View Full Version : Questions about spells, spell-related feats and spellcasting

2013-03-17, 05:08 AM
Have a bunch of questions more or less related to spells, spell-related feats, spellcasting or spellcasting classes

1. If you take a spell-granting feat (such as [Bloodline]), will spells from it added to only current class spell list or to any possible amount of classes?
2. If some rare spell usually require particular feat (Node Spellcasting) or domain (Anyspell spell), can this spell be learned by CFs such as Advanced Learning or Spell research, prepared by Chameleon with appropriated aptitude, chosen as Factotum's Arcane dilettante, or duplicated by Anyspell or Limited Wish?
3. If some half-caster class, such as ranger or paladin, enter fullcaster PRC, will he get spells at X2 rate?
4. If PRC spell list taken directly from base class, can he also benefit from feats intended for this class (assuming he can take them)?
5. Spell Freedom of Movement. Can it protect from dexterity damage/drain/penalties? Stonehold? Burrowing Bonds? Hamstring SA?
6. Spell True Seeing. If caster magically blinded, will he be able to see or not?
7. Epic Spellcasting. What the hell is epic spell seed? How you get some? Will it stay with you forever, or will be eventually spent and you would need new one? Can you gather all epic spell seeds in the game, or there are some restrictions?

2013-03-17, 08:23 AM
I can't answer all of your questions, but off the top of my head:

3. If some half-caster class, such as ranger or paladin, enter fullcaster PRC, will he get spells at X2 rate?
No. Prestige classes that advance spellcasting usually phrase the ability as "the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a level in a spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class." So, that would mean that a Ranger 5/full-casting PrC 3 cast spells as an 8th-level ranger would. He would have a caster level of 4, and he would have just gained his first second-level spell slot (provided he has a sufficiently-high Wisdom score to grant a bonus spell at that level).

7. Epic Spellcasting. What the hell is epic spell seed? How you get some? Will it stay with you forever, or will be eventually spent and you would need new one? Can you gather all epic spell seeds in the game, or there are some restrictions?
Epic spell seeds aren't items; they are the bases of epic spells. I suggest that you read the rules for epic spells (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/spellsIntro.htm), and the rules for developing them. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/developingEpicSpells.htm)

If you want an abbreviated explanation, epic spell seeds are used for reference when you create your own epic spells; they are like blueprints. When you begin to make an epic spell, you refer to the list of epic spell seeds to find the base effect(s) of what you want your spell to do, and add modifications of that seed (such as increasing the area, adding more targets, increasing the DC, adding mitigating factors, etc.) to make the finished product. All of this is done out-of-character, usually negotiated between the player and the DM.

EDIT: Also, epic spellcasting is very, very powerful if used properly (and very much the opposite if not), so be careful if you allow it as a DM or if your DM allows it in his game. Things get silly fast if people use epic spells in a campaign.

2013-03-17, 09:57 AM
Have a bunch of questions more or less related to spells, spell-related feats, spellcasting or spellcasting classes

1. If you take a spell-granting feat (such as [Bloodline]), will spells from it added to only current class spell list or to any possible amount of classes?
2. If some rare spell usually require particular feat (Node Spellcasting) or domain (Anyspell spell), can this spell be learned by CFs such as Advanced Learning or Spell research, prepared by Chameleon with appropriated aptitude, chosen as Factotum's Arcane dilettante, or duplicated by Anyspell or Limited Wish?
3. If some half-caster class, such as ranger or paladin, enter fullcaster PRC, will he get spells at X2 rate?
4. If PRC spell list taken directly from base class, can he also benefit from feats intended for this class (assuming he can take them)?
5. Spell Freedom of Movement. Can it protect from dexterity damage/drain/penalties? Stonehold? Burrowing Bonds? Hamstring SA?
6. Spell True Seeing. If caster magically blinded, will he be able to see or not?
7. Epic Spellcasting. What the hell is epic spell seed? How you get some? Will it stay with you forever, or will be eventually spent and you would need new one? Can you gather all epic spell seeds in the game, or there are some restrictions?

5. In order: no. Yes. I'd say no; it's not grappling you. No.
6. No.