View Full Version : Limbo Charecter help

2013-03-20, 09:31 AM
I'm making a charecter who grew up in the Limbo and nee to find the right class for surviving the limbo, perhaps some kind of sh'air or druid?

2013-03-20, 11:17 AM
Well then.

Definitely raised by some kind of spellcaster (Endure Elements, Create Food/Water, Secure Shelter, etc...) who taught him the same, right?

This sounds really cool, I'm going to need to give it a LOT more thought :smallbiggrin:

2013-03-20, 11:35 AM
all depends. were you raised in a non human hospitable area where you would have to have learned to survive on a day to day basis or was it more like a stable little hamlet ruled by a wizard who kept every one safe but where everyone had to pull their own weight ala Jonestown with the wizard being Jim Jones...

2013-03-20, 11:59 AM
I think you can make anyone survive Limbo, so long as they're smart about it. Any character with high Wisdom like a Cleric or Druid can control Limbo, so they have a reason to survive. You could have a Lawful Monk or Paladin hailing from a stabilized Githzerai city. There are tribes of Neraphim who live in Limbo, and they seem to be mostly Fighter oriented, so even burly brutes can somehow make it.

2013-03-20, 12:12 PM
Planar Substitution levels from the Planar Handbook could open up your options considerably, as could prestige classes in both Planar Handbook and Manual of the Planes. In either case, level would be a consideration, as necessary powers would not be available to low-level characters. The same can be said about the spellcasting classes mentioned above, of course.

You may also want to take a look at non-traditional 'magic' classes like those found in the Tome of Magic or Magic of Incarnum supplements.

I was going to also recommend looking at the Anarchic creature template, but +5 LA is pretty hard to swallow for the benefits gained.

2013-03-20, 08:48 PM
So far, I have a Half-Chaos Dragon Quasilycanthrope Human. THe base race (AKA Human) can be changed for he isn't set in stone yet. Thinking of using Faerun's lycanthrope wich is only a +2 LA for Natural :smallwink:

I was thinking of a speedy rouge gish charecter... maby not... Dragonfire Adept is what i did have... but it didn't fit the hole as nicely as I'de like it to.