View Full Version : Barbarian prestige classes?

2013-03-19, 08:01 AM
hi i just started playing 3,5 agin, and rolled barbarian (gotta love that class), i used to play alot of 3 and 3,5 a cuppel of years ago and have there for play a alot of difftent classes how ever i can't relly finde a good prestige class for barbarians here is what i have looked oppon:

Fraized bazerker - but DM will not allow it since ill be chupping down my mates
Bear warrior, first of the forest, frostangler - a barbarian whitout an axe is not a barbarian!
Runescarr bazerker - i have a wisdom of 10 and will therefore not be abel to use the spells
Champion of Gwynharwyf - Im a barbarian not a ****ing paladin.

any one who got any good suggestions to a good prestige class ?

2013-03-19, 08:20 AM
Barbarian unfortunately did not get a lot of love from PrC's. The ones you listed (aside from Totem Rager, a kind of quirky Incarnum thing) are really the go-to's.

There are a few other nuggets you might want to know about. Lion Totem Barbarian from Complete Champion (note: this is not the same thing as Lion Totem from Unearthed Arcana) is an alternate feature that trades your Fast Movement for the ability to Pounce. This is a very, very good thing.

Goliath Barbarian, from Races of Stone, offers some excellent racial substitution levels.

2013-03-19, 01:05 PM
Thx :) relly think it is wired that so many of the prestiges classes are unarmed ?!

the lion totem seems cool - im allrdy lvl 6 tho so it is kinda late :/

2013-03-19, 02:12 PM
Maybe worth checking out:

Wildrunner - Pounce, fear effects and a rage-like power that stacks with rage, for elf subraces only
Revenant Blade - Full strength and power-attack with a double weapon, 3 floating feats (from a short but reasonably useful list) in 5 levels. Also advances ranger abilities, so might be good for a multiclassed entry. Elf subraces only.
Deepwarden - A bunch of defensive and ranger-like abilities for dwarfs, including Con to AC. Great chassis, but features are sparse in higher levels.
Hellreaver - For barbs who've killed fiends, rewards a decent Charisma score with a pile of numeric bonuses and mettle.
Berserk - A more extreme rage that stacks with rage. Unfortunately, a standard action activation makes it a bit questionable on a tactical level.
And besides those, there are the usual decent melee prestige classes to choose from, like Thrall of Jubilex, front-loaded PrC dips (classes like Exotic Weapon Master or Stormtalon, whose first levels are just much better than their later ones), ToB dips and PrCs, various classes with magical abilities like Warmind or dragonmark-related PrCs.

Fouredged Sword
2013-03-19, 02:54 PM
The best barbarian PRC is called Warblade. It works great and the entry requirements are so low you can enter at 2nd level. There is an alternative PRC called crusader, but people complain about the recovery system.

2013-03-19, 04:16 PM
The most useful Barbarian Prestige Classes are generally considered to be:

Totem Rager: Basically an extension of the Totemist class, which a build your own monster class (lots of natural weapons, breath weapons, and special abilities which mirror abilities of certain magical beasts). But the Incarnum rules are very complicated, so since you're new, I would probably skip this. Magic of Incarnum.
War Hulk (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20030914a): Basically gives up BAB (and thus Power Attack) for a massive Strength increase and several useful special abilities. The most optimal entry is actually Cleric, so that you can access Divine Power, which fixes the BAB problem. It also requires that you have Large size, which you can get with several methods (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7081777). Miniatures Handbook.
Deepwarden (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20040807a&page=4): 2 levels gives you your Constitution bonus to Armor Class (in place of Dexterity), which is very useful, since Barbarian Constitution scores tend to be so high. Requires that you be a dwarf. Races of Stone.
Fist of the Forest: 2 levels gives you your Constitution bonus to Armor Class while unarmored. Stacks with the Deepwarden, so you'll sometimes see Barbarian/Whatever/Deepwarded 2/Fist of the Forest 2 builds. Complete Champion.
Weretouched Master: The un-errata'd version grants some fairly massive bonuses and Lycanthrope-ish special abilities which work well with Barbarians. But Wizards of the Coast nerfed it in the errata (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/errata). Requires that you be a shifter. Eberron Campaign Setting.
Frostrager (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20040911a&page=3): Allows you to be healed by Cold damage when in a Rage. Have a spellcaster ally take the Energy Substitution (Cold) Feat. Frostburn.
Frenzied Berseker: Allows you to Frenzy (basically a super Rage which stacks with Rage) and improves your Power Attack. But note that Frenzy is really hard to control, which means that you're likely to kill your allies unless you also figure out a method of controlling it or artificially ending it. (There are several). Complete Warrior.
Runescarred Berserker: Continues to progress most of your Barbarian abilities while also granting spells with a decent progression from a solid list (with access to Antimagic Field (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/antimagicField.htm) being the big draw) through a weird Runescar mechanic that can be used while in a Rage. Unapproachable East.
Bear Warrior: Turns you into a bear when you Rage, with some impressive bonuses. I personally would never take more then 1 level of the class. Even though higher levels let you turn into stronger/bigger bears, most of the class is dead levels. Complete Warrior.
Landforged Walker: This 5 level prestige class grants the Plant Shape ability as a capstone, which lets you Wildshape into a plant of any size from Small to Huge, with your character level as your effective Druid level for determination of duration and maximum hit dice. Secrets of Xen'drik.

You should also note that the Barbarian class itself is generally considered a weak and/or "low-Tier (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=1002.0)" class, since it does not offer a well scaled set of versatile abilities. (Such as spells, psionic powers, Tome of Battle maneuvers, soulmelds, or vestiges). So when advising the most powerful or optimal options, people will often tell you to skip it entirely, or just take 1 level of Lion or Bear Totem Barbarian (alternate class features from Complete Champion) followed by 19 levels of other classes and prestige classes, plus the Extra Rage Feat from Complete Warrior.

2013-03-19, 04:45 PM
Fist of the Forest: 2 levels gives you your Constitution bonus to Armor Class while unarmored.One level is enough. Two levels nets Uncanny Dodge and magic unarmed strike.

2013-03-19, 05:10 PM
wow thx guys relly i dicovered some cool stuff here :) espacialy the berserk and the wildrunner seems awsome.
Im BTW not new in dnd i just havent played in some years use to have a lvl 27 monk. Allway thought that the barbarian was the way coolest class but a bit underpowered and thats why i wanna prestige it in to something as fast as posibel. anyways im relly greatfull for the help :)
im gonna type in some of the bacis info about my barb cus my guss is that most of you knew way better what im looking for then i do my self (as an example i did not knew anything about that pounde and WOW thats awsome)

lvl 4 barbarian
Feats: power attak - Cleave
HP 55 (i rolled 3 9 :D:D:D )
half orc half nano (native tribe peapole that alot like humans but relly close to nature)
STR 20
Dex 16
Con 18
Int 10
Wis 12
Cha 10

i was relly digging the bear warrior untill i realised that it kinda means that i have to gife up my greatsword

2013-03-19, 05:16 PM
Barbarian isn't underpowered... it's under versatile, but the power level is 'decent'. It's a solid Tier 4, good at what it does.

And if you thought a level 27 Monk was 'playable', um, than you are new to any D&D that is anything other than 'absurdly low optimization levels'.


Barbarian is a great class. It has several powerful alternative class features, and does quite a few things well. It just is... extremely focused.

Here's a post I give to show people what Barbarian can do...

Human, Spirit Lion Totem, Whirling Frenzy Barbarian 9

1. Power Attack
Hu: Battle Jump
3: Improved Bull Rush
6: Shock Trooper
9: Leap Attack

Items of note: A +1 Baatorian Greensteel Gloryborn Valorous Greatsword (a +2-equivalent weapon. Baatorian Greensteel is basically a choice from 'any of the at least +1 damage materials'; other ones are much more viable to get in gloryborn versions, however).

A +2 Enhancement item of strength.

Assumptions: He starts with an 18 strength and he puts his level 4 and 8 bonus to strength, and he maxxes Jump.

Here is his attack routine on a Whirling Frenzy-enabled Heedless Charge, jumping at the enemy to enable Battle Jump, with Leap Attack, with full power attack, at level 9:

Attack 1:
26 str (+8)
-2 to hit from whirling frenzy
+9 bab to hit
+1 enhancement to hit
+2 charge

Damage: 2d6
+1 enhancement
+12 strength (8 +4)
+1 Gloryborn
+27 with a Leap Attack Power Attack (9*3, via leap attack, rather than 9*1.5, note that there are arguments that it is higher than 9*3...)
+1 from Greensteel

Multiplier x3 = Battle Jump (x2) + Valorous (x2)

(So a 2d6 changes into 6d6 after the x3 multiplier)

Damage on first attack is 6d6+126

So +18/6d6+126
or an average of 147 damage.

Attack 2:
26 str (+8)
-2 to hit from whirling frenzy
+9 bab to hit
+1 enhancement to hit
+2 charge

This is the same as the first attack, so +18/6d6+126
again, an average of 147 damage.

Attack 3:
28 str (+8)
-2 to hit from whirling frenzy
+4 bab to hit
+1 enhancement to hit
+2 Charge

+13 to hit

Damage: 2d6
+1 enhancement
+12 strength (8 +4)
+1 Gloryborn
+27 with a Leap Attack Power Attack (9*3, via leap attack, rather than 9*1.5, note that there are arguments that it is higher than 9*3...)
+1 from Greensteel

So this is +13/6d6+126
again, an average of 147damage.

So 441 damage at level 9, while relatively under-equipped (you should have higher strength and better gear).

Fouredged Sword
2013-03-20, 05:33 AM
Another good option for low op is barbarian 1 / half orc paragon 3 / orc paragon 3.

You get +2 strength for half-orc, +2 for half orc paragon, and another +2 for orc paragon. Half orc grants an extra rage.

2013-03-20, 02:02 PM
Technically you could use Bear Warrior with a mouthpick weapon or something. I'm sure there's some other way around it.