View Full Version : How do Beholders get underlings?

2013-03-18, 12:39 PM
It says in Lords of Madness that Beholders charm people into service.

But Charm Person only has a duration of hours/level. Do they just keep charming them? Or am I missing something and they can somehow make it permanent?

2013-03-18, 12:43 PM
I was expecting a lame pun (like "they take halflings to the underdark!" or something). Left disappointed.

2013-03-18, 12:48 PM
Eye Rays (Su): Each of a beholder’s small eyes can produce a magical ray once per round as a free action.

They just keep renewing it.

2013-03-18, 12:48 PM
by getting rules lawyers like you to confuse all the other monsters into joining them

2013-03-18, 01:30 PM
by getting rules lawyers like you to confuse all the other monsters into joining themThat's not how Confused (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#confused) works.


Shining Wrath
2013-03-18, 01:35 PM
Spells + the D&D equivalent of Stockholm Syndrome + despair.

2013-03-18, 04:24 PM
How do beholders get underlings?

I'm an insane, subterranean, cyclopean, floating, small-car-sized head with a gigantic mouth full of dagger-long fangs, tentacles with eyes that shoot lasers, and if I look at you, you can't use magic. Do what I say.

2013-03-18, 04:28 PM
I'm an insane, subterranean, cyclopean, floating, small-car-sized head with a gigantic mouth full of dagger-long fangs, tentacles with eyes that shoot lasers, and if I look at you, you can't use magic. Do what I say, please.

It's the little bit of politeness that makes the difference.

2013-03-18, 04:28 PM
Charm to lead them to your lair, which they cannot then escape from?

2013-03-18, 05:43 PM
Pretty simple. The Beholder charms them (until they fail the save). Then they consider the Beholder a friend. Every time the Charm is about to run out, the Beholder asks his 'friend' to not resist the next spell he casts. And then he renews the Charm Person.

Thus, he has as many loyal minions as he needs.