View Full Version : In browser GM Tools

2013-03-19, 04:26 PM
I like to GM from inside Firefox and I was wondering if anyone had suggestions on sites to use. I have found a few sites so far but was hoping some one had some more ideas!


This one seems useful but a touch lacking in features. I like that I can import URLs and minimize the number of tabs I have to have open.


This roller lets me save rolls.

GMs, what if any browser based tools (or addons) do you use?

2013-03-19, 04:40 PM
This website (http://www.d20srd.org/) has a lot of good stuff, including an encounter calculator and a monster filter.

2013-03-19, 05:23 PM
Have you looked at Chaotic Shiny (http://chaoticshiny.com/)? Lots of useful generators for when the party takes the option marked "None of the Above."

2013-03-19, 09:45 PM
I think I am going to try Combat Manager, unfortunately I use linux so I am going to try and run it in an XP VM.

2013-03-19, 11:53 PM
I would swear by donjon.bin (http://donjon.bin.sh/)

Initiative Tracker (http://donjon.bin.sh/d20/initiative/)
Dungeon Generator (http://donjon.bin.sh/d20/dungeon/) (pre-filled with monsters of a selected level and template.)
4e Dungeon Generator (http://donjon.bin.sh/4e/dungeon/)
Encounter Generator (http://donjon.bin.sh/d20/encounter/) (from the d20 SRD)
Weather Generator (http://donjon.bin.sh/d20/weather/)
Treasure Generator (http://donjon.bin.sh/d20/treasure/)
EXP Calculator (http://donjon.bin.sh/d20/xp/)

And of course, a Name Generator (http://donjon.bin.sh/fantasy/name/#monstrous)