View Full Version : Player Stats by Level

2013-03-19, 12:50 AM
What should a characters stats be per level and per class? Such as what should a fighters AC and Str, Con, etc. be as he levels up? Say levels 5 10 15 etc.

I know AC is obviously going to vary alot by class, as well as ability scores but im just trying to come up with an average number for each, think Fighter, Rogue, Cleric, Wizard for reference.

I know there is a wealth by level chart that I could use to determine magic items from, but there are many magic items that don't get a flat + to a stat and are used for their utility.

Thanks for the Help

2013-03-19, 01:01 AM
What should a characters stats be per level and per class? Such as what should a fighters AC and Str, Con, etc. be as he levels up? Say levels 5 10 15 etc.

I know AC is obviously going to vary alot by class, as well as ability scores but im just trying to come up with an average number for each, think Fighter, Rogue, Cleric, Wizard for reference.

I know there is a wealth by level chart that I could use to determine magic items from, but there are many magic items that don't get a flat + to a stat and are used for their utility.

Thanks for the Help

Average for Commonfolk, or average for adventurers?

For commonfolk, stats range from 6s to 10s, and everything in between.

For anything above the standard "humanoid(human) with x levels in commoner", I like to imagine the scale goes from 12-20 at levels 1-10, with 14 being the happy medium, despite not being the exact middle point.

Going from there, a fighter is bound to have an optimal dex to make sure he gets his +2 max dex for wearing something like chainmail, while a wizard might still want to shoot for more, but a 14 dexterity is still beyond the range most humans achieve without steroids or intensive training.

If you want full charts, you might have to point-buy for tanks, melee strikers, spellcasters, supports, etc.

From about level 6 to level 10, stat bumps are more common only because of magic items, where the differences really start to show. From 11-15, the biggest gains are made from both magic items and stat bumps, and by 16-20 it reaches a calm in gain from extraneous sources. I always aspire to get 1 ability score to a 30 by 20th level - that's a personal goal, realistically it will probably reach 24-26, anything beyond reuiqres number crunching or loads of money.

2013-03-19, 01:07 AM
Player characters specifically, thinking of running a low magic campaign and wanted a base stats for a person in a normal campaing so I would know how much to tweak things to still be balanced, this among other things.

2013-03-19, 01:09 AM
What should a characters stats be per level and per class? Such as what should a fighters AC and Str, Con, etc. be as he levels up? Say levels 5 10 15 etc.

I know AC is obviously going to vary alot by class, as well as ability scores but im just trying to come up with an average number for each, think Fighter, Rogue, Cleric, Wizard for reference.

I know there is a wealth by level chart that I could use to determine magic items from, but there are many magic items that don't get a flat + to a stat and are used for their utility.

Thanks for the Help

Depends on what you're trying to do with each class. And what rolling system you use (actual rolling? point buy? etc...) then there's the meta-game of: What do I want my stats to be at 20? (i.e. the dead zone between statmod is useless) So at lvl 20 after wish/tome and enhancements a 33 int is no better than a 32 int.

If using point buy it's 'cheaper' to spread points around, but for 32 I'd say primary 18, secondary 16 tertiary 12, of course that leaves you with negative modifiers...not necessarily important in all things.

2013-03-19, 01:15 AM
Player characters specifically, thinking of running a low magic campaign and wanted a base stats for a person in a normal campaing so I would know how much to tweak things to still be balanced, this among other things.

A low-magic campaign solves a number of problems immediately, when executed carefully.

If that were the case, characters would opt to have high attack options, even if it didn't gravitate towards actual melee/ranged.

Even a tanky melee character really only needs STR and CON, but not going negative on INT and DEX is still important. For melee characters with more variety(rogues, paladins, rangers, etc.), they'll need more stats(typically a caster stat on top of that), so they breach getting MAD(Multiple-Attribute-Dependancy) if the demand becomes to great.

The casters might have it easiest, even in low-magic. They would want to retool to maybe focus less on the infinite utility and using their spellset for survival - one optimal combat stat would suit them well(probably dex, and even then that reduces them to a secondary ranged unit). Sometimes having them squeak by on casting stat is fine because they can still churn out damage with certain spells, even at low levels.

For what system is this? point buys differ greatly between 3.5 and Pathfinder, but it isn't something that unbalances the game - they just have different scales for point buy(which would be more optimal for something like this).

2013-03-19, 01:21 AM
3.5, could be point buy or rolling either way I think I will have higher initial stats( greater than normal point buy number or something like 5d6 instead of 4d6 with maybe some dropped rolls)

I know AC doesn't scale well at all into higher levels but I'm basically looking for what a Fighters AC should be like at level X since with no magic items hes basically just going to have plate and a shield, and I want him to actually be able to make someone miss more than just the 5% of the time they roll a natural 1 against him.