View Full Version : AoO warlock build with mage slayer feats

2013-03-19, 11:46 AM
Alright so, as the title says, I'm thinking of making an AoO warlock build.

The joke is, after reading up on many invocations, I realized a warlock doesn't need a high caster level (much like he doesn't really need CHA in many builds)

First, the main problem of a low caster level would be spell resistance but vitriolic blast makes that irrelevant (though it takes a while before you get it yet spell resistance usually becomes a problem when you get it so it works out).

Many , many invocations aren't keyed off caster level and have 24 h durations. Some are even keyed off your warlock level instead (the 1 important exception being chill tentacles but you can't have everything) .

Your caster level doesn't affect your UMD skills so you can still be quite versatile

Still, I have some problems ahead of me.


1rst, it's not easy to optimize eldritch glaive damage (though it's really not that bad as is).

So far, the only damage oriented feat I can think of is knowledge devotion. As for tome of battle stances, it's either assassin's stance or giant killing stance (IIRC, +2 to hit and +4 to damage versus larger foes)

quicken spell like ability seems like an obvious choice


gaining a way to move when your attack is a full round action is a lot harder than simply dipping barbarian for pounce

so far all I can think of is gaining turn undead to fuel travel devotion

Prestige classing , or not

I'm really not sure I want to go the hellfire warlock route. First, that means you can't be undead (since it doesn't work for creatures immune to ability damage). And being undead really helps if I'm going to melee (you get fast healing as a class feature anyway, Cha becomes your concentration check, d12 hitpoints (6.5 /level average) is generally better then d6 +2 (5.5 / level average).

still, if my prestige classes give better HD then that option could change

finally I need to improve my reach but that's achievable through feats (willing deformity /inhuman reach

So, if anyone can think of suggestions, I'm al lears

2013-03-19, 12:06 PM
For increased damage, I think there is a feat in Book of Vile Darkness that allows you to add a few d6 damage to a spell-like ability, which is your eldritch blast. I want to say that its called Mortalbane

2013-03-19, 12:15 PM
I don't really get what you're trying to say with not having a high caster level? Are you planning on multiclassing a lot? Otherwise SR isn't really an issue and you can take spell penetration if need be which applies to SLAs as well iirc.

A greater chasuble of fell power helps considerably when making a full attack with the glaive at high levels, as do the essences that grant extra damage. Haste gives you an extra attack as well, which is cool. Quicken SLA is only 3/day and requires you to be a pretty high level to use it. And you can't use it with Vitriolic Blast because it raises the effective spell level of Eldritch Blast to 6th (max is 5th at level 18).

Movement has never really been an issue for me when playing a glaivelock, but there's quite a few options out there for moving around as a swift action in cases where you need to quickly dispose of something that refuses to come close.

Does changing your type to undead give you d12 hit die? I can't remember what it was like in 3.5, I believe they changed it in PF since you get +Cha to HP there, so I guess that sounds about right. Being undead is nice, but the benefits don't really outweigh the downsides if you ask me.

If you're gonna go HFW, you need to also multiclass into a Binder or Incarnate for ability damage mitigation. Con damage is not acceptable for a melee squishy and using restoration kills your damage far more than not using hellfire in the first place. The only other decent PRC that doesn't get books thrown at you is Eldritch Disciple that advances cleric levels (along with warlock levels) which you might get anyway for travel devotion.