View Full Version : NPC workshop

2013-03-18, 09:10 AM
I'm thinking that there should be a thread for people to either put forth their own ideas for interesting NPC concepts, personalities, and/or backstories, and/or to insult provide constructive feedback on everybody else's ideas :smallbiggrin: I would recommend keeping ideas as general as possible, so as to have potential for many different settings and levels, but detailed enough to be specifically interesting.

I shall begin with some of my personal ideas:

1) Tovaniar Neilevar almost died once as a young man when he spent too much arcane energy on too many powerful experiments in a relatively short amount of time, and decided that he should get other people to do smaller projects so that he has more energy for his own larger experiments; he is now the patriarch of a wizarding crime family who rob from other merchants of magic while presenting themselves as victims of the same robbers. The Neilevars secretly resell some of the stolen rings, potions, etc... to nobles whom they trust to be discrete (lest people start wondering why the Neilevars alone have so much to sell in the first place when everybody else has been stolen from).

While Tovaniar may be extremely powerful from spending decades experimenting and conserving power therefor, the rest of his family aren't nearly as powerful, but if any of them suspect that they will be attacked by enemies, they still have very large reserves of potions to strengthen themselves before the fight and scrolls/wands for during.

2) Luciana was still an infant when her mother was turned into a vampire. She spent her entire childhood in a community of vampires and was raised to believe that most mortals exist only as food to preserve those deserving of immortality, but that she deserved to be turned when she was older, which her mother promised to do for her. Her mother was "murdered" by vampire hunters when Luciana was still an adolescent human, and she has sworn vengeance on them and all other "lunatics who believe that if they have to die someday then so does everybody."

Luciana is a powerful spellcaster with both arcane talent and clerical training, and her favorite tactic in large fights is to cast Fly (and depending on her level, Greater Invisibility) so that she can buff her vampire allies (and any zombie slaves) from the middle of the fight instead of the edges.

3) Gelendeb is a vampire hunter, possibly either the one who killed Luciana's mother or at least associated with, who had his eyes gouged out (and the sockets treated to prevent healing spells/potions from growing them back) so that he would be immune to vampiric hypnosis.

Gelendeb is a melee-ranger with Blind-Fight and whose primary Favored Enemy is Undead.

EDIT: Should I have put this in "Homebrew: World-Building" instead?