View Full Version : [Maid:RPG](Sentou Gakuen) Hishimara Residence

2013-03-19, 11:21 PM
The late 1800's have brought many new technologies to the world. Here in Kyoto province has been no different really. The Hirishama's began bringing in railway systems and as much European modernization as they could. It not only helped the nation but made the family a tidy sum. That was about 100 years ago, and while they still own many of the industrial functions of the country, they mainly administrate from afar.

About two years ago the Hirishama's youngest son was reported kidnapped. Little was known about the matters to the public, but it was a largely reported scandal. The family was joyous a year later when he returned, but rumors spread quickly about the boys odd behaviors after returning.

Back to the present however, the families last local estate, a large palatial residence that looks more like the eastern European mansions than a traditional japanese building, is restaffing. Three new maids have been hired and have been asked to wait in the foyer by a rather peculiar looking butler.

2013-03-20, 11:30 PM
Natsume stood waiting in foyer, dressed in her silver maid outfit which incidentally matched her hair color. Out of the others she was told to wait with she only recognized one of individuals waiting along with her, Alex. She tried not to steal glances at the woman but failed due to her curiously of why her old rival was there.

She thought it best to keep quite and wait for the master for now. In the meanwhile, she kept busy by glancing at the others she waited with and then around the foyer.

2013-03-21, 03:48 PM
Alex ignored the incessant looks Natsume was sending her, feeling quite uncomfortable with the presence of her old love rival. The history between the two of them had left a bitter taste in her mouth and she wished it remain as it was: history. She decided she would try to act innocent and "forget" about her. Besides, she didn't take the job to be fired for creating trouble, she should not start her work with unwanted attention on her.

Nodding, silently agreeing with herself, she decided to stand even straighter, willing her body in a dignified position. Whether it was here or anywhere else, she should be the best at what she does.

2013-03-21, 03:57 PM
The last of the maids led into the room was rather skinny, flat, and appeared almost like a young boy. Her uniform seemed a bit longer than normal with the indigo dress with cream covers and frills. The point almost seemed to cover her skin, though what could be seen of her face and hands appeared to be crisscrossed with stitches and scars. Despite her odd appearance she seemed more wary of the other maids. She couldn't even say why, the two maids who came in aswell seemed normal enough, though she knew something was off about the butler. She gave a slight sight and waited, watching them.

2013-03-21, 08:34 PM
Altair stands firmly and quietly at attention without blinking scanning the new maids to remember there features and reactions. Noticing one of the maid glancing at the other maid he realized that the two probably know each other, but are possibly not friendly towards each other. He thinks to himself that this could be a potential headache for his master and he will have to watch these two closely to make sure they don't cause trouble for his master.

2013-03-21, 08:56 PM
It wasn't long before the stairs echoed with footsteps. The candles at the stairway lit on their own as shadows began to move. First appeared a young boy, maybe in his teens, wearing a well made suit of black and crimson. His red hair matched the color of his suit details. Just behind him follows a tall maid that seemed to relish in her beauty. Her Pink hair flowed down, but what would call attention most would be that parts of her uniform seemed to be missing. Though with closer looks they were simply transparent, leaving her skin to be seen with the occasional lace of her underwear peaking out aswell. Though one would quickly notice her wings, horns, and tail, while it was rare to see such succubi flaunting themselves in she appeared to be unconcerned about being reveled in such a way.

The boy stopped at the top of the stairs and looked over the three maids assembled there. His eyes flashed blood red off the odd mixture of electric lighting and candles that light the room. The candle flames seemed to give off more light as he looked at each of them. He gave a bit of a smirk.

Boy: "These are the new Help? I see you've picked them to my taste as usual Lilly. Very well, see that they are assigned by dinner, while I study in the library."

Succubus Maid: "Of course, Master."

A gem on a collar around the succubus' neck glowed when he'd given his order, though the boy seemed unconcerned. The boy wandered down the hallway with barely a look to the maids and entered a room. The Succubus pulled a clip board and pen out of her outfit, though it wouldn't take much to wonder with so much showing how it could have been hidden.

Lilly: "Ahem. My Name is Lilly Schlange, I serve as the masters head of staff for the internment. Things are done perhaps a little differently here than with some of your previous job postings if any. For now Introduce yourselves so that you can be entered into the logs. And then we will go over the house schedule."

2013-03-21, 11:08 PM
Natsume stared at Lilly's horns, wings, and tail though she could hardly say much, considering herself. She tried to ignore the transparent parts of her uniform while she stepped up and introduced herself. "Natsume Suzuki. I look forward to working with everyone." She looked around and made eye contact with everyone, except Alex.

2013-03-22, 12:31 PM
Alex resisted the urge to look away from Lilly, the transparent clothing left little hidden and made her feel quite uncomfortable. Not that she didn't know what was under them but rather, the fact she didn't share such femininity. She cleared her throat, trying hard to hide her embarrassment by tilting her head even higher.

"I'm Alex."

She crossed her arms, suddenly realizing nobody in this house actually made her feel comfortable. She frowned. Surely, there must be something she could do here and hopefully, fully clothed.

2013-03-31, 05:12 PM
Akami took a step out of the shadows, frowning at the situation..

Akami: "Nyo Akami... If your outfit is the dress code, you may as well dismiss me now."

The succubus smirked and chuckled a bit. "Hardly my dear, but the master insisted I wear "something". My kind have a dislike for such restricting clothing, but as I am bound to Master Hishimara and unusable for my prefered inclinations I have put on.. somewhat of your clothing. You are free to wear the uniform design of your choice."

Lilly marked a few things down on the clip board, she slid it back inside somewhere to his uniform. She walked down the stairs some more till she was on the floor. She turned to adjust some of the lights so the room was brightened more. The back of her uniform was clear to her waist letting her wings plenty of room. After the room was brightened she turned back to the gathered maids.

"You've all met Altair, He's been in the masters service a while as well. Forgive him if he's not too talkative to you yet. Now.. the Master sleeps late as you've seen, we just have finished getting him ready and it's just before noon. The staff of course wakes earlier to handle cleaning and food preparation. He will take his breakfast and lunches in one of the libraries or laboratory, only dinner is taken in the dining room. The one delivering it will rotate through the day and week, we can set up a schedule later. While the master is busy we have to attend to the laundry, after washing it is hung to dry out back. There's a large open air bath in the back west of the building. The master sometimes bathes there in the evenings, and we are allowed to relax with him. If the master prefers to take a bathe in his bathroom, someone will of course have to attend nearby if he needs something. The master often roams around the house when not studying, if he takes a walk he should of course be accompanied. Also be advised the house has.. Many secret passages, you will learn them as we go, but don't be surprised if someone shows up without warning. If there are any questions ask them now, if not we've some breakfast to attend to."

2013-04-01, 07:59 PM
'Secret passages? What was that all about?' Well Lilly didn't seem to concern about them, so Natsume didn't ask about them before getting ready to prepare breakfast.

2013-04-04, 06:05 PM
Alex felt her blush deepen at the mention of "bathing with the master". Nope. Definitely NOT going that way.

"I-is there somewhere I can bath, alone?"

...hopefully, maybe the master bathed clothed. Maybe.