View Full Version : [ELK] The Frontier of Verazemya [IC]

2013-03-20, 12:25 AM

Twelve years ago, you heard the news - Professor Semyon Molnii discovered the Vestnik and was the first human to travel to Verazemya. He returned with a mountain of mithril, which made him the third richest man in Koromya. You heard the stories of whole families being inspired by the Professor, rushing off to the "Frontier" to find their own bit of fame and fortune. You also heard the terrible statistics of how three quarters of all people who traveled to Verazemya never return. You heard the tales of rabid mantis-men rending a man's chest open with ease, of terrifying creatures like Owlbears and Winter Wolves, of enormous Giants and tiny Faeries. You heard the rumors of the crown sending prisoners to Verazemya rather than to the over-crowded stockades. You knew the government of Koromya was corrupt but you never imagined that the Crown Guards would accuse you of a crime (that you may or may not have committed), arrest you and send you off to the dreaded frontier of Verazemya...

You resisted, as anyone would, but the chains were tight and the guards dreadfully serious. You were shoved through the pink-purple portal and instantly transported to Verazemya. You stood atop the hard, stone ruins of an ancient, heathen pyramid; before you stood the town of Evagrad, the largest settlement on the Frontier. No one batted an eye as you were marched down the pyramid steps and into the Tower of Orel, where Prince Boris reigned supreme. While the corpulent man devoured enough food to feed a small village, he informed you that though you could never return to Koromya, there was much you could do here on the Frontier. That you could start your life anew and become famous, wealthy and, perhaps, even a legend. By his decree, he pardoned you of your crimes, gave you 100 gold and asked that you leave his presence with a modicum of dignity.

As you are escorted out of the Orel Tower, you immediately become aware of the lingering heat of what was probably a scorching day. It is summer on the Frontier, which is surprising since when you left Koromya, it was the dead of winter. Shedding some of your excess clothing, you wander out into the cobblestone street. You see a quaint little town of no more than a few thousand around you. Two towers and the pyramid dominate the skyline. In the distance, you can make out a heavy wooden wall surrounding the entire town. The people in the street appear to run the gamut between rich and poor, city-dweller and explorer. You spy the scorching sun slowly retreating past the horizon to the west, it's last marigold flames lighting the sky ablaze.


As you wander around the town, you spot a large tavern near the sturdy wooden gates of the city. A gentle summer breeze blows by, shaking the tavern's sign back and forth. It reads "The Elk’s Flagon - good drink, affordable prices." Considering what you have just been through, no one would fault you for partaking in some Ale... Or some mead... Or some wine... Heck, whatever the tavern may serve, really.

The Elk’s Flagon is a pleasant looking establishment, sprawled out across what appears to be three connected buildings. The main hall is dominated by an open air hearth, which praise the Goddess, remains unlit. At the back of the tavern lies the bar, complete with two busty half-elven wenches cleaning glasses. Twelve or so circular tables dot the rest of the room, most of which are occupied by simple folk. A Dwarven Bard wanders through the maze of tables, singing about Good Prince Boris and the unquestionable bravery of the Knights Haranathi. To the left you spy a wide open corridor connecting the main drinking hall to what appears to be a dining hall. The loud echos from people enjoying their dinner can be easily heard, even from your vantage point. To the right lies another corridor that looks to head off into a small inn. A few men wander out with smiles on their faces, quickly followed by women in disheveled clothing and clanking sacks full of what you suppose must be Crowns.

2013-03-20, 01:09 PM
Theren strides over to the bar and drops into a seat, sliding his pack off his back and onto the floor beside him. Sighing he drops his head into his hands and rubs wearily at his eyes; it had been a long day. Between his arrest, trial and exile he hadn't entered a full trance in about two days, and it was showing.

Slipping a hand into his belt pouch, he pulled out a glittering gold Crown, placing it down onto the bar. "Oh barmaid." he called out to the nearest of the half elf women in a world weary tone,"How much for whatever passes as a drink around these parts?"

2013-03-20, 01:54 PM
A beautiful blonde wench prances over to you. She leans in low, revealing her immense assets . As she bats her eyes at you she asks, "Well honey, we have many types of alcohol. You look like you could use something strong. How about my own special blend of mead, ale, sugar and a dash of gold powder? I call it Amber River." She retrieves a pint-sized mug and fills with a shimmering yellow-orange liquid.

2013-03-20, 02:15 PM
Theren smiles faintly, eyes only straying briefly towards the barmaids assets. "Why not? If it's good then I'm sure the river shall keep flowing down me tonight!"

2013-03-20, 02:31 PM
As the first drop caresses your tongue, you feel your eyes dilate and your mood become blissful. You look around at the wench and she seems to radiate with an unearthly beauty. Your peer over at other customers, and they too seem to glow with beauty. You don't know why but everything just appears crisper, finer, better.

2013-03-20, 02:52 PM
For the first time since his arrest, a true smile settles over Theren's face, and a small laugh escapes him. "My dear, whatever kind of sugar you've put in here, I like it! So tell me, what's your name?" As he speaks, Theren takes a more lingering glaces at the maiden's ample cleavage, eyes lingering far longer than was completely polite.

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-20, 04:59 PM
Silently sitting in a corner of the taver, Ardashir peers from his notes, interest peaked by the weary looking elf Hmmm...another fool? or perhaps something more... Retuning to his writing, the exiled cleric continues to subtly monitor the elf from out of the corner of his eye.

2013-03-20, 08:28 PM
"The name's Maria Lutina and you sir, have the kind of moxy I like. Few people would dare try an Amber River, let alone take two big slurps! How's your vision?"

Meanwhile, a drunken halfling stumbles up to Ardashir's table and yells, "YOU! *hic* Look like my mother! And I don't know about you but *hic* I like that! Hey! *hic* You want to buy me a drin-*hic*?

2013-03-20, 08:55 PM
Falton steps up to the bar and dusts off a bar stool and dejectly flops into it with an audible sigh. It had been a rough week. He absently rubs the left side of his face which was one big bruise, obviously lost in thought.

With out even looking up he calls out, "Good barkeep sir, may I get a tankard of your best milk?". He looks up finally at his suroundings as he finishes talking. He suddenly realizes the bartenders aren't male after all and worse yet that he may have interrupted some else that was talking to the bartender.

Sighing again deeply at his faux pas, he leans forward on the bar and tries to relax a moment and takes a deep breath.

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-20, 09:03 PM
An eyebrow arched, the cleric replies tersely You have a very handsome mother. Make it worth my while and you may see a drink yet

2013-03-20, 09:15 PM
The Wench named Maria sighs at Falton and flashes him the, "I'm busy look." The other lusty bar maiden saunters up, slams down a pint-sized mug and pours in a dark liquid, "This here is the Dark Path. Only real men quaff it in one go. Are you man enough?"

2013-03-20, 09:16 PM
The Halfling scurries close to the Cleric and whispers, "WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO DANCE!?"

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-20, 10:08 PM
A bemused Ardashir, nods his head and signal for the halfling to dance. And it shall be a good dance, no?

2013-03-21, 12:15 AM
Falton sniff at the mug experimentally. "Err thank you my dear. " he offers, and hides his disappointment in not getting milk.

" The Dark Path eh? I believe that is how I got here in the first place..." he mutters under his breath, stroking his goatee. "I will take measure of this ale, and report back my research about my manhood". He smiles and nods to the wench and puts some coins on the bar. He turns in his seat towards the tipsy halfling, all the while sniffing and proding his drink.

Falton sniffs the drink to try and identify what's in it, if possible. He doesn't drink it yet.

2013-03-21, 12:19 AM
A wry smile crosses the drunken Halfling's face. He rips off his shirt, scrambles up on top of the Cleric's table and begins to belly dance! Surprisingly he doesn't appear drunk while dancing. It is as if he is relying completely on muscle memory. He never once stumbles or hiccups during his performance. A crowd of men and women quickly surround the table, hooting and hollering, egging him on. Slowly but surly he continues to dance faster and faster and faster until - during the grand finale - he lunges to give you a kiss. Thank the Goddess, you anticipated something would go wrong and nimbly doge. The Halfling tumbles to the ground and lands square on his back. The crowd goes wild, many of them slap you on the back and tell you they'd never have been able to dodge like you did. The Halfling remains upon the ground, looking up at the ceiling, smiling.

Imagine this guy but, you know, a Halfling :) (http://youtu.be/GuCjbJkYoEY)

2013-03-21, 12:25 AM
Falton sniffs the drink and detects the aroma of mead mixed with a hint of cinnamon, brown sugar, molasses and... Spicy Elven Peppers.

2013-03-21, 12:55 AM
Falton's eyes never leave the halfling during the performance. He is both mystified and strangely amazed. You don't see this sort of thing in the grande libraries that is for sure. He finally calls over his shoulder to the serving wench "I'll have what he's been drinkin' "
He pauses for a moment and then adds "Actually... its probably better that I don't"

Falton mentally braces himself for the hot spices in the ale and takes the biggest swig he can.

He places the mug down on the counter with ginger care and joins in the clapping.

2013-03-21, 01:08 AM
Falton's tongue and throat are immediately burned by the extra hot spicy peppers. The sweet smell of the brown sugar, cinnamon and molasses are completely subsumed by the irradiation of your taste buds by the exceedingly spicy peppers. After quaffing half a pint, you feel the sudden urge to burp. The feeling is completely overwhelming. As the air rushes up your throat, you feel something odd but you can't quite... Suddenly a gout of fire three feet long and as many feet wide erupts forth from your mouth. Your aim was towards an empty chair, which is immediately lit on fire. Both wenches burst out with laughter as they carry over pales filled with water to douse out the fire.

"Silly owlbear, that was a Fire Breathing Potion!"

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-21, 01:30 AM
That dance was anything but good..but it was certainly interesting. When we next meet, a drink you shall have. The words were spoken with a mixture of controlled annoyance and bemusement. As the crowd dissipated, Ardashir's attention was caught by the tongue of flame that just emerged from the man with the ill-fitting cloak. The barmaids are at it again he muttered under his breath.

Straightening his clothes and removing himself from the collapsed halfing, the cleric strode with purpose towards the man with the white goatee, each footfall precise and clean.

With a mechanical nod, he forced the words from his mouth Ardashir i-Bistram. You drank a fire-breathing potion. That is not wise.

2013-03-21, 03:02 AM
Falton nodded towards the man with the turban. He carefully aimed his mouth away from the man when he responded. " True. It's is also unwise to engage in conversation with the fool that drank the fire-breathing potion -lest I singe your beard. I am called Falton."

" Nothing good can come from encouraging the reckless debauchery of drunken halflings. Or ordering milk in a tavern. There are entire volumes dedicated to such matters. Err, the Halflings not the milk of course" he adds as an afterthought.

2013-03-21, 03:35 AM
Flashing the barmaid a grin, Therem leans forward on the bar, compliments had been a rare thing lately. "Well all I see is a beautiful woman, so I'd say my vision was just fine, wouldn't you? You may call me Theren."

The sudden antics of the dancing halfling and his fire breathing neighbour leave Theren breathless from laughter as he doubles over, his shoulder's shaking with mirth. He turns back to Maria with a smirk, shaking his head slightly. "Well Maria, you barmaids manage to be even more mischievous than you are beautiful, and that's quite a feat! So tell me, what kind of potion did I just drink?"

2013-03-21, 03:39 AM
Duncan watched tavern in silence. Events of evening showed that he was right about his deduction: It is not wise to drink at a tavern you've never been before.

He was curious about fire breathing potion though. How expensive it could be anyway?

"Hey barmaid!" He pointed unfortunate man who has been trying to aim his mouth not to burn anything else. "May I request what he has been drinking? In a vial?"

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-21, 04:06 AM
Noticing this fellow's turning away with his mouth, Ardashir quips I appreciate your caution with the potion. With regards to the halfling, we can agree to disagree. With regards to the milk, there are tomes. gathering his thought Forgive the small talk, but we should warn the man who just ordered the potion...it seems recklessness is quite in vogue here in the frontier...

2013-03-21, 12:24 PM
Maria leans in close to Therem, so close that their noses almost touch. She bats her eyes in a flirtatious manner and whispers, "A potion that removes your fear and enlarges your person."

The other half-elven barmaiden finishes dousing the fire with a second pale of water. She looks over at Duncan and smiles, "The name's Ketevana. For a handsome lad like yourself, I will only charge ten crowns for a non-diluted vile."

2013-03-21, 02:13 PM
Theren's eyes widen in shock, before his grin widens even more. He leans in closer, lips almost touching her ear and whispers huskily. "My dear, I can't say it's just the potion that's enlarging my person. I suppose I should just act without fear then." He leans back again and studies her eyes, before darting forward and placing a searing kiss on Maria's lips.

2013-03-21, 02:23 PM
Maria gazes into your husky, manly, authoritative eyes. Her lips are moist and ready for your romantic maneuver. Your lips softly clench against one another, while your tongues entwine. The very hot and heavy kiss lasts for nearly three minutes before she breaks off the embrace. She bites her lower lip and looks at you in a coy manner. She rushes around the bar, grasps your hand and attempts to pull you away, in the direction of the inn...

2013-03-21, 04:11 PM
Theren just about manages to resist Maria's attempts to pull him along, looking her deeply in the eye, trying his best to gauge her intentions? This was after all a strange new world, and who knew what dangers an Elf could face in a fair maidens chambers!

I'm guessing I should roll a wisdom check here? Or do you want it to be a secret roll?

2013-03-21, 05:05 PM
Rolled a Wisdom check. You think she's just a beautiful woman who is lusting after you.

2013-03-21, 05:17 PM
"10 crowns it is then." It seemed like a fair price. A fire breathing potion would be useful than 10 pieces of gold anyway and he still would have enough gold for shelter and food.

"Do you make these kind of pranks often? You know, I don't want to drink this potion after I claim that I can breathe fire and find out it turns to me to halfling size or something."

2013-03-21, 05:17 PM
Theren smiles again, glancing back over his shoulder to the odd group of three back at the bar. "Watch my things won't you lads? I have some urgent business to attend to." He then relents and follows Maria's lead.

This is definitely going to end badly. :smalltongue:

2013-03-21, 06:35 PM
Theren and Maria rush off to the inn. A half-hour later, you see Theren mosey out of the inn with a wide smile.

2013-03-21, 06:37 PM
The wench known as Ketevana frowns at Duncan, "Now, you're no fun at all." She sets a vile she had in her hand down and picks up another. As she hands you the potion, she stick out her tongue and mockingly replies, "Enjoy your fire breathing."

2013-03-21, 07:14 PM
Theren returns to his place at the bar, quickly checking his things to make sure everything's still there. Turning to the three men he left in charge of it, he gives them a greatful nod. "Many thanks for the help there gentleman, urgent business and all that. I didn't introduce myself before, I am Sergeant Theren Mileamne, well, former Sergeant I should say. A pleasure to meet you all."

2013-03-21, 07:58 PM
"we almost organised a search party and divied up your things. I am called Falton. I am a 'former something or other' as well. Though I guess that doesn't matter much now." Falton says with a smile. He rubs his hands over his wrists, remembering the shackles.

2013-03-21, 08:35 PM
"Good thing that wasn't necessary then!" Theren said smiling. "A pleasure to meet you Falton!" Theren makes a note of the man's involuntary gesture, a hint of sympathy entering his eyes.

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-21, 11:17 PM
Ardashir i-Bistram. A terse nod, the only gesture escaping the bearded man Cleric of Warpike. But my past is irrelevant at the present. Despite his almost impetuous bearing, you can't help but notice that he bears the weight of someone who was once shackled. I shall be blunt. I put forward that we four should aid each other in our quest, however temporary... friends are hard to come by in the frontier

2013-03-21, 11:36 PM
"I think that is a splendid idea - though some of us are better at making new friends then others..." Falton trails off, letting his meaning sink in a bit.

"My priorities are short term and immediate in nature. Food, lodgings and some sort of income. Sadly I no longer have a regular stipend, or research allowances, or free lodgings at my disposal. My research must continue. My meager savings won't last long under present economic conditions. I do have a few skills that might be useful outside the library... but I lack the oppertunity to apply them" Falton finally takes a breath.

It suddenly occurred to Falton that he may need other pople more than they needed him. He frowned at the thought of coming across needy. That wouldn't do.

2013-03-21, 11:40 PM
A surly looking Half-Orc runs across the room towards your little get-together and yells, "Uz lukin' ta go on 'ventur? I 'av 'un fer ya! 'Dat bludy 'afin' 'feef' 'tole my majik 'amma! 'Ez gud at 'iddin' an' wat not, so Iz neva c 'im. Uz 'av beta luk, my 'fink. My pay 'fif-tee 'kronz 'fer eech o' 'iz 'fingaz and 'frey 'und-red 'fer my akz!"

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-21, 11:46 PM
With a single raised eyebrow, Ardashir turns to the source of the interruption mutters This is...convenient... Sir Orc. I can only speak for myself. You have my service

2013-03-21, 11:56 PM
The Half-Orc smiles with a mouth full of over-sized, rotten fangs. "My gud lizner, my wif evun zazz zo! My Orq eerz 'er az zenzativ' az an alfz! My alredy pay 'ufr' grup 'fer diz tazk but dey 'n-kum-putunt. My tuk a finga frum eech 'o dem 'cuz dey dum. Uz not dum, rit'? My no 'ant mo' 'fingaz... 'Nlezz dey dat bludy 'feef'z! My at 'nd 'o rop' 'er'. Iz ned akz 'fer ta sho' my wif dat I ORQ! by killin' 'er ofer zuterz' but my kant do dat wifut' my majikal akz... An' I kan-ot find da bludy halfin' feef' dat ztol' it frum my. Datz why I 'ir uz. 'Cuz u no dum dumz! Rit'?

2013-03-22, 03:36 AM
Theren eyes the creature, distrust filling his eyes. "I assure you that we are not dumb half-orc. We shall find the thief and retrieve your weapon. Can you describe the halfling? Tell us his name?"

2013-03-22, 02:35 PM
The Half-Orc looks very pleased, "U 'elp my? GUD! 'Afin' feef iz short, mee, an' zneeky. He haz yela' 'ar an' tan zkin. He liv' in Evagrad an' ot' in 'ildrnes. 'Iz frend iz Preest Yosef Beniganova. U tak ta 'ur. She no 'ere 'e iz!"

2013-03-22, 03:05 PM
Wincing slightly at the half-orc's butchery of the Common tongue, Theren nods his understanding. "And where can we find this priest?"

2013-03-22, 03:12 PM
"Preest 'elp beggaz in shanty ton' norf' uv 'zity gat'."

2013-03-22, 04:10 PM
After putting his new potion to his backpack carefully, Duncan thought about offer. He needed money and this thing showed up without him looking for a job.

"A fine offer you make sir, but as you are not only half orc around here, may I ask your name so we can bring you eech o' 'iz 'fingaz? An' ur akz, of cuz."

2013-03-22, 04:32 PM
The Half-Orc stands up to his full height, towering over most in the bar. He pulls out his great sword and hoists it above his head. The Half-Orc then roars, "My nam' iz GARUK ROTOOF DA BARBUREEUN! 'LAYR OV FRY-KREEN, KONKURUR OV ZUNZ ZITADAL!"

2013-03-22, 06:16 PM
"Yes, yes, we can hear you without you shouting like a boar" mutters Duncan, as though he was testing half orc's claim about his hearing sensivity.

"Oh, I didn't introduce myself, where are my manners? My name is Duncan and I fear I don't hold any title."

2013-03-22, 06:43 PM
Unimpressed with the Half-Orc's boorish behaviour, Theren rolls his eyes. "Very well Garuck, if we are all agreed then we shall go visit this priest and find the missing Halfling, and your axe."

2013-03-22, 11:07 PM
"Well its too late in the day to do much now. We should set out in the morning. I need to eat some food before I pass out and could use a nights sleep that doesn't involve a stone floor." Falton says stroking his little goatee.

"We'll get your axe back -where will you be tomorrow so we can find you?"
Falton says finally addressing the towering half-orc.

2013-03-23, 01:23 AM
Garuk tosses Duncan a coinpurse full of a handful of Crowns, "Dat 'nuf fer fur rundz ov beer 'nd zmal rum fer u ta shar'. U met my 'ere tumora in da aftanun."

You split the crowns amongst yourselves, some buying a meal, others buying more alcohol, others buying a mixture of the two. As the sun fades behind the horizon, you make your way back into the inn. Your room is tiny and furnished with only four small beds and a bucket next to each. The creaking noise of beds slamming into walls and the gentle moans and grunts, hint at the fact that this inn is used for other purposes beyond just sleeping. Regardless, you eventually allow sleep to overtake your weary mind.

In the morn, you are treated to a complementary parchment of news from the Frontier Gazette. The headline reads, "MOLNII STATUE TO BE BUILT!!" The article mentions how the funding for a new bronze stature of Professor Molnii has been secured thanks to the generous donation by Archbishop Konstantin Shar. Another article mentions how the Duchess of the Wall, Slava Roth, will be turning sixteen next week. He father, Prince Boris, will be hosting a party at the Orel Tower in commemoration of her birthday.

You use the last of the Half-Orc's money to buy yourself a hearty breakfast of bacon, eggy toast and a diluted beer. After breakfast, you head out into the city. Though still early, there is much hustle and bustle as Prince Boris has decided to attend mass at the Church of Lunar Prayer, rather than his private chapel in the Orel Tower.

You make your way out of the main gate and head north. You quickly find the shanty town that Garuk was referring to. The town is little more than a massive collections of tents, wagons and make-shift hovels. Those who live here look penniless, dirty and depressed. There is little joy in the shanty town, most of it appears to have been squashed by the hard realities of life on the Frontier. A fairly large gathering of people surrounds a tall carriage, atop of which stands an old, weary priestess. Her sermon is full of hopeful words and the promise of a better life; reminding the people that crime is not the way to better one's self, that an honest but poor life is just as noble and just as any other. The older members of her audience appear pleased but the younger folk shake their heads in disappointment. After the sermon, the priestess wanders the crowd, accepting alms, though few have any coin to spare.

2013-03-23, 08:53 PM
Theren approaches the old priestess, a smile on his face as he greets her. "Excuse me, are you Yosef Beniganova? We were told you might be able to help us in locating someone."

2013-03-23, 11:20 PM
Falton gives short bow as Theren addresses the priestess. He offers up a coin for the poor. "A rousing serman, though difficult to hear in these troubled times."

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-23, 11:47 PM
Nothing if not observant, Ardashir remains silent behind his companions. Eyes scanning the faces in the crowds, he maintains a watch for any unusual activities.

I assume its a wisdom check? [roll0]

2013-03-24, 03:51 AM
The Priestess thanks Falton for his generous donation. Turning her attention to Theren, the woman looks perplexed for a moment then realizes the mistake, "You must be friends of Garuk. I am not Yosef. I am his twin sister, Adela. Garuk often conflated the two of us, since he only came to confession when he had, how shall I say, too much to drink. Sadly," a single tear rolls down the priestess' face, "Yosef was murdered a week ago by the dreaded Cerna Ruka, or the Black Hand. Cerna Ruka is a dastardly criminal organization that has, over the last few years, come to dominate the black market on the Frontier. Their reign of terror can be felt every where across Verazemya, from Nikasha to Zerna. They bribe nobles and officials, rob from the working class and murder any that oppose their will. I heard Garuk's prized weapon went missing, no doubt Cerna Ruka is involved, since he has been instrumental in curbing their expansion to the north. Without his mighty axe-hammer, he will not be able to maintain his position of High Chief for long. If his regime in Sun's Citadel is overthrown by younger, less experienced Half-Orcs, then we could easily see Cerna Ruka significantly increase its power base."

The woman ponders for a moment before continuing, "You must find that weapon, at all costs.

Ardashir doesn't see anything untoward going on but this shanty town is fairly large and filled with lots of suspicious looking people. His eyes naturall fall upon three individuals, a Half-Elf with blonde hair and ruddy sin who appears anxious to talk to the Priestess. The next is a short, skinny Dwarf who seems to be eying the alms bowl a bit too much. The third is a strapping young Half-Orc, half-hiding behind a wagon, eying the party in a nonchalant manner.

2013-03-24, 07:01 AM
"I'm sorry for your loss, but if things are as bad as you told us, we must act in hurry." Duncan volumed down here, to make sure only priestess and his friends heard him. "Is there anyone opposing these criminals? Where we can find them? Do these criminals hold any bases around here?"

2013-03-24, 11:29 AM
"Thank you," the woman wipes her cheek, "Cerna Ruka is opposed by Tower Guard Captain Rolan Cross but, he's so important in Evagrad, I doubt you could just wander up and meet him. I heard one of the town guard, a High Elf named Hugo Kastner, has been investigating a rash of thefts inside the town, perhaps they are related to Cerna Ruka? An old rumor said that Cerna Ruka had a base to the north-east of here, deep within the Shadowhorse Forest. But, like I said, the rumor is unsubstantiated and old."

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-24, 03:02 PM
Interrupting the conversation, Ardashir remarks pointedly There are three individuals of potential interest to us. First, a young half-orc behind that wagon seems to have noted our arrival with some interest - an individual that can fits either 'potential overthrower of Garuk's regime or Cerna Ruka'. categories. Second, that Dwarf is eyeing the alms bowl suspiciously - it would be wise to interject before he should decide to act. Lastly, that half-elf appears anxious to speak to Adela. It may prove useful to listen to what they have to say gesturing to each as he identified them.

2013-03-24, 11:17 PM
Falton had been a little too oblivious to his surroundings. He chided himself quietly. He wasn't used to all these dangers out and about 'adventurering'.

Not wanting to turn and stare and the half-orc - he did his best to pretend he wasn't there. Falton took a step forward and interjected his body right in between the bowl for the alms and the dwarf. He then made direct and purposeful eye contact with the dwarf as if to say 'I see your game and I'm watching you.'

He put his hand on the hilt of his dagger as a warning. Though, anyone with a trained fighting eye would found this slightly comical as Falton was using the wrong grip.

2013-03-24, 11:32 PM
The Dwarf nods and quickly runs off in the opposite direction of Falton.

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-25, 12:11 AM
Maintaining his observation on the young half-orc, Ardashir positions himself next to Falton It appears there are those who fear even you. Our chances here in the frontier has risen substantially.

2013-03-25, 03:33 AM
Keeping an eye on the suspicious half-orc, Theren turns to Adela. "Garruck seemed to think a paticular individual was to blame for the theft, a halfling your brother knew? He had blonde hair and tanned skin. It's not much to go on but does that sound like anyone you are familiar with? Could he be a part of Cerna Ruka?"

2013-03-25, 11:39 AM
The priestess' face lights up with realization, "Do you mean Seven Fingers Mander? Oh, how did I know that lad would be involved in all this! I don't know where he is exactly but I think he has a stash of stolen goods hidden up near the edge of the Shadowhorse Forest, up north of here."

2013-03-25, 12:43 PM
"That could very well be him." Theren replies, smiling greatfully. "Do you know anyone that might know of his whereabouts? Or of the exact location of the stash?"

2013-03-25, 12:45 PM
"Hmm... The Old Dwarf Miner and Seven Fingers are quite chummy. He lives inside the town, down in the southern end."

2013-03-25, 12:51 PM
"In that case I think we need to pay this Dwarf a visit. Do you have his address? And don't worry, we haven't forgotten about the Cerna Ruka. They sound like a threat that needs to be stopped at all costs." Theren's eyes narrow and his words are laced with anger. "I can't speak for my companions, but I for one shall see them brought to justice."

2013-03-25, 01:23 PM
At seeing the dwarf run off Falton mutters under his breath "Yer damn right..." He smiles smuggly at Ardashir and adds "Maybe he has heard of the great and powerful Falton? Raging scourge of the grande Library and conqueror of aisle seven?". Falton almost keeps the smile off his face.

"We should deal with the more immediate ....problem.. before running off after yet another dwarf." Falton says to Theren.

2013-03-25, 01:41 PM
The woman smiles cheerfully, "I thank you, master elf. The Old Dwarf Miner resides in Number 15 Forge Street.

2013-03-25, 01:58 PM
Placing his right fist over his heart, Theren bows to the priestess in the manner of the Koromyan army.

Turning to Falton, he raises an eyebrow sceptically. "I would have thought the most immediate problem would be finding the half-orcs weapon. If the Dwarf can lead us to our thief then we won't have to go searching through a whole forest with no clue of where to even start! I don't know about you but I'd rather not have one of my fingers cut off by a barbaric oaf like Garuk."

2013-03-25, 02:02 PM
"We should be on our way then. But first, what to do with young half orc spotted by Ardashir?"

2013-03-25, 02:08 PM
Theren shoots a glance over to the watching Half-Orc out of the corner of his eye, trying to remain as nonchalant as possible. "Perhaps we should speak with him, it can't hurt I suppose."

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-25, 02:19 PM
Dwarves, halflings and half-orcs. curiouser and curiouser... a bemused Ardashir thought to himself, trying to recall if he has heard of the Cerna Ruka. At the sound of Theren's voice the cleric was returned to reality While it is wise to appear 'intimidating' I have a feeling that the presence of Falton and myself would undermine it...somewhat.

Intelligence check on whether Cerna Ruka has any sort of racial component [roll0]

2013-03-25, 02:56 PM
Falton nods in agreement at Ardashir statement. "Perhaps one of us should leave and circle around behind him before we all approach, otherwise he is just likely to run off. If we can catch him unawares, maybe it won't degrade into fistycuffs - as things are want to do with half-orcs." It was obvious from the way Falton was speaking that he wasn't the one volunteering.

"I wonder if there is any connection to the missing axe and a skulking half-orc. Could be a coincidence..." Falton says doubtfully almost to himself.

2013-03-25, 03:13 PM
"Ardashir, why don't you try and get behind him? Duncan and I shall approach him from the front." Theren states with a voice of authority.

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-25, 03:50 PM
Ardashir quips That is as good a plan as any...for now acknowledging Theren's orders with a nod, he attempts to blend in with the surrounding activity before circling around to approach the half-orc from a direction opposite from the rest of his companion.

Still not too sure...Dex check? [roll0]

2013-03-25, 03:53 PM
Adashir blends into the surroundings, taking the long way around. The Half-Orc seems none the wiser.

Ardashir does not believe their is any racial requirement for Cerna Ruka.

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-25, 03:59 PM
Once in position, Ardashir places himself as inconspicously as possible beside the nearest tent. Nonchalantly he proceeds to pull out his notebook - pretending to pour over his notes, the cleric's eye darts between the half-orc and his party. He waits for their signal. Any signal.

2013-03-25, 04:23 PM
Falton continues to engage in small talk with the priestess. Occassionally he gestures in random directions and nods his head. He noticed his name was left off the plan - he was secretly relieved.

2013-03-25, 07:27 PM
Theren locks eyes with Duncan and gives him a curt nod before setting off towards the Half-Orc at a steady pace. He catches the lurkers gaze and keeps eye contact as he swiftly closes the distance between the them.

2013-03-25, 07:36 PM
The ugly Half-Orc grasps the hilt of his dagger while leering at Theren.

2013-03-25, 08:47 PM
Duncan follows Theren while he looks around for any sign of local law enforcement unit.

Is this a wisdom check? [roll0]

2013-03-25, 11:53 PM
Duncan spies not a single town guardsman in the area... Come to think of it, he hasn't seen any since they left the town's gate!

2013-03-26, 01:23 AM
Duncan reaches to one of his javelins and mutters "I hope I won't have to use it."

2013-03-26, 01:27 AM
"Only a fool would threaten a Half-Orc with a measly Javelin!"

2013-03-26, 04:20 AM
Theren stops in front of the Half-Orc and rests a hand on the hilt of his sword. "And only an idiot would threaten an army Sergeant with a knife!" he growls angrily.

Rolling for intimidate
Is there an easier way to do this?

2013-03-26, 09:54 AM
The Half-Orc snarls, "Army sergeant? More like a foolish beggar!"

2013-03-26, 12:02 PM
Theren sneers at the beast, anger flaring in his eyes. "You'll be the one begging if you aren't careful! Why were you watching us?"

2013-03-26, 12:17 PM
The Half-Orc growls, "My reasons are my own, you chovek!"

Chovek is an old Orc word that means physically weak fool.

2013-03-26, 01:15 PM
Duncan had enough. He put javelin back to his bag and reached for his greataxe.

"He asked you a question. You better answer him or-" he pointed his eyes to his greataxe "-I will axe you a question."

Making a intimidate check, I guess? [roll0]

2013-03-26, 01:42 PM
The Half-Orc takes his hand off the hilt of his dagger, "You are not worth my time, Chovek!" He attempts to turn around and walk away...

2013-03-26, 02:27 PM
Falton walks over to join his comrades. He mentally reviewed the spells at his disposal. Most were too flashy and lethal for his intended purpose... for now.

"I assure you, we are worth your time." Falton says.

2013-03-26, 02:55 PM
The Half-Orc puts his hand on the hilt of his dagger once more, "HA! You are worth nothing Chovek! Who are you and what business is it of your's that gives you the right to snoop into the affairs of strangers?"

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-26, 02:55 PM
As the half-orc attempts to turn his back towards Theren, he is greeted by Ardashir. The cleric stands erect, as if every muscle in is body is held in perfect harmony. Ardashir's expressionless face turns to meet the half-orc's You are not a fool. You are surrounded. You may be able to seriously injure one of us, but by then, the rest will most certainly have ensured your immediate demise. I suggest you re-evaluate your current situation. Talking would be most wise

2013-03-26, 02:59 PM
The Half-Orc stands up straight and puffs out his chest, "What do you want to know chovek?"

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-26, 03:05 PM
Though not above it, Ardashir is nonetheless relieved that the situation did not result in combat You are astute. As my companion so crudely put it - why have you been watching us? His words are calm but with the slightest hint of hesistation, Ardashir would rather be observing than directly interacting with a potential problem...

2013-03-26, 03:18 PM
"I watch who I want. You are newcomers to this land. You are meddling in affairs that are not your business. Kanat, Slayer of Thri-Kreen, Wielder of Firebrand does not tolerate choveks meddling in the affairs of Orcs. He is not above slaying those who get in his way."

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-26, 03:25 PM
There is a flaw in your thinking. You do not know that we are here to meddle in the affairs of orcs. We simply came to talk to the priestess. Our quarry is a weapon that has been stolen. Our leads suggest it is the work of the Cerna Ruka...surely, an Orc such as yourself would not entertain the likes of the Cerna Ruka, surely you would despise them as much as us. As the saying goes 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'...

2013-03-26, 03:53 PM
"You are chovek, Cerna Ruka are choveks. Mighty Kanat and I do not associate with choveks! Kanat has a rightful claim to the throne of Sun's Citadel and he will not allow choveks to stand in his way! We are enemies only if you choose to oppose Kanat by supporting Garruk!"

2013-03-26, 06:58 PM
"The power struggles of a group of savages are of no concern to me. We've been hired to complete a job and I intend to see it completed." Theren replies coldly. "Though it does seem convenient that the High Cheif's prized weapon should disappear at such a dangerous time for him. Perhaps your master is involved? Afraid to try and face him fairly perhaps?" Theren smirks, his enjoyment at goading the Half-Orc showing plainly.

2013-03-26, 07:06 PM
The Half-Orc fumes with anger, he rears back his hand and slams his fist into Theren's face.

Attack on Theren [roll0], [damage: [roll1]

2013-03-26, 09:03 PM
Theren's head snaps to the side, but he shakes off the hit, practically growling in anger. "You'll pay for that." He snarls, drawing his sword and lashing out at the Half-Orc.

I was going to just hit him then I saw I would only have done 2 damage, Unarmed strikes are really bad in this... 1 Bludgeoning damage?!

Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

EDIT: ... I detest the forum roller.

2013-03-26, 10:45 PM
Theren's attack wildly misses the Half-Orc, who seizes the initiative to yell, "YOU ARE NOT WORTH MY TIME!" as he yanks his arm down, then lets slip a mighty uppercut.

Attack v Theren: [roll0]. Damage: [roll1]

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-26, 11:40 PM
As the fighting breaks out between Theren and the half-orc, Ardashir quickly repositions himself away from the melee. That bloody fool Theren! Just like a soldier to unnecessarily escalate things! His brow furrowed in frustration, the cleric releases a lance of light towards the half-orc from his outstretched hand. GENTLEMEN, I SUGGEST YOU CALM DOWN

Lance of faith spell, Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

...is this correct?

2013-03-27, 12:27 AM
Falton, taken aback by the sudden outbreak of violence, steps back a few feet and instinctively launches a white ray of frost at the half-orc.

Ray of frost

DC 14

I'm still confused if there is an attack roll. If there is:


2013-03-27, 12:36 AM
The combination of the burning hot lance of faith and the frigid ray of frost completely decimate the poor Half-Orc. The only bits left are his leather boots and his bracers, which clunk as they hit the ground.

2013-03-27, 12:52 AM
As theren takes the last hit from the Half-Orc, the Priestess comes rushing up and casts a magical healing spell on him. "There, there dear. Let the power of Morabog rush over you."

2013-03-27, 11:54 AM
The crowd of people that gathered around the fight gasp in horror when they see the Half-Orc destroyed. One member of the crowd yells, "Good riddance! We don't want their kind 'round here anyway!" Many people mumble agreement as they wander off.

2013-03-27, 04:36 PM
Theren climbs to his feet, anger at himself plain. He turns to the priestess, his expression becoming grateful. "Thank you Madam, you truly are too kind. I owe you a debt."

He then turns to the remains of the Half-Orc, eyes widening at the pure devastation. "You two certainly know how to put down an animals" He jokes, chuckling slightly. "This just shows how rusty I've gotten, far too used to ordering the men to fight for me. I've disgraced myself as a warrior. I must regain my skills."

Closing his eyes and breathing in deeply, Theren lets it out in a rush before returning to the task at hand. "Now what manner of clothing could survive an assault like that?" He muses, reaching down and inspecting the bracers and boots left on the ground.

2013-03-27, 05:12 PM
The boots are ratty and old but appear to have once been finely crafted with silver filigree of an obvious elven origin. The bracers are made of a mixture of stone and metal, inlaid with dwavish designs and runes.

2013-03-27, 05:36 PM
"I wish it didn't come to this though. We brought too much attention on ourselves." Duncan turned to priestess. "Should we expect an act of revenge?

2013-03-27, 05:37 PM
Theren examines the boots more closely, racking his memory to see if their design seems at all familiar.

I guess an Int check?
... Wow. I think the forum's d20 hates me. :smalltongue:

2013-03-27, 05:49 PM
The Priestess nods, "Aye. Kanat is a vindictive man, he will most assuredly send men after you once he hears word of this incident."

A 1 does not reveal any new details.

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-27, 06:26 PM
A disgruntle Ardashir says in a berating tone It was unfortunate that you had to escalate the situation. We should pursue the dwarf the priestess mentioned. He is our only lead at the moment. the cleric approaches Theren and takes hold of the bracer to examine it

examining the bracer [roll0]
Is the elf who wanted to talk to the priestess still there?

2013-03-27, 06:35 PM
The bracers are magical in nature, granting the wielder the ability to fight with great skill when fist fighting.

The Bracers a +1 magical item that make your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 + STR mod damage.

The Elf is long gone.

2013-03-27, 07:14 PM
"I apologise, Half-Orcs... something about them angers me. I shall try to be more cautious in the future. I shall be more ready for any men they send after us." Theren murmurs, eyes cast down. "Perhaps now would be a time to Ally ourselves with Garuk more closely, he may be able to help us if he is the High Chief." He adds distastefully.

2013-03-27, 07:31 PM
"May I ?" Falton offers pointing to the boots. He strokes his chin as he concentrates deeply, as if trying to remember some obscure lore.


Not sure if any knowledge skills would come into play...

2013-03-27, 07:40 PM
The boots are made of with eleven magic and were once quite powerful however, due to constant wear-and-tear and combined with poor maintenance, the magic has been diluted. The boots seem to allow one to run with greater speed.

These boots allow you to move +5 feet per turn.

2013-03-27, 08:56 PM
Falton quickly summerizes the boots to the rest of the group. He found them very facinating but wasn't overly interested in keeping them himself.

"Im not sure who among us would be best suited to the boots or bracers but I suspect that is not me." Falton says. "Worst comes to worst Im sure we could sell it all and split the coins." Falton offers as a suggestion if no one seems keen on the gear.

2013-03-27, 09:32 PM
The Priestess de-foots the boots and wraps the remains in linen. "I shall give these a right and proper burial later today. It was the least I could do for such a troubled, lost soul."

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-27, 10:18 PM
You know of the half-orc? Ardashir says curtly.

2013-03-28, 02:17 AM
No soul should be left to rot atop the earth. Though this man was misguided, he still requires a proper burial as best, as the Church can provide.

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-28, 02:38 AM
Indeed. Though unappealing to him, Ardashir understands the importance of religious rites to certain people - the irony of which was never lost on the cleric. The people. They did not care for this orc. Was this casual racism, or is it related to the power struggles of the frontier? Kanat. Can you tell us more about him?

2013-03-28, 04:24 AM
"I would suggest Duncan or Ardashir take the boots. I am fast already and shall try to stick to my bow for now." Theren adds chuckling.

"Please summarise as much as you can priestess, we must try to hurry if we are to find the axe by this afternoon. He interjects politely.

2013-03-28, 10:16 AM
The woman quickly says, When the Frontier was first being settled, everyone wanted to rush off and find their fortune. That left no one to farm. Prince Boris' father decided it was best to implement a system of "indentured servitude." They tried using the Gnomes and the Thri-Kreen first but they escaped off into the woodlands at the first chance and, since they knew the terrain better, were never seen again. Thus it was decided that Half-Orcs, who are quite numerous in the deserts back on Koromya, would be imported. They were rounded up by the hundreds, shackled in chains and given blunted farming instruments. Most land owners treated the Half-Orcs like slaves. Eventually the problem escalated until Garruk - Prince Boris' personal "indentured servant" - demanded the Prince set his people free. After a series of strikes and revolts, Prince Boris eventually let the Half-Orcs go. They wandered the lands of the north for years until they stumbled upon Sun's Citadel, which is now their home." The Priestess sighs, "Even though the bulk of the Half-Orcs were set free, within a season, the losses were replaced with new arrivals."

I do not know much of Kanat, other than the fact that he has always been intensely jealous of Garruk."

2013-03-28, 02:20 PM
The four companions make their way back into Evagrad and wander its complex pattern of meandering streets until they find themselves in the far southern portion of the town. This area is dark, dank and dirty. The buildings look dilapidated and ramshackle. The people look sad, depressed and otherwise hopeless. A young Dwarf sitting upon an old wooden casket calls out, "Dis here is where dreams go to die."

Small smoke stacks protrude from many of the houses, billowing out dark, black smoke. The lad notices the group's collective gaze and calls out, "'Dems miners, smeltin' what little dey mine fer rent and half-eaten leftovers. Beats sleepin' in da rain, like 'dem poor folk who live outside da town but, it ain't a life folk like you aspire to, me dinks."

The four adventurers continue on until they arrive at the old Dwarf Miner's home. It is in far worse condition than the surrounding buildings, appearing to list forward over the street at a decidedly unsafe angle. One of the four knocks on the door. Eventually, a old dwarf hobbles over to the door, swings it open with remarkable force and yells, "I AIN'T GOT DA RENT! YOU CAN ROB ME BLIND BUT I AIN'T GOT NUFFIN' WORTH STEALIN'!"

2013-03-28, 04:52 PM
"We're not here to rob you old man, we're simply here to talk to you." Theren interrupts, stepping forward. "We need to ask you about an acquaintance of yours, Seven Fingers Mander? We need to locate him."

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-28, 05:31 PM
While Theren questions the old dwarf, Ardashir remains behind the half-elf in complete stillness. He peers through the door attempting to glean something about the dwarf from the furnishings within.


2013-03-28, 06:09 PM

Ardashir spies ripped up furniture that is in very poor condition. A sturdy, wooden table that has five ingots of copper atop it, along with several pieces of paper that gently flap up and down as the breeze wafts in from the open door.

2013-03-29, 12:47 AM
Falton decided to let the others doing the talking at first. This land seemed very volitile so far. Falton knew from experience that he hated getting punched in the face. His hand went up to the bruise on his face again when the dwarf started getting loud.

Falton noted much poverty and despair as he looked around. This was far removed from the sheltered life he had led. Something didn't sit right with him to see all these poor people and hearing that half-orcs were brought in as cheap slaves. He didn't feel compelled to climb a rampart and decare a revolt but it made him doubt his previous life style - wonder if it was on the backs of these wretched people. Or even other wretched people.

He realized he was only one or two weeks away from a similar exisitance and decided to return to the matter at hand.

"The boy has been accused of possibly stealing someone else's property. If the boy is innocent, we won't harm him. Though if we don't find him soon, other .. more ... umm JUDGEMENTAL people might find him." Falton emphasied the word judgemental to get his point across. " If you want to protect him, I think we might be the only hope. I doubt the town guard is clamoring to vindicate someone falsely accused... I know they weren't interested in my story." he adds with a touch of sadness

2013-03-29, 01:48 AM
He's... He's in that much trouble...?" The Dwarf sighs, "Fine. You can find him at the the Blue Cup in the village of Zerna. Don't hurt him, please. He's a good lad. Misguided, sure, but not evil.

2013-03-29, 07:05 AM
"Misguided...by who, if I may ask?"

2013-03-29, 07:08 AM
"Thank you old one, we shall try our best to see he comes to no harm." Theren promises. "How far away is the village?" He asks, suddenly seeming concerned.

2013-03-29, 11:06 AM
The Dwarf peers down the street in both directions before looking up into Duncan's eyes and whispering, "Cerna Ruka." He then slams the door in Theren 's face.

Zerna is a small town on the Zern River. it is roughly six or seven miles away on the Prince Boris Road.

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-29, 04:04 PM
Satisfied with the efficiency at which his companions was able to extract information from the dwarf, Ardashir voices his concerns Given our previous encounter with a quarry, may I suggest we agree on a code of conduct, or at least a contingency that does not involve killing the man... at the last, you could tell he was almost directing the comment at Theren

2013-03-29, 05:06 PM
"Well, I have no quarrel with Halflings so it shouldn't be a problem." Theren jokes, trying to lighten the mood.

2013-03-29, 08:27 PM
"To be fair, anyone that attacks us and doesn't stop attacking us when asked, probably doesn't deserve mercy." Falton says. "Let's see how we fair with the halfling" Falton says with a note of optimisum in his voice.

The Bureaucrat
2013-03-29, 09:00 PM
Let us proceed then. Perhaps this halfling will prove more useful

2013-03-30, 02:09 PM
The City Gate is quite busy, with lots of people coming and going. The Prince Boris Road is teeming with merchants, loaded to bare with trinkets and goods from the homeland, all eager to hawk their wares for big profits. It takes you about two hours to make it down to Zerna, which is a small village of no more than a few hundred. The village has several inns and taverns as it obviously receives an immense amount of traffic. One such tavern is called the Blue Cup.

This establishment is fairly ritzy, with an ornate, gilded sign that has been enchanted with a light spell. Once inside, you find the tavern to be a treasure trove of diversity and wealth - elves, dwarves and Humans. There is even a Centaur! The tavern is quite crowded, being practically shoulder to shoulder. A menu above the bar offers Fish, Chips and a pitcher of Mead for a half a Crown. As you scan the room, you do not see any halflings, though in this crowd, they would be difficult to spot.

2013-03-31, 10:08 PM
We should split up and meet back at the bar in a few minutes. " Falton suggests. He picks his way through the crowd, smile on his face and hand on his coin purse.

2013-04-01, 01:13 AM
The four of you split up and explore the bar on your own. Duncan heads up stairs and explores the inn's rooms, finding nothing save dirty linens. Ardashir heads to the left of the bar, while Theren the right. Ardashir does not spot the Halfling but does see a Dwarf cheating at cards. Theren also comes up empty handed but he does spy some women enjoying his elven frame. Falton discreetly heads downstairs into the cellar. There he finds a bound and gagged Halfling, bloody and bruised. Two Half-Orcs loom over the thief, both armed with great clubs and daggers. Their hands and boots are stained with fresh blood.

The Half-Orcs haven't noticed Falton yet.

I have rolled for initiative, you guys win! Currently A, T and D do not know what is going on in the Cellar.

Assume all of the squares on the First Floor have people in them, I'm just leaving the cells empty for ease of use.

If a player is up and there are only players between you and the person who is up, feel free to act. :)

Note, check the link labeled "map" in my sig for the map. :smallsmile:

2013-04-01, 01:35 PM
Theren walks back round to the front of the bar and leans against it, looking out for the others as he does. He tries his best to ignore the attention he's getting, but he does cast a glance over the women apprasinly. Now where have Falton and Duncan gotten to? He wonders, making note of Adashir and catching his eyes, shaking his head to indicate his failure to spot their quarry.

The Bureaucrat
2013-04-01, 01:55 PM
Ardashir was amused at the dwarf's cheating - the mixture of technical skill and bravado necessary fascinated him to no end. A righteous man might have intervened, but not the cleric, who chuckled to himself If they're foolish enough to get cheated.... Returning to the task at hand, he scans the room for a halfing. No such luck. Catching Theren's signal, Ardashir knew that his half-elf companion was not sucessful as well.
With a subtle tilt of the head, he signals for Theren to come over.

2013-04-01, 04:20 PM
It seems there is nothing on this floor. Perhaps I should get back to first floor and see if anybody else got something. thought Duncan, walking to the stairs.

2013-04-01, 08:52 PM
Falton was slightly taken aback. He wasn't sure what he was looking for but this sure was not it as he spotted the two half-orcs. He took a quick look behind him and didn't see any one.

"Bugger" he thought to himself. "I need to buy some time"

Falton peers around the corner and casts a spell.

"I hope I got this right.." he says mostly to himself trying to remember all the obscure words and gestures.

Falton casts sleep centered just behind the half-orcs (hoping to exclude the halfling).

The number of hitpoints effected : [roll0]

(The spell doesn't mention any saving throw so I guess there isn't one? if there is the DC is 15)

2013-04-01, 08:59 PM
Both of the Half-Orcs topple over, sound asleep.

2013-04-01, 09:32 PM
"Well, that should hold them for ... well I'm not sure how long that will hold them." Falton scratches his head. He steps over to the sleeping half-orcs. He suspected they were not friends, but there had been enough death today. He would give them the benefit of the doubt.

He gathered up their weapons and hid them in and behind the crates and barrels in the room. He carefully disturbed the dust on several crates and boxes as he went so as not to give it away. With the time he had remaining, he climbed the stairs and looked to flag down one of his compatriots before returning to the basement. He drew his dagger and waited for reinforcements.

sleep only lasts a minute so I may not have time to do all these things. Feel free to interrupt me during the above process.

2013-04-02, 03:11 PM
Falton stashes their gear and brings his three companions to the cellar. The Halfling is bruised, bloodied and unconscious. Duncan notices that the Halfling's left pinky is missing, leaving him with seven fingers.

2013-04-03, 01:42 PM
"My word Falton." Theren states, taking in the scene before him. "There's much more to you than meets the eye my friend! What did you do to them?" He asks, drawing his bow and readying an arrow, just in case the thugs rose from their slumber.

The Bureaucrat
2013-04-03, 03:07 PM
If nothing else, he certainly is efficient...

2013-04-03, 08:00 PM
"..and quite dashing if I do say so myself. They should be waking up soon." Falton says adding to the cleric's comment.

Falton stands directly south of the stairs and keeps watch, letting the others deal with the half-orcs.

"I wonder if I got ALL their weapons..." he wonders to himself as he quietly puts the rest of the team between him and the half-orcs. He begins to focus more on the stairs.

"Perhaps we should ungag the halfling at some point - though maybe keep him tied up for till we figure out what is what."Falton suggested, more as a question then a statement.

2013-04-03, 08:49 PM
The Halfling is out cold. He'll need something to wake him up, be it a healing spell, a douse of cold water or a violent shake.

2013-04-05, 05:22 PM
Duncan prepared his greataxe in case of a threat from half orcs and called out to Ardashir while pointing the halfling. "Maybe you should help him, he doesn't look like he can walk. "

The Bureaucrat
2013-04-06, 08:01 PM
I will gladly offer the halfling aid. Once we are certain that our current position is secured At the last word, Ardashir signaled to the two orcs as well as the ropes securing the halfling.

2013-04-06, 08:43 PM
You bind the Orcs' feet and hands. A quick shake rouses the Halfling, "W-Who are you!?"

2013-04-07, 09:12 PM
"We are the only thing standing between you and those unconscious half-orcs my friend. That is who we are. Boy oh boy is it your lucky day. Maybe you should start off the conversation. Who are you? what did the half-orcs want with you? Convince us we shouldn't hand you over to them." Falton calls over his shoulder.

2013-04-07, 09:18 PM
In a whimpering tone, the Halfling responds, I-I'm Mander... A simple lad from Evagrad. These ruffians accosted me in the street, dragged me down here and savaged me mercilessly."

The Bureaucrat
2013-04-07, 09:59 PM
In a dispassionate tone, Ardashir questions the halfing Karnat, Garruk, Cerma Ruka. Of these things, what do you know? And may I recommend that you tell the truth. Promptly

Sense motive-ish - Wisdom check? [roll0]

2013-04-07, 10:00 PM
Mander quips, Never heard of him. Dumb old sod. Don't pay well.

Though he did not respond with much information, you thin khe is telling the truth.

The Bureaucrat
2013-04-07, 10:09 PM
Be specific. Who have you never heard of? Who is this 'dumb old sod'? Garruk? Karnat? Cerma Ruka?

2013-04-07, 10:11 PM
Mander sighs, "I listed them in order. I know nothing of Kanat. Garruk is a dumb old fool who let his axe get stolen while he was slumming it with the whores. Cerna Ruka, on the whole, doesn't pay nobodies like me much, even if a nobody happens to steal something they want."

2013-04-07, 10:41 PM
"Did they happen to pay you in bars of copper?" Falton asks rather randomly.

2013-04-08, 05:21 PM
"Any how do you know that Garruks axe was stolen? Did you take it?" Theren growls, trying to sound as menacing as possible.

Intimidate check
[roll0] + [roll1]

2013-04-08, 06:21 PM
"Calm down! No one's an enemy here. We're all friends... Right? I stole the axe and sold it to Cerna Ruka... But they wanted to pay me 50 silver bars. This axe is worth way more than that! So I stashed it. These Half-Orcs accosted me to find its location.

The Bureaucrat
2013-04-08, 06:42 PM
I suggest you reveal the location to us. My companions are less...subtle than even orcs when they wish to retrieve information. I feel I must also warn you - I have only met them recently and cannot guarantee that I can dissuade them should you not comply

2013-04-08, 07:13 PM
The Axe is in my hiding spot in the Shadowhorse Forest. I ain't goin' out there, not with these Orcs around. Head into the forest due north-west in a straight line from Evagrad. Look for the pine tree with red needles. It's a hundred paces to the west of that tree. The Half-Orc companions of these blokes are already headed there as we speak.

2013-04-09, 12:29 AM
"I guess we could just leave you here tied up with your new friends..." Falton says.

"We may not be able to get to the axe first - if he is telling the truth. " Falton says doubtfully.

2013-04-09, 12:32 AM
You think me a liar!? After those savages mauled me half-to-death?

2013-04-09, 12:53 AM
"Well you were just mauled half to death, I imagine you might say anything to get out of a stituation like this. I know I have, anything to make the pain stop.." Falton trails off darkly.

"Also you did steal the axe, so don't be too defensive if I have a shade of doubt of your 'flexible' character." Falton says with a shrug and neutral tone.

"The dwarf seems to have a soft spot for you - quite frankly that is the only thing keeping your fingers from being made into a fancy necklace for Garruk. I'd rather not break my promise to the dwarf. So now you know about my morality. Keep in mind - I can't vouch for the ugly one." Falton fails to motion at any of companions -leaving his comment open to interpretation.

Falton turns to his companions "So whats our next move?"

2013-04-09, 04:15 PM
"We should hand him to the dwarf. He will keep halfling under control and after seeing how we kept our word, he will help us against our common enemy. I don't think he is as desperate as he seems to be.

Though I don't know how we will get him out of here without getting attention. And if he is telling the truth, we should hurry to get the axe."

2013-04-09, 06:37 PM
"I agree" Theren states, nodding slowly. "The axe alone will pay us handsomely, as nice as the extra for the fingers would be... I think it would be best to keep him intact." He adds, not bothering to keep his voice down. "We had better move fast, we can't let the Half-Orcs get to our prize first though! Let's collect our friend here afterwards."

The Bureaucrat
2013-04-09, 08:53 PM
Nonchalantly, Ardashir reviews the group's current circumstances There are currently two risks. We pursue the axe, at risk of losing the halfling, and whatever use the dwarf may be. Or, we return the halfling to the dwarf, potentially gain an ally, but risk losing the axe. I prefer the latter - we can always find the axe again.

2013-04-10, 02:54 AM
"Losing the axe could mean civil war amongst the beasts, that could affect us all! Some old dwarf isn't important enough to risk that. We can come back for Mander after the axe is ours! Theren snaps, seemingly exasperated.

2013-04-10, 04:21 PM
You untie Mander and lead him outside. Most people in the Tavern seem a bit distracted and/or busy, so hardly pay you any mind. As you exit the Blue Cup, you see a man, clad in well-crafted plate armor directing the village's guardsmen around, "Go there, secure the battlements. Fortify the north side. Anchor all rafts and boats!" You flag a passer by down and inquire as to what is going on. He replies, "The Centaurs are rumored to be on the warpath. The Sheriff is readying the villages defenses in preparation for an attack. I suggest you leave here and head off to Evagrad, or beyond, as high, thick walls and distance from the east will be the best defenses."

You quickly leave Zerna and head back to Evagrad. The Prince Boris Road is alight with activity, as soldiers, mercenaries and civilians rush to and fro. As you near the immense wooden walls of Evagrad, you notice that the black and red banners that had been flying there yesterday have been replaced ones of with gold and blue. You inquire about the changes and are told, "Prince Boris the Fat was overthrown earlier today. Tower Guard Captain Rolan Cross slit the fat man's throat and is preparing to wed Princess Elena! He is a just and noble man, we are better off now!"

You continue on to the tall, sturdy city gates. From there, you trek out towards the Shadowhorse Forest. As you near the verdant woodland, an arrow races by Falton's head, missing by mere inches. Three Half-Orcs (armed with spears and clad hide armor) and three shaggy, black Wolves burst out of the bramble. A fourth Half-Orc steps into the light near the forest's edge. He is armed with a long spear and wears shimmering chain mail armor. "AIN'T NONE OF YER KIND ALLOWED IN THIS HERE FOREST! TURN BACK OR ELSE WE'LL GUT YOU!" His men cheer and the wolves howl in agreement.

Map link in my sig.

They won iniative and used it to frighten you. Players are up!

2013-04-10, 06:31 PM
"We go where we please!" Theren shouts, nocking an and letting it loose at the leader.

Attack - [roll0]
Damage -[roll1]
If it hits I'll roll an expertise dice too for my Deep Wounds

The Bureaucrat
2013-04-11, 12:43 AM
Moving without words, Ardashir draws one of his scimitars while simultaneously gesturing with this other hand - releasing a blast of divine energy aimed at one of the half-orc's pets.

I think lance of faith has enough range to hit W1.
Attk [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]

The Bureaucrat
2013-04-11, 03:41 AM
Re-roll in light of changes. Dmg [roll0]

2013-04-12, 11:51 AM
Duncan and Falton are caught completely by surprise and fail to act.

The three shaggy wolves run up and bit a different enemy each. The Half-Orcs stalk their prey moving up slowly, while the Half-Orc leader remains behind.

W3 bites Theren: [roll0], dam: [roll1]
W2 bites Falton [roll2], dam: [roll3]
W1 bites Duncan: [roll4], dam: [roll5]

2013-04-12, 01:37 PM
Duncan snaps out of shock and with his whole fury he swings his greataxe to the wolf who attempted to bite him.

Duncan enters rage, obviously :P

Attack: [roll0]

I haven't seen anything like adding 1+1/2 of str modifier to damage when wielding a two handed weapon, so just adding str modifier.

2013-04-12, 02:29 PM
Theren draws another arrow and lets it loose on the wolf attempting to bite him.


The Bureaucrat
2013-04-12, 05:22 PM
Seeing the wolves close the distance, Ardashir draws his remaining scimitar. Calmly, the cleric slashes at the wolf threatening Duncan, striking twice in a single fluid motion.

Attk 1 [roll0] dmg [roll1]
Attk 2 [roll2] dmg [roll3]

2013-04-13, 12:03 PM
Falton stunned by the attack leaves himself completely open and takes a terrible wound to his neck. He does his best to regain his composure and retreats behind his companions. "GAAAH, ow! You'll pay for that!"

Falton disengages to G23

2013-04-14, 12:23 PM
One wolf bites Duncan's legs, while the other lunges for Theren's neck. Meanwhile the Half-Orcs scoot up and launch arrows at Duncan, Mander and Ardashir.

Wolf 2 v Duncan - A: [roll0], D: [roll1]
Wolf 3 v Theren - A: [roll2], D: [roll3]

Half-Orc 1 v Mander: A: [roll4], D: [roll5]
Half-Orc 2 v Duncan: A: [roll6], D: [roll7]
Half-Orc 1 v Ardashir: A: [roll8], D: [roll9]

The Bureaucrat
2013-04-14, 04:08 PM
With a deft dodge, Ardashir managed to just evade the arrow. A raised eyebrow conveying his annoyance at the situation. Harrmph His response was a uttering under his breath followed by what appears to be a divine energy erupting from his hands.

Inflict light wounds at HO1. No save, half damage on a miss.
To hit [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]
Deals 4 damage

As the baleful energy hit the half-orc, Ardashir sees him wracked with pain. He appears to be hurting. Good.

2013-04-15, 12:01 AM

Falton no longer had a wolf trying to rip his face off, was relieved for the momentary repreive. Anger and a little fear ripple across his face as he mumbles a few choice words in some long nigh-forgotten language.

A blast of fire errupts from his hands, jetting through the gap between his comrades. The cone of fire washes over both wolves. Falton winces as hot air rushes by his face. He comes dangerously close to hitting his allies...


Falton casts burning hands - which is a 15 ft cone. Passing through J22 to J20 and diagonally from J22 to K22. Its a tight fit but it doesn't hit any good guys.

damage to wolf 1: [roll0]
damage to wolf 2: [roll1]

DC 14 for half damage

wolf 1 save: [roll]1d20[roll]
wolf 2 save: [roll2]

2013-04-15, 04:28 PM
With an arrow in his belly, pain makes Duncan even angrier. He attacks closest enemy with his fresh-bloodied axe.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2013-04-16, 01:55 AM
The three Half-Orcs laugh heartily at the burnt wolves. Their leader calls out, "Looks like you have sacked this one up boys! I'll have to finish this!"

One of the Half-Orcs yells, "Can we still keep their gear?"

The Leader leers at Falton, "Of course! Free steel is free steel, after all! I want their heads though. Especially the Wizard's!"

The Half-Orcs howl with joy as slowly back up towards their commander, reading themselves for an oncoming storm. They each knock another arrow at let it fly towards Duncan and Ardashir.

The Leader, from a far, knocks two arrows at once, "YOU WILL DIE WIZARD! THOSE WERE MY BEST WOLVES!" He takes his time to aim at Falton and lets slip double the trouble!

hol v Falton - Attack: [roll0] / Damage: [roll1]
hol v Falton - Attack: [roll2] / Damage: [roll3]

HO1 v Duncan - Attack: [roll4] / Damage: [roll5]
HO2 v Ardashir - Attack: [roll6] / Damage: [roll7]
HO3 v Ardashir - Attack: [roll8] / Damage: [roll9]

End of the Round. You guys are back up!

2013-04-16, 02:31 AM

"URK!?" Falton finds his mouth full of blood as he falls over with an arrow in chest.


-3/8 hp

Death at -16 hps

The Bureaucrat
2013-04-16, 06:44 AM
The gods..., the cleric muttered before slumping onto the ground, hands clutching the arrow unleashing a torrent of blood from his stomach.

Currently at either -2 or 0 dependent on Felhammer's response
Dead at -16

The Bureaucrat
2013-04-16, 06:46 AM
As he lied there, eyes cast skywards, Ardashir can feel his life draining away...

dmg for failed death saving throw [roll0]
At -3/-1

2013-04-16, 04:57 PM
Duncan, seeing he can't reach half orcs via running, drew a javelin and threw it to one of them.

Attack to HO1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2013-04-16, 06:33 PM
Gritting his teeth, Theren moves back, draws another arrow and let's it loose at one of the Half-Orc scum.

Attacking Ho3

2013-04-16, 06:51 PM
Duncan's javelin pierces the jaw of one of the half-orcs, and rips it clean off. The Orc screams in agony as he topples over dead. A second Half-Orc grunts as an arrow slams into his arm. Blood gushes out. He tries to stop the bleeding but his efforts are for not. He falls over dead as well. Undeterred by their casualties, the bestial men continue their onslaught. The remaining grunt fires a shot at Duncan, while the Leader lobs two arrows at Theren.

hol's Attack 1 v Theren's AC - a: [roll0], d: [roll1]
hol's Attack 1 v Theren's AC - a: [roll2], d: [roll3]

ho2's Attack v Duncan's AC - a: [roll4], d: [roll5]

2013-04-16, 07:16 PM
Theren fires back at the leader of the Half-Orcs, praying silently as he let's the arrow fly.

HoL - Disadvantage


+ Deep Wounds if hit [roll3]

2013-04-17, 10:20 AM
Duncan throws another javelin, aiming the half orc who shot him.


2013-04-17, 10:56 AM
The grizzled leader screams, "I WILL DEVOUR YOUR HEARTS!!" He lobs two arrows at Duncan, while the grunt shoots one at Theren.

hol's Attack 1 v Duncan's AC - a: [roll0], d: [roll1]
hol's Attack 1 v Duncan's AC - a: [roll2], d: [roll3]

ho2's Attack v Theren's AC - a: [roll4], d: [roll5]

2013-04-17, 11:01 AM
The leader roars, "I AM GANTAR THE MAN-SLAYER!"

Mander, who has spent this combat cowering behind a bush rushes over to Ardashir and pours a potion down his throat. As he does, he whispers, "Yeah, so you guys aren't as good in combat as I was lead to believe. I just wasted a hundred Crown potion on you. If you don't kill these Orcs, I am going to kill you myself."

Ardashir regains [roll0] HP

The Bureaucrat
2013-04-17, 03:44 PM
With a gasp, Ardashir feels once again. I thank you halfling. This act will not go un-noted. Raising to his feet, he quickly surveys the current situation - the sight of Falton and Theren critically wounded left the cleric speechless. Gathering his thoughts, Ardashir redoubles his effort in removing the threat of the orcs.

Enough of this... he muttered under his breath whilst directing a ray of necrotic energy at the half orc leader

inflict light wounds - no list level spell left other than bless
2 touch attacks at hol, disadvantage, half damage on miss
dmg [roll2], miss for 9 dmg, updated combat sheet already

Upon seeing most of his spell be absorbed, he curses ..son of a desert goat...

2013-04-17, 03:59 PM
Ardashir's spell proves incredibly powerful. The magic slams into the brutish leader, his body wraiths in agony as it slowly falls to the earth.

The remaining Half-Orc drops his bow and yells, "I SURRENDER! I SURRENDER!"

2013-04-17, 08:08 PM


[roll0] vs dc 10

hp : -3
death at 16
2 of 3 checks passed

2013-04-18, 02:23 AM
Theren lies, crumpled and bleeding.

[roll0] vs 10

So I'm at -6 I think, dead at -15 I think? Can't remember the formula.

The Bureaucrat
2013-04-18, 02:42 AM
Duncan, you tend to our foe while I take care of our companions
Seeing his fallen companions, Ardashir immediately rush to heal their wounds. Invoking divine energies, the cleric place his glowing hands over Falton and Theren's injuries - as if on cue, one can see the flesh around the injuries mend and heal themselves.

Cure minor wounds as cantrips, so unlimited.
healing rules states that first instance of magically healing automatically restores them to 0 before adding the healing amount.
Ardashir spends enough casting of cure minor wounds to bring them to 3 hp

2013-04-18, 11:37 AM
Theren struggles to his feet, his face a grimace of pain. "Thank you my friend, you saved my life." He states solemnly, giving Ardashir a full military salute. "Now I think we should deal with our prisoner. Tie him up." He orders, casting a glare at the Half-Orc.

I have no idea how many arrows I just used by the way, how many turns was that combat?

2013-04-18, 05:15 PM
Duncan goes to retrieve his javelin from the half orc he killed. Then he turns to the one who surrendered to do the same. He holds half orc's head level with the javelin in his right hand and commands:

"Speak, or I will slay you with this. Really slowly, be sure of that."



2013-04-18, 06:17 PM
The Half-Orc spits in your face, "I wasn't surrenderin' to you."

The Bureaucrat
2013-04-18, 06:25 PM
Approaching the half-orc, Ardashir speaks slowly and clearly, taking pains to emphasise his words My companion will not ask twice. Who are you, and where is the axe?

2013-04-18, 06:39 PM
"I am a noboy from Sun's citadel. I don't know where the Axe is. Our job was to delay you, nuffin' more, nuffin' less.

2013-04-18, 09:53 PM

Falton coughes a little. "Uhh what happened...oh...oh I see." he says as he grasps his chest. His back radiates pain as he stands up. "Thank you." he says uncertainly.

Falton checkes the bodies of the fallen while the priest talks to the orc.

The Bureaucrat
2013-04-18, 10:34 PM
Ardashir hardens his gaze on the half-orc, attempting to discern whether he was telling the truth, before continuing Delay? So there are others around. You surrendered, that indicates that you are not one for false heroics. I respect your self-preservation skills. I highly encourage you to continue exercise said skill and let us know, who gave the others? are they still around? If so, what are their numbers? Spare no details.

sense motive [roll0]

2013-04-19, 08:50 PM
"Kannat sent 20 of us and his best wolves down here to find that chovek!"

You believe him.

2013-04-29, 12:21 AM
Mander pipes up, "Well, they're probably at my secret hiding place already. They're in a rush though, "With a coy smile the Halfling continues, "So I'm sure the traps I set up are hindering their efforts. Orcs were never the smartest race on Koromya, doubly so on the Frontier."

2013-04-29, 11:37 AM
"Well, we had better lick out wounds quickly and then get to that axe. Deal with the Half-Orc, we need to bandage up and move on." Theren says coldly, his hatred for the creature clear.

We'll need a short rest to use a healers kit and spend a hit dice, we can't really go on without healing.

2013-05-02, 02:27 AM
"I'll deal with it then." Pulling rope from out of his pack, Theren binds the half-orcs hands tightly behind its back. He then drags it out of sight behind a large tree.

2013-05-02, 09:42 AM
Falton wondered briefly what was meant by 'deal with him', but he decided he didn't want to know. "We should rest up a few minutes - even if that means we don't find the axe. We are good to no one dead". Falton suggests.

2013-05-02, 09:47 AM
Theren strides back around the tree, alone and looking completely reinvigorated, his eyes bright and a smirk on his lips. "Yes, everyone catch your breath. Then we must make haste!"

2013-05-02, 10:17 PM
With the deed done and a smile upon Theren's face, you venture off into the Shadowhorse Forest. Mander leads you through the thick overgrowth of the woodlands, past ancient, weather-worn statues, gnarled petrified trees and untold number of wild animals. The Halfling holds up his hand, signaling the group to stop. He sneaks up to the crest of a rounded hill and peers over. He signals for the four of you to join him. Below the hill is a small clearing. Four Orcs stand at the ready, surrounding a drinking well that looks to be of ancient Thri-Kreen design. The dark wooden cylinder still retains bits of its original red paint.

Mander whispers, "The Axe is inside the well. Gotta kill these Orcs first. Have at."

Dark Brown areas are a steep hill slanting upwards towards the well. The light brown areas are where the hill naturally slopes down at an easy to walk down angle. If a dark brown and a a square of any color other than light brown touch, then the dark brown square ends in a 15 foot cliff.

The Orcs are armed with swords, hide armor and bows. They are caught completely unawares.

You guys won initiative.

2013-05-03, 03:13 AM
Drawing an arrow, Theren takes aim, drawing back to bow string and letting loose on the closest orc at the well.

Attacking orc 2

2013-05-03, 07:34 PM

Falton takes aim with his frost spell at the next closest orc. "freeze!"

Ray of Frost on orc 1
damage [roll0]
save vs dc 14 [roll]1d20]/roll]

The Bureaucrat
2013-05-03, 08:59 PM
Ardashir crouches by the hill, peering over at the orcs.
Following Falton's lead, the cleric unleashes a lance of divine energy at the very same orc.

Attk[roll0] Dmg[roll1]

2013-05-06, 10:03 AM
Two orcs lie dead on the battlefield. The two that remain grab their bows and lob off an arrow at Falton and Theren.

O3 v F, [roll0], [roll1]
O4 v T, [roll2], [roll3]

2013-05-07, 03:07 AM
Hissing in pain, Theren rips an arrow from his quiver and fires it at the beast that shot him.

Attacking Orc 4