage that has compromised the structure of the cart itself. The living cargo, sensing the slackening grasp of its prison, redoubles its efforts. Chunks of wood fly under the assault of powerful hoof-blows, and a foot-long spike of twisting ivory pierces through the heavy burlap.

Quick to head off the danger of the undead horses, Abigail calls on the blessing of her divine patron. The resulting pulse of light sooths the living, but the animated skeletons shudder and shy from the glow, shaking their heads in perverse imitation of a living horse with some irritating insect buzzing in its eye.


2013-03-20, 10:58 PM
HP:16/31||AC:18 ; FF: 14 (Uncanny Dodge) ; T: 14 +2 vs Light Blades || CMD: 18 || Saves: Reflex: 10 (Evasion!) Others: 4 || SR:15

Viktor looks calmly at the downed man. He seemed to be legitimately down, and there were other threats nearby. "Sorry about the mess, innkeeper." Viktor calls to the man who had just witnessed 18 seconds of violence. "We'll clean up later. But quickly, tell me what you know about this man, so we know what to do with him."

With that, Viktor bounds up onto the cart with the trashing animal. With a flick of the wrist, his dagger was back in his hand, and he began trying to free the enslaved animal, seeing that as a more dire need than killing the beasts. If not handed properly, this animal might hurt itself badly trying to get free. And those horses were likely to just stay here and fight. He mutters to the horse creature in Sylvan: "Calm down, you! We're rescuing you. Once you're free, don't attack any of the people. You can help up with the undead horses, or you can run. Your choice." Viktor didn't know whether the creature would understand him, but he figured it was worth the effort just in case.

2013-03-20, 11:43 PM
Mikael Firebrand II
Stat Block

Mikael Firebrand II (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=534270)
HP: 29/29 /// Saves: 2F / 7R / 5W [+4 vs Bardic, Sonic, or Lang. Dependant]
AC: 16 Touch: 13 Flat: 13
Conditions: Spell Resistance 15, Flanking

"I am really sorry about the actions of my friend, I really think he overreacted to your presence. Still though, you where abrasive."

He pulls out a pair of masterwork manacles from his Handy Haversack and begins locking him into them.

2013-03-20, 11:46 PM
Abigail the Paladin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=534287)
HP: 57/57
Saves: 14F / 7R / 7W
AC: 18 = 9 ARMOR + 1 DEX - 2 CHARGE
CMB: 19 = 5 BAB + 3 STR + 1 DEX
Conditions: LoH 6/8, Smite Evil 1/2, Aura of Courage 10ft, Smite Evil vs Destrier, Precise Strike 3 rnds left

"May the heavens guide my strike..."

Abigail looks the skeletal destriud straight in its hollow eye sockets, and vows to end its destructive ways. Her greatsword ready, the lady knight rushes forward to try to CLEAVE it in twain!

Swift Action: Use Smite Evil on Destrius.
Power Attack: -2/+6
Full-round action: Charge the Destrius using greatsword, stopping at 7-M.
Attack [+5 Smite, +2 Flanking, +2 Charge, -2 PA]: [roll0]
Damage [+10 Smite, +1d6 SA, +6 PA]: [roll1]

2013-03-20, 11:51 PM
Forgot that Abby doesn't have Power Attack. The rolls become:
Attack: 20
Damage: 24

2013-03-21, 12:10 AM
The mount is dead. I mean dead-er. Inanimate, even

2013-03-21, 01:03 AM

Velisarius always had problems understanding these moral characters. When someone attacked you, or was an ally of someone who attacked you, you fed him steel, and he did the same. That was the world worked. But apologizing? He would never understand.

But though moral philosophy was not his strong suite, the feeding steel part was. Velisarius moves near the undead horses, careful to stay away from their feet, and starts to smash them to splinters.

Staying 10ft away in front of them, and cleaving
Atk [roll0] dmg [roll1]
If a hit, cleave to the next
Atk [roll2] dmg [roll3]

2013-03-21, 07:48 AM
Bors carries his miss into a low guard, quickly snapping his hip forward and sending the hammerhead back out in a horizontal arc before resuming his lament, continuing to wound himself.

Bors will [roll0] or [roll1]
attack [roll2]
damage [roll3]

The two wolves stay on their foe, tearing at the bare bones.

Lyle to M6
attack [roll4]
damage [roll5] (includes precise bonus)
trip [roll6][roll7]

Faye to L9
attack [roll8]
damage [roll9] (includes precise bonus)
trip [roll10][roll11]

2013-03-21, 08:35 AM
Abigail shouts a word of warning before entering the fray in full. Her immaculate great sword is as a bolt of silvered lightning as dashes towards the skeletal destrier, it's unmaking reflected clearly in her eyes. Whether it was the accumulated damage of Velisarius's earlier attack, mere coincidence, or some vestige of the once-proud animal's spirit which caused it to balk at the Paladin's charge is a question for the philosophers. All the matters is that the animal turned ever so slightly and lowered it's head, exposing its neck to Abigail like a condemned man at the block. Her great sword parted the proffered vertebra in a single stroke, unraveling the animating dweomers and causing the rest of the thing's body to simply collapse into a ragged pile of bones.

Absent new directive from their self-mutilating master, Lyle and Fay are all too happy to dig into the glorious mound of delicious chew toys.

With the foe before him vanquished, Velisarius heeds Abigail's directive and stalks towards the chaotic team of draty skeletons. Between his and Bor's wild swings, the two creature closest to the cart fall. Meanwhile, Victor sprints to the side of the trapped creature in an attempt to free it, but his dagger can to little against iron chain.

@Velisarius, Viktor
Please use coordinates for movement. You both seem to have been shooting for the same spot with your moves.

Bardiche and hammer have done more than end two of the skeletal horse, they shatter what little remains of the harness as well. The remaining undead beasts immediately round on the exposed Bors, one of them even managing to land a painful bite.

5 damage, plus will save or 7 more

Inside, Mikael produces a set of manacles from his surprisingly handy pack as if by magic, and claps them on Tembor's wrist. Surely the man in black would rail against such indignity if he were conscious.


2013-03-21, 08:55 AM
Bors barks out, "Round'em up you curs!" The two wolves immediately split off from their fallen foe, the silver one streaking around to the far side of the dead horses, the black taking Bors' place as he moves back to get room to swing again. Bors 5' step to K7
will [roll0]
attack [roll1] (+4 from wolves flanking)
damage [roll2]
bonus [roll3]

Lyle move to J8
[roll4] (should have flanking)
damage [roll5]
trip [roll6] [roll7]

Faye move to G9 (going around the wagon, 50' move)
[roll8] (should have flanking)
damage [roll9]
trip [roll10] [roll11]

The big man's wounds are obviously getting to him as his weak blow goes far wide.

2013-03-21, 08:58 AM
Faye crit confirm [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2013-03-21, 09:09 AM
Mikael Firebrand II
Stat Block

Mikael Firebrand II (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=534270)
HP: 29/29 /// Saves: 2F / 7R / 5W [+4 vs Bardic, Sonic, or Lang. Dependant]
AC: 16 Touch: 13 Flat: 13
Conditions: Spell Resistance 15,

Ensuring the manacles are secure, he begins making sure he isn't bleeding out.

"I really am sorry about this."

Made an attempted heal check

2013-03-21, 10:14 AM
Abigail the Paladin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=534287)
HP: 57/57
Saves: 14F / 7R / 7W
AC: 20 = 9 ARMOR + 1 DEX
CMB: 19 = 5 BAB + 3 STR + 1 DEX
Conditions: LoH 6/8, Smite Evil 1/2, Aura of Courage 10ft, Precise Strike 2 rnds left

"Rounding them up, but Bors, why are you hitting yourself?" asks Abby, aghast at the sight, finally having noticed. The paladin goes opposite of one of the wolves in order to flank, and stabs forward viciously at the remaining skeletal horse!

Move action: Move to 6-J
Attack [+2 Flanking, +2 Menacing (from Bors)]: [roll0]
Damage [+1d6 SA]: [roll1]

2013-03-21, 10:50 AM
Bors barks out, "Bloody spell!"

2013-03-21, 06:55 PM
((Now that I have time, I can look at the map... I can't get into flanking, so I won't try. I blew my great tumble roll, but I've nowhere to tumble to.))

Viktor cannot get into flanking, he knows that. Thinking quickly, he decides that if he can't see a lock, he will quickdraw his wand of messaging and use it on the horse creature to see if he can communicate with it in Sylvan. If that fails, he'll try another language until he succeeds or has exhausted his language list.

"Hello? This is Viktor, the one with the wand in his wand. If you can understand me, stop struggling and I will get you free. If you can respond, please do so." Viktor whispers magically to the animal.

If he can see a lock, he will attempt the same actions, but also move over to the fallen mage to search for a key.

[roll0] UMD

2013-03-22, 01:40 AM
HP 16/47

Velisarius takes position again just at the edge of his reach, His ribs hurt, but the job is not done. With a mighty swing, he sends his bardiche flying with all his might, aiming so that it will pass from one horse to the other.

Cleave atk [roll0] dmg [roll1]
If a hit atk [roll2] dmg [roll3]

The satisfying crunch of bones accompanies the swing, as splinters fill the air.

2013-03-22, 05:00 PM
Velisarius ends the skirmish with a single, mighty swing, launching his bardiche with enough momentum to carry it completely through both remaining skeletal horses.

The internal battle for Bors hasn't quite finish, however. The big man continues to struggle with magically-enhanced inner demons bent on self-mutilation.

Save or [roll0]

Viktor scans the web of chains holding down the unicorn for a lock, but quick ascertains the bindings are held down by thick iron spikes hammered deep into the cart's frame. Thinking fast, he draws a wand and activates it, using its magics to send a message to the chained beast. It calms for a moment, but only a moment. "You know well that I can speak, foul trickster," mumbles a weak voice from under the burlap as the animal redoubles it efforts.

XP, loot
980 xp each

(This is only from the cleric, I'll give you Tembor's loot once you decide what to do with him)
1 set MW mithral chin shirt barding, large (don't ask me the difference between chain mail and chain shirt barding)
1 simple bronze headband inscribed with a complex patter of emerald etchings
1 MW heavy mace
1 MW mithral breastplate
1 fine-looking belt inscribed with scenes of stampeding wild horses

300 gold

2013-03-22, 05:31 PM
The paladin ignores the shiny loot for now. She uses her greatsword to help cut away at anything holding the creature down. "We're here to cut you free..." she says as she hacks away.

Actually, I might change my action if Bors keeps failing his Will save

2013-03-22, 06:17 PM
Now that he knows the man in black is secure and not dying, Rostel takes the time to disarm him, as well as perform a cursory inspection of his personal belongings.

Perception to search for anything hidden on him.

2013-03-22, 06:46 PM
Mikael disarms Tembor and performs a thorough search of his belongings (as thorough a search as can be made without stripping him, at least). Much of it is as one would expect: an assortment of weapons, his black leather armor, more silver vials, a fat pouch of gold, and a fine set of boots so utterly spotless that there must be some kind of magic keeping them clean in this swampy backwater.

The one piece that stands out is an old medal kept in a pouch hung around his neck. The type given out for bravery in service of the crown under the old royal family. Tembor is in his twenties, not old enough to have earned it himself.

Tembor's belongings
MW rapier, MW dagger, light crossbow w/ 20 bolts, MW leather armor, 1 pair of particularly fine leather boots, 5x poison in silver vial, 200 GP, medal.

2013-03-22, 06:46 PM
Viktor patted the beast gently. "There, there. I'm not a foul trickster. Just the regular kind. Now relax. If I was going to detain you, I would use the sleeping poison. But I haven't. I'm sure you can put two and two together and realize I'm not your enemy. Anyways, relax. Once we get you free you can decide if you don't like me."

Viktor looks at Abby. "I don't think strong enough to get these stakes up. But I'm sure you are." Viktor looked over the items on the mage. Inspecting the goods.

Next he will move to check on their prisoner's gear.

[roll0] appraisal
[roll1]know arcana

2013-03-22, 07:16 PM
The unicorn continues to rain blows upon the cart, ignoring both Viktor's words and his touch.

Leaving the stubborn creature to its own device, the rogue retreats back inside the in to look over Tembor's goods. He spends a few moments examining the vials, the weapons, ad the badge, but can't come up with any more information than Mikael found.

2013-03-22, 08:24 PM
Quickly pocketing the coin. Rostel figures he can let the rest of them check it out. He takes the poison and places it in his haversack, takes the dagger as a prize, and then begins to contemplate the medal.

Know. History

2013-03-22, 09:06 PM
Abigail keeps trying to help the creature.

Should she roll damage rolls or Str checks?

2013-03-22, 09:21 PM
You can roll both, it you want. The reason I haven't responded is because you made your actions contingent on Stack's Will save

2013-03-22, 09:33 PM
Victor's tries to calm the unicorn again, asking denying that he was one of its captors, and remind the creature that he is talking rather than simply drugging the creature. This gives the unicorns some pause, and it stops struggling as Abigail gets to work on the chains.

2013-03-22, 09:44 PM
Mikael Firebrand II

Heading outside with the man in black on his shoulder, Rostel begins to take a look around.

"Well, I see you all have finished out here, but we have caused a stir. Are we going are separate ways, or are we leaving together? I would recommend quitting this place whilst we have the chance."

2013-03-22, 09:53 PM
Greatsword Damage roll: [roll0]
Str check: [roll1]
If anyone want to Aid Another me, feel free :smallsmile:

Abigail hacks and pulls with all of her might would allow, hoping it'll help the creature enough. "The rest of you, can you hold my friend down so he doesn't kill himself? You can steal from the body LATER."

2013-03-22, 10:05 PM
Mikael Firebrand II (Rostel) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=534270)
Male CG Human Bard, Level 5, Init +3, HP 29/29, DR SR 15, Speed 30ft.
AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-footed 13, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 3
+1 Cane Sword (The Quill) 6 (1d6, 18-20 *2)
I am armed with a Cloak! +1 Shock Cloak 6 (1d3+1d6, *2)
MWK Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16
Condition None

Dropping the man in black, noticing that the man is beating himself, he pulls out a tanglefoot bag out of his Handy Haversack, and throws it at Bors.

"Here, maybe this will help get him out of his sticky situation."

Ranged Touch attack
[roll0] Reflex 15 or entangled.

2013-03-22, 10:12 PM
Eh, I figured that you'd just keep chopping until you got through, so why bother rolling.

Abigail tries yanking on the heavy spikes, but can't budge the deeply-seated fasteners. Instead she turns her sword on the chain, which eventually gives way after several blows.

The unicorn doesn't wait for you to pull off the loosened iron links or burlap, she immediately fights her way to a standing position on weak, wobbling legs. What you can see of her flesh through the draping fabric is sliced and chaffed, the combined results of the battle to capture her and days of coarse burlap and chain rubbing against hide in the back of the cart.

The ill-treated creature swings its head around to better view it saviors, but freezes as it gazes reaches Abigail. A harsh whisper struggles to escape her parched throat, "Another? I thought them defeated. I.. haven't the energy..."

Her front legs give way, then her rear. As quickly as she'd escaped her bonds, the unicorn is once more lying in the cart barely clinging to consciousness.

2013-03-22, 10:30 PM
(Is the unicorn speaking Common?)

After Abby shouts again for her new companions to hold Bors down, she approaches the unicorn slowly. With her hand outstretched, it begins to glow with a warm, soothing light. "May I heal you, noble unicorn? You...have suffered much under those cruel men. Let me help you so that you can regain your strength to escape..."

Her outstretched hand stops short of touching the unicorn's face, as Abigail waits for permission.

2013-03-22, 10:47 PM
Viktor shook his head. "Water. She needs water, not healing. I doubt they abused it physically, but it is obviously dehydrated." Viktor took out his canteen and poured water in the unicorns mouth. "Little pony, please don't strain yourself. You're not in any danger here. Once you feel better, you're free to go. If you need any help, let me know. But, if you can tell us about your captors, that would help us put an end to them."

2013-03-22, 11:39 PM
Yes, it's speaking common. I'd note if it were otherwise.

The unicorn greedily laps down the water until Viktor's canteen runs dry. Then feebly lifts its nose towards Abigail's hand in silent acceptance of her offer of healing.

2013-03-23, 12:05 AM
Viktor looks at his canteen and shakes it a bit. "I'll get more water. Hold up." Viktor walks back into the bar. "Barkeeper, can we bring some water out here? There an injured animal out here, and it's badly dehydrated." Viktor kicked the man on the ground lightly. "Our buddy here is in the slave trade market it seems. What do you know about him? You were awefully afraid of that little trinket he had a moment ago. What's the deal?" Viktor pulled out a few coins and placed them on the table. "For the water."

2013-03-23, 12:09 AM
The paladin gently places her hands upon any visible wounds. "There, you'll feel better soon..."

Lay on Hands: [roll0] This also negates any Fatigue the unicorn may be feeling.

2013-03-23, 12:29 AM
"I, um, it... let me get that." The barkeep grabs the canteen and hastens into the kitchen, as much to avoid Viktor's questions as fetch the water.

Abigail's touch suffuses the unicorn with a soft glow, spreading quickly from the nose to hoof. Rent skin knits together, and hair grows back to cover the spots where chaffing chains had worn into the creature's hide. Only the worst of the wounds remain, though now as angry red scars on the unicorn's hide instead of bloody wounds.

Perhaps more amazing, though, it's the creature's sudden burst of energy. Slack muscles tighten and glazed eyes take on an intense clarity. The unicorn, just a second ago gasping and wheezing on its side, leaps back to its feet and dismounts the cart, making a beeline for a trough of water in the stable.

2013-03-23, 12:55 AM
Abigail follows, wanting to make sure it is alright. when she is near it, she says, "Before, you said I was...another one. You..you can sense..."

2013-03-23, 02:24 AM

Velisarius takes a big breath after the skeleton horses have gone down. His ribs hurt. He takes a copper coin and flips it in the dirt. He mummles

"Ashyra, thank you for keeping me alive one more time"

He then goes to help with the pretty lady trying to free the horse. He is too late though, as she frees him his way, by hacking things apart. He watches, a bit astonished, as she heals the creature.

"So. You can do these things. If you can spare any of your talents, I could sure use them".

His eyes watch greedily as the loot from the dead man is put out. But there are other priorities. Such as the big man hitting himself. He calls to his companions by chance.

"Hey there. These belong to all of us, until we decide otherwise. I have a wound here that proves it".

He watches silently as Abigail talks to the horse creature (what is happening?). And then he cautiously advances towards Bors, which is still hitting himself, eyeing his large quadruped companions.

"Tell your curs to take it easy".

He then tries to take his weapon away, or pin his hands down. All the while, he says to the others.

"We are far too visible here. We have made a commotion. We must leave and quickly. Take everybody alive with us, even use this damn carriage. Regroup and plan. Let 's take provisions and disappear for a while.

And split the loot, at the time" he adds meaningfully.

Not sure what to roll for helping Bors. Here is a generic roll. CMB +10

EDIT. Botched it. Bhaacon, do whatever works

2013-03-23, 02:44 AM
Viktor frowned, then drew his dagger, polishing it on his sleeve, then he replaced the dagger into the mechanism, then polished the other one and replaced it back into a hidden pocket in his outfit. "My man, I would appreciate some information in addition to the water. This man here, he can't hurt you. And if you know something about that medal, it's probably common knowledge in this area so nobody will know you told us."

2013-03-23, 03:54 AM
Bors seems intent on hurting himself, but not others. As such, it's not too difficult to restrain him until the magical compulsion runs its course (though in the heat of battle, with so many distractions and threats, it might not have proven so simple).

So the spell ends, and Bors escapes the threat of unconsciousness.

Inside the inn, Viktor's words draw the cringing barkeep back out of the kitchen. "Please, sirrah, I don't want no trouble, neither from you nor them. The Umbral Conclave, the Shadow Council, the Black Hand, whatever you want to call them, they're dangerous. That's all I know, and it's all I need to."

At the stable, the unicorn stares at Abigail for a long moment, as if to peel away the paladin's undead flesh and pick through her exposed soul. After confirming its earlier observation, it snorts loudly, as if to clear its nose of an unbearable stench, and answers softly. "Sense, but not understand."

2013-03-23, 01:14 PM
Finally calmed, the beaten and bloodied Bors sits down, scraping gunk of himself. "Heel."

The two wolves cease worrying the fallen piles of bones and bound to his side. "Clever thought with the tanglefoot. Thanks."

To Abigail, "How's the beasty? I reckon we should get it up and moving, shove off soon as we can, tend our injuries in the wild like usual. Thinking town may get a might hot. Looks like we might have some company anyhow."

2013-03-23, 01:21 PM
Abigail could sense the penetrating glare from the unicorn, and allows herself to be judged. "I was a victim, just like the skeletal horses destroyed over there, but my soul and will fought back, and I am my own person. My healing powers are a gift from the gods. They have deemed it good that I continue the work from my previous self, although they have not deemed it good for me to be able to heal myself, unfortunately. I wander the lands, looking to destroy necromancers wherever I can. Or reform them if possible, but that is unlikely. And you, what is your story?"

To Bors, she responds, "Many of us are wounded, but this unicorn seems well enough to move for now. I can heal all of us at once 2 more times, so let's do so when we're all in a group. We also need to find out the group that these two came from. We must destroy any covens of necromancy we find."

2013-03-23, 01:32 PM
"Aye, that we do. I don't suppose any of you lot found anything that would tell us that? Papers or somesuch? We..don't like necromancers, if you catch my meaning." He says to those that joined in on the fight.

2013-03-23, 01:34 PM
"I haven't searched the bodies yet, but I think we've knock out the other man. We can take him prisoner and interrogate him."

2013-03-23, 01:37 PM
Bors tilts his head until the memory comes back. "Right, still a little off, what with the bludgeoning and all. Bloody magic, forgot all about him. Sounds like a plan."

2013-03-23, 01:45 PM
"You sounded like you were...crying...when you were hitting yourself."

(I'm busy for the next few hours)

2013-03-23, 04:01 PM
Mikael Firebrand II

Tipping his hat to Bors, Rostel picks up the man in black again.

"No problem with the bag, as for now, what will we do with this unconscious man?"

2013-03-23, 04:08 PM
Viktor accepted his canteen. "That's plenty of information." Viktor pulled out the card he made up earlier. "When people come looking for this, make sure you remember how vicious the dogs who appeared out of no where were. And how much they thought necromancy was a sin against nature." Viktor then handed the man the card he had made earlier that read "D.A.N. Druids Against Necromancy." Viktor took a cursory look around the bar, but nothing seemed damaged so he moved on.

Back outside he walked up to Abigail. "Looks like that man is from some kind of evil cult. We better get out of here." Flexing the arm that was stabbed clean through earlier in the fight, he winced. "You said something about healing, just a moment ago right? I didn't catch the conversation out here, but I think I caught the word. Can we do something about this?" Viktor showed the knife wound in his arm.

Looking up at the unicorn. "Hello, cheerful. I noticed you haven't ran away yet. Did you decide I wasn't that foul of a trickster?" He smiled mockingly, but he was just teasing it. Dropping the smile, he looked seriously at the magical beast "Why did they capture you? Where? Did they get others? How can I help? Oh... but first, can you help us? We need to get out of here." Turning to Abigail, Viktor asked if she could carry the prisoner. "We better hurry out of here. Grab whatever loot and let's go, er, that is... if you still need a guide."

2013-03-23, 05:19 PM

"...Or a guard." Adds Velisarius, still wincing from his ribs.

"We should move. At least leave together. There is strength in numbers. If we do not find each other agreeable, we can also split up later. As far as I can tell, this group here has proven that I can mistrust it less than other company.

I can be on my horse in 5 minutes. Search the coach, get my pack and I am here. I suggest we leave the coach here, we need mobility.

Is that a deal? Quickly now."

2013-03-23, 06:26 PM
Viktor looked at the wreckage of the carriage. "Do you all have horses? I don't have a horse. I haven't planed on leaving the city for a while, but we can head over to my house, it's about 4 miles out of time. Once we regroup, we can sleep there over night. It's surrounded with traps, so we can probably be safe. Plus I doubt anyone will connect me to this just yet."

2013-03-23, 08:20 PM
"I have no problem with regrouping at your place for the night, Tom Small. However, know this. You are on thin ice. If you weren't careful you could've KILLED this man. Before we might determine what crimes he is guilty of, and what the appropriate punishment is. If he died, we would be able to question him for information about his group, and the extent of his involvement. Now, gather around me, and I will heal us all."

2013-03-23, 09:58 PM
The unicorn considers Abigail's story, but remains pensive. "Your story rings of truth, and your actions of righteousness, but it is...hard for my kind to accept those of yours. Still, I am sympathetic. Like you, I am left hollow. The men you defeated came to my forest, burned the sacred glades, desecrated the shrines, and severed my tie to the land. Without that connection I have lost much: my spells, the ability to flit about my range as I pleased, even the strength to ignore their petty poisons. I know not why, beyond the high price some will pay for my kind.

Even in such a state, though, I must pay my debts. I can offer not but the strength of my back to you, until such a time as I may forge a new connection. Your ability to bestow the blessings of the gods despite your condition brings me a strange sort of hope that my powers have not fully abandoned me.

2013-03-23, 10:27 PM
Viktor glared at the suddenly selfrighteous paladin. "Excuse me? We... didn't know his crimes? We knew plenty. We knew he worked for a necromancer, which in my book is evil enough for a pretty bad beat down. We knew he was a slaver, because we knew he was going to drug the cargo of his carriage. If we had only semi-functional brains, we knew the contains of the carriage was a sentient creature of some sort. You don't need to tie down and then cover a puppy. We even knew it was probably some kind of unicorn! It was equine, we knew from seeing a hoof. You don't drug, tie down and cover a horse. Even if you drugged it and tied it down, you wouldn't need to cover it. And the bastards were necromancers! So... what the hell else did we need to know about them? You are being totally ridiculous. Plus, I'm exetremely handy with these daggers. If I wanted him dead, he would be dead. Is he dead? No. So I obviously wanted to take him alive. But wounding your prisoner first lets them know you aren't some nancy-pancy little girl who flinches at the idea of doing what you must. If you're going to cry over a little split blood, you aren't going to survive for much longer, and you likely wouldn't have without help. This world is vicious. It is cruel. If you can't stomach a little cut here an there on the men trying to MURDER you, you're.. just... Gods above. The man was evil, even I knew that. From your get-up, attitude, and healing, I am sure you are a paladin. Which means you should be able to tell that he was evil. So, was I wrong? Was he secretly a nice guy? Viktor shook his head.

"My dear Unicorn, you haven't given us a name to call you. You may call me Tom. Listen, if you're feeling strong and hearty, can you carry our, " Viktor shot a dirty look at Abigail, "dear precious little angel? We'll tie him down so he can't get away, but as much as I would to drag him through the streets, and through the wilderness, we haven't the time. I think we should have you carry him. And if you want, you can stay at my place as long as you want, or you can come with us. The forest nearby my place has a small amount of fey in it somewhere. I think. Anyways, we should hurry."

Looking back at Abigail, Viktor sighed. "Sorry if I came off... too harsh. I am just incredulous with your... outburst. You're wrong on so many bases, I just... couldn't formulate a solid thought. I bloodied him intentionally, the same I would with anyone I planned to capture. It wasn't anywhere vital enough for him to die. It could have been. I wanted him as a prisoner so I could find out as much about his evil organization as possible. My friend in the bar, and our friend the majestic equine has told me enough about the man to know he was evil enough to deserve much more bleeding, and a proper execution. However this world is corrupt and people like him are rewarded for their crimes, and any court room would be bribed into finding him innocent. If you don't think he deserves to die, we can take a vote on it. Our own little courthouse. But if it were up to me, he would die after we extract any information out of him we could. Maybe you don't find murder, wanton destruction, slavery and desecration of holy places, but I do. And such acts, especially combines, are appropriately punished by death inb my book. If I'm wrong, I've been wrong for a long time." Viktor shook his head again. "And believe me, if you believe me about anything, if I had meant to kill him, he would have been dead."

2013-03-23, 10:55 PM
To the unicorn, Abigail says, "You are not in my debt. I help people because it is the right thing to do. Still, I accept your offer of aid, as I feel we can work well together and help each other. It has taken me much time and effort to...relearn my powers, and I might share some of my insights with you. If you have no objections, we will spend the night at the domicile of Tom Small. Oh, what shall we call you? I am Abigail. It is an honor to make your acquaintance."

To Viktor, she responds, "Tom, perhaps I was a bit harsh in my words, but at the time you first stabbed the man in the back, you had not seen the unicorn. And I have no way of knowing just how skilled you are with the blade. The fact is, yes, he deserves a beating for working with necromancers. And yes, he is a slaver. That means long jail time, not the death sentence. Now that we know about his desecration of shrines and burning of glades, he may deserve death for that. But, if he is willing to truly repent and acts in good faith to help us root out the rest of his group, I think we can offer a lesser sentence as...incentive. You kill evil, the enemy loses a solider. You convert evil, the enemy loses a soldier and you *gain* one. If he doesn't want to play ball, then we let our unicorn do with him as she pleases. How's that for a punishment? Who knows, he might be begging for death before she's done."

2013-03-23, 10:58 PM
Mikael Firebrand II

"I see we have a disagreement in our midst. Tensions are high, but we need not let emotions get the best of us. He is alive, we will know his crimes soon enough, we just ask him ourselves. We should quit this place, while we aren't surrounded by people who want to hunt us."

Mikael, now solely focused on survival, is starting to worry whether following them is a good idea.

"As far as I am concerned, he was a threat, he was likely with the others, but now that he is kept secured, we don't have to worry about it. Discussions on philosophy can come later. Also, he is kinda heavy..."

2013-03-23, 11:03 PM
"Well, if my mount is willing to carry this filth...we can make good time. Let's make sure to take everything they have with us. I think there's some barding there that will fit."

2013-03-23, 11:06 PM
Viktor patted Abigail on the shoulder. "I see your point. I rarely have a chance to try and convert anyone, plus conversion isn't in my skill set. How about this, when he wakes up, we can play good guard bad guard. Because I can easily play a man who very much wants to murder him, but is being reigned in by you. I'd rather just kill him though, to be honest. I really hate this kind of person. The way he treats the common folk, like that innkeeper... and the way he treated our new friend here. And I guess, it is less than obvious that I am a skilled knifeman, but, I am."

"Also, the moment combat started, before I attack the man, I had deduced it was some kind of intelligent equine. We did see a hoof. We can easily surmise it isn't a horse, because nobody treats a horse that way. Horses aren't so problematic that you need so much effort to keep them down. Nor is any animal. Only magical animals, like unicorns, or maybe a Pegasus or something would need that much work to keep quiet. And in that case, they are slavers."

Viktor shrugged. "I think slavery is a crime deserving death. I think life sentences are stupid. They just become a drain on the local community, we have to pay to feed him. The only two punishments that make sense to me are work camps, and death. And work camps are almost as bad as slavery, so I feel execution is taking the high road. Anyways, let's leave. You all stand out..."

2013-03-23, 11:31 PM
Mikael Firebrand II

"Excellent, now that we have a course of action, let us be off, and as quickly as possible. There is much to discuss, and this is neither the time nor place."

2013-03-23, 11:44 PM
Abigail smirks. "I don't think there will be any 'playing' in this case. It'll be the truth as you want to kill him, and I will be restraining you even though I want to kill him too."

The lady knight sighs. "One reason why I reacted like that is because...sometimes people make mistakes in their initial judgment. Yes, my powers indicate that he does indeed have a faint aura of evil around him. However, I've learned that...not all people with evil auras deserve to die."

After all, Abby herself has an evil aura thanks to being undead.

2013-03-24, 12:01 AM
Viktor eyed Abigail for a moment. "I don't get you, you know. If I were a paladin, I'd make a pretty bad one. I'd fall right away... killing anything that pinged as evil. I don't want that power. I prefer to know things are evil because I see their evil actions. I guess you have more self control."

Assuming no one had a problem with it, Viktor led the party to his home in the forest, assuming nothing happened in route.

2013-03-24, 12:34 AM
"My name is Celeste, in the common tongue," the unicorn replies to the request for an introduction, "and while I think I might prefer to drag that wretch through the swamp, it would still bring me an odd satisfaction to bear his unconscious and manacled form to whatever fate you have planned for him. I assure you, even the harshest judgement will prove just."

You pack up your gear as quickly as you can, which is pretty quickly considering that you all live under constant threat of exposure and flight. Viktor is as good as his word, leading you through a maze of boggy game trails and back roads to a small copse of cypress on a rare patch of dry land. There sits a tumbledown trapper shack assembled from a motley assortment of logs, planks, and boat wreckage. It's not a private room in a fine urban inn, but it's isolated and just big enough to shelter everyone but Celeste.

2013-03-24, 01:04 AM
Viktor smiles at his hut, then frowns, seeing it with a new eye. It's a wreck, but since he was always here alone it didn't bother him. "Well, this is it. I built it all myself, but I guess you could tell. I guess it would be right to let the lady have the bed, but the bed is mostly just leaves and mossy and whatever soft stuff I could find. Good enough for me, though. But before that... Celeste, my dear, could you drop that man? Preferably in a way that might wake him." Viktor pulled off his tearaway cloths to reveal his double bandolier and all black clothes getup. "Abigail, I'll let you talk to him first. If I go first, he might not survive the chat.

27/31 hp

2013-03-24, 01:31 AM
"Celeste, please put him down gently. This...Tembor is already injured enough to fall unconscious. If we damage him more, he may die before we want him to. On another note, if you wish to travrl with me and help me fight necromancers and other evil-doers, you will need some extra protection. The barding that was on the skeletal destrier should fit you fine, after we cleanse it with some holy water that I have on me."

To Viktor, she pauses briefly when he mentions moss. "Umm...I shall be fine. I don't need a lot of sleep, and I *hate* moss, so you should give the bed to someone else who would find it more restful. Thank you anyways for the offer." Moss wrecks havoc on her dead skin. Taking care of her appearance is a daily chore if she wishes to maintain the appearance of being alive. Again, she was in town to buy soap.

Assuming Tembor is manacled, and his feet tied, then the paladin will channel positive energy with everyone gathered around her, including Tembor. This ought to wake the unconscious man up for question. A warm, soothing glow once again emanantes from the paladin. It ought to be blinding and hurtful to the eyes, but it isn't somehow.

Channel energy: [roll0]

2013-03-24, 02:25 AM

True to his word, Velisarius was ready to leave in a few minutes, even taking rations for more days from the inn. When the disagreement between what was obviously a paladin and the other guy broke out, he shook his head.

"The man Tom is right. When you have an opponent, you stab him until he cannot attack anymore. You do not get him to trial. Whose trial? In here, all over the empire, we would be the criminals, just because he is a mage. And even before, it was what the noble in charge wanted that came out as a verdict. Ms Abigail, you cannot recreate the whole of society on the spot, just so that we end up doing what we were about to do in the fist place. No time. But anyway."

Velisarius spent the ride to Tom's hut in silence. Here he was again, running. But this time, he had a group. And a base. This time, he had ways of acquiring information. An improvement.

When they got to the hut, Velisarius dismounts and tends to his horse. He then turns to help with the others.

"Thank you for the hospitality, Tom. I am in your debt. But now we have some thinking to do. What is our goal here? What is our aim? What can we do and what skills do we have to do it?

I also say we put on watches. There are means of finding people even in the swamps.

And finally, two questions. What are we going to do with the loot? And what are we going to do with the prisoner? You do see that now he knows where we are hiding, yes? Would you turn him loose afterwards?

I could make him talk though. You may not like how, but eventually, he would talk."

With that, V makes himself a bit at home. With Tom 's permission, he puts his bed in a small corner, lights his pipe and makes coffee, unless his skills are needed elsewhere. He also spends some time seeing where they are and how the terrain is laid out. He also takes a look at the hut, with the eyes of a veteran who has demolished a few walls

Perception take 20 for 29. Engineering [roll0]

What do I owe for some provisions like hard cheese etc that are not actually rations but could withstand a week in travel?
Also, have we been healed?

2013-03-24, 03:13 AM
While Celeste would certainly like to drop the man on his head, he is tied to the unicorn's back and she is dependent upon beings with opposable thumbs to remove her onerous cargo.

Regardless, you quickly unload the man onto the ground. With his manacles secure and his legs well bound, Abigail risks healing him. Tembor's eyes blink open groggily as the last of the regenerative glow fades from his body. "Please, milady, don't be alarmed by the size of my codpiece. I assure you that the Black Rus... oh dear."

The man spends a moment processing the situation, opening his mouth as if to speak a few times before finally settling on a strategy of indignation. "Now look here, this is simply ridiculous. I don't know what happened with that short-fused imbecile Rodric, but I did not raise a blade until after I had been stabbed in the back. I demand that you release me immediately"

2013-03-24, 03:25 AM
Viktor spat at the man, not on, at. "Shut up, scum. You're lucky Miss Shiney Armor here says you might know something useful, or I'd already be slicing you up nicely to be used as bait in my fish traps. You think we don't already KNOW about your pretty little medal? You think you can wave it around brazenly and NOT have people recognize you. And don't you see our good friend the Unicorn here? You don't think we haven't discussed how her day's been yet?" Viktor pulled out one of his daggers. "Alright, pretty lady, you get five minutes with him. If he isn't said nothing to make him worth a **** to us, then he isn't worth a **** to anyone. Then my buddy here," Viktor patted Velisarius, "And I getta have our turn." Viktor grinned, pulling out one of his daggers. "I'm going to go dull one of these babies up for him. I can tell by his pompus arrogant attitude that he'll need a few nasty cuts to tell us anything we wanna hear. That is if anyone of you all can make it out."

Viktor signed loosely to Abigail: Play. Along. Then threw his dagger at a nearby tree, and then followed after it grumbling about "playing nice" and "stupid morals" loudly enough to be heard.

With the dagger back in hand, he starts abusing the blade, grinding it against a rock, and stabbing it into the ground. Grumbling things like, "... jagged as hell... gets and infection... die before that... bucket of hammers..."

[roll0] Intimidate.
I'd roll bluff, but I'm not bluffing. I'll roll bluff later when I kill him in cold blood and try to convince Abigail he grabbed one of my daggers on me.

2013-03-24, 05:59 AM
"Oh, you know about my medal then? So why am I here? You should be running browning your trousers, yet here we are hiding out in some derelict hovel while you bandy about petty threats to make me tell you what you so clearly do not know."

2013-03-24, 06:31 AM
Viktor looks up from his work. "Save that attitude for me, alright cheerful? Pretty pants over there gets to go first. She isn't likely to be scared of a man all tied up. So don't waste your breathe." Viktor laughs a little to himself. "You must be awfully pampered, little pup. Oh well. You'll talk or you won't. I know your type. Too stupid to do it the easy way. You know what? I doubt you even know anything worth knowing. So I get to take my time trying my best to get it out of you."

Viktor smiled genuinely, but maliciously. Looking at Abigail, he chuckled a little, unable to curb his hatred of the man, and his desire to end him, slowly. He figured the woman wouldn't let Viktor torture the guy, which was for the better anyways. He didn't want to be a torturer. Well... maybe just a little... "Have fun princess. Five minutes."

2013-03-24, 06:33 AM

Velisarus saw Tom 's attempt at interrogation. Not bad, but it lost its rhythm. Let 's see if he still has it.

With a swift gesture, Velisarius picks the man up in the air, smacks him with his face on the dirt and pushes until he hears him wheeze and cough. Then he yoinks him by the hair. His voice is a deep growl and his eyes an angry red.

"Perhaps you have misjudged your situation. Perhaps you did not see your friend gets his entrails handed to him. Perhaps." *head banged in the dirt*

"you think" *head banged in the dirt*

"you are" *head banged in the dirt*

"among minions". *head banged in the dirt*

"You. Are.Not.

You are wasting your last breaths on this world. I am not like them. I do not share their morals. Just pray they take you out my hands. Or devils in the next world will recoil from seeing you died."

That was my best shot. Intimidate [roll0]

EDIT: Not bad. Not bad at all.

2013-03-24, 06:35 AM
Nevermind. I see now you are ignoring our plan and I like it.

Viktor laughs a little at the scene. "V, my man. C'mon. You're not supposed to have all the fun without me. And I promised the little lady she could go first. Drop him for now? Go heat up some metal sticks. Want one of my daggers to put in the flame?"

2013-03-24, 06:44 AM
Tembor's facade crack under Velisarius's physical onslaught. Clearly he's a man of tact, training, and culture, unused to the harsh the lessons of the battlefield and brutal realities of violence (at least when directed against his own person). The fop in blackguard's clothing is a blubbering mess by the time the scarred old campaigner is finished.

"Please, I'll tell you what you want to know! *sob* Anything, just ask! Just don't kill me, or hand me over to the Emperess's lapdogs! *sniffle* I'll do anything!"

2013-03-24, 06:52 AM
Viktor's smile faded. "You little baby! C'mon! Really? Viktor threw his dagger down in disgust. "Really little man? That is all it took? A little dirt on your face?" Viktor threw up his hands.

"Gah... Princess, you interrogate him. I think he might burst into tears if I look at him funny now. Or... V could do it." Viktor smiled a little. "But I guess we can hold off on that until the little pup forgets how mean the rest of your friends are compared to you."

2013-03-24, 09:58 AM

V looks at Abigail.

"He is all yours. Just because there was a promise."

He lets the captive in the dirt, for Abigail and walks over to Tom. He talks more silently.

"Sorry about that. I misheard the plan. Next time, it is your turn.

It worked though."

2013-03-24, 12:11 PM
This all happened so fast, that Abigail did not have time to stop the...festivities. She glares at Viktor and Velisarious. "You two are dropping to *his* level by doing these kinds of things. Oy...I can see it' going to be a long road in reforming you two..."

She sighs and goes up to Tembor. "I highly suggest that you tell us the entire truth. Yes, the only reason you're not dead is because you did not draw blades first while Rodric did cast the first spell at my friend, causing him great wounds. If you do not become helpful very very quickly, you will die painfully, because while I can stop one of these men, I cannot stop both. So first...The Umbral Conclave, the Shadow Council, the Black Hand...there seems to be many names given to your organization. We know little of it, save that the locals seem to fear it. Browning their pants, as you'd say. Start by telling us about your organization, what it is really called, what it does, etc. And also tell us why the Empress would hate your organization."

2013-03-24, 01:51 PM
To the unicorn, after collecting himself, "Bors Oakstaff, pleased to meet your acquaintance. You'll have to tell us more of your grove later. We...take an interest in such matters, I suppose."

Bors trudges to the cabin, muttering the whole way about his aches. He leaves the discussion of the man's fate to Abigail, not feeling charitably inclined just yet.

His furry friends lend their aid in the interrogation while Bors stands by, their tongues hanging out as they slowly circle, eyes of stone. He speaks to Abigail, "Now I wouldn't say it was proper, but a bit of dirt in the face isn't so serious, eh?"sense motive is at +10 with the wolves adjustment

2013-03-24, 01:54 PM
"It's the head-slamming I object to. Once an opponent has surrendered, violence serve no purpose unless we are to execute him. If we it him in the head too much, he might even forget important information."

2013-03-24, 01:58 PM
"With that many names to work for I suppose he might forget. Enemy of the empress, eh? Black fighting black, is it? Should make for a jolly tale."

2013-03-24, 02:13 PM
"Well, unfortunately I don't think we can work together with a necromantic organization. Now TALK, Tembor."

2013-03-24, 03:43 PM

Velisarius takes Abigail 's harassment with a grin. His crooked smile seems to speak silent words: But I am at his level. This is where I belong.

2013-03-24, 08:21 PM
The man in black (and now red and brown, from his previous wounds and being slammed into the muddy earth) hesitates, licking his lips nervously before responding. "We... we don't actually call ourselves that, you know. Or anything. We work for the surviving Aldarchs in secret, serving their interests and filling their war chest. That's why the Empress would have me executed."

He sighs loudly, "Though it's really more funding their debauchery at this point, if we're being honest. Old Dietrich would likely break the throne if he ever managed to sit on it."

Dietrich was the former King's Uncle. He'd be around 65 if he lives. This much is common knowledge, though you were unaware that any of the Royal family survived the coup

2013-03-24, 08:42 PM
"The uncle of the deposed king? He's got to be in his 60s by now. I'm not surprised that he's not in very good shape. That's not the salient point here, however. My friend and I are no allies of the new monarch. Tell us, what actually are the surviving Aldarchs' interests? And *why* are you using UNDEAD to pursue your goals?"

2013-03-24, 09:54 PM
"His interests involve oysters, cured meats, fine wines, and women young enough to be his granddaughters, and keeping beneath the Empress's notice." Tembor grumbles. "As for Rodric, we're not in a position to be particular about our allies. He crossed someone important, so we knew he'd never go to the Familiars, and he was useful."

"But I never allowed Rodric to raise sentient bodies. Just animals and such." He adds meekly.

2013-03-24, 10:43 PM
"Right...you're just a regular saint." says Abigail sarcastically. "So much so that you're willing to ENSLAVE a sentient being and desecrate shrines! Have you no morals?"

2013-03-25, 07:25 AM
Bors scowls, "Skulkers serving a fallen fool. He can't even find any good to speak of his liege against the empress. Aside from the company he keeps he is of no interest and less use...unless he can tell us more of his old friends business. As the lady said, slavery and desecration are serious matters. What do you know? You may yet purchase another sunrise."

2013-03-25, 07:17 PM
The man can't meet Abigail's gaze, seemingly legitimately ashamed to associate with the necromancer, though he refuses to admit it. "Don't speak to me of morals in such times as these. I serve my liege as my oath requires. It's not my place to question the stranger requests. It's not as if I'm asked to slay children. As for Roderic's business, it was also service to Dietrich, and he was a valuable servant. His death won't be forgotten."

"But Dietrich isn't mad. Return me to my lord and I will explain that Rodric struck first. He will listen to reason if it comes from my mouth, especially if I can sway young Alex Aldarch first. He may not be happy, but he will not have you hunted and killed."

2013-03-25, 07:42 PM
Viktor frowned. This wasn't what he expected at all. If it was just the man and he, Viktor would likely still off him just to be safe. But Viktor was going to strike camp and leave with these people, so he needn't be quite as cautious. "Do you always treat the common folk so poorly? Is that the wish of your liege? I'm not sure I care to believe anything you've said. Plus, if we don't set you free, we have nothing to worry about from your liege anyways. Nobody know who took you. Nobody knows the name of a single member of the Gray Palms."

"Huntmaster, can your hounds watch this man? Rip out his throat if he tries to flee? Then we can have a private conversation in my house." Viktor pulled out his wand of messaging.

2013-03-25, 07:48 PM
"They won't be hunting us down if word never reaches them, Tembor. Any oath that requires you to carry out these DISGUSTING actions is no oath worth obeying. Hell, you're not even "doing small evil deed for a greater cause" like trying to establish a better government. You're doing this so an old, apparently useless man can get his JOLLIES with unicorns and young girls! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? Don't you want your life to MEAN something? Yes you're not slaying children. This means that we won't TORTURE you before we kill you. Currently, you're not helping your case for us to let you live. Why do you take such an oath? Can't you renounce it for something BETTER?"

2013-03-26, 03:11 AM

Velisarius always disliked the politics that came with his line of work. He had long ago learned that nobles where like a snake pit, always trying to slither into position to bite each other. But it seems that these new partners have a history. This, he must know.

V approaches Bors and taps him on his shoulder.

" A word?"

When they have walked some feet away, V asks

"So. It seems that we are in this together for a while. There is some history here. Can you fill me in? I am all for becoming a pain for the Empress. But I must know what kind of pain."

2013-03-26, 03:25 AM
"My master is the true ruler of thus realm, of course it's within my authority to demand services from commoners." Tembor huffs at Viktor.

He continues, defending himself to Abigail. "Would you have me serve the Empress? Join her gang of enforcers hunting down infants and children for some strange happenstance of their birth? I might consider renouncing my oath for something better, if something better were in the offing, but a debauched leader is better than murderous tyrant. Please, tell me of another legitimate claimant to the throne? Perhaps you have one stashed in this moldering pile of kindling." Tembor sinks back into his previous sarcastic tone as Velisarius retreats to speak with Bors.

2013-03-26, 04:42 AM
Viktor scoffs. "Pig. You wouldn't recognize true nobility of it was standing right before you. Or if it had recently stabbed you. True nobility would waste their time playing himself a sad viola while partaking in any rarity he could get his grubby hands on. Do you honestly believe every little lie that comes your way? Next you're going to tell me that our unicorn friend here used to be an evil dragon because you heard a satyr say so." Viktor pushed the dulled dagger back into its sheath. "I'll tell you one thing, of which you need not doubt. The true heir, the real one anyways, is marshalling forces and trying to build an army to kill the traitor queen. Anyone with half a brain knows the tiered system of government will collapse without her. Then the TRUE king will return."

Viktor shakes his head. "Funny thing is... your 'king' is likely the one who betrayed the true king to get power, but was betrayed by the vicious queen
Use whatever wits you have left. Would the king act as yours does?" Deciding it wasn't worth hearing am answer, Viktor walks off a bit. " I'll be back in a moment. There's no use talking to this guy."

Hoping his dramatic ruse confused the hell out of their prisoner, Viktor leaves, but not before using his wand to cast message on Abigail.

(Roll bluff for me? I hope I can roll well and just bewilder the guy.)

2013-03-26, 04:59 AM
"What, who? There can't be another, you surely jest. All the survivors were executed. Scores of them, down to the fourth generation branch lines and cousins by marriage. They even magicked up some poor sods to look like Dietrich and Alex and had them beheaded with the rest." The man clearly isn't buying Viktor's nonsense.

2013-03-26, 05:05 AM
Viktor hears the reply as he leaves. "Yeah sure. Just the two of them. No one else. That would be..." Viktor paused for false dramatic reveal "IMPOSSIBLE!" Viktor glared at the man, then went back to walking away. "Off him or don't. I'm sick of this dolt."

(smooth save? maybe?)

2013-03-26, 05:18 AM
"Well...maybe, but where has he been for the last twenty years..."

2013-03-26, 05:27 AM
Viktor barely hears the man, but turns to say "Growing up. Babies make terrible kings." With that , Viktor hurries off. After getting some distance, Viktor circles around behind to where the tied up man could look because of his bonds and waits, also he casts message on Vel.

2013-03-26, 07:19 AM
V approaches Bors and taps him on his shoulder.

" A word?"

When they have walked some feet away, V asks

"So. It seems that we are in this together for a while. There is some history here. Can you fill me in? I am all for becoming a pain for the Empress. But I must know what kind of pain."

Bors gives his new companion an appraising look, holding his eye about five seconds longer than is comfortable. "You're handy enough in a fight, I'll grant that. You're bright enough to see we aren't exactly her highness's favorites and anyone with eyes and ears knows we're no bandits. I reckon you've done a bit 'o adding-up already."

"And yeah, necromancers are a bit 'o a sore spot too. Personal reasons. The last one we met, well, he doesn't have to work no magic to speak with the dead now."

2013-03-26, 08:00 AM

"I hear what you are saying. Since we are doing the adding up, you can see that I was not always cursed to wander around. Once, I was a soldier for hire. But not anymore. They kept squeezing me out of my life.

So the question is. What are we going to do? Try to take the Empress ourselves? Flee where the empire cannot reach us? What?"

2013-03-26, 08:04 AM
He claps Velisarius on the shoulder. "Hmmf. Day at a time my friend, day at a time. We do what we find to do. Mostly been staying ahead of the dogs, helping where we can. Long plans haven't been much use to us yet. Figuring we've just found something interesting here, have to see where it leads. The lady here gets ideas, but i tend to agree with her for the most part. My blood gets boiling, hearing 'o this."

2013-03-26, 08:06 AM
Abigail sighs at Tembor's stupidity. "You just don't get it..." she says as she leaves the wolves to watch the prisoner and joins the others for a private chat.

2013-03-27, 01:58 AM
A few more quick uses of his wand and he has a link to everyone. "So do we off the bastard, or let him off Scott free? I see no use in keeping him around, but we could also take him deep into the forest and leave him there unconscious. Maybe leave the unicorn there too until she is done saying good bye. Or would could feed the wildlife. I imagine doing that will be the first thing the loat was good for."

2013-03-27, 06:32 AM

"I do not like killing without reason. He came here unconscious. Unless he is an expert woodsman, he will not be able to orient himself. We can simply get him to sleep and drop him some miles away from the city. That way, if need be, he could be charitable himself later on. What I got from him, he is not actually evil. Just amoral in his line of duty. There is a difference.

But if you think he is a security risk, he needs to go. From our hands, not from the wildlife. To be sure."

2013-03-27, 06:48 AM
"Just because you are not evil does not mean you do not deserve death. He is a security risk. He has seen all of your faces. He could recognize you or describe you. He has no proper sense in him either. I trust he will do us harm in the future of he lives. And yet, I do not want to dirty my blade with him... But he cannot be allowed to expose you all. Wanted posters will not make life easy for us. Lucky for me, I hide my face, but you all do not. "

2013-03-27, 07:14 AM
The two wolves sit, one in front and one behind the captive.

Not pack smell of fear.

Hungry. Eat not pack?

Give word, eat. No word, no eat.

Much fear.

More fear, more flavor.

Bors glances back to the captive, weighing the options. "Aye, he's a threat, in his way. Or thinks he is. People are right afraid of him and he talked of assassins. Doesn't sound innocent were I'm standing. Either he's a villain, or a fool who wishes to be. One ought die, the other...will likely find the same end soon enough." He looks to Abigail, knowing her word will weigh heavily on the decision.

2013-03-27, 10:54 AM
"I've sensed his aura. He is evil, but only faintly. He sincerely doesn't think he is evil, so this is a matter more of indifference rather than malice. O rather, his malice is petty and not the core of who he is. He works for the fat uncle because he thinks he has no one better the work for. I think we should offer him a chance to do something better, like helping Bors and I oppose the empress or hunt necromancers. If he refuses, or if we feel he is lying, then we set him free to fend for himself in the wilderness, and I'll shed no tears if he dies to some animal. I'll bring Celeste to judge his intent, since I hear unicorns are *excellent* judges of character and truth."

2013-03-27, 11:20 AM
Bors nods. "Aye, sounds fair enough to me. Won't be turning my back to him anytime soon though. If he finds a higher cause then he may yet redeem his life."

2013-03-27, 11:32 AM
"So we... bring him with us? I have a condition. If he betrays us, I am going to personally kill him. You can help, but wildlife won't be his end. Not after we let him live. Betrayal will mark him for gutting. I guess you can ignore my condition, if you want, but should be betray us, I will hunt him down. Betrayers deserve to be corpses. Especially if the betrayal is especially malicious."

2013-03-27, 11:39 AM
"If he betrays us, he is actively trying to harm us. At that point, I will probably condone any killing as self-defense, unlike today, in which he was NOT actively trying to harm us."

2013-03-27, 12:00 PM
Mikael just slightly shakes his head, not sure if he wants to travel with these people, especially with that kind of man as a "prisoner".

"Well, If I am going to travel with you all, and him, of all people, I think first we need to get a feel of each other. Why don't we start with proper a proper understanding of where we all come from."

Thinking about how to go about it, he decides to test the waters with a little shock factor.

"How do you feel about anathema?"

2013-03-27, 12:10 PM
Bors glances to Abigail briefly before answering slowly. "If you're asking the question, then the answer is assumed, right? Like I told him," indicating Velisarius, "We've all had time to do some figuring and I don't reckon any of us are dense enough not to think it."

2013-03-27, 12:39 PM
The lady knight gets straight to the point. "I feel that the anathema are a persecuted minority, and that the pogrom against them must be stopped. Violently if need be, but preferably with words."

2013-03-27, 12:44 PM
"I don't feel they are any different. No more than an elf is different than a man. They should be treated with the same rights as every else."

2013-03-27, 03:54 PM

V raises his hands like a schoolboy. He rubs his scar while talking.

"I am Velisarius Mivonis. A fighter for hire, a polearmer of some skill and a veteran of several campaigns. I am also an anathema, Ashyra bless me, and that simple fact has destroyed my life twice.

So I bloody do believe that I am not going to let some Empress hunt me down like a dog because she doesn't like the fact that her power base affects me differently.

If anyone feels different, I will be happy to convince him. With steel.

As for that kind Trembor, let me see if I got it straight.

We are going to carry around someone whose deeds have stained his very soul, because we believe that our company is hallowed enough to convince him of the error of his ways?

Or because he saw our faces? Do you think that the town people will forget the fair steelclad lady, the green plated warrior with the two wolves and the scarred bastard, who cut down a necromancer in the middle of the road? Face it, out faces are very well known by now.

And what will happen when the Empire 's guard dogs find us? Or his masters agents, for that matter? Will we have to keep an eye on him in combat, while we dodge superior forces with no base to withdraw? Sleep with one eye open, lest he escapes? Never visit a town again, because we will have to explain the prisoner we are lagging around?

Not to mention the uncertainty of when he has exactly 'changed his ways'. Or how many people know his face.

This whole thing is madness, lady. If you wanted to reform people, you are in the wrong profession. We are hunted men... and women. Not preachers on the road.

I suggest the following: If you have something you want to know, let 's get it out of him. If we have to be somewhere, tell me where and why, and I will drag him. If he is useless, either let him free or kill him.

We don't have the luxury, time or resources to reform opponents. Or we will soon have to drag an entire army behind us."

Velisarius stops, a bit surprised by the length of his tirade.

2013-03-27, 04:08 PM
Surprised, Viktor mentally stuttered. "I... uh. That makes sense. But while a handful of villagers may have seen the minute of violence, the common folk tend to embellish. So the fight will end up being between an innocent carriage driver, and an army of undead goats battling a legion of he'll hounds and a motley crew of savages all in glowing armor. And you're not native to these parts. Trust me... the ones with smarts will deny having seen anything. We keep to ourselves and avoid the law. Almost no one has a clean slate, you see. Everyone is hiding something...

So if we are going to kill him or let him free, I urge you to remember he is a vile man, who could be the death of us all."

2013-03-27, 07:53 PM
"There is no proposal to keep him prisoner. There is only full cooperation or separation. When we speak to him again, if Celeste, and I believe she will be a harsher judge than any of us, does not fully believe that he is willing to switch his allegiance to us in the service of good, then we let him loose in the wilderness."

2013-03-27, 08:01 PM
Even though he was communicating via message, Viktor shook his head."I don't want to die over this scum. Letting him loose is a major risk. He is not innocent. He is a bad person, who has done bad things. The amount of life killed by his deforestation alone makes him a murderer so many times over he should die. We'll see that Celeste has to say for sure, but I'm sure she will agree the man cannot be freed. If you think he will die in the wilderness, then at least give him a merciful death, and not one he could get from the things out here. If you think he should live, re-evaluate your situation and his crime."

2013-03-27, 08:12 PM
"He's not going running to the empress's dogs, we can be sure of that. Doubt his little king is worth much worry either. May have the townsfolk scared, but if he had enough power to bother following us he'd be using it to get the throne. I doubt he'd die in the wilderness, unless he's a bigger fool than he looks (possible, but unlikely), if we let him off a few days and give the direction. Let the lady have her chat. I know better than to get in her way, Fellach knows. He follows us, fine. Likelier meet a bad end on our tail than in any woods in this land anyhow."

2013-03-27, 10:14 PM
Mikael was at a breaking point. Trembor was a pathetic man, following a failure. He wasn't sure whether that was the reason why he could trust his cowardice to follow us, or turn us in. Clearly, this group happens to all be anathema, therefore trustworthy, because them turning me in would put themselves at risk. At least someone happens to be mildly trustworthy.

"Under these circumstances, I should at least come clean as to who I am."

Taking off his hat and recending his disguise as Rostel, Mikael's green eyes and darker skin come into view. Black hair replacing Rostel's blond, as well as a couple inches of height.

"My name is Mikael Firebrand II, the heir to nobility, and an anathema born to completely magical blood. And as an educated man, I assume that this man we have is much more of a lackey, it may be worth taking him with us, but I would not trust him completely. He is clearly an opportunist, he does not do this for honor or what is right, he seems to function solely off of gain, and I would not trust him with much, but he is clearly a coward, and as long as we kept watch on him, it should be no problem."

Thinking about the people he is with, he decides it is better to insure his trust with them.

"Anyway, since he is our prisoner, I suppose he wouldn't need these."

He takes twenty gold coins from Trembor's purse, and tosses the rest to Viktor.

"That is what I got off of Trembor. Along with what appears to be some kind of poison. I'd say five doses worth."

He pulls out the vials of poison and sets them aside. Then pulling the rapier out, he examines the blade.

"I also found a dagger, quite good quality, but I pulled this from his hands while he was awake, I believe I will give him his rapier, if necessary, otherwise, I will keep it. It is a nice trophy."

2013-03-28, 01:22 AM

V shakes his head. So, anathemas all around and a noble to boot. This keeps getting better and better.

"I have said my piece. What we took of him are spoils. This is how it goes, all over the world. It is not mercy to send the man to the wild alone. It is refusal to see the truth. Either kill him or put him near a town.

If we are going to be that squeamish about doing what needs to be done, we will have problems all over. We are being hunted, we do not have these luxuries.

And full cooperation can be revoked anytime. Usually at the worst possible moment. I repeat, are we going to lag him around bound, wherever we go?

This is not sound. Either kill him or set him free."

2013-03-28, 03:02 AM
"I say we return his rapier to him alright, but aim for the kidneys. I supposed that idea is not going to happen though? That's fine, I may have to go deal with something before we head out. Let the unicorn speak her bit, then we'll release him in the morning, just before we go ourselves."

2013-03-28, 07:49 AM
Abigail goes and brings Celeste, and catches her up. "So, what do you think we should do to Tembor? You're one of the major victims. Your voice matters. Of course, if he dies, then if he has any details about how he desecrated your glade, we won't be able to get it. I'd like to help you restore your powers."

2013-03-28, 08:20 AM

"A poisoner too, eh? Well, I still say we wait for our four-legged friend's judgement."

Faye licks the back of the prisoner's neck. Hungry. Eat not pack now. Why wait word?

Somehow he knows that it was not a friendly gesture.

2013-03-28, 10:41 PM
"I'm not inclined to offer mercy to one who has kidnapped me and violated my forest," Celeste says with a voice edged in ice. "He may not have struck first at you, but he most certainly struck me a most grievous blow, and one unprovoked. If he has some secret to help cleanse my home, then I might be willing to trade my claim against his life for it, but I'd sooner stomp in his skull in than listen to more legalistic justifications for which I care not a wit."

2013-03-28, 10:58 PM
"Fair enough. If he can help you restore your glade and powers, he gets to live. Otherwise, you stomp his skull in. Shall we?"

Abigail leads the group back to Tembor, unless the group objects or has more discussion.

2013-03-29, 12:03 AM
Viktor dismissing the magic effects that connect him to his friends and walks over to the bastard who is all tied up. With a swift cuff upside the head, Viktor got his attention. "How can you help that poor beautiful Unicorn? You, the disgusting pig that you are, owe that equine a great deal. You worthless mass. Because you are yours, the lovely girl is powerless and homeless. How will you reprimand your vile actions, you miserable vomitous pile of trash. That, I've decided, may be the last thing I need to hear from your wretched lips, you befouled putrid beast."

Crossing his arms, Viktor awaited an answer. Looking over at Abigail with a harsh, level gaze, he made his opinion known. "This has nothing to do with us any longer. Our new friend, Celeste will decide to kill him on the spot or not. But even if she doesn't, he won't leave totally unscathed. Your morals might prevent me from out right killing him, but my morals insist he cannot go unpunished. He does not need all his fingers, for one. I'll let my head cool overnight before I decide, as to be less rash, and I'll even hear your arguments at that time, but not now. If you want to reprimand me later, that's fine, but not now. Now we listen to Celeste and this filthy scuzeball. Then we hog tie him, gag him, and get some sleep. In the morning we'll see how we all feel."

2013-03-29, 03:57 AM
Tembor cowers under Viktor's assualt. Already broken by Velisarius, he has no backbone left to stand up to the smaller man's lashings (either tongue-based or literal).

"I...uh, a moment... Let me think, let me think," stutters the desperate man. "Ah! Yes! Rodric's notes! I'm not caster, and thus the desecration of the grove was not my doing...er," he cuts short at a glower from Celeste, who pointedly stomps a front hoof. "That is, it was by my doing but by not my design. If there's a way to cleanse the unicorn's glade, it will be among Roderic's papers. But, erm," the bloodied man squirms, knowing that you won't like what he's about to say,"they're all in his room at Dietrich's base."

2013-03-29, 04:41 AM
Viktor glares at the man. "And where might that be?" Viktor demands.

Speaking in Sylvan to Celeste

"They are Fey nearby in these woods. It may be that they already know how to help you. After we deal with this, I'll point you in their direction. Just so you know there are other options, if he is even telling the truth here."

Looking back at the imprisoned man, Viktor glares. "Why? Why would you even do this? Why destroy a forest and enslave a Unicorn?" Sighing deeply, Viktor shook his head. "It's so... vile. Even thinking about it puts a foul taste in my mouth. Why did you do it?"

Somewhere, deep within him Viktor was beginning to calm. The idea of carving the man up was beginning to be repulsive, but that did not mean he wasn't still playing with the idea of killing the man himself. But the original rage was subsiding. At very least, Viktor thought, he needs to feel a great deal more pain over this. But I think letting the Fey of these wilds deal with him is more than fair.

2013-03-29, 07:11 AM

"Of course. At the base. The base that has eluded the empress's hound for how long? The base from which you threatened to send unstoppable assassins? The one place in the land where you could rid yourself of us safely? Yes, let's waltz right in. A jolly plan, that." Grip tightens on haft, his face growing dark with his bitter laugh.

2013-03-29, 07:56 AM

V nods at Bors' words. Finally, some sense.

"How imperative is it that we find these notes? And why do we need to clean up this glade? I think I missed that part.

Are we still not hunted by both the Empire and this man 's master? We have decided that we will spend the rest of our soon to be short lives righting wrongs?"

Also, V will wait until the night to bring up the matter of the loot.

2013-03-29, 08:00 AM

V nods at Bors' words. Finally, some sense.

"How imperative is it that we find these notes? And why do we need to clean up this glade? I think I missed that part.

Are we still not hunted by both the Empire and this man 's master? We have decided that we will spend the rest of our soon to be short lives righting wrongs?"

"Would you spend your life hiding in alleys and running from shadow and rumor? If I am to die soon, I would have it be worthwhile. Our lives are short, are loses sudden, but I would rather be dead than live without purpose. And sometimes we get to choose our purpose. This seems a fair one, undoing the harm of this petty wickedness."

2013-03-29, 12:36 PM
Abigail has no words of disapproval for Viktor for the time being. She looks at Velisarius and says sincerely, "I right wrongs because it is the...right thing to do. You are free to leave of course, and I would not force you to help others, but there is safety in numbers."

2013-03-29, 03:38 PM

"Well, if you want to go out in a blaze of glory, you can of course. I would rather cause pain to the people responsible for what has come to me. And possibly try to change things, through planning, allies and use of strategy. Or die trying.

I have no objection at cleaning up that glade, if that will foil someone 's plans. I could even do it for gratis, just for the hell of it, since right now I am rather unoccupied. Especially if that gets us powerful allies.

But throw my life just for the nobility of the thing...no. But I have talked too much. Do what you want and I will follow, until I have a better suggestion. Just remember the tactical situation of the thing."

With that, V. will retire and take out his folding chair. He will sit down comfortably, light his pipe and pour himself some whisky.

2013-03-29, 04:37 PM
"Trust me. I know very well the value of life and about throwing it away, especially my own."

Well, technically, she doesn't HAVE a life to throw away right now, but...

2013-03-30, 09:58 PM
"I... think he tells the truth. At least what he thinks might be true." Celeste says, after long consideration. "I would give much for but a chance to restore my glade. My failure to protect it weighs heavily upon me. More heavily than my wrath, even." Her eyes flash to Tembor, staring daggers at the bound and bloodied captive. "But I cannot ask you to risk confronting this wretch's master for me."

"Please, it is no risk!" blubbers Tembor. "Rodric was a useful tool, but not loved or trusted. Dietrich will understand your reasons, if I speak for you."

2013-03-30, 11:02 PM
Viktor's eyes turn to an icey glare. "I would not have you speak for us. if your master is half as understanding as you imply, he will not seek us out as it is."

2013-03-31, 02:14 AM
Mikael had been calmly listening to this interrogation, but now something stirred within his core.

A coward, speak for me? Neither from or to a man that has naught the courage to hold their own, and neither this servant nor his master had the fortitude to speak for him. Mikael's blood burned, hearing such worthless pleading from a lesser man.

Taking his hat from off his brow and swishing it quickly, as if to remove dust, he removes his glamered disguise as Rostel. The proud son of Mikael Firebrand now stands in full view of those around him. Angered by this worthless servant, and the even worse pig he claimed to follow, he acts on the impulse of his true station. Pulling the signet ring from his pocket, putting it upon the smallest finger upon his right hand, he begins movement towards Tremblor.

A true noble puts faith in his house, and would not wallow in wealth while his throne is claimed by another. Mikael's honor is now at stake, as a house that professes claim to the highest of thrones in his family's homeland is intolerably unworthy.

Pulling the blade from the cane his father gave him, gripping it firmly in his left hand, he points the tip to the throat of Tremblor.

"A true noble of this nation would not have a coward like you speak to such filth for him. I am the heir to the name Firebrand, Mikael II, and you are lower than low. Your own cowardice only makes your blind oath to such a pathetic nobleman even worse. How can even a servant to a nobleman put up with such a sickly display of a man that claims the highest of mortal thrones?!"

Mikael faces Tremblor, grinning with his blade's point right against the middle of his throat, he lets off a humored chuckle over the clear tension he is holding back.

"Now, give this lord one good reason not to slaughter a coward whom suckles off the teat of a man sow whom dares profess a right to this nation's throne."

2013-03-31, 02:23 AM
Viktor arched an eyebrow at Mikael, then signed to Abigail What. Was. That? Viktor smiled, a little impressed with the sudden dramatic flair. I'll have to ask him about this later. I could be friends with a man so good with words.

2013-03-31, 03:09 AM

Velisarius was sitting in his chair, his pipe in hand, when suddenly Rostel changed face and stance. V watches with the mouth slightly open. From the hand waving, others had the same reaction.

What the Hell? A nobleman now?

2013-03-31, 03:35 AM
Tembors mouth opens and shut, like a landed fish gasping for water, but nothing comes out. His visage collapses in despair, eye darting back and forth as he gropes for some way out of this situation... then he suddenly breaks out in a broad grin and summons up his most officious voice.

"Sir Mikael Firebrand II, you have gravely insulted my honor, and worse, threatened to slay an imprisoned noble without offer of ransom, a direct violation of the Pacte Noblesse. I, Tembor Lundqvist, Margrave-in-exile of the Maw and Knight-Sergeant to His Royal Highness Dietrich Aldarch demand satisfaction in the form of honorable combat, in public, no sooner than three days hence."

@Mikael OR DC 10 Know (Nobility) or know (History)
Indeed, your actions are a terrible impingement of his honor, and in direct violation of the centuries-old Pacte Noblesse, an agreement between the great noble houses which, among other things, set standards of court etiquette, laws governing inter-house relations, and legitimized the royal family, all in the hopes of ending the near-constant regional warfare of the time.

Tembor is entirely within his rights to challenge you with the given conditions, and several of your ancestors would roll over in their graves if you were to refuse him (whether that matters to Mikael is up to you).

2013-03-31, 03:47 AM
Viktor's small smile turned into a harsh frown. Why is the coward no longer cowering? What was all that blabber?

Viktor remembers vaguely about something to that effect. Shaking his head, Viktor points his finger at the man. "No fool, you are my prisoner. This man here, be he nobility or not, has no claim over you. While he may be under my care as his guide, he has no right to intervene on my prisoners. I give you the quarter you deserve, as appropriate to my station. I believe this pact is nullified in such cases. He cannot be responsible for the actions of people who happen to be standing nearby. Besides, you violate several laws yourself by your actions, and I find you unfit, and in my eyes, you are stripped of any rights, noble or otherwise. Scum. And what're going going to do? Complain to your master that your honor was insulted? If he knows you, he'll point out you lack honor!"

Looking at Mikael, then Abigail, V, and Bors, Viktor nodded. "Enough out of you. It's late. If you press my temper any longer I will act on my current, inflamed mood. Shut up until morning."

Turning to Mikael, Viktor added, "And, my friend, while I appreciate your help in capturing him, I insist to you that he is not your prisoner, he merely wears your cuffs." Turning to V, Viktor says "You seem to get along with him best. Convince him to be quiet. And blindfold him if you can. I have no spare cloth. I'm going to go gather my traps from the forest. I do not wish to leave them out, where they might cause harm while I am not here to collect the kills."

Assuming the group reaches an accord, Viktor will set off to go deal with his traps. And something else too...

Just gotta roll a 3... well ****.

2013-03-31, 04:15 AM
Laughter fills the halls as Mikael now hears the once coward nobleman speak with some hint of honor. Completely ignoring Viktor, as if his words where nothing more than rain.

Removing his blade from his throat, he looks him in the eye.

"Now, when your life is at the brink, you remember your honor, your rights, your code. This is the kind of man I want to see."

Continuing to laugh, he bows, most graciously before the now proper nobleman before him.

"I beg most sincere apologies, I merely wished to stir your true blood, and not to sleight your honor, however you are well within your rights..."

Sheathing his own blade, and then taking Tremblor's blade in hand, he admires it before continuing.

"You and I are both in exile, public conflict would bring nothing but hunters upon our heads. Whether one of us wins or looses, we shall surely die. I merely wished to see your true colors, nothing more..."

Sheathing Tremblor's blade, and taking a knee whilst holding it out toward the still chained Tremblor.

"I implore you reconsider your rights to challenge me, not because I am your better, but because you are mine in this affair. A public duel between two nobles lost would merely bring the victor to death."

Looking into his eyes, still on knee, but directly unto Tremblor's being.

"Isn't it better to be the true noble you are showing me, than the cowardice you had earlier, it suits you as a true man. This is, however, a reflection upon yourself. Clearly, your master is not worthy of such a man."

Clearing his throat, he brings himself to his feet.

"Still, should you implore this duel, I must accept, for a man whom cannot back his word with action is worth nothing at all."

Setting Tremblor's blade at his knees, Mikael awaits for the nobleman before him to make his earned decision.

2013-03-31, 09:16 AM

V was about to intervene, when he sees Mikael go from weird to weirder. He nudges Bors.

"This is better than a street theater. Does he truly believe this nonsense? We have a real nobleman in our team? I hope he doesn't get his blue blood spilled, though."

2013-03-31, 11:53 AM
The paladin speaks gently, "Tembor, if you know of a better way to help Celeste restore her glade than having to walk up and explain everything to Dietrich and hope for his...benevolence, then act how a nobleman should act instead of how you've acted recently. If you help us in good faith, and end up being in disfavor from Dietrich, I will be happy to put you under protection from him. I won't speak for the rest of my companions, but I think they'll come around if you truly act in good faith to help."

Diplomacy (can use Inner Beauty trait after the fact to add +4 if desired): [roll0] Hmm...sure, will add +4 for a total of 36 to appeak to Tembor's good side and his sense of honor.

2013-03-31, 04:55 PM
Tembor remains silent through Viktor's tirade, not wishing to further inflame the mercurial little man.

To Mikael and Abigail, Tembor remains sure of himself, "You leave me little choice but to press this duel. Your friends," he waives in the direction of Viktor and Velisarius, "clearly lust for my blood, here and now. It would be better for me to risk exposure and death in a few day's time than die in the swamp tonight. Unless you can present a third option, I must insist."

know(nobility) DC12
The third option, by law and custom, is to offer Tembor to his master in ransom. If the ransom is refused, you can kill him outright without besmirching your honor. The usual price for a man of his stature is 5,000 gold.

"And madam, though your offer is impassioned and reasonable, I can offer no answer beyond the one I have already given. Rodric used magics exceeding my rudimentary knowledge to complete his work in the unicorn's glade. Either you must treat with a more powerful caster to break them by force, or search out the necromancer's own notes for the key to their unraveling."

2013-03-31, 06:19 PM
"Well, could you not gain access to the notes without arousing suspicion? You do have free access to your own base correct? Surely there is some way for you to sneak the notes out to us?"

2013-03-31, 07:02 PM
Mikael thought hard about the circumstances. Given that some of them would rather kill him, and public displays are not entirely desirable.

Ransom. I wonder how much faith this man has upon his lord?

"In accordance procedure, we ransom you to your liege. I would assume your station would hold 5,000 sovereign coins. Should your lord hold to your honor and his, it would resolve this situation in a more discrete manner."

Although, he did feel bad about his previous slight against Tremblor's name, this would be the softest approach in times like these.

Pulling out pen, ink, and paper from his pack, he writes a note on an empty sheet in his notebook and shows it to Abigail, hiding it from Tremblor.

We could bring him to the base whilst someone searches the area for the notes. Perhaps make a distraction as well.

2013-04-01, 07:44 AM

Ha, more noble blood on the run. Guess I have company. Pretty keen on points of honor too. Interesting. Not from around Deeping, I reckon.

Bors taps Mikael on the shoulder. "You reckon those notes ought be included in the ransom. We wouldn't want to insult or guest here by asking for too little. And it would save us the bother of going into their camp, such an exchange must be at a neutral site, right?"

If you weren't on the tourney scene or from near Deeping, Bors wouldn't have marked you, so I'm guessing he doesn't know much about Mikael's claims.

2013-04-01, 04:49 PM
Tembor gulps, clearly he hadn't wanted you to latch on to the idea of ransoming. "Yes, you might be able to ransom me for the notes." he grumbles more to himself, "more likely than getting any money out of that miserly wretch."

2013-04-01, 06:29 PM
The notes may be a tad bit more useful than coin... Mikael chooses to go ahead for it.

"Sounds good, I guess. If you are good with it, than we can attempt to garner the notes in that way. Sounds like we have a plan."

2013-04-01, 07:21 PM
"Notes, plus at least a TOKEN amount of gold that'll be used towards restoration work on the glades. Say...500 gold. That ought to be small change for royalty right? But, how do we know that they'll actually bring the correct notes, and also not withhold some crucial pages from us?"

2013-04-01, 07:24 PM
Viktor frowns. He doesn't like this new development, but he doesn't say anything. Perhaps a new secret plan is in order. Sighing Viktor asks "Is our plan set then? I need to gather my traps up. We should discuss this further tomorrow. Can we secure him better and get some food cooking? I have some stores of meat in my shack."

Now, of everyone is in accord, Viktor will go collect his traps.

2013-04-01, 08:29 PM
Bors nods. "Sounds fair enough to me. We'll see if he's worth more to his master than a dead fiend's scribblings. Once your traps are up my beasties can roam a bit, keep an eye on things."

2013-04-01, 10:39 PM
Thinking about it, Mikael decides that not even a token of gold would be truly necessary if we get all of a necromancer's notes.

"We come to him asking for ALL of the mage's notes, and for that matter, to be let into the mage's quarters. The acolyte I have in my employ has twisted my arm, and really wants to see his arcane notes."

Turning the brim of his red hat, it slowly turns into a green beret, and he appears to have gotten shorter, and donned brown robes with a green cape. His hair grows long and becomes a rich merry-gold blond..

"After I introduce myself and make arrangements, I could allow my acolyte to inspect the room for the notes. I know enough about the arcane that I should be able to figure it out."

"As for gold, we will see what happens during negotiations."

2013-04-02, 07:16 AM
Bors looks doubtful. "If you be sure that they'll let ye in. Maybe they end up wanting a ransom of their own, which does us little enough good. I don't think we want the exchange on their ground."

2013-04-02, 08:04 AM
"Right. But we also need an expert to see if the notes are likely complete and will do us any good. I think we ought to bring a druid *to* the exchange if possible."

2013-04-02, 02:48 PM
Mikael new that bringing more people into this situaiton might not be the best idea...

"What happened to the glade, what effects took place? Let's see if I can figure it out from here before we start looking for more people to add to our little caravan."

2013-04-02, 05:39 PM
"The burned it. As much as they could, at least. Then they poured some poison into the sacred spring, and the necromancer cast some sort of spell while I was distracted with the fires." Pipes in Celeste. "Once they severed my connection, they could track me down and take me like any other creature of the forest."

2013-04-02, 07:14 PM
Bors glances to Abigail before speaking. "Poisoning the sacred spring, eh? Seen it happen before. Nasty business. And a spell too? Need some way to break it and cleanse the spring no doubt. There any druids around there that you think would help with the mystic business?"

2013-04-03, 12:57 AM
Abigail puts a hand on Celeste. "I am sorry for your pain. We will make this right."

The lady knight return Bors' look, remembering their previous experiences. "Yes, a druid, or perhaps a knowledgeable alchemist. I do not know any, unfortunately."

2013-04-03, 07:16 AM
Bors grunts. "Well, we can work that out when we need to. For now I say we get some rest. Tomorrow we can drag this wretch somewhere to contact his lord so we can arrange it all. Can't sit here yacking ALL night."

2013-04-03, 12:01 PM
Finishing his trap run, Viktor returns with a large bundle of traps, and set them down next to his house. "Still talking? Fine, I'll play the good host and make dinner." Viktor smiled and set off to do that. "Decide on anything I should know?"

2013-04-04, 08:04 AM
"Alright Tembor. You better be on your best behavior. Figure out the best way to make contact with your leader and make this exchange. For now, everyone deserves some rest and food."

Abigail fills Viktor in privately. "...and even though there's a chance for ambush at least we don't have to try to walk into the enemy fortress. If they attack, we can beat up whomever is doing the exchange and take the notes by force if they brought it, in addition to whatever else they have."

2013-04-04, 06:21 PM
Once away from Tembor, Viktor shakes his head. "You're a sweet girl, Abigail, kind and gentle, but too naïve, as many other sweet girls are. If they plan to ambush us, they will not even bring the notes. We need access to the mage's rooms. It is better that we do not allow Tembor to speak at all. Demand access to all of the mages goods, as our friend, a rival of the now dead mage, want the notes, tomes, and other sundries. We will personally search the room as well. Then we lie. We tell them that our friend wishes to replace the now dead mage, but will only do so after reading the notes and getting his first payment in exchange for this blubbering fool. Who will be asleep from his own poisons. We can let them check his pulse, if they desire proof he lives. But that is not enough, we must speak to the servants as equals if we want to know the truth about this mage we have slain. My noble friend...

Viktor turns Mikael, "Lend me your hat, and I will go into the castle as a servant, and ask the others about this mage. They will know his movements better than any, and will tell us if he had a secret sanctum, or anything else we may want to know. It is also likely that they will be aware of the movement of any of this dead mage's papers, as they are likely to be the ones who moved them."

After his exhaustive monologue, Viktor gathers up the cooking supplies from inside his house and begins to cook. "Tembor, you bastard, do you have any special dietary needs? My group seems to have decided yiu deserve a sliver of proper treatment. And I have no intentions of starving you. If it is decided you die, I will still gut you, but for now you are a guest among us, albeit an unwilling one. And the rest of you, I need to know your own dietary needs, if I am to act as your guide. I assume the pups can gather their own meat? Or should I set something aside for them?"

2013-04-04, 07:28 PM
Mikael chuckled, perhaps his mothers flare for the dramatic will be his downfall. Removing his hat, he hands it to Viktor

"I must stop being so obvious with my magical items... Just a note however, the disguise you make with it's power must contain some form of headwear. I have to go as myself anyway. Seeing as we are working together now, I offer this as a sign of trust."

2013-04-04, 07:38 PM
Viktor nodded solemnly at Mikael. "On my honor, I will never betray that trust. If there is one thing I say that you ever believe, believe I won't betray you." Viktor held a level, meaningful look at Mikael before taking the hat. "Since we are trusting each other... I'm not really named Tom Green, my name is Viktor Rottnacht. Tom Green is one of my many aliases. Secrecy, misdirection and subtly are my favorite tools, the least of which is subtly. If you make a big fuss as Mathais Spindlebaugh, nobody will come looking for Jeffory Thimble. Anyways, I've got carrots and potatoes to go with the fish I plan on cooking. Any problems with that?"

2013-04-04, 08:01 PM
"Let's get the fish and chips frying then, too much talk makes a man hungry. Still think the ransom exchange could work, but if you are set on getting yourself captured there's naught I can do to stop you. We can simply demand they show the notes before giving him over. If they attack, we can still try your plan, more or less."

2013-04-05, 12:15 AM
"I still like the ransom idea better, but I shall not impede you should you try to help out in your preferred manner. I am nothing I not aware of the oppression of government. I shall not add to your oppression as long as you are trying to do something good. Still, what shall my role be in the matter? I would not pass as a servant and I am not good at lying. Nor am I as...limber as I used to be for climbing walls or skulking about."

2013-04-05, 12:54 AM
Viktor raised an eyebrow at Abigail. "I have a mirror. Do you need to know how you look? Or should I tell you? You're going to be our noble friend's body guard. I'm sure our noble friend will do all the talking. I'm not completely sure, but I think nobility typically likes to do the talking when it comes to official things like this."

Hearing no complaints about his meal, Viktor begins cooking. "Our houndmaster can play the exotic role of.... a huoundmaster. His big lie is that he works for Mikael, rather than with. I'm sure you will also not struggle to convince anyone you are there to protect Mikael, and will knock a few heads if you have to. It's pretty simple. Look angry, and keep your hand on your sword."

really? that's not a bad word... not used like that... I'll change it.

2013-04-05, 01:26 AM

Velisarius, sitting in his chair, grunts his agreement.

"The plan has many holes in it, but it is a plan. I can also be a ...bodyguard. I have been one, for many years.

But let us get to eating now."

2013-04-05, 02:18 AM
Viktor laughed, "Big V, you couldn't convince me otherwise. You've definitely had your share. Make sure you look as menacing as you have since I met you, and I doubt any plans for ambush will be carried through."

It doesn't take long to cook fish, or potatoes, and the carrots will be served raw, so in only a dozen or so minutes, Viktor will have food ready for everyone.