View Full Version : Aquatic and aerial undead not in the mm's 1-3

2013-03-16, 03:08 AM
SO recently I've been planning a 1st level adventure for a couple of friends and the main villain is a necromancer. Does anyone know of swimming or flying undead creatures (not just a fish with an undead template slapped on) that could be easily put against, or adjusted for a party of four 1st level core- class characters?

also if you could include what book the creature is from that would be absolutely wondiferous!

2013-03-16, 03:28 AM
Stormwrack has Blackskate, a manta ray like undead that consist of bits of bone, cartilage, and other organic materials that've fallen to the bottom of the sea. It's CR 4, thought, and double nasty because it has DR 5/Slashing, which is hard to do underwater.

2013-03-16, 03:38 AM
Generally speaking, unusual terrain is reserved for slightly higher levels, since fighting underwater is another obstacle to surmount.

Lacedon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/ghoul.htm) is an aquatic ghoul with a swim speed, cr 1, and has paralysis.

Dessicators from Libris Mortis are dried up water elementals that suck the liquid from creatures, and Raiments are just animated clothing (so could, conceivably, be either a drowned dude's gear or whatever)

For flying creatures, something like a zombie avariel elf would look like an undead angel and be pretty scary for a group of first level adventurers, probably. Or, you could have the necromancer have grafted fins / wings onto an otherwise normal creature, give it whatever movement type / template you want, and go a more Frankenstein route.

2013-03-16, 12:25 PM
Generally speaking, unusual terrain is reserved for slightly higher levels, since fighting underwater is another obstacle to surmount.

The Pc's wouldn't be fighting in the ocean, it would probably just be in a stomach high pool, because this would be in a dungeon and not the outdoors.

So large creatures are most likely out...

2013-03-16, 12:29 PM
Skin Kites (Libris Mortis) are another low CR flyer (CR 3).

2013-03-16, 12:36 PM
Skin Kites (Libris Mortis) are another low CR flyer (CR 3).


I could have it hang from the ceiling of a dungeon room, then as soon as the players walk in BAM skin kite TO THE FACE!

2013-03-16, 12:39 PM
So large creatures are most likely out...Dungeonscape has Dungeonbred template, which can reduce the size of various monsters without too big of a reduction in effectiveness. It can't be applied directly to undead, though, so you'd have to apply it to the base creature first, then turn it into undead.

2013-03-16, 12:41 PM
Dungeonscape has Dungeonbred template, which can reduce the size of various monsters without too big of a reduction in effectiveness. It can't be applied directly to undead, though, so you'd have to apply it to the base creature first, then turn it into undead.

Well yes, for the water encounter this might be what I need.
Icould take a normal squid, reduce it in size then turn it undead.

2013-03-16, 12:56 PM
Dungeonbred can only be applied to creatures that are Large or bigger though.

The Viscount
2013-03-17, 11:28 PM
Really any undead could be aquatic if you tweak it to give them ranks in swim. Or if they can just be on the bottom they don't even need ranks in swim.