View Full Version : Who has the best hosted character sheets for Magic of Incarnum characters?

2013-03-17, 11:38 PM
I have a character sheet finished already for a play-by-post game, but that's essentially a scratch pad until I can share it. The character is going to be using a meldshaping class and some feats from Magic of Incarnum. I thought I would check which hosted sheets other people have used and liked (or disliked). Also, is there anything out there with essentia trackers?

2013-03-18, 02:57 AM
I can't recommend sadie's sheets (http://charactersheets.minotaur.cc/) enough. PHB, Completes, Incarnum, ToM, Psionics, even Pathfinder, these sheets have you covered. I very much enjoyed whipping these out at one of my games and and having everyone ask "whoa, where did you get those!"

2013-03-18, 12:02 PM
Those are neat, Psyren. Great find! I think these may be the best sheets I have seen since Mongoose Publishing's Ultimate Character Record Sheet (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/1810/Ultimate-Character-Record-Sheet?it=1) (MGP 9006) which includes a last will & testament sheet and tables of phobias, worldviews and childhood events on the inside covers you can roll on for background.

Sadly, I don't currently have a satisfactory way to edit .pdfs or share them. Thus, I'm seeking experiences with hosted character sheets. DnDSheets.com seems better than Myth-Weavers.com to me for at least having the good sense to require people to mark which skills are class skills, rather than mark all the ones which are not. There's still nothing dedicated to soulmelds or essentia trackers, though.

2013-03-18, 02:56 PM
Oh, I missed the "hosted" part. Regardless, you could just simply use a printed version of the sheet, track the info real-time in an online spreadsheet (or Myth-Weavers) and then update the hard copy at the end of each session with that raw data.

Sadly, Myth-Weavers is the only real "cloud sheet" service I know about personally.

2013-03-18, 03:00 PM
thetangledweb has sheets as well. They have a few tradeoffs, but the best benefit I noticed is that it lets you sort your spell list by spell level. If Mythweavers' 3.5 sheet can do that, I must be missing something.

2013-03-20, 12:11 AM
Oh, I missed the "hosted" part. Regardless, you could just simply use a printed version of the sheet, track the info real-time in an online spreadsheet (or Myth-Weavers) and then update the hard copy at the end of each session with that raw data.I definitely want to print out one of those sheets you pointed out, even if no one else will see it. I'm not at a point where I will need to track essentia, yet, but I'm still holding out hope there's something automated so I have less of a chance of screwing up my character sheet in one battle and not noticing until a later one. A spreadsheet might help, though.

thetangledweb has sheets as well. They have a few tradeoffs, but the best benefit I noticed is that it lets you sort your spell list by spell level. If Mythweavers' 3.5 sheet can do that, I must be missing something.DnDSheets.com seems to be capable of sorting spells by each column: name, level, and "# cast/mem" but I haven't tried it. It also provides "?" links to content on d20srd.org (also, some hints if you hover the mouse). I kinda like the strikethroughs for trained only skills you have no ranks in, but the auto-fill for the flatfooted AC could have been improved to recognize it should keep penalties.